Chapter 7

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The moon is at its peak but Jungwoo is still awake. It’s understandable because he slept for more or less 24 hours. He had rested for too long and it’s now dark and silent outside. Doyoung left a few hours ago and he’s now alone in his room and numerous thoughts are threatening to fill his head. He stood up from his bed before he could think of anything else.


He probably shouldn’t but he went out of his apartment for a late night walk. He’s not really worried about something bad happening because he literally lived in the safest neighborhood. He also didn’t go around too far. He just wanted some fresh air to clear his mind from his conversation with his senior earlier. He didn’t want to stress his self too much and feel sick again. He had things to do and people to come back to.


He began to walk his way back home after a while. He’s scared that if he’s out too much too soon it will affect his body. He didn’t really want to bother Doyoung anymore. He’s been relying on him since he’s worked under him. Now he’s working for someone else. He definitely wouldn’t want to worry this one either, if he really was.


He missed him. He wouldn’t even bother to deny it. He missed him and that’s true. He couldn’t remember a day that he didn’t think about him. Day or night, rain or shine, he’s all he could think about. He wanted to see him.


So he did.


His eyes widened as he stopped on his tracks near his front door. He must be hallucinating right now. His medicines are probably just kicking in his system and playing tricks with his brain. The man he was thinking about was right in front of him. He flinched when he finally noticed his presence. They are both in shock and just staring at each other, neither of them daring to move an inch. He saw as the moonlight illuminated the other's features. This made him hold his breath. He looked ethereal, making this seem even more unreal.


He couldn’t react fast enough when he felt his arms around him. It was tight but warm and comforting. He felt his knees weaken. He almost forgot how his body fit perfectly in his arms. It’s like it’s where he’s meant to be. His body close to his, hands wrapped around his waist, head buried in his chest. This is it. This was how it was supposed to be.




Lucas came to Jungwoo’s place to check up on him, to see how he was doing and to lessen the worries in his brain. He wanted to put his mind to rest because it was driving him crazy. He couldn’t stay put and knew he had to do something.


So he did.


He only planned to knock on his door to literally see if he was alive but he panicked when no one was answering. Of course, it could be that the other was just sleeping deeply but that didn’t come across his mind. It was already in chaos and he started thinking of absurd possibilities that made things worse. The thought of the older laying on the floor or rushed into the hospital popped in his head and he was in hysteric.


The terror immediately stopped when he turned his head and saw the person he’s been dying to see. He swore he only wanted to see him but his arms had other plans. He subconsciously held Jungwoo close to him. It was tight but gentle and heartfelt. He missed him in his arms. He missed his body glued to his like they were one. He missed his sweet scent as he nuzzled closer.


He missed this.


He missed him.



He wished that it would last forever but things don’t work that way. He went there fast and left with same manner. Reality sunk in and he was clueless on how to handle the situation he got himself into. The awkward silence happened between them again for the umpteenth time now. He closed his eyes as he remembered how he freaked out and blurted out incoherent words. He wanted to explain why he was there but he just ended up embarrassing himself.


Now he’s just in his bed, hugging his pillow that’s a crappy replacement for the other. The soft and warm feeling of Jungwoo in his arms is irreplaceable. He’s not that much taller than him but he just seems so small in his embrace. He’s younger than him but he makes him want to hold him in his arms and cradle him like a baby. He wants to wake up with him in the same bed, eat with him whatever food they end up getting, walk with him no matter how far or near. He wants everything that has to do with him. He’s willing to do anything to be with him.


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I'm really sorry the update took so long but I think it's just 2 chapters left? So i'm really thankful for everyone that is reading this story, i'm not sure if it's good but I hope you guys are enjoying it. Thank you so much uwu


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161 streak #1
lucas looks so good :) anyway great fic ♡♡♡
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: I miss this fic! It was really good, keep up the work you are such an amazing author ♡ㅅ♡
Multigroupkpoptrash #3
Chapter 16: Im really invested in this story so far! You're an amazing author !
Chapter 16: This is really good but I know we're not getting sunshine and rainbows because it's still early to get happy when half of the things are unsaid. I hope they solve out every problem and obstacles.
I really love LuWoo.
I'M SO SOFT i cried omg?????? I literally need other chapters to survive and i can't wait for the next to come! ☺️ Thank you so much for writing this ur so talented. uwu
luwoow #6
Chapter 15: uwu. This is so soft.
luwoow #7
Chapter 14: Beautiful. Lucas love Jungwoo so fuc much. I cried.
Chapter 15: F-finally. We're getting a progress. Im so happy for them. Please don't let anything comes their way
Chapter 14: I was starting to tear up at the end, WTFFFFFFF. I can't take this anymore. Somebody please help me.
Chapter 14: Why are my eyes sweating so much???
This is just beautiful,Lucas is so fond of Jungwoo that it made me go all UWU