I Will

MiMo one shots
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Sequel for "I Should Have"




I learned from her mom that Momo is suffering from selective amnesia, the funny thing is she remembered everything...everything except me and all the memories I was in, maybe this is my punishment for treating her as if she's nothing, for being an . I've hurt her so much to the point that I was obliterated from her mind-


"Mina~ don't cry" Sana cooed as she rubs my back we are currently seated on the bench in front of Momo's room.


"How can I not when she doesn't remember a thing about me?" 


"Hey, the doctor said that this might be temporary she'll remember you" Sana tried to give assurance but the negative thoughts kept on creeping its way up to my mind


"And if she does, she'll remember how much of a jerk I am-"


"Myoui Mina! What are you saying!? Do you really think Momo is like that? Ok.. Let's just say she remembered you then hates you.. Can you make everything right if you just mop around? No! You don't so stop sulking and get inside there" Sana told me as she wipes my face, I heave a deep breath, she's right. I need to fix everything, I stood up and fix myself. 


"Yah! Where are you going? Her room is this way" Sana asked when I walk passed Momo's door, I smiled. 


"Won't I look bad if I entered without a gift or something?"


"That's my girl! Let's go I'll accompany you"




I bought her fresh fruits and a cake, I was about to buy her more but Sana said I should save it for the other days, oh and I also bought a bouquet of daffodils, I knock twice before I entered her room, her parents were there and they gave me their welcoming smile while Momo looked at me wondering who I was.


"Why~ how sweet of you dear" Her Mom said as I settled the cake and fruits on the table then I handed the flowers to her.


"For you Momo"


"Thank you... Uhhmm.." She trailed off


"It's Mina, Myoui Mina" I introduced myself to her, and she gave me a small smile.


"Momo is it alright if we leave you for a while? There's an urgent meeting we have to go to" Her dad asked and Momo nodded.


"I'll be fine dad, you can go"


"Are you sure?" Her Mom asked not wanting  to leave


"It's fine Mom and you've been here three days straight you need to wash up" Momo joked 


"How dare you speak to your Mom like that young lady?"


"I'm just kidding"


"Love, don't scold your daughter she just woke up" Her dad said chuckling at the both of them and I can't help but to smile at the sight


"Mina can you accompany our princess, we have an urgent meeting to go too" Her Dad asked me to and I nodded, I am more than delighted to take care of her.


"Yes sir"


"Thank you, we'll be leaving now take care princess, Mom and Dad loves you." Then they kissed her forehead.


"I love you too, be safe" 


"Hey~ how are you feeling?" I asked trying to break the awkwardness, God! Starting a conversation is hard... How can she do this?


"I'm fine, thank you for asking" She said with formality after that silence engulfed the place and there's a pang of hurt in my heart.. I'm not used to her being like this.


"Thank you again for coming" She said as she bowed her head.


"Oh do you want some cake?" I asked as I stood up and took a slice of the chocolate dessert.


"Here, say ah~" I said as I took a small piece and offered her but I noticed that she's feeling uneasy and I can't help but to feel sad.


"Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" I asked her and she looks down fiddling on her fingers, it reminds me of the time she confessed.


"I'm sorry~" She said and I smiled at her I don't know how it looked but I think it looked sad.


"It is fine, I understand. I can leave if you want" I said and was about to leave but she held my hand preventing me to go


"Don't go, mom and dad said you should accompany-" I couldn't stop myself, I hugged her, I missed her so much, God knows how much I hated myself that time. I felt the tears stream down my face and thank God Momo

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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 3: nerd Momo and whipped mitang ahhaha full story authornim hehe cute
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 2: can i have a refund? haha poor jimin
Chapter 18: Gonna read your other works then! Thanks for the one-shots and short stories <3
Chapter 17: i'm suffering from broken heart syndrome omg :-(
Chapter 16: Ah this was so good! I'm glad there was a part two where everything wrapped up perfectly :-D
Chapter 14: Jealous Mina 🥺🥺
Chapter 12: Cute <3
Chapter 11: I wouldn't mind a sequel to this lol