The Vamp

MiMo one shots
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Momo stayed alone in her grandfather's mansion to watch over it, after her gramps got admitted to the hospital due to some complications only old people acquire, that got Momo wondering since her gramps was still strong a few weeks ago.

She really doesn't want to stay in this old looking huge house if it weren't for her Mother threatening her and even took it as far as saying she'll put all of her barbies on garage sale. Momo find the house creepy, like she wasn't the only one there that's why at night she will sleep really early to avoid encountering any entities.

Until one night Momo woke up around two am, feeling the sudden urge to pee but the bathroom is on the farthest corner of the dark hallways where Momo wouldn't dare to go and downstairs near the kitchen, even if Momo was so scared she couldn't hold her pee anymore, so with a little courage Momo got up from the bed and got out of her room.

"It's still not three so I think the ghost and demons haven't spawn yet, you can do this Momo!" She encourage herself and with a fast pace she quickly got down the stairs praying to God.

When she got down there was a faint light coming from the kitchen, probably from the refrigerator. Did her Mom got home? Momo walks toward the kitchen.

"Mom, how's gramp-" she stop from her tracks when she sees a slender figure rummaging on their fridge who by now halt it's movement, she was sure it wasn't her Mom nor her older sister.

"Who are you?" They both said one out of fright while the other was lace with coldness.

"What are you doing in my/our house?" They asked each other again.

"What do you mean your house? This is my grampa's property!"  Momo said in full authorization although she was hella scared inside who knows it might be a burglar or worst a murderer.

"Grampa? Who is this grampa? I didn't sell my house to anyone" the other girl said her voice soft yet it could still sent shivers down anyone's spine.

"Sekai Hirai the owner of this house" Momo answered as she discreetly reach out for the vase.

"I suggest that you put my 15th century vase down" Momo's eyes widen when she heard the girl said from behind and she could feel the air coming from the girl, Momo got so overwhelmed by the fear, she fainted and piss her pants.


Momo woke up in an unfamiliar room, wearing an unfamiliar clothes, she looked around and found the reason why she fainted.

"W-who are you? Where am I? What are you? Where's my clothes?" Momo bombarded the girl clad in a long black cloak, hair cascading right below her chest, dark mysterious aura surrounding her.

"I'm Myoui Mina, you're in my room, I'm a vampire, and you're clothes are at the laundry since you peed yourself" the girl named Mina answered all the question but what only registered to Momo was the fact that she peed herself and the fact that this tresspasser changed her clothes, Momo widen her eyes as she checked her undie, it was changed too.

"Get out of here you ert!!!" Momo screams as she throws the night lamp at the girl who immediately catches it and placed it back to where it was in just a second.

"I would appreciate it if you stop trying to throw my stuffs" Mina said as she turn to look at Momo, her face held no emotion then  it down to Momo that this girl right here is a vampire that could the life out of her.

Releasing an ear piercing scream Momo jumped out of the huge bed and run out of the first door she sees but as soon as she opens it there was no platform to step on and so she almost fell to her death since the room was located at the top of the three storey mansion, luckily for her vampires are fast so Mina was able to catch her.

"Geez! Stupid human beings" Mina hissed as she pulled Momo back and put her to sit on the bed.

"Please don't my blood! I don't wanna die yet" Momo cried out desperate to keep her life as Mina roll her eyes.

"Where is Sekai?" Mina asked and Momo's eyes widens will her gramps be murdered and turned into stew?? No this can't be.

"No! Do not hurt my grandfather he's old and sick? You stay away from him!" Momo was really scared but she needed to protect her gramps

"He's old and sick? Oh I forgot you all are a decaying bunch of carbons" Mina said out loud and Momo was offended.

"Yah! Why are-"

"Since he's gone you'll replace him, go get me strawberries" Mina commanded and Momo swears she hates vampires.

"Who do you think you are? Doesn't mean you're a vampire and all you can just do whatever you like?" Momo reprimanded as she continuosly shoved Mina with her index finger, Mina just looked at Momo this was the very first time somebody did this to her.

"Just so you know we humans are hmmm!! Hmmm!" In a just a snap of Mina's fingers Momo's mouth was shut.

"Geez! Why are you humans so noisy?" Mina asked but Momo remained mum since she can't open , Mina looks at her for more seconds before letting her open her sealed lips again and as soon as Momo could.

"It's my mouth I can be noisy if I-" Momo shuts this time when Mina came dashing to her in a blinding speed now face to face with Momo, Mina bare her fangs.

"Another word and I'll have you instead" Mina whispered and Momo had a goosebumps, Momo decided to get the strawberries but stops when she opens the door and everything is still dark, she turn to look at Mina.

"I'm scared" She said and Mina could only face palm.

"Why are you so useless?" Mina asked and Momo could only pout.

"What can I do I'm scared of the dark, who knows what's in there?" Momo reasoned out and Mina walks towards her slowly, eyes seems like it was staring right in the depths of Momo's soul.

"So you're not scared of me?" Mina asked her.

"S-sort of? You know my grampa and he managed to live till now so I think you won't h-harm me" Momo squeaks feeling small in front of the girl.

"What makes you think that?" Mina asked as she acted as if she'll pounce on Momo and in fear Momo formed a cross using her hands.

"In the name of Jesus!" She yells closing her eyes and when she opens them the girl was gone.

"Whoa! It works amazing-" 

"Are you always this stupid?" Mina asked from behind her making Momo jump and let out a shriek.

"Would you stop that!" Momo told her while she clutches her thumping heart.

"I want you gone as soon as the light shines" The girl said before she disappear from Momo's sight, opening and closing of the door was heard.

"Tch! Who does she thinks she is, I'm a vampire! Blah blah blah!" Momo mocks as she looks around the spacious room, everything was black.

"It looks like it's owned by an emo teenager going thru puberty" Momo said as she looks around, there were many books but what caught Momo's attention wa

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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 3: nerd Momo and whipped mitang ahhaha full story authornim hehe cute
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 2: can i have a refund? haha poor jimin
Chapter 18: Gonna read your other works then! Thanks for the one-shots and short stories <3
Chapter 17: i'm suffering from broken heart syndrome omg :-(
Chapter 16: Ah this was so good! I'm glad there was a part two where everything wrapped up perfectly :-D
Chapter 14: Jealous Mina 🥺🥺
Chapter 12: Cute <3
Chapter 11: I wouldn't mind a sequel to this lol