Chapter 20

A Mate's Struggle

Cory finally got to go home, back to Daegu with the others. Jeongin and Kihyun went with him as Kisu, Youngjae and Jooheon got ready for their trip to France after returning to South Korea.

"You know, it feels great to be back here again," said Jisung as Kisu laid down in his bed. "Mm," said Kisu. "Don't try to deny it Kisu, I know you were feeling homseick," said Jisung. Kisu chuckled some. "You know me so well," he said with sarcasm. Jisung grinned as he flopped down on the old mattress he had found and brought back to the building.

"Kisu," called Cory. "I'm in my room," called Kisu as he didn't move. Cory came into the room, looking at Kisu. "Can I lay with you?" He asked. "Sure," said Kisu as he patted the spot beside him. Cory went to lay down beside Kisu, sighing a bit. "Where'd the others go?" Asked Kisu. "Jeonguk took Jeongin, Kihyun, Jinhong and Changsun out to the mall, Hongseob and Woojin are in their room, and Youngjae and Jooheon are watching a movie downstairs," said Cory.

"When do you want to go see your parents?" Asked Kisu. "I have all the time in the world," mumbled Cory. "But I think I'll head out in the next couple days," he said. "I don't think he's ready just yet," said Jisung. Kisu hummed in response as he nodded.

"When are you guys going to France?" Asked Cory. "I don't know," Kisu said, sighing a bit. "That is up to Youngjae at this point, I don't want to push him even though Jisung's been wanting to see Chan and the others," he said. Cory nodded.

"I've been patient," said Jisung, causing Kisu to chuckle. "Sure, patient," mumbled Kisu. Cory chuckled and sighed. "I feel calm around you Kisu," he said. "Probably because I have your wolf," said Kisu. "Probably," said Cory. "Does he miss me, or rather my wolf self?" Asked Jisung. "Do you miss him?" Asked Kisu. Cory hummed in response. "I guess I do," he said. "I feel a longing of sorts towards you but we all know you've completed your circle and I haven't completed mine yet," he said.

"It's not a mate bond, it's your wolf calling to you," said Kisu. "Maybe in a way we're meant to be together as friends," he said. Cory nodded. "Have you seen Hyungwon since he came back?" He asked. Kisu nodded. "I got to talk to him on the phone a couple days back," he said. "Jisung wanted to talk to Minho so I got to talk to Hyungwon for a little bit," he said. "That's good," said Cory.

"We're home," called Jeonguk. Kisu forced his body to get up and head downstairs with Cory following after him. Hongseob and Woojin joined them downstairs where Jinhong had bags of food for everyone. "It was my turn to cook apparently," Jinhong explained. "So we got take out for everyone," he said. "Ah, cool," said Kisu as he went to get his share of food before sitting down on the couch beside Youngjae and snuggling into his side. Youngjae chuckled and Jooheon went to get food for himself and Youngjae. Cory shook his head and went to sit on the love seat with everyone else crowding around the coffee table to eat dinner.

Jinhong and Hongseob went outside after dinner, going for a small walk before having to come in for bed. Kisu let Jisung out after dinner so he could spend some time with Jeongin as Jeongin dragged Jisung out to the park to watch the sunset. Kihyun and Cory tagged along, Cory to be near his wolf and Kihyun to keep an eye on Jeongin.

"You coming to France with us or are you going home?" Asked Jisung as he turned to Jeongin. "Ah, I think I'll head home, I'll see Chan when we head over there for an Italy run or something," said Jeongin. "I haven't been contacted about missions yet but," he said, shrugging. "I wasn't as close to Chan as everyone else," he said, scratching the back of his head.

They reached the park and Jeongin flopped down in the grass, a content sigh escaping him. Jisung chuckled some. "I'm sorry," Jeongin said, chuckling some. Kihyun shook his head in amusement. "When do you want to head back to the states?" Asked Jeongin. "I need the break from everyone for a bit," said Kihyun. "I guess we'll head back after Kisu and them head off to France," he said. "Granted we're still welcome then," he said. "Don't worry," said Cory. "Jeonguk is very understanding despite his tough exterior," he said.

Cory got a text an hour later, and he checked his phone. "Ah, we're needed back at the house," he said, standing. "Man," said Jeongin. "We weren't even here that long," he said, sighing as he stood. Jisung chuckled some as he stood. "Leave it to the youngest to not want to go home yet," he said. "Hush," whined Jeongin as Kihyun and Cory stood. "Well, let's go then," said Jisung as he headed home with the others following after him.

Once home Jisung changed and Kisu soon stood in his place. "Warn a guy first will you?" Asked Kisu as he stumbled, nearly falling flat on his face. He heard Jisung snicker as he went to sit on the couch and stare up at the sky.

"Ah, sorry to call you guys back early but Hobi got a mission for Jeongin," said Jeonguk. "Back in the states?" Asked Jeongin. Jeonguk nodded. Jeongin huffed before nodding. "Where am I going?" He asked. "LAX," said Jeonguk. "They'll meet you there," he said. "Get packed and Woojin and Hongseob will take you to Incheon," he said. "You're lucky we got missions too," said Woojin as he scratched the back of his head. "Alright," said Jeongin before he went to get packed. After he was packed, Jeongin left with Woojin and Hongseob.

The next few days were spent with a comfortable silence between Cory and Kihyun. Nothing was ever heard from Jimin yet but they were comfortable around each other. Kisu was there to provide support, and Jisung was there to keep things in line and keep Cory calm. Youngjae and Jooheon were planning the trip to France but weren't going until Cory had gone to say goodbye to his parents before finalizing everything.

It was about a week after Jeongin left that Cory made the decision to go say goodbye to his parents. After getting the correct address to the cemetery from Moonbin Kisu drove him out to it, being there as a friend and as a brother. Jisung wasn't ready for this either, since he was technically Cory's wolf but he would push passed it for now.

"Losing a parent is hard to go through," said Jisung as he wandered around the city that was Kisu's mind. Kisu hummed in response as he drove. "What's Jisung talking about?" Asked Cory. "How hard it is to go through losing one's parents," said Kisu. "As he's walking through downtown of my mind," he added, sighing a bit. "Mm," said Cory.

"Here we are," said Kisu as he pulled up to the curb. "Ready?" He asked as he put the truck in park before turning off the ignition. "No, but let's go anyway," said Cory as he got out of the truck with a map in his hand that showed where exactly the gravestones were. Kisu followed after him as Cory followed the map.

When Cory found them he fell to his knees in front of the stone. "I can't believe it took me this long to find you two again," he mumbled as Kisu stood behind him, bowing his head in respect.

"I'm sorry it took so long... I'm so... Sorry," Cory said as he started sobbing into the ground as he bowed in front of the gravestones. "I wish I was there after the war," he said. "I wish I was there to see you one last time," he said. He continued sobbing as Kisu put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"He can't forget that pain, but we can help him move on," said Jisung as he found himself in front of some gravestones that he saw belonged to what he presumed was Kisu's own parents. "It'll be easier on him, and you it seems," he said. "We'll help him, me as his wolf and you as a brother and best friend," he said.

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