Chapter 6

A Mate's Struggle

When they weren't busy using the last bit of their budget on getting food to last until Hongseob came back from Italy, everyone was planning on making a working plan to get Cory back to South Korea to see his parents so he could say goodbye.

Kisu sat in front of the computer talking with Cory on Skype, checking up on him and seeing how things were in America. "Jimin's not letting you come over still huh?" He asked as he looked for plane tickets. "No," Cory said, sighing. "I know you're looking for plane tickets but don't look for them yet," he said. "It's better to look now then later because of how tricky it is to get last minute plane tickets," said Kisu as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess," said Cory as he shrugged.

"I think I'd risk your insanity right now," mumbled Kisu as he sighed. "It's not worth it Kisu," said Cory as he shook his head. "I guess," said Kisu. "Where is everyone else at?" Asked Cory. "Jinhong took Youngjae and Jooheon out to go get food, we're using the last of our budget to get food," said Kisu. "You got down to the bare minimum eh?" Asked Cory. Kisu nodded. "The only things we have to pay for other than food is internet and phone bills," he said. "Kris took care of everything else," he said. "That's good at least," said Cory.

"When are Jeonguk and Changsun coming back?" He asked. "I think tomorrow," said Kisu. "Joshua transferred some money into our account since he wanted them to check on Seungkwan and Vernon," he said. "How much?" Asked Cory. "It's equivalent to about 300 US dollars," said Kisu. "We're using that for internet and phone bills," he said. "I'd send you some money but I'd have to ask Changkhyun," said Cory. "Don't worry," said Kisu. "We'll manage something, Hongseob should be back from Italy soon," he said.

"How's things with Jaejoong?" Asked Cory as he listened to something happening outside the room he was in. "He hasn't done anything yet," said Kisu. "But we're waiting on when something happens, I know he's up to something considering how we've been followed after every trip outside the house," he said. "I wish I was there to help," said Cory. "Don't worry," said Kisu. "We'll be fine," he said. "If worse comes to worse I'll move everyone to Seoul," he said.

Cory turned his head when the door opened, quickly waving to Kisu before hanging up, leaving Kisu to lean back in his chair with a sigh. I'll be able to Skype again in an hour, keep your phone on, was the text that Kisu soon got. Kisu grumbled some before getting up, putting his phone in his pocket before heading into the kitchen to find something to eat while checking the group chats he was in to see what new things were happening.

There was a knock on the door and Kisu quickly looked at the chats to see who was coming home before looking cautious as he went over to look in the peep hole. He scrambled backwards, nearly dropping his phone as he fell onto his back. "How the hell?" He asked himself as he got to his feet and texted the group chat telling them to hurry back before rushing upstairs to open the window and look down at the person below.

"What do you want?" He asked in Korean before repeating it in English. "Ah, Vernon didn't tell you I was coming?" Asked the person on the ground. "My Japanese is rusty as hell," grumbled Kisu as he sighed. He checked the chat he was in with Vernon and Seungkwan wondering if they knew this person. He soon got an answer and Kisu blinked. "Oh, erm," he said. "State your faction," he called in what broken Japanese he could muster up. "Joshua's," said the person as he held up the pocketwatch. Kisu used his phone to zoom in on said pocketwatch with the camera to be sure before going back downstairs and opening the door.

"Daniel I presume?" He asked as he tilted his head to the side. "Yeah," said Daniel as he spoke in English. "You could've said something in English," Kisu said with a sigh as he let Daniel in. "Sorry, my Korean is very limited and English isn't my first language," said Daniel as he walked in with Kisu closing the door behind him.

"What brings you here?" Kisu asked Daniel as he went back into the kitchen to get something to eat. "Erm, I came here because Hongseob asked me to be on his team," said Daniel. "Hongseob, taking on a team? He hasn't taken on a team since his famous attack on Italy in the 60's," said Kisu. "I assume he's on his way back then," he said. "Yeah," said Daniel. "He found his pure blood mate in a friend of mine, Woojin," he said. "Well that explains the selfie we were sent earlier," grumbled Kisu as he checked his phone again.

Jinhong rushed through the door ready to fight as he held up his fists. "Where's the enemy?" He asked. "Relax, Daniel's on Hongseob's team," said Kisu as he peeked his head through the kitchen doorway. "Did you get food?" He asked. "Yes," said Jinhong as he ran out to grab the food with Youngjae and Jooheon coming in with their own bags.

"What's this about Hongseob taking on a team?" Asked Jinhong as he helped put groceries away. "He found his pure blood mate in Italy I presume and since he was already on a team with Daniel here he got invited onto their team," said Kisu as he went to work on dinner since it was his turn to cook.

"I do speak English," said Daniel as he shrugs. "Oh good, another person we can understand!" Said Youngjae. Daniel blinked. "I guess," he said, chuckling some. Kisu shook his head in amusement. "Well, don't mind them, we try to teach them Korean," he said, chuckling some. "It's the thought that counts," said Daniel as he shrugs.

Hongseob and the others returned after dinner, joking around and having fun. Kisu and the others were in the livingroom having a poker tournament, with Jinhong being the dealer. No one wanted to face against Jinhong in cards since Kisu taught them how to play dummy so Jinhong was stuck as dealer.

"Who's winning?" Asked Jeonguk as he sat beside Kisu. "I am," said Youngjae as he pointed to his pile of poker chips. "Not for long," said Daniel as he laid out his hand. "Royal flush," he said. "Damn," said Kisu as he threw down his cards. "Screw you and your luck with poker," he said. Daniel chuckled. "Hey, he's always been good at card games," said Woojin as he grinned.

"Should join the poker tournament in Vegas sometime," said Kisu as he backed out, having run out of money. "I have," said Daniel. "So much to the point where they started banning me from entering," he said, snickering.

"Good to have you guys back," Kisu said, patting Jeonguk on the shoulder as he got up. Jeonguk chuckled some. "Just in time for our vampire hunter to come back with us," he said. Hongseob beamed. "Got enough to last us a few more years," he said.

"How much?" Asked Jinhong as he passed out cards. "Equivalent to 300 thousand US dollars," said Hongseob. "Three people?" Asked Kisu. Hongseob nodded. "These two ended up coming back with me since they don't have a pack," he said.

"Figured we'd help out," said Woojin as he joined in the poker game after grabbing some poker chips and taking Kisu's place. "You don't really have much of an impact here unlike in Seoul but since we're with Joshua's faction we might keep Jaejoong off your back for a little while longer," he said. "It'd be appreciated," said Jeonguk as he nodded. "Vernon and Seungkwan can't do much since Joshua's faction is still new," he said.

"What are you discussing now?" Asked Daniel. "Why we came back instead of having Hongseob join us," said Woojin. "Oh yeah," said Daniel as he folded, shaking his head. "I got this one," said Youngjae as he threw down his hand. "Screw you too," said Jooheon as he pouted. Jinhong couldn't help but laugh as Youngjae grabbed the poker chips. "And you call me the card shark," he said.

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