Chapter 24

The Bodyguard's Krystal


REMINDER.. Italiziced words are their thoughts... Italiziced words within "" are telekinetic conversations.


Chapter 24


In the Jung’s private plane


Krystal’s head is on Amber’s shoulder, while holding each other’s hands in their sleep.


“Hey, look at our maknae.” Sica silently called D, who is busy reading something.


“Yeah, they look so happy even in their sleep.” She said as she checked the sleeping lovers.


Yuri and Yoona are both sleeping beside Sica and D, respectively, while the two sisters talk about business. Even though D is on med, Mr. Jung still gave her some rights in their company and gave her some shares. As a payment for the Jungs, D also serves as the company doctor, making her close to some employees. She was able to go the company’s different branches in other countries to check the health condition of their employees. Mr. Jung believes that a healthy employee is more productive than a sickly one, so health care is one of the benefits of the employees. D also receives some tutoring from Jessica, Yuri and Yoona, since the three of them are classmates in the university. Being a health care provider, she has to know somehow on how the company works and its condition.


“Oh, so I get it now. Thanks for the updates. I think I’ll go check our branch in Jeju next week, and maybe do some routine checkups there.”


“That’ll be a good idea D unnie. Anyway, since we’re done, can I have my beauty sleep now?”


“Sure Sis. Enjoy your beauty sleep and stay young and fresh.”


“Will do. Goodnight.”


It’s already dawn when the gang returned to the mansion. First thing that they do is to continue their sleep of course.


In Krystal’s room


Krystal’s POV


“Princess, we’re here.” A soft voice woke me up. She knows very well that I don’t like my sleep to be disturbed. “I’ll just carry you to you room, okay?” She continued. I still have my eyes closed, but I know that she knows I’m half awake. She carried me in her arms while I lean on her chest. It feels like we’re newly wed, and I’m so happy. We came to China as friends, but returned here as lovers.


“Am I heavy?” I asked her, while my eyes are still shut.






“Mhm. Are you comfy there?”


I just nodded and smiled.


“We’re here.”


I heard my door open and that’s when I decided to open my eyes. Our maids and butlers help Amber to carry my bags to my room. Her bag was already carried by one of them towards her room.


“We’ll be fine now. Thanks for your help, unnies, oppas.” She told them while she’s still carrying me.


“You can put me down now.” She slowly put me down the floor and faced me. Her right hand then caressed my left cheek with her thumb, and then she suddenly pulled the skin of my cheek.


“My Princess is sooooooooo cute!”


“Aw! Yah! That hurts!”


“Uh-oh.” She was about to run but I was able to grab her ear.




“Uhm… Princess…” She slowly turned around to face me with those puppy eyes. “Sorry.”


She looks so cute with that apologetic face. “Fine…” I said then I kissed her on the cheek.


“Woah!” I noticed her face blush and it’s funny to look at. “I-I’m going to my room now. Rest well Krys, good night.” After that, she gave me a good night kiss on the cheeks and immediately stormed out of the room.


“Yah!” I yelled but it’s no use for the person who kissed me already ran away from me. Suddenly I just found myself holding that side of my cheek that she kissed.


Up until now, I still can’t believe that this is all happening. It feels like everything is just a dream, but if it really is a dream, then I’d rather not wake up. I pinched myself and realized that it is indeed real. Amber and I are together now.


As I lay down my bed, my phone rang and guess what, it’s Amber.


“Hello Princess?”




“Nothing… Uhm…”






“I’m not sleepy yet.”


“Hm? But it’s already 3am Princess… Well, you’ve been sleeping the whole time on our way home.”


“Yeah, maybe.”




She was silent for a few moments until I heard a guitar playing.


You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm


“Just listen until you fall asleep Krys…”


She’s… singing me a song…



You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free


“I love you Princess.”

The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you


I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again


“I love you too, Amber.”



Author’s POV


Krystal fell asleep in the middle of the song, teary eyed but smiling from what Amber did.


After singing her Princess a song, Amber smiled, knowing that the younger girl is already asleep.


“Goodnight, Krys… Dream of me, as I dream of you. I’m missing you already, you know.” She said, although she knew that the person from the other line is already in her own dreamland. And just like a crazy person in love, she kissed her phone, hoping that that kiss will somehow reach the person who holds her heart.




Meanwhile, somewhere in Seoul, a Chinese man is looking through his windows, sipping a glass of brandy for a moment.


He then heard a knock on his door.


“Come in.”


The door opened, revealing an old man in his 60s, holding a tray with water and some medicines.


“Master, it’s time for you to take your medicine.”


“Secretary Wang…” He said as he turned around and walked towards the old man. The old man already put the tray on his master’s night table and is now having his head bowed down.


“… You’ve been with me for who knows how long. C’mon lift that head now.” He said as he lifted the chin of the old man.


“Thank you, Master.” The old man said as he bowed down again, but this time he already lifted his head back again.


The old man’s master put down the glass of brandy he’s drinking and picked up the glass of water and took the medicines on the tray.


“I’m just concern Master, but you should stop drinking already. It’s bad for your health.”


“Don’t worry Secretary Wang, it’s just a glass of brandy.” The master said as he tapped the servant’s shoulder.


“Still thinking about her?” The old man asked as the picture of a young lady caught his attention.


“Oh, yeah.”


“Cao, when are you going to accept the fact that Feng Lan didn’t choose you?” The old man softly said.


“Secretary Wang! You know very well that Cao is already dead… I am Wu Taizu now.”


“I-I’m sorry Master.”


“I-It’s okay… I’m sorry too… I’m just… *sigh* just don’t call me like that again.”


“Kid, you know I’ve been serving you for almost my whole life. You’re like a son to me ever since he died of cancer. And you know that I owe a lot to you, for helping his medications. But Master Wu, when are you going to move on? Aren’t you tired of living in the shadows of revenge?”


“Secretary Wang, you knew me very well. You knew how harsh and unfair life has been to me. I tried to be good Secretary Wang… I tried to… but life itself pushed me into being someone like this. And now, look at me… I have all of these riches… all of these wealth, but I can’t even have the girl I love. I don’t even know how long am I going to live in this world. I have all the wealth but I don’t have a life that I can call my own. Ever since I was born I shared everything with him! Even the heart of the girl I ever loved my whole life, I shared with him…”


“Until she chose him.”


“No! She chose him because of his birthright. She chose him because I’m not the legal son.”


“Wu! When are you going to accept it?”


“She loves me! She told me, she loves me!” Wu then grabbed the old man’s shoulders, carried away with his own emotions.


“Yes, she LOVED you… Let me repeat it Wu… Yes, she DID love you. But you yourself gave her the reason to leave you. You pushed her away Wu!”


“N-No!” Wu loosened his grip on the old man’s shoulder. He sat on his bed, almost on the verge of crying. “Feng Lan…”


“Come on Wu… It’s bad for your health to be stressed out like this. It’ll be better for you to have some rest. It’s getting late.” Secretary Wang said as he was trying to calm the younger man.


“It’s all his fault… It’s all Yang Ming’s fault. He stole everything away from me…”


“Shhh… It’s enough…”


He tucked Wu in his bed and wiped his master’s tears before walking out of the room.


“Cao Cao… If only I knew what you were thinking before. Maybe… Maybe you wouldn’t end up like this. You’ve suffered all your life, I know… but it’s still your choice. You chose this path without even asking me. You chose the life of revenge; you threw away everything you had, thinking that by throwing them away, you’ll have everything you ever wanted only to realize that at the end of the day, you have nothing. So I promised… I promised myself… that I would never leave you. This loneliness that you had in your heart is eating you up inside.” Secretary Wang whispered to himself before he closed the door of Wu’s room.




It was 7am, Sunday morning. Amber’s already up, though you can see in her eyes that she lacks some sleep.


“Good morning kiddo.”


“Oh, Lui hyung… Good morning.”


“Hm? Wait…” Ard moved closer to Amber looking at her face… “Did you sleep at all?”


“Hey bro, you’re too close to her. It doesn’t look right.” Lui said as he pulled Ard away.


“Ohh… *yawn* I slept at around 3:30am and woke up at around 6:30am. I couldn’t help but wake up and get up. It’s part of my biological clock.” Amber explained.


“Hey Lui, move your a** in here and help prepare food for our masters!” Jaejoong shouted from the main kitchen.


“Aish! See ya guys… I have to prepare my Princesses’ breakfast.” Lui said as he flew away like a crazy guy towards the main kitchen.


“Hey kid, I also have to go outside and clean and check the cars.”


“Okay Ard hyung.”



Amber’s POV


Now what to do? Maybe I’ll have some breakfast first. I grabbed some box of cereals and poured some in a bowl, put some milk, some strawberries, blueberries and banana on it. Now that’s a great breakfast. I checked the main kitchen and saw Jaejoong hyung and Lui hyung busy preparing breakfast. Now that I think about it, I wonder if my Princess is already awake?


I think she’s still asleep Amber.” Lui hyung telekinetically answered me.


Yah! Focus on the what you’re doing!” LOL, it’s Jaejoong hyung mentally smacking Lui hyung’s head.


“Why don’t you go up there and wake her up Amber.” Jaejoong hyung suggested. “She’ll be happy to see the face of her girlfriend first thing in the morning.” He continued. Wait…


“H-How did you know that…”


“Oh, I told them…”Hm? It’s not Jaejoong hyung nor Lui hyung’s voice. I looked behind me and saw D unnie, still rubbing her eyes while yawning.


“D unnie?”


“What? What’s with that look? It’s not like they won’t notice anyway. And besides…” She paused.


“Besides what?”


“Oh nothing.”


“Aish… Besides they have a bet on when you guys are going to be together.” I looked around and saw Yuri unnie walking towards us. “So they have to know, one way or another.”


“What the?”


“Yah, Yul! Isn’t Sica’s wrath enough for you?” D threatened.


“Uhm… Uh-oh…”


“D unnie! Stop that…”


“Aish… Okay fine, sorry. We’re just so excited about you guys. But don’t worry; it’s just between us. We’ve been noticing you anyways.”

“*sigh* I really don’t know what to do anymore.”


“Aigoo…” Yuri unnie tapped my shoulder and whispered, “Now, why don’t you go upstairs and wake your Sleeping Beauty. Oh, don’t forget… be careful. Wake her up the nice way… the nicest way.”


I just shook my head as I walk out of the kitchen. Wake her up huh? It’s the first time I’ll wake her up.


I am now in front of her door. I took a deep breath before going in. I was astonished with the sleeping beauty in front of me, sleeping peacefully. I walked towards the sliding door and moved the curtains aside; allowing the bright sunlight to lit the room. I walked beside the bed and stared at my Princess’ beautiful face for a while. I can see her facial expression change, and it’s kinda funny to watch her sleep like that. Her face will change from curious face, to annoyed face, to cute face, to smiling face… Are you dreaming of me Princess? I love how the Sunday morning sunlight touches her porcelain-like skin, making her look like a doll. I love how her hair falls perfectly down her face, and I love how I slowly tuck them on her ear.


“Wake up my Princess… for your servant’s here.” I whispered in her ears, giving her a light peck on her forehead. I then rested my head on my hands and watched as she slowly open her eyes.


“Amber?” She asked, eyes half open.




She then smiled and fully opens her eyes. Her hand cupped my face and caressed my cheek.


“Good morning my Prince.”


“I am no Prince my Princess. I am just your servant.”


She furrowed her eyebrows and asked me… “Don’t you want to be my Prince?”


“I’d rather be your humble servant, serving you, protecting you, loving you… all my life. Having you in my life, is like having the world’s greatest treasure in my hands.” I told her as I grabbed the hand that’s on my face. I kissed it lightly before continuing… “I am no Prince for I can’t give you the best things in this world that I know you deserve, so I’ll just give you the next best thing that I know.”


“Hm? And what is that?”


“My world.” I answered her. And there she is, blushing again.


“You’re so cute when you blush…” I told her.


“Stop it! It’s embarrassing!” She said as she turned around and hid under the duvet.


Now now, what do I do? Hmm…


I slowly climbed up the bed and went under the duvet. I put my hands around her waist so I’m now backhugging her. I pulled her closer to me and felt warm.


“A-Amber…” She softly called me.






“Don’t you like it?”


“N-No… It’s just that…”




“I-It’s… embarrassing.”


“I love you…” I told her as I snuggle my head on the crook of her nape. I then felt her turn her around so we’re now facing each other.


“I love you too…” She said as she snuggled closer to me, resting her head on my arm. I then pulled her closer, embracing her, enveloping her tightly in my arms. She returned the hug, closing her eyes.


“You’re warm Amber.”


“Hm…” I hummed, caressing her hair.


This warmth that I feel, my heart that’s beating fast before is now stable. I want us to stay like this longer. I know we have to get up and let her have breakfast, but I want to be selfish for now… just for now… I want to stop time so I can hold her in my arms like this longer.






“Can we stay like this for a bit longer?”


“As you wish…”


“Ehem… I’ll give you guys one more hour to cuddle each other. Do you understand Amber?”


“D unnie?”


“Ahuh… Just figured you won’t be able to go down right away so I followed to tell you that. It’s Sunday anyway. But you have to let her eat breakfast. You can continue being lovey-dovey with my little Jung afterwards. Aigoo kids these days.”


“Thanks unnie.”


“Tsk… Been there, done that… no prob kiddo.”



I decided to take a shower as Krystal ate her breakfast with her sisters. They invited me in, but I already had mine, so I declined, but in a nice way of course. Although I know that my Princess didn’t like it, I just told her that I’d make it up to her.




From: My Princess <3

Where are you? Already took a shower.




To: My Princess <3

I’m in the theater room.


After a few minutes, I heard the door of the theater open and revealed my beloved princess.


“What’s this?”


“Hm? Oh… Of course we’re going to watch a movie.”


“Yeah yeah… But… Why here?”


“I just want to spend the next hours with you, and only you.”




“Can I be selfish for today and have you only for myself?”


There you go, she blushed at me again, and tried to hide it again by looking down. I grabbed her hand and let her seat. Popcorns… check. Drinks… check. Perfect!


I turned off the lights of the theater and played the movie.


Krystal’s POV


I didn’t know that Amber can be this sweet. Want me only to herself today huh?


So I was resting my head on my left hand while watching the movie when I suddenly felt Amber’s right hand tracing my left arm up, intertwining our hands. I was startled by her sudden movement, but I find it romantic. I continued resting my head on our now intertwined hands. After a few minutes, I rested my head on her shoulder, our hands still intertwined. We remained like that until the movie ended. The lights were turned back on. I removed my head from Amber’s shoulder and like magic, we stared in each other’s eyes. She then moved closer and kissed my forehead, and lightly kissed my lips. She then put her arm around my shoulder, while I put mine around her waist in return as we started walking out the mini-theater.


“Thanks Amber.”


“You’re welcome Princess… Now… it’s time for lunch. And then…”


“You still have some plans for today?” Aww… My servant’s so sweet.


“Yeah… We’ll study. You still have to make up for that night that you went out with your unnies.”


“Wait… What?!” I removed my hands around her waist and faced her. “You’re joking, right?”


“Eh? No…”


“I love you Amber.”


“I love you too, Krys, but you still have to study.”


Oh great. I asked myself if it’s really a good idea that my tutor and bodyguard is also my girlfriend.

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1139 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.