Chapter 1

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“Checkmate” Jungwoo uttered triumphantly as he landed the piece on the board. This made the man in front of him laugh in amusement.


“Ah. I’ve lost again. Winning against you is harder than winning against my competitors.” Jungwoo flashed a courteous smile.


“You flatter me Sir. I’ve actually been purposely polishing my skills after our every game to make sure I don’t bore you.” The man showed a surprised expression upon hearing the younger’s confession.


“No wonder you’re getting even better and better.” He then stared at the young man as if thinking of something. “How long have you been working at my company?”


“3 years Sir. 2 years as a part time worker and today marks the date of my first year as one of your official secretaries.” The man nods his head before spacing out to think again.


“There’s no doubt that you’re one of the most excellent workers I have. I remember even before your remarkable capability in this industry. You’re doing an amazing job as my secretary and actually keeping up with Doyoung. You’re probably the first one to stay this long under his supervision. I would like to praise you for that. Now, would you be willing to do something for me?”


“Sir, I am not one to refuse anything from you. May I ask what is it I can do for you?” The man grabbed the teacup beside the game board they’ve been playing a while ago.


“You see…” He sipped the now warm tea from the cup. “I’ve been thinking of hiring a mentor to teach and guide my son. He’s an excellent son for sure but I want someone to bring the best out of him. He can be quite difficult sometimes but I’m betting that you can handle him well. I want someone to assist him and influence him along the way. With your topnotch skills and obvious excellence, I was hoping you could do the job. Of course, I’d be giving you a well deserve pay for that. So…” the man placed the teacup back on the coaster and looked expectantly to the younger that has been listening eagerly to his offer “What do you think?”


“Sir, I don’t even know where to begin in expressing my gratitude. This is a huge honor for me. I would be more than willing to help your future successor in being the best in this industry.” Jungwoo smiled widely. His eyes shining like a delighted child.


“Now now, I still haven’t decided which one. There are 3 of them you know. Their contributions and competence will help me decide who will sit in my good old swivel chair after I’ve retired.”


“Yes, of course.” A knock interrupted their conversation followed by a man wearing a formal suit approaching them.


“Sorry to interrupt Sir but it’s time. The investors are now on their way.”


“I see” The man stood up and offered his hand to the younger that also stood in front of him. “I enjoyed playing again with you Jungwoo. I may have lost today but we shall play again sometime. Maybe I will prepare some moves to help me have my first win against you.” Jungwoo smiled and shook his hand.


“You can call me anytime Sir. It’s my pleasure to play with you.” His boss patted his shoulder and went out with his other secretary.


Jungwoo was happy with their conversation today. Especially that his boss complimented him so much and even offered him a new job. He can feel his excitement and burning passion to do even better. He might even go over his basic notes from c

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I'm really sorry the update took so long but I think it's just 2 chapters left? So i'm really thankful for everyone that is reading this story, i'm not sure if it's good but I hope you guys are enjoying it. Thank you so much uwu


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161 streak #1
lucas looks so good :) anyway great fic ♡♡♡
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: I miss this fic! It was really good, keep up the work you are such an amazing author ♡ㅅ♡
Multigroupkpoptrash #3
Chapter 16: Im really invested in this story so far! You're an amazing author !
Chapter 16: This is really good but I know we're not getting sunshine and rainbows because it's still early to get happy when half of the things are unsaid. I hope they solve out every problem and obstacles.
I really love LuWoo.
I'M SO SOFT i cried omg?????? I literally need other chapters to survive and i can't wait for the next to come! ☺️ Thank you so much for writing this ur so talented. uwu
luwoow #6
Chapter 15: uwu. This is so soft.
luwoow #7
Chapter 14: Beautiful. Lucas love Jungwoo so fuc much. I cried.
Chapter 15: F-finally. We're getting a progress. Im so happy for them. Please don't let anything comes their way
Chapter 14: I was starting to tear up at the end, WTFFFFFFF. I can't take this anymore. Somebody please help me.
Chapter 14: Why are my eyes sweating so much???
This is just beautiful,Lucas is so fond of Jungwoo that it made me go all UWU