Chapter 8

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Lucas stretched out his arms and eyed the folder resting on his desk. He had been working nonstop with his team and his brother these past few weeks. Their project was rushed and not that easy so he flashed a satisfied grin when his father’s assistant handed him back their proposal with a large red stamp that says ‘approved’. All that’s left now is the launching that shall commence next week. It’s his first time doing something like that and he feels nervous deep inside. His father even called him earlier from China to tell him about his appearance at the big day. As if the CEO himself was not enough, he told him about how some of the big names in the industry were also interested in the event. It’s overwhelming how there’s so much unnecessary attention directed at his first project and he is one hundred percent sure that his father was behind it all. His big mouth probably couldn’t help it and boasted about his son to his friends. So typical of him.


He had been thinking too much that he didn’t notice his assistant’s presence in front of his desk.


“You okay? Is it about next week? I heard about the guest list.” He smiled awkwardly and nodded. Neither of them had brought up his embarrassing act of hugging the other since it happened. They have both been occupied with their respective responsibilities. Every time that they’re alone, the older only talked about business and was patiently guiding him. It was hard to focus at first but he ended up learning a lot anyway. Jungwoo was a really good mentor and he’s very much grateful for his presence especially when it’s work related.


“The news reached our department and they fussed over it so someone suggested that they should go out and drink tonight. It’s to let out some steam and celebrate our progress so far. And…” Their eyes met and the other immediately looked down on the floor. “They asked me to ask you if you wanted to join.” He nodded at the idea and agreed to go.


“Tell them it’s my treat.”




Cheers filled the private room that Lucas had reserved for his team. It’s not too long ago since they came here but many empty bottles have already piled up on their tables. The servers kept on coming back with new ones upon Lucas’ request. Speaking of the younger, Jungwoo sat quietly beside him and observed how he was enjoying himself. The other had exchanged drinks with almost everyone on the team. It’s not really surprising with his go-to attitude and his natural ability to blend in with people. He’s been bonding with his workers like they have been friends for ages. There’s no tension in the air and everyone is genuinely having fun.


Jungwoo, on the other hand, has never been a drinker or a party person. He’s gone out with his college friends before but he’s always the sober one. He’s never drunk more than one shot and it’s not just because he’s well aware of his low tolerance but also because he’s not really fond of the taste. Him and alcohol doesn’t really mix well. He only ever associated himself with it when it’s work related. It had been a mandatory thing in the industry especially for socializing. He knew this well and thought of things to help him in those situations. He’d always go around the drinking part and this time is no exception.


“Heyyyyy, our pretty Mr. Kim.” His eyes darted to the man across him that’s holding up an empty glass. He recognized him and noticed the drunken state that he was in. “Have another shot! Drink more, drink more.” The man let out a hiccup and grabbed a newly opened bottle.


“Ah, that’s not really necessary.” The man scoffed and proceeded to pour the liquid on his glass as if he didn’t hear him. He couldn’t do anything but look at his glass slowly being filled up. He had experienced this so many times to know that arguing with a nearly wasted man would do nothing. He bit his lip as he saw the alcohol overflow in his glass that he really had no choice but to accept politely.


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I'm really sorry the update took so long but I think it's just 2 chapters left? So i'm really thankful for everyone that is reading this story, i'm not sure if it's good but I hope you guys are enjoying it. Thank you so much uwu


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161 streak #1
lucas looks so good :) anyway great fic ♡♡♡
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: I miss this fic! It was really good, keep up the work you are such an amazing author ♡ㅅ♡
Multigroupkpoptrash #3
Chapter 16: Im really invested in this story so far! You're an amazing author !
Chapter 16: This is really good but I know we're not getting sunshine and rainbows because it's still early to get happy when half of the things are unsaid. I hope they solve out every problem and obstacles.
I really love LuWoo.
I'M SO SOFT i cried omg?????? I literally need other chapters to survive and i can't wait for the next to come! ☺️ Thank you so much for writing this ur so talented. uwu
luwoow #6
Chapter 15: uwu. This is so soft.
luwoow #7
Chapter 14: Beautiful. Lucas love Jungwoo so fuc much. I cried.
Chapter 15: F-finally. We're getting a progress. Im so happy for them. Please don't let anything comes their way
Chapter 14: I was starting to tear up at the end, WTFFFFFFF. I can't take this anymore. Somebody please help me.
Chapter 14: Why are my eyes sweating so much???
This is just beautiful,Lucas is so fond of Jungwoo that it made me go all UWU