Chapter 16

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“Son, your gay is showing” Lucas blinked a few times and turned his head to his father that was suddenly beside him. “I brought you here to check out the site, not Jungwoo who’s doing his job unlike you”


The older man left before he could open his mouth to say something. He looked back to the same spot instead expecting to find the same person his eyes have seen so much but still can’t get enough. To his dismay, all he could see now are construction workers walking around and doing their thing. No sign of the man he’s been staring lovingly at for god knows how long. He should really stop doing that. It’s been quite a while since they have decided to patch things up in the other’s pace which was slowly but surely. He didn’t mind that at all. From the fragments of story that he’s been getting from the older, he could kind of understand how hard it was to let everything out in one go. He’s more than willing to be patient, however,  sometimes he does try to make Doyoung spill some information which always resulted to the other swiftly directing the topic back to business. 


He sighed and checked out the site for real this time. It’s been under construction for quite some time so the foundation was already set in place. He had a checklist of the important things in his head as he roamed around. It’s the same old boring stuff but on the bright side, he gets a change of scenario compared to his usual wide desk and turning chair. He prefers this outside type of setting more, it makes him want to pick up some tool and do some labor with it. Something that includes his body moving around, it’s a waste not to use his hard earned muscles to work and the insane amount of energy stored somewhere inside of him. 


He went back to where there were a lot of people working and spotted some shovelling cement. His curiosity led him to walk towards it to take a look. It seemed pretty simple.


“Sir how do you do this?” He listened eagerly to the worker as he explained stuff he’s never heard before which fascinated him. He asked questions here and there like a child in a new environment. “ Can I try?” He saw the man hesitate for a bit before giving him the shovel. He received it and moved a little to start digging in. 


“Sir maybe I should get you a safety helmet to wear just in case.” He heard the worker suggest while he was occupied by his newfound chore


“Nah, it’s okay sir. No need to bother yourself, I’ll just be doing this anyway. I just wanted to try for a bit.” He started getting a hang of it and is actually enjoying even though some beads of sweat are starting to form on his forehead. 


“Yukhei? What are you doing?” He looked up at the soft voice that came from afar. He instantly smiled at the man his eyes has been wanting to see.


“Hyung!! Look here, I think I’m good at this!” His smile widened when he saw the confused look on the older’s face as he cutely tilted his head on one side. He urged him to come near to take a look at his progress so far that he’s already very much proud of. Halfway through, the Korean man stopped on his tracks and looked up with his eyes wide.






Jungwoo signed the bottom part of the paper after filling in all the information needed. He checked everything before turning it in at the nurse on the other side of the counter. She received it and scanned the contents, brows furrowing when she read the top. 


“Mr. Kim Jungwoo?” She looked up with curious eyes


“Ah yes. Is there something wrong?” The nurse quickly shook her head


“No, it’s nothing. The paper is okay, you can go now.” He bowed slightly and muttered a “thank you” before heading to the special room that they took for the younger boy.  


He was about to knock when he heard the loud whining voice of the younger inside. 


“You guys are overreacting. It just fell on my head. It wasn’t that bad, I didn’t even collapse from it.”


“You were complaining about the pain earlier when they were treating your wound. You wouldn’t shut up.” He heard his senior’s voice interject


“Well yeah it hurt before but not anymore. This room is too much, I don’t like it here. I can recover at home.”


“Just stay here son. At least until tomorrow to make sure. We don’t want you losing anymore of your brain from this incident. I think you’ve lost enough all your life.”


“Take care of your head kid. You’re going to need it even though you don’t use it.” 


“Wow you guys are really attacking me like this. Last time I checked I’m a patient. Where’s the love and care I’m supposed to be getting?” Jungwoo let himself in, catching the attention of the three men inside. 


“There’s your love and care.” He bowed at them and stood beside his senior. 


“How about we leave you here with Jungwoo. I’ll have Doyoung drop off your things la

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I'm really sorry the update took so long but I think it's just 2 chapters left? So i'm really thankful for everyone that is reading this story, i'm not sure if it's good but I hope you guys are enjoying it. Thank you so much uwu


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161 streak #1
lucas looks so good :) anyway great fic ♡♡♡
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: I miss this fic! It was really good, keep up the work you are such an amazing author ♡ㅅ♡
Multigroupkpoptrash #3
Chapter 16: Im really invested in this story so far! You're an amazing author !
Chapter 16: This is really good but I know we're not getting sunshine and rainbows because it's still early to get happy when half of the things are unsaid. I hope they solve out every problem and obstacles.
I really love LuWoo.
I'M SO SOFT i cried omg?????? I literally need other chapters to survive and i can't wait for the next to come! ☺️ Thank you so much for writing this ur so talented. uwu
luwoow #6
Chapter 15: uwu. This is so soft.
luwoow #7
Chapter 14: Beautiful. Lucas love Jungwoo so fuc much. I cried.
Chapter 15: F-finally. We're getting a progress. Im so happy for them. Please don't let anything comes their way
Chapter 14: I was starting to tear up at the end, WTFFFFFFF. I can't take this anymore. Somebody please help me.
Chapter 14: Why are my eyes sweating so much???
This is just beautiful,Lucas is so fond of Jungwoo that it made me go all UWU