Sometimes an Idiot

MiMo one shots
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Mina is smart, kind and nice but there was this time she messed up big time. 


It was saturday in the afternoon Mina was lying on her bed, playing on her phone when her roommate/best friend Tzuyu barge on their shared room hands covering her face as the girl buries her head on the bed right next to Mina's, faint sobs could be heard from the latter. 

Mina instinctively put her phone down and went over the tall girl, sitting on the bed, besides the girl. 

"Hey~ why are you crying?" She asked rubbing circles around the girl's back,Tzuyu got up from the bed and dive in for a hug as she continued to cry on Mina's shoulder.

"Shhh~ come on you can tell me Tzuyu-ah" Mina coed trying to calm the younger girl.

"M-Momo unnie b-broke up with m-me" Tzuyu replied between her sobs and Mina was shocked at the news for Momo and Tzuyu only got together three days ago.

"It's okay let it all out"


Two days have past and Tzuyu was miserable while this girl Momo has no trace of sadness in her, smiling and all as she accepts a gift from a girl.

"Damn! Hirai got a girl again" a guy said and Mina can't help but to eavesdrop.

"And have you heard that she dumped that gorgeous girl from business department Chou Tzuyu for another" The other guy said and this news enraged Mina.

With a clenched fist she was about to go to the girl and give her a piece of her mind but she stops on the midway, inhaling deeply and releasing a sigh.

"I can't create a scene here that would be bad for my image" She told herself as she thinks of a way to get back on the short haired girl.

"It should be subtle yet painful" she said, taking her books from her locker and for the rest of the day her head was occupied by things that'll hurt the other girl.

"Aha! I knew it!" Mina mused after a whole day of brainstorming she finally had an idea.

"Since breaking my Tzuyu's heart is her crime, the punishment for her would be the same" Mina thought a smirk creeping on her face as she enter her shared room with Tzuyu.

"Feeling better now Chewy?" Mina asked the girl who was laying on the bed, reading a book and the taiwanese girl replied with a weak nod making Mina sigh and more determined to establish her plan.

"You'll get over her soon" Mina told the latter.

"I hope so" Tzuyu replied and Mina gave her a kiss on the cheek before going to her study table. 

"Don't worry I'll make her feel the things you're feeling now ten folds or more" Mina whispered before taking her newly bought notepad. 

Mission 101: Break Hirai's Heart

Mina jotted down on her notes and proceeded to make a list of things she'll do. 

• Make her notice me 

During Mina's vacant time she usually go up the rooftop to dance for her to relieve stress while doing her routine she heard things that fall down making her look at where the sound came from, to find a girl who frantically picking up the stack of food and bottled soda that fell down when the girl successfully picks her things up she was in a hurry to get out causing her to trip and fall. 

"Ow!" The girl winced and Mina hurriedly came to her. 

"Hey you alright?" Mina asked the girl and to her surprise it was Momo. 

"Didn't know I'll be able to meet her sooner than expected"

"Y-yeah, sorry I interrupted your business" Momo apologized and Mina didn't expect her to have a cute voice. 

"No, it's fine" Mina replied and they stare apply t each other for a couple of minutes before Momo broke the eye contact. 

"I better get going" Momo said and was about to stand up but Mina noticed her scraped knee. 

"Wait you're hurt" Mina told her. 

"I am?" The girl asked while tilting her head sidewards making Mina chuckle. 

"Yes you are silly, come here" Mina said then pulled Momo towards her bag where the first aid kit is. 

"Sit there" Mina told her pointing at one of the stool. 

"N-no I'm fine you don't-" Momo tried to reason out but Mina didn't listen and pulled her down. 

"We have to tend it, you might get infection" Mina mused then proceeded to clean the wound. 

"Why were you in a hurry anyway?" Mina tried to start a conversation to get to know the latter more. 

"I-umm I thought no one is here but when I saw you I was startled and decided to go out but my food fell down" Momo said looking down .

"So it was partially my fault" Mina told her causing the girl to look up in panic. 

"No, I didn't mean it that way I- I was just.."

"Don't worry I was just kidding" Mina said finding the pout on the other girls face cute. 

"There it's done"

"Thanks uhmm"

"Mina, Myoui Mina and you are?" Mina asked to make sure she isn't planning anything under her skin. 

"Hirai Momo, nice to meet you Mitang" Momo said with a smile. 

"Mitang?" Mina asked then Momo realizes what she did making her blush in embarrassment. 

"S-sorry it was just a habit of mine"

"That's a cute habit of yours I can say" Mina told her flashing a gummy smile at the latter and Mina noticed the red tint on the latter's cheeks.

"I should get going" Momo told her as she picks her stack of food. 

"No it's fine you can stay here"

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you"

"It's fine" Mina told her and Momo stayed, taking one of the soda then handling it to Mina. 

"Here, thank you for tending my wound and for letting me stay" Momo said smiling widely at Mina. 


Mina took the soda and opened it but due to the fall from earlier, the soda was shaken causing the pressure to build up and with that, the beverage splattered on Mina's face. 

Mina's brows started to twitch in annoyance but she calmed herself. 

"Be nice Mina be nice" she chants

"Oh my! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" Momo told her in panic taking out her hanky and wiping off the liquid on Mina's face. 

"It's fine, I feel refreshed" 

• Be her friend 

Mina isn't fond of rainy days, she hated the wet roads, the puddles and the mud but todays rainy day isn't like any other, she was thankful that it rain and was even more thankful when Momo didn't bring any umbrella with her. 

"Hi! Momo" Mina charmingly greeted the girl and Momo replied with a bright smile

"Hey~ Mina"

"Mina? I thought my name is Mitang" Mina asked successfully making the girl blush. 

"Stop.. It's embarrassing me~" Momo whines making Mina laugh

"Sorry-sorry*chuckles* who are you waiting for?" Mina asked Momo as the girl look in front hoping the rain would stop soon. 

"The rain~ I forgot to bring any umbrella with me" The girl said and Mina swear she saw her pout. 

"Let's go, I have one" Mina said taking out the umbrella from her bag.

"Ahh no I'm fine" Momo refuse waving both her hand to emphasize her disapproval. 

"Ouch! You're rejecting me again" Mina told her while clutching on her chest acting hurt and Momo's eyes widen as she shakes her head. 

"No it's not like that, it just felt like that I'm burdening you everytime we meet" Momo honestly confessed, eyes on the floor finding it interesting as flashbacks of her either bumping or spilling things at Mina- it was all planed of course but Momo didn't suspect one bit. 

"Not at all Momo*chuckles* after all those absurd meetings, I consider you as my friend. Do you?" Mina asked

"Of course the moment you tend my scraped knee" Momo giggles

"That's why we should get going, the rain doesn't look like it'll stop any time soon"

"If you insist" Momo finally give in and Mina opened her umbrella. 

"Which building do you live Momoring?"


"Mine is A" Mina said as they started to walk carefully, under the rain so that they don't get wet. After hearing what Mina said Momo abruptly stops and she was about to get wet luckily Mina stops too.

"Ehh!? That building's way is the opposite of mine"

"It's not far from my building though" Mina reasoned out and seeing that she can't change Mina's mind, she just carry on and walk with Mina pulling her every now and then to avoid her from getting wet.

Mina and Momo was about to reach building C completely dry and away from the disgusting mud but then things happen, a speeding car pass by them, run over a huge puddle of water and successfully soaking them with both girls letting out a distressed groan, glaring at the car hoping it'll blow up.

"Just great" Momo grumbled at the sight of their clothes. 

"Luckily we reached your building, I should get going now"

"Wait! You are going in that? Come in I'll lend you some clothes" Momo said pulling Mina in. 

"No, I'm fine my buildin-"

"Ouch! You're rejecting me" Momo said completely mimicking Mina's action from earlier making Mina giggle. 

"Touché" Mina said and so they both entered the building with the receptionist glaring at both of them for taking muds in.

When they entered Momo's room Mina almost got blind from the pinkness of the room.

"Didn't know she was this girlie" Mina thought as she looks around.

"Hi! Moguri- I see you brought another girl" Someone said and that's the only time Mina noticed the person laying on the bed.

"Haha funny Sana" Momo sarcastically said as she rummage through her closet.

"Mina go take a shower first I'll just hand you the clothes, there's a fresh set of towels on the top-shelf, I'll just have mine on one of my friends room".

"Another girl huh?" Mina scoff in her head as she made her way towards the bathroom to take a shower, little after that Momo handed her clothes.

Both of them finished taking a bath almost at the same time.

"Where's you're friend- Sana? Am I right?" Mina asked as she combed her hair with her brush.

"She stayed at the room next door, disturbing the lives of the people there" Momo said eliciting a chuckle from Mina.

"The rain got stronger, you should stay here for awhile and I'll make us some ramyun. You can stay at my bed" Momo mused as she walks towards the kitchen.

And so Mina stayed, it is a great opportunity for her to get to know the girl more, and her staying at Momo's were followed.

• Make her fall 

With the days of them together Momo had gotten comfortable with Mina.

"Mitang~" Momo called they were currently at the farthest corner of the library since Mina doesn't wanna risk the chances of her getting caught hanging out with Momo by Tzuyu.

"What?" Mina asked eyes still on the pages of the book but she heard no response from Momo so she looked at the girl.

"Nothing" Momo said through her giggles, making Mina playfully roll her eyes then she proceeded to read her book again.

"Mina~" Momo called again this time Mina turn and look at her in the eye while leaning closer with Momo leaning back. 

"Uhm.. I think you're getting too close" Momo muttered but Mina only showcased a smirk at her. 

"Okay stop! I won't be bothering you anymore" Momo told her only then Mina stops leaning in, she even heard Momo heave a sigh and a smile crept on Mina's face knowing she have an effect on Momo. 

"Mi-" Momo was about to call her again but someone interrupted her. 

"Hi Momo" Someone greeted and Mina instinctively diverted her eyes from the book to look at who that person is, and it's Seulgi the leader of the schools volleyball team. 

"Hi" Momo greeted back with a smile

"Umm... I was wondering if I can take you out on a date" Seulgi said as she sits on the other side of Momo a little too close for Mina's liking. 

Mina looks at Momo and she notices that the girl is uncomfortable but Momo hides it with a sm

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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 3: nerd Momo and whipped mitang ahhaha full story authornim hehe cute
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 2: can i have a refund? haha poor jimin
Chapter 18: Gonna read your other works then! Thanks for the one-shots and short stories <3
Chapter 17: i'm suffering from broken heart syndrome omg :-(
Chapter 16: Ah this was so good! I'm glad there was a part two where everything wrapped up perfectly :-D
Chapter 14: Jealous Mina 🥺🥺
Chapter 12: Cute <3
Chapter 11: I wouldn't mind a sequel to this lol