Flowers and letters

MiMo one shots
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A strong feeling of attraction for someone that is usually not expressed and does not last for a long time. 

Crush is the word Momo always say whenever Sana asked her and today is just another day with the same question except it has  been four years ever since Sana starts asking. 

"I told you Sana I don't like her! Okay. She's pretty, cool, smart, elegant, has a voice that of an angel and a very pleasant personality but I don't like her, she's just my crush-" Momo answered she was busy denying her liking on the said girl that she started spouting nonsense that doesn't support her stand, so much for not liking the girl. 

"For the past four years yeah~" Sana mocks

"Still I don't-"

"Hi Mina" Sana greeted that Momo immediately look behind her only to see not even a glimpse of Mina.

"Don't do that!" Momo slaps the laughing Sana on the shoulder

"Ow! Hahaha you're so cute when you're flustered" Sana comments as she pinched the sulking Momo's cheeks.

"Hahaha funny" Momo sarcastically replied as she pushed pass by Sana but she got off balance she was about to fall face flat but a soft hand manages to catch her as jasmine scent filled her nostrils and Momo already have an idea who it was. 

"Be careful~" A soft voice said guiding her to stand up, that's when she get to see the persons face. 

"A-ah y-yeah t-thanks" Momo said as she bowed before quickly getting away from Mina, scared that the girl might hear the loud thumping of her heart. 

"Are you okay?" Sana asked her when Mina is gone. 


"You looked like you've seen a ghost when you come face to face with her hahaha then you completely turned into a blushing mess" Sana said mocking her earning yet another slap. 

"Did I really do that?? " Momo asked in disbelief since she thought she was composed and cool earlier. 

"Yup so much for not liking her huh?"

"Shut up!"


"Another confession?" Sana asked when she sees Momo looking down on the park near their building then she saw the pain on Momo's face, curious, she looks toward where her friend is looking to see Mina getting confessed at. 

"Don't look at it if you're hurting" Sana said and Momo turned to look at her. 

"Hurting? Psh! It's just a petty crush" Momo told her as she started to walk away laughing but Sana knows too well. 

Sana followed Momo and told her what comes to her mind. 

"Why don't you confess?" She asked and if Momo were drinking she would've spit it right on Sana's face. 

"Confess what? You're making me laugh" Momo denies as she awkwardly laughs. 

"But Mo-" Sana tried to talk it out but Momo is just stubborn, she covered her ears starts to make a noise and run away from Sana not wanting to hear any of it but she also didn't hear Sana telling her to watch out that she bumped into someone. 

"Ow!" The person winced as Momo toppled over her, Momo quickly sit up and helped the person. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to- really I'm sorry are you hurt?" Momo asked the girl who was dusting her uniform off. 

"We really have a way to meet each other huh? Momo-chan" Mina said with a smile and Momo couldn't help but to blush. 

"She knows my name!" She squealed inside. 

"Y-you know me?" 

"Of course, you are Hirai Momo the dancing machine, oh sorry let me introduce myself, I'm Myoui Mina nice to meet you" Mina smiled as she offers her hand for a handshake. 

"Nice to meet you" Momo said smiling back as she accepts the handshake. 

"I'll be late for my class see ya later" Mina bid goodbye before walking away.

"Sana, did you see that? She knows my name!" Momo squeals while shaking her friend 

"Uhh congrats?"

Momo keeps coughing and Sana noticed that it doesn't go away. 

"How long have you been coughing? " Sana asked Momo's cough is just so hard it seems like she'll c

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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 3: nerd Momo and whipped mitang ahhaha full story authornim hehe cute
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 2: can i have a refund? haha poor jimin
Chapter 18: Gonna read your other works then! Thanks for the one-shots and short stories <3
Chapter 17: i'm suffering from broken heart syndrome omg :-(
Chapter 16: Ah this was so good! I'm glad there was a part two where everything wrapped up perfectly :-D
Chapter 14: Jealous Mina 🥺🥺
Chapter 12: Cute <3
Chapter 11: I wouldn't mind a sequel to this lol