About first love

Sheer Love

Your POV


I jumped onto his bed. Feeling comfortable.

"~~~,your phone is ringing!",he shouted from downstairs.

"I don't want to stand up! Give me my bag."

I heard him running up and my telephone ringing. "Here answer your phone!"

I took the phone accepting the call only to hear.. MiTae

"AYY GUUURL? WHAT YA DOIN? WHERE ARE YAA?",Taeyeon trying to sound all cool.

"Sorry ~~~ Tae is working on her english and well she had better days."Miyoung apologized

"Uhmm.. it's okay. I'm at Myung's right now. You know sleepover like the .. o-old times"I stuttered looking at the ceiling unaware of what Myungsoo is doing.

"Really? Sorry for disturbing. Be careful you what I mean. Man are all animals"

"I WANT NOBODEE NOBODEE BAT TSCHUU!",I hear Taeyeon singing at the background.

"Okay,I need to go now. Call you tomorrow? And tell Taeyeon that she's improving. Love you two."

"We love you too! Bye~",Miyoung said with her aegyo.

"Okay,what do we do-" I looked to Myungsoo to see him laying beside me reading my book...my book. Oh oh.. NOO!

"YAA,why are you reading this.This is private!" I tired to get my beloved quotes book back but it didn't work how I wanted it.

"How adorable you write your favorite quotes in here.So sweet"

"It's non of your business."

"Well,it is I'm your best friend for life so I'm allowed or let's say I must read this."

I gave up knowing that it's hopeless. Every single entry I write in this book are about love and friendship. But most of the quotes inside my little light blue book are quotes directed to Myungsoo. No one knows about this book beside 'MiTae'. MiTae have such books by themselves.Miyoung's is about betrayal,pain and trust while Taeyeon's is about hope and freedom. Sometimes when we are bored we like to read our favorites or newest quotes out.

"Let's read some of your quotes." Myungsoo mumbled.

" 'I' want you to know how I feel,but I can't find the words to tell you.' ",he looked into my eyes,"Are you in love with someone and I don't know about it?"

...with you."No,you already asked me. It's still a no." I lied

"Okay,if you say so.I trust you.Let's continure reading! This one looks good." I watched him from the side. Laying beside him just makes me happy. It makes me smile. Then he began to read my favourite quote...

" 'Maybe your first love is the one that sticks with you because it's the only person who will ever receive all of you. After that, you learn better. But, most of all, no matter what, a piece of you forever remains left behind in the heart of the one you loved - a piece no future lover could ever get, no mater what. That piece holds innocence - the belief that love really can last forever. It holds friendship and pain, trial and error, that one kiss you’ll never forget and that night under the stars you can never get back. It holds youth and everything you thought love would be. Everything that was proven wrong.' "

"I like that one" he finished up,smiling a sincere smile.

"Me too",I wisphered,"Oppa,what do you thing about first love and stuff?"

" I think that first love is real love. Many people say that it's silly and puppy love,but when you love someone you would do everything for this one person right? Even if it hurts it's okay because you are hoping that at the end everything will be happy so you think that the pain is worth it. First love is complicated and unforgettable,it makes you cry and smile."

"I agree.This quote even if I'm not in this situation right now or this didn't happen to me until now.I can relate to it maybe it's because one day I'm going to feel the same....or it's just because I'm so deeply and madly in love that I'm already so scared to be near the end."

"You told me you don't love anyone right now?"

"I-I only said this to test if you are really listening."

"Ahh,I get it.Let's sleep I'm really tired",I throw the book to the table beside him.

"Am I going to sleep here? Beside you on your bed?",I asked suspicious.

"Of course,like old times.",he hugged me so that my head was on his chest and his arms around me.

"Good NIght,best friend.Love you",he turned off the lights and putted the blankets over us.

I can feel his heartbeat,is it beating for me? I hope that one day it will. But I feel so far away from him right now even if I'm so near.






Hello :) I just wanted to write that I can't update daily anymore because I have a huge important exam before me. And I need to study .... a lot. But when I update,I'm going to update longer and more chapters. Most of the time I'm going to update on Wednesdays/Tuesdays and on weekends. I'm really sorry.I even hate myself right now.My readers are very important to me and I do hope that you guys will wait and are always looking forward to my next chappies. Once again I'm really really really so so so so sorry. I can't explain how sorry I am. But I'll always try my best to update when I can. Again.... I'm sorry,if I dissappointed,you. I'm so sorry.


And sorry for not updating for so long. >.<

And yesh,about the 'Maybe you first love..' - quote. I wanted to put it into the story. Because ~~~ is soon going to feel this way. And it's like a little hidden spoiler ^^
And it's one of my favourite quotes !

Sorry if it seems rushed.

Comment and Subscribe <3 ~


'brainyme's Story 'I've been praying for you'


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Jaelyntastic #1
@foreverisover Thank you for commenting :) and there will be more Myungsoox~~~xSunggyu moments soon ~
kyungsquishysoo #2
So im slow and finally listened to "all she knows" T_T i wanna cry lol it fits this story so well!... gyu fighting go capture her heart lol.
Jaelyntastic #3
@Korealiciouuus I'm wifey :p and I will <3
Hubby ! Update soon~ <3
Jaelyntastic #5
@Jun_Nica_ I will update very soon xD and Thank You ~
Yaaah! Hahahah lol jk xD
waiting for the next update ~~
Jaelyntastic #7
@foreverisover Thank You for commenting and I understand you. Myungsoo is a playboy :p
kyungsquishysoo #8
Ahhhhh omg!! So looking forward to the next chapter (: honestly I want her to end up with Gyu just because it seems like he will treat her well(not that myungsoo doesn't but ya :P)
Jaelyntastic #9
@PollyPop Thank you for commenting :) and the update is coming ~
PollyPop #10
Update soon~~~