The Bodyguard's Krystal


Krystal’s POV
Knock knock. “Krystal, it’s Jessica. Secretary Park wants to meet us. He has to tell something important.”

I opened the door and let my unnie go in.

“What’s he thinking now? Ugh… tell him I’m busy studying.”

“Studying? Since when did you start studying?” she asked sarcastically.

“Hey, what is that supposed to mean?”

“Hahaha… nothing. Anyway, be prepared. He said he’ll just introduce someone. I think it’s your new bodyguard.”

“What?! A bodyguard? No no no, not again. He knows that I don’t like the feeling that someone’s watching me night and day. It’s too embarrassing and creepy.”

“Well, he’s just doing what our parents told him to do.”
“Good evening Ms. Jessica, Ms. Krystal. I’m here to introduce Krystal’s new bodyguard.” Honestly, I don’t like Secretary Park. Since our parents are too busy with business in and outside of the country, he’s been acting like he’s the boss in this house, which my sister and I don’t like, so we do our best to dominate him.

“Mr. Kim, please let her in now.”

“Yes Secretary Park,” he said as he bowed.

“Misses, let me introduce you Ms. Amber Liu.”

What?! No, maybe they just had the same name. It’s impossible that my bodyguard could be that young like my new classmate. As I turn around to look, I was shocked to see it was the exact same person. What’s this? Can she really protect me from kidnappers? bad guys? I doubt it. Even though she said earlier that she knew martial arts, her body doesn’t look like someone who was actually a martial artist. Plus, I doubt it if what she said earlier is true.

“Well Ms. Krystal, I know that you already met her today. She will be your bodyguard watching over you, and since you’re almost the same age, I hope that you won’t be embarrassed anymore. She will also be your private tutor, since you parents are worried about your grades.”

I don’t know what to say. I’m still shocked from what I’m hearing and seeing right now. The fact that she IS my BODYGUARD is already giving me headaches, and…a TUTOR?! I think I’m gonna go crazy just because of the thought of it. I know I’m having troubles with my studies but why? WHY?!

“Good evening Ms. Jessica, Ms. Krystal.”

“Woah, are you sure you’re a girl?” Jessica asked. Unnie, even you?

“I won’t accept this!”

“Ms. Jung! Please try to understand that you’re parents are just worried about your safety,” Secretary Park tried to explain, but I really don’t like the idea of having a bodyguard, and what made it worse is the fact that someone will be watching me even inside the classroom, and since she’s also a female, she’ll be able to follow me inside the restroom. It’ll be harder to escape now. Argh!

“I don’t care! And what’s with the idea of private tutor? I don’t need one, okay? I’m okay with my studies.”

“Krystal, we won’t be able to do anything about it anymore. It’s our parents’ decision; besides, I think she’ll be really useful. It’ll solve not only safety problems and studies, but also your problem with your long line of suitors, you can tell them she’s your boyfriend since wherever you go, she’ll follow,” she whispered.

“Ugh! I don’t care. Why do I feel like I’m a caged bird? This family’s crazy.” I just walked out of the study room. Argh! I’m so mad because I feel like I lost my freedom. Why do I have to be born in this family?! I didn’t wish to be like this!

Amber’s POV
Why is she so mad? Aish! That girl’s irritating.

“Secretary Park, can you leave Amber and I for a minute. I need to talk to her..” Ms. Jessica said with full authority. It’s just her and me inside the family library. I don’t why but I suddenly felt tense. Then I realized that she was staring at me… no, it’s more like a death glare. Her face is so serious.

“Listen to me carefully. I don’t know what got into my parents’ mind but somehow; I think they made the right decision. With you as my sister’s bodyguard, I believe it’ll be easier for you to watch for her, considering the fact that you’re also her classmate. But, I’m just warning you; never, ever let a single scratch on her body. I don’t want to see her hurt. If something bad happens to my sister, I swear to God, you’ll wish you’ve never been born. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, ma'am. I promise that if someone will ever want to touch even a single strand of her hair, he has to go through me first.” I answered obediently. Did I really just say that?

What an overprotective sister! I wish I had one, too. As I walked out of the mansion’s library on the second floor, I went all down the stairs to my room. I pulled out a small box from my closet, then I sat on the bed. I opened the box and pulled out a small picture of my family and me. Then, I pulled out a small watch with my real name engraved on it “Liu Yi Yun”.


“Happy birthday our beloved Yi Yun!” My dad greeted me as he hugged me tightly. He calls me by my name while my mother calls me by my nickname/English name, Amber. I have just turned 4 and had the best birthday party of my life.

“We’re so blessed to have a good daughter like you. And, because of that, your Dad and I have a special gift for you.” My mom said. She then gave me a small red box with a white ribbon tied on it. I opened it and saw a beautiful watch. It’s simple yet elegant.

“It has your name engraved on the back..” My father told me.

“Thank you Mom, Dad… You’re the best parents in the whooooooole wide world!” I love you sooooooo much.” I mean it. They are the most important people in my life.

“Yi Yun, we give you this watch because we want you to learn the importance of time. I know you might not be able to understand this now, but when you grow up, you’ll be busy with a lot of thinks. Being an adult is hard, especially being the heiress of our company. You will have to study a lot, learn a lot, be with a lot of people, and do a lot of things that it will tire you out. But don’t forget that time only runs forward so you have to make every second count. Make every second of every minute of what you do worth the price. And don’t forget to spend time with us. Spend time with the most important people in your life. Don’t wait for a free time to happen, but make time for us instead. Your life in the future is going to be hard, and I’m the one to be blamed.” My father explained to me. Even though I don’t understand much, everything he said was tattooed in my mind.

“Dad, I can’t understand why are you blaming yourself.”

“Honey, don’t say that. You just did what you have to do.” My mother consoled my dad. I really couldn’t understand everything that day. I was so happy. But that happiness didn’t last long. I was so happy until that day came… that day… that event, which changed my life.

*end of flashback*

As I returned the box in my closet, the intercom rang.

“Hello. This is Amber speaking, what can I do for you?”

“Hello Amber, this is Jaejoong. Miss Jessica said you can have your rest tonight, no need to go upstairs to tutor Miss Krystal. She said you can start tutoring her tomorrow.”

“Okay, thanks for telling me hyung. Bye.”

“No prob.”

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1154 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.