Wonderful places

Sheer Love

"Are you done?" he held his hand out helping me to get the last 3 steps down without tripping. Do I look good in my jeans? Don't I look to casual? Whatever,we are just going shopping. ~~~,relax. You don't want him to notice that you are nervous.

"Yes,oppa~" we got out of the house,heading to his car. i reached my hand out for the car door so I can get in,but Myungsoo was faster and opened the door for me. Stretching his hand to signal that I shall go in. I got in.

He made a round around the car to go to the other side. When got into the car he started the car and drove off.

"What do you want to do first when we go the mall?"

"I want to buy shoes!" I looked into his eyes he tunred his head to me but turned back to the road.

"Why shoes? Don't you have so many of them?"

"I'm a girl.I'm allowed to do that." I answered,already seeing the mall and getting all excited. He stopped the car and got out. Ohh..what a jerk not even opening my door. As I just wanted to open it by myself I saw the door openend by Myungsoo.

"Welcome,baby girl." I got out of the car holding his soft but manly hands.

We went to the entrance,looks like I only noticed it know but it's a sunny day.No rain but a warm breeze touching my skin. I looked to my right side. The wind is messing Myungsoo's hair up,but he still looks cute.

We went to a fancy shoe store everything looks so expensive.He has the money but I mean..everything here is over 500$.

"Oppa~ it looks expensive here. Let's go to an other store."

He replied "Nothing is expensive when it comes to you. I want you to be happy and help you to fulfill your dreams. Everything for you. Everything for your smile."

I nodded my head my eyes slightly wet,because of his sweet words.

-3hours later-

We finally finished shopping.Myungsoo made me try all shoes in the whole freakin store. That's why I ended up buying 7 pair of shoes. Oppa wants to go clothes shopping with me but I told him that I'm already to tired to do anything and said that we will do it tomorrow after school.


"LET'S GO CLOTHES SHOPPING!" Oppa sang after we got out of the store with 3 bags. People looked at us as if we were weirdos,I bowed my head signaling a 'I'm sorry but he's crazy'-look.

"Why are you so hyper?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I want to make you happy,aren't you? Have I done something wrong?" He was already about to kneel down infront of me begging me not to be angry.

"Oppa,I'm not angry,i'm totally happy. We don't need to go clothes shopping otday we still can do it tomorrow." He pouted and nodded.

"Okay" so we made our way to eat at a restaurant.

-End of Flashback-


"Pick everything you want" we are sitting in a restaurant right now.



for not updating for soooo looong >.< but here is the chapter !!

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and I Love Youuu~

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Jaelyntastic #1
@foreverisover Thank you for commenting :) and there will be more Myungsoox~~~xSunggyu moments soon ~
kyungsquishysoo #2
So im slow and finally listened to "all she knows" T_T i wanna cry lol it fits this story so well!... gyu fighting go capture her heart lol.
Jaelyntastic #3
@Korealiciouuus I'm wifey :p and I will <3
Hubby ! Update soon~ <3
Jaelyntastic #5
@Jun_Nica_ I will update very soon xD and Thank You ~
Yaaah! Hahahah lol jk xD
waiting for the next update ~~
Jaelyntastic #7
@foreverisover Thank You for commenting and I understand you. Myungsoo is a playboy :p
kyungsquishysoo #8
Ahhhhh omg!! So looking forward to the next chapter (: honestly I want her to end up with Gyu just because it seems like he will treat her well(not that myungsoo doesn't but ya :P)
Jaelyntastic #9
@PollyPop Thank you for commenting :) and the update is coming ~
PollyPop #10
Update soon~~~