Chapter 29

The Bodyguard's Krystal


Chapter 29


Amber’s POV






“If ever you do something that’ll hurt my little princess here… you’ll be dead.” Mr. Jung threatened me. I think I know where the Jung Princesses got their threatening glare that could slice a person in half.




“Aish… Does your father know about this?”


I shook my head.


“I think I should tell your father to stop sending me good-looking bodyguards.”


“Dad? Does that mean…” Krystal asked him.


“Soojung-ah… You’re my daughter. If you’re happy, I’m happy. Ever since your mom died, I promised myself that I wouldn’t ever let you guys hurt or cry. I promised in front of your mother’s grave that I’d take care of you, protect you, and love you. But the company grew larger and larger and I want to give you guys the best of life. I worked hard but I also tried hard not to ignore you and your sisters.


“It’s not that I like the fact that you guys are together, but you’re still both young. Your D unnie had Yoong when she’s 19? Sica got together with Yuri when she’s 17. And I tell you, I kept my eyes and ears on Yuri for a long time before finally accepting them. You and Amber… aish… this kid. Since I know Amber for so long now because of her father, I don’t need to investigate her and all.” He explained to Krystal.


He then faced me and put his hands on my shoulders.


“Listen Amber. I know you very well. I know that you’ll take care of my little princess here. She and her sisters are my priced possessions. And…” He then leaned closer and whispered, “You’re both still young… I know Soojung’s sisters do ‘it’ but please… Soojung’s still a baby.”


My eyes widened. I never thought of that.


I froze and I know my cheeks are in bright pink now.


Mr. Jung patted me in the shoulders and left to go inside the mansion.


“M? Why are you blushing? What did my dad tell you?”


Oh my God Krys… It’s not for your innocent ears to hear.


“Huh? Nothing… Hahaha… Don’t mind me.” I told her while scratching the back of my head. “Why don’t we go in? It’s getting cold… and it’s already late too. I’ll walk you to your room and let’s go sleep now. We still have school tomorrow.”


“Oh… O-okay.”


I walked her to her room, tucked her in the bed and kissed her forehead.


“Goodnight Princess.”


I stood up but I felt her hold my hand, stopping me from going anywhere.”


“Let’s sleep together…”


I know Soojung’s sisters do ‘it’ but please… Soojung’s still a baby.” Mr. Jung’s words suddenly replayed in my head. Aish… Before, I never really thought of anything when I go to bed with her. But now…


“Please? It’s still my birthday so you have to give in to my requests M.”


I sighed and faced her.


“Okay fine. I’ll just go to my room, brush my teeth and change clothes, okay?”


“I’ll go with you then.”




“I haven’t seen how your room looks like… I’m just curious.”


“Aish… okay okay.”


I turned around and lowered my back down by kneeling in one knee.


“What are you doing M?”


“Hm? Jump in… I’ll give you a piggy-back ride to my room.”


“But your room is all the way down to the first floor!”


“I won’t take no as an answer.”




She hopped on my back and I went down to my room.


Don’t do anything silly in your room kiddo.” It’s Lui ahjussi, using mental telepathy again.


My room is near yours Amber.” Ard hyung told me this time.


SLEEP… PERIOD.” Even you Jaejoong hyung?!


We got in my room and I put her down in my bed.


“Sorry if my bed’s not as big and as soft as yours. Anyway, just wait here, I’ll be finished in a few minutes.”


“Silly. It’s okay you know. And okay, I’ll just lie down here as I wait for you.” She said as she grabbed the photo of us on my night table. I somehow feel embarrassed that she’s looking at it. Aish…


I went out of the bathroom and saw my Princess sleeping soundly on my bed. I sat on the edge of my bed and her hair. She stirred and smiled.


“I never thought that you’ll have that photo of us on your night table.” She said while her eyes are still closed.


“Did I wake you up?” She shook her head in response. “Well… I… uh… I like this picture of us… so I decided to put it here. Let’s go back to your room now?” She shook her head again. “Eh?”


“I feel so lazy… and besides… I’m already comfortable lying down here.”


Looks like I don’t have a choice. Just relax and sleep Amber…


Yeah… You should relax and close your eyes dongsaeng.


Jaejoong hyung?!


Sleep tight kiddo.


Yeah… well… goodnight.”


I slipped in my bed and got under the cover to cuddle with my Princess.


“Sorry… my bed isn’t that big.”


“Then just keep on hugging me like this.” She said, eyes still closed.


“Since it’s your birthday… I’ll tell you a secret.”




“The watch I gave you as Christmas present before…”


“What about that?”


“It has a tracking device. So always wear that… well you always wear that anyways, but just don’t use other watch.”


“What?!” She blurted out as she shot her eyes open.


“Hey don’t be mad at me okay? I’m just doing my job. And besides… I was a bit traumatized with what happened with you before when you once got out of my sight. I never want something like that to happen… especially now.”


She sighed and buried her head on my chest. “I understand. I always wear it anyway since it’s from you.”


“I know.”


“I love you M.”


“I love you Kle.”


And with that we both drifted off to sleep.






Soojung’s birthday was also the day my father died. Since I have work until morning yesterday, I didn’t have time to visit my father’s grave.


“Sorry appa. I just had a lot of patients yesterday and almost got late for dinner with the Jungs.”


Here I am now visiting my appa, lighting incense, offering some flowers and saying a prayer to him. After finishing my prayer, I felt someone stood beside me. He too lighted the incense, offered some flowers and prayed.


“I thought you’d be here to visit him.”


“Dad… You weren’t able to visit yesterday too?” It’s Mr. Jung… I call him dad ever since he adopted me.


“Nah… too busy with the company, plus I also prepared for Soojung’s birthday.”


“I see…”


“You told the bodyguards not to tell me about Amber and Soojung’s relationship, didn’t you? You did the same with Sica and Yuri.”


“Yeah… Good thing Soojung already told you. I just thought that it’d be best if those kinds of news will come from their own mouths rather than from a report of a bodyguard.”


“You really think like your father.”


“I won’t be his daughter for nothing.”


He released a deep sigh before he started talking again.


“Up until now I was hoping that you don’t secretly hate me because I’m the reason why Kyeong Bae died.”


“I admit during the first week after his death, I hated you. But my father told me the night before he died not to blame you if ever something bad happens to him.”


“He told you that? I-I mean… he had a premonition?”


“Yeah… I was about to drift into a deep sleep when he sat on the edge of my bed and my hair.”




“Why are you still awake?”


“I was about to fall into a deep sleep appa.”


“Oh… Sorry.”


“Nah… It’s okay.” I smiled at him. I sat up to have a proper conversation with him.


“Listen to me D… If ever something happen to me, don’t ever blame Jung.”


“Why are you talking as if you’re going to die?”


“No… It’s not like that. I just want you to understand about my job. I’m his secretary and bodyguard. It is my job to put my life on the line for him. And besides… I know that you know that to me, he’s family.”


“I understand Appa.”


“I know you understand me. You yourself consider Sooyeon and Soojung like your sisters right?”




“And you’re willing to protect them and take care of them.” I nodded in response to him. He’s right. Our families’ bond is more like a family, not just as mere family friends.




“If I only knew that that would be our last serious conversation, his last lullaby, his last touch… maybe I never would’ve let him go into that meeting and pretend as you.”


“I know…”


“But I didn’t. He did what he had to do. I know he didn’t regret it. I may have hated you for a few days but… I think it’s normal. I’m only human… I also know how to hate. But Appa taught me how to forgive and forget… genuinely. Let’s just say after a week of mourning over my father’s death, I realized that time won’t stop for me. Life around me won’t stop to grieve with me. And my tears would never make my father rise from the dead and hug me again. I had to move on… and for me to be able to do that, I have to forgive you first.


“And I did the right choice. I knew Appa would also like that. And I didn’t regret it… I was thankful actually… because you took me in your family and treated me as your own.”


“Thank you… Your Appa taught you well.”




I was in the middle of my sleep one midnight when I heard my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was Victoria.


“Hello? Vic?”


“D! I already emailed you the details regarding a person named Wu Taizu. Go online in Skype and call Yuri too… I’ll tell you something.”


“Hm? Okay…”


I ended up the call and dialed Yuri’s number to tell her to go online in Skype.


I opened my email first as I opened my computer and downloaded the file Vic sent me. Yuri is online already and so is Vic when I signed in.


“D… have you seen the report I sent you?” Vic asked me.


“Yeah… I’m reading it now.”


“Listen to me D, Yul… Amber also knows about Wu Taizu. I told her about him. Everything that’s in there D, Amber knows too.”


“Does that mean?” It’s Yul who asked this time.


“I’m not sure Yul, but it’s been almost a year since I last gave her that file. I’m not sure if she already made her move.”


“There’s also a possibility that she hasn’t done anything yet. I mean, with everything that’s happening with her right now… I think she already forgot about her revenge.” I explained them.


“Oh yeah… but we still can’t let our guard down D unnie.” Yul told us.


“I know that you know that he might be thinking of something D.”


I paused and thought for a while.


“I still have to know more about him and predict his next step. I’ll update you guys. I’ll read these first.”


“I get it. Just do it quickly D… We’re not sure when he is going to make his next step.” Vic told me before we decided to end our conversation.


What are you planning Cao? Hmm… but now, I have to know more about you. I have to be careful… or else I might hear you tell me the word… CHECKMATE.


END of D’s POV




“Wu, the Jungs will be celebrating their company’s 25th anniversary in a month. Do you think you can go already?” The old man asked the middle-aged man, who’s sipping his herbal tea.


“Secretary Wang, I think I’ll stay here for one more month. The doctor said he’d allow me to go back to Korea after one month. I’m glad that you visited me here in China though.”


“Ahh… Yeah. So I’ll go back again there to represent you.”


“Yes it is.”


“How are you feeling now anyway?”


“I’m feeling better now, no need to worry. The doctor said I just have to rest.”


“That’s good. And oh, I have something to tell you…”


“What is that Secretary Wang?”


“According to our men, and also with the way I saw them during their photoshoot once… Amber and the youngest daughter of Jung are going out.”


“Going out you mean…”


“Yes… They’re dating. Here are some photos of them kissing and hugging each other in a beach. I think they’re celebrating the youngest Jung’s birthday in advanced.”


Wu opened the envelope and scanned the photos taken by some their men.


“So they really are dating. This is going to be hard then.”




Amber’s POV


It’s Saturday again and since we don’t have anything to do today, we decided to go out and just stroll around the mall. A typical date you might say, but ever since we started modeling together with Sulli, Luna and also Nicole, I’ve noticed that people started recognizing us. Those who don’t know us think that I’m a guy, and everytime Krystal and I go out, I can see them fangirling over us. I also noticed the way guys look at Krys, but sorry guys, she’s taken.


We walk hand in hand in the mall, not caring about what people might think of us. They don’t know that I’m a girl anyway. There are some people who will approach us and take pictures with us, even ask for our autographs. Same goes to the salesladies in boutiques of clothes that we endorse.


But whenever we go out, the most display of affection we do is holding hands. I seldom put my arms on her shoulders. I just do it everytime I sense danger, and danger means a random guy trying to hit on my girlfriend.


We felt tired walking around the area so we decided to rest and grab some coffee. We went in a coffee shop where there aren’t much people. We also chose a spot in a corner, where not much people can see. Hey, I can also be selfish you know? I want to have her attention on me only.


I ordered our coffee and returned to our table.


“One Dark Mocha Frap for the most beautiful girl in the world.”


She smiled with the way I addressed her.




I sat down and took a sip at our frap… Yeah, we share the same drink. I rested my chin on one of my hands and literally stared at her beautiful face. She also did the same.


“It’s staring game then.” I told her.


“Challenge accepted.”


My free hand reached for her other free hand on the table and grab a hold of it. I played with it with my thumb as I kept on staring at her, smiling.


“They might say that what we’re having now is a puppy love, but honestly… I don’t care.” I told her.


“Do you think it really is just a puppy love?”


“I don’t know. We never know whether we’ll still be together after 4 years? 5 years? 10 years? But I think, what matters most is the present. I want every moment I have with you to be special. You are my first love Krys… And even if in the future, if we might no longer be together, I want to tell the people that I don’t regret falling in love with you. First love will never die because it never fades.”


“How do you say so?”


“Because it is the first. It is always the first where we learn a lot. The first fall in riding a bike makes you realize everything that’s wrong. The first fall when you first tried to walk makes your body learn the right posture.”


“I wanted to be your first and last Amber…”


“I feel the same way. But we can never tell what will happen in the future.”


“You think there’ll be something that can break us apart?” She asked worriedly.


“I don’t know. But I hope… if ever that something happen, we’ll be strong enough to surpass it.”


“Love is not love until it hurts you. When you cry because of pain, that is love at its peak. Sica unnie told me that once.”


“You really think time will come that I will hurt you?”


“I don’t know M. I don’t really know.”


“I hope that if ever that time comes that I’ll be hurting you, don’t forget that… I love you 100%, nothing more, nothing less…”


“… just the right amount.” She continued, and we both laughed.


“But I really do hope that you’re the one for me, and I’m the one for you.”




It’s already the day Mr. Jung’s waiting for. Jessica unnie was already nervous but Yuri unnie never let go of her hands to show support to her Ice Princess. My Princess on the other hand, looks the best tonight. She looks so lovely I can’t find the right words to describe it. Since it’s a formal event, I had to wear a tux.


We got out the car and I assisted my lovely girlfriend out and towards the hall. There’s a lot of people already. Press people are also invited since this is a big event for the company. I feel sorry for Yuri unnie because she can’t let her guard down on Jessica unnie. Mr. Jung might have already accepted them, but their relationship is still a taboo in Korea. Me? Oh I guess the fact that I look like a boy also has its own advantages. People who don’t know me actually think that I’m Krystal’s boyfriend. Well she actually asked me if it’s okay if she’ll introduce me as her boyfriend. I told her I don’t mind, if it’ll keep the awkwardness and also the guys’ stares on her.


“You look so cute acting a bit possessive of me today.” She whispered to me.


“Of course… I could see all those guys staring at you. It’s fine to look, but check you out while I’m here? Do they want to be blind?”


“Aww… I’m flattered.” She said as she pinched both of my cheeks.


“Ehem… I can see ants all over your bodies because of your sweetness, you know that?”


We turned our direction to the source of the voice and saw two handsome men standing.


“Yunho oppa!” Krystal exclaimed. She let go of my cheeks and hugged one of the men.


“I see our little Soojungie already has a boyfriend.”


Ha. Yeah right. Whoever he is, I don’t know him, so I consider him a threat. I put my left hand around Krystal’s waist as I slightly pulled her away from him. I know she already got my message.


“Hi… I’m Amber, Krystal’s boyfriend.” I said as I offered my hand for a handshake.


“Amber? Isn’t that a girl’s name? But nice to meet you, Jung Yunho at your service.” Yunho said as he shook my hand. “And this is Changmin, my partner.”


“Hyung, there are also guys in the US with the name Amber.” The other one told him. He then proceeded to shake my hand as he introduced himself. “Changmin… Shim Changmin.”


“Amber, this is my cousin Yunho oppa. They are special agents here in Korea and you weren’t able to see them because they were, most of the time, overseas.”


Cousin? Then I believe it’s already safe.


“Yeah. We just got back from the US.” Yunho told us.


“When did you arrive oppa?”


“Just last night…”


“Just last night?!”


“Yeah… D didn’t stop bothering me up to the point that she went to our hotel room to bug me and convince me to go here in her stead.” Yunho explained.


“D unnie?”


“Yeah. Well, as you can see, she isn’t here. She told me that she won’t be able to make it here because she has duty today until tomorrow.” Yunho explained.


“Oh, so that’s why I haven’t seen her yet.” Krystal stated.


“Yunho oppa?” It’s Ms. Jessica, with Yuri beside her of course.


“Sooyeon!” Ms. Jessica, Krystal and Yunho-ssi started their ‘catching up’ forgetting that there’s also us. So the remaining three of us excused ourselves and instead walked to a corner and had a get-to-know-Changmin portion.


“Now, now. Looks like you also enjoyed your own talk. Can I have my Yuri back now?”


“And can I get my Amber back now?”


“Aish… These girlfriends of us…” I told Yul via telepathy.


“You bet… But I’d rather go back to my Princess. You know, lots of guys are checking her out.”


“Krystal too.”


“But you’re lucky. Your boyish charms have its use. See you around dongsaeng.”


“Changmin and I will also stroll around, you know, greet and meet?”


With that, it’s just Krys and I again, in the middle of this crowd.


The time came for the whole program to start. Mr. Jung gave his speech and introduced Jessica and Krystal. He also introduced Jessica and made it official that she’ll be the next CEO of the company.


Dinner was served afterwards. Special numbers were performed, and video clips of the company’s history were also showed from time to time.


After dinner, Krystal and I decided to sneak out to the building’s rooftop.


END of Amber’s POV




“Yeah, I know that Amber’s a girl. D gave me all of her files.”


“Why are we looking out for Amber and not Krystal though?”


“Amber looks out for Krystal, so it’s our duty to look out for Amber.”


“But… why hyung? Why do we need to guard a bodyguard? Why are the Jungs worried about her too? Is it because she is Krystal’s girlfriend?”


“Changmin that’s a lot of questions. Let’s just say Amber… isn’t just a bodyguard.”


“Your family has a lot of secrets hyung.”

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1151 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.