Chapter 5

The Bodyguard's Krystal

Krystal’s POV

“Miss Krystal, it’s already time for you to wake up.”

Ugh! It’s Friday morning already. I don’t really like the idea of waking up so early in the morning just to sit down inside the classroom for hours, staring at the board or notebook or book. School’s so boring. Not to mention my tutorial classes with my bodyguard, which I consider as extra period of hell. If there’s one thing that I love, it’ll be shopping. Now that I think about it, I think I’ll just go to the mall, and bring Sulli with me hehehe. Good thing my bodyguard’s not going together with me to the school.

Sulli’s POV

“Hey Amber hyung! Goodmorning,” Sulli greeted me while waving her hand.

“Oh Sulli, goodmorning,” Amber smiled a bit as she greeted me back.

Hmm… this guy/girl’s really cute especially when she smiles. She looks better when smiling than when she’s so serious like yesterday.

“Amber, I forgot to ask you something yesterday.” I said as I link my arm with hers. I noticed that she’s surprised and a bit uncomfortable, but I just continued it, it’s like linking arms with a boy, hehe.

“Really? What’s it? And uhm… I’m really not so used that someone’s linking arms with me.”

“Hahaha! Are you serious? As in you’ve never linked arms with anyone before? C’mon, even girl friends do this no?” She’s really interesting as I’ve thought.

“Uhm… I have but it’s a long time ago, and we’re really close, but it also took me quite a while to get used to it.”

“Oooh, so who’s that person?”

“Uhm… Nothing, anyway, what are you going to ask me?”

“I just realized that I wasn’t able to get your phone number.”

“That’s it? You want to get my phone number? What for?”

“C’mon, it’s for… for… so I can ask help from you when I’m having trouble with studies.”

“Is that really the reason?”

“hehehe… Actually, it’s that so I can text you whenever I don’t have anyone to talk to or ask to go shopping with me, or anything a friend needs for a friend.” Why do you have to ask a lot? It’s just your number babo. It’s not like I’m stalking you or anything…well, stalk a bit.

“Give me your phone. And promise me that you won’t give it to anybody else. Okay?”

“What? Why? Ugh, anyway here’s my phone.” I gave her my phone and she dialed her phone number, just make sure that you save it Amber, or else…

“Here… Oh, and you got a text from Krystal, sorry I accidentally opened the message.”

“Oh, it’s okay. Anyway, thanks! Let’s walk together to our room.”

I read Krystal’s text while walking with Amber, still linking arms with her.

Ice Krystal: “Hey, I don’t feel like going to school today. Let’s go to the mall, I’ll wait for you in the convenience store near our school.”

“Amber, you can go ahead first. I’ll just go to the restroom.” I lied.

Krystal’s POV
“Sulli, I’m here!”

“Oh, there you are. Did you also tell Luna about this?”

“Yeah, she said she’s having a bad shot on her parents so she has to behave and keep it low for a couple of days.”

“Aww. That . Anyway, why do you want to go to the mall instead of going to class? Did something happen yesterday?”

“Uhm… Well yeah, and it’s kinda complicated. So, shall we go?”

We walked in and out of different boutiques. I really love shopping; it’s like my stress reliever. And what made me happier is that I don’t have any bodyguards staring at me like heck. I didn’t think that it’d be easy to escape from her.

“Uhm… Krys, it’s getting late, we have to go back to school now.” I told Sulli.

“Yeah, you’re right. We have to go back there before your family driver arrives. I know a shortcut.”

We started walking in small streets, just focusing on our way back to school until…

“Hey there girls. We see you’re alone here? It’s not nice to walk in places like here with that cute faces, because you see it’s dangerous here,” a guy told us. Then suddenly there are already 7 guys approaching us.

“Heh, will you please get out of our way? We’re in a hurry here.” I bravely told him. I don’t know why I did it but I think I just made the situation worse.

“Hahaha! You know I like girls like you. Let’s have some fun here; just forget whatever it is that you’re going to do. It’s bad to just leave your oppas here, we’ll be hurt.”

“Krys…” I felt the grip of Sulli on my arm tighten.

“Sulli, listen to me. I’ll try to distract them, and then wait for my signal. When I say run, run as fast as you can and ask for help. You got it? So here’s the plan.” I explained to her my plan; hope it’ll work though. Sulli’s actually against it but we’re left with no choice. I picked up my pencil case in my bag and threw it on one of the guys, and as I ran to them and getting their attention, Sulli ran to the opposite side. It’s successful, but now, how am I supposed to handle all of these guys? Am I not beautiful enough to be hypnotized by them. Aish…

“Aww… your friend just escaped, she’s fast huh. So it’s just you and us. It’ll still be fun. hehehe”

Amber’s POV
Little did those two girls know that I’ve been following them the whole day. But some random girls just kept popping in front of me asking for my number. Others even mistook me for a famous idol. *sigh

“Aish, I lost them! This is bad… I have to find them ASAP or I’m dead.” Being an undercover bodyguard’s tough. The fact that I, Krystal’s bodyguard, live under the same roof as her is a top secret. That’s why I have to leave the house earlier than her through other exit (of the compound), riding my bike.

As I was looking for them, I suddenly bumped into Sulli coming out of a side street.

“Sulli? What happened to you? Are you okay? Why are you running? Where is Krystal?”

“Amber! Help… Krystal… We ran into…a group of guys… bad guys. Krystal somehow… found a way… to… to… let me escape… to ask for help. Good thing you’re… here.” Sulli said as she catches her breath.

“Okay I got it. How many are they? How do they look like?”

“There are seven of them. They aren’t that muscular, I think they’re around 20 though.”

“Okay, stay here. Wait here, if we won’t be back after 30 mins., dial this number and tell them that Amber needs help.”

“Be careful Amber!” Sulli shouted.

I dashed to where Krystal is. I ran as fast as I can, please… I hope it’s not too late yet. As I ran into the side street, I saw the guys Sulli’s been talking about. But where’s Krystal? Oh sh**, please no… I picked up an iron rod lying on the street and started hitting them one by one. I was lost in my own senses, totally out. 

“Lisa unnie!!!” I yelled as I ran and grabbed one of the guys’ legs. I was crying badly. No… I don’t want to lose someone who cared for me, making me feel that I’m not alone.

“Hey, get rid of that boy! I don’t want to have any distractions while enjoying this girl.” One of the beasts said as he Lisa’s neck.”

“M! Get out of here!!! Quick! Protect yourself.” Lisa said while crying. Lisa knows that I’m a girl and thought that I might also get if those beasts know that I’m a girl. I then felt something hit my head. I was on lying on the floor feeling dizzy. Before my eyes shut, I saw those beasts injected something to her and started ripping her clothes.

The next morning, I was in a park. News spread that a 14-year-old girl was found dead and . They’re suspecting that she was drugged first then, then, killed her.

End of flashback

I came back to my senses. Six of them were knocked out already, and I think I almost killed them. Only one guy left.

“Please don’t kill me! Please have mercy.” the guy cried out.

“You’re asking me to have mercy? Didn’t you see what you just did to her huh?” I answered holding his collar.

“We haven’t done anything to her, I swear.”

“Haven’t done anything to her YET, don’t f*** with me! I know what you’re thinking.”

“I’m telling the truth, we just knocked her out okay.”

“Just knocked her out? Oh, I think you want to know how it feels.” I was so furious but I don’t want to stain my hands by killing this guy so I just hit his neck (karate chop on the neck) on the area of the common carotid artery to knock him out.

After making sure that all of them were knocked out, I approached Krystal. Thank God I just came at the right time, well a bit late. But I’m glad, at least she didn’t see the beast side of me, I don’t want her to freak out and be afraid of me. I carried her to my arms. She’s so light. I will never let this happen again.

Krystal’s POV
I felt like somebody’s carrying me. My head hurts like heck, and then I just remembered what happened. Everything happened so fast; all I can remember is that one of the guys hit me on the head, knocking me unconscious. Oh no, don’t tell me… I tried to open my eyes, slowly… And saw a familiar face. It’s Amber! She’s carrying me on her arms. Did she just save me? How did she find me? I want to speak but no words come out of my mouth. I just let her carry me. I don’t know why but I feel safe and calm so I leaned closer to her shoulder and fell asleep.

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1154 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.