
MiMo one shots
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Just another popular gay Mina and a nerdy gay Momo hahaha


Myoui Mina was one of the popular girls whilst her girlfriend Momo was just a simple nerd that loves to read and finished the whole series of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Lord of the Rings with that of course you can't stop the nosy people from judging. 

One time when Mina and Momo walks hand in hand in the hallway judging eyes were on them but mostly on Momo. 

"What did this ugly piece of nerdy do to Mina for her to like, that" A girl said and Momo heard it making her heart clenched but she ignored it though Mina didn't. She stops from walking and turn to glare and advance at the said girl. 

Momo tried to stop her by holding her arm but she only showed her gummy smile and kissed Momo on the cheek before changing her demeanor into a scary one as she approached the now gulping girl. 

"Can you please repeat what you just said to MY Momo right on my face" Mina asked politely but there is something in her tone that would send shiver to anyone. 

"Mitang~ stop" Momo pleads wanting to just go to her class without garnering any attention but Mina smiled at her. 

"Momoring~ I'm just asking her nicely" Mina told her softly before returning her burning gaze on the now shaking girl. 

"Now tell me ! what you just said because my girlfriend is waiting" Mina hissed lowly not wanting Momo to hear her cuss.

"I called her an ugly piece of nerdy -" The girl wasn't able to finish when Mina pulled her by the collar. 

"I-I'm s-sorry senpai" the girl tried to utter. 

"Mina stop it! " Momo tried to pull her since they're starting to catch attention. 

"You shouldn't apologize to me" Mina said as she pushed the girl. 

"I-I'm sorry" the girl apologized while completely bowing in front of Momo. 

"Remember this, even if my Momo is in her messiest state you're still nothing compared to the dirt on her shoes. Do that again and I'll make sure to throw you flying out of this school, got that!"

"Y-yes" and finally Mina releases the girl who scurried away from them. 

"That's a warning to all of you!" Mina said sending a sharp glare to everyone around then it softened when it landed to Momo. 

"Let's go Momoring you'll be late" Mina told the now embarrassed Momo before pecking a kiss on the girls cheeks. 

"Myoui Mina! Office! Now! " there principals voice boomed through the hallway making all the students run like rats. 

"Sorry babe I think, you have to go to class alone today" Mina uttered as she awkwardly let out a chuckle. 

"No, I'm coming with you~ it's my fault you got into this mess"

"If you insist"

"Ms. Hirai please go back to your room." The principal told her. 

"No, sensei it was partially my fault-"

"Momoring it's not you-"

"Okay stop! Just go to my office both of you" the old man said while pinching his nose bridge and so they followed inside his office, sitting on the couch in front of his deck. 

"Ms. Myoui what will your father say if he finds out that you're bullying other students?" The old man asked as he sits on his swivel chair. 

"Will he know?" Mina asked back and Momo nudge her knowing that the girl will do something troublesome again. 

"What are you implying young lady?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering what would my father- the chairman and major sponsor of the school would do if he found out that the principal was caught reading and watching something... You know.. during working hours" the old man was flushed at what unfurled before him while Mina had her signature I-win-smirk on. 

"T-that's nonsense! "

"Wanna see the vid? The girls there were pretty though, nice choice!" Mina muses giving the embarrassed man a thumbs up as she fished out her phone right before Momo pinch her waist. 

"No need! You guys are dismissed"

"Okie! Have a nice day sensei! " Mina said as she giggles pulling Momo out with her. 

"Phew! That went wel- Ouch!" Mina yelp when Momo hit her. 

"You almost gave him a heart attack" Momo told her and Mina only shrug. 

"What I said is true anyway"


With Mina threatening almost everyone in the school to stop them from verbally hurting Momo, that didn't stop others to say mean things at the four-eyed girl when Mina isn't around of course. 

"Look at her, how could someone like that?" Momo heard them when she passes by the library and even though she got used to them insulting her, she could never get used of the pain of those words. 

It still hurts her, it still makes her cry. 

"Have you heard that Mina got detention because of her, tsk! Her ugliness burden Mina so much.. " 

Momo looks down in attempt of hiding the tears that trickled down her face as she sped her walk wanting to get away from there as much as possible. Not wanting to go to her class anymore Momo went to her dorm room,  where she found Nayeon her roommate. 

"Hey what's-" The girl asked but Momo engulfed her with a hug instead crying on Nayeon's arms. 

"I-I don't want to be ugly anymore" Momo told her through her cries as Nayeon rubs her back to calm the girl. 

"Hey~ you're not ugly, you're just not as pretty as me" Nayeon confidently mused adjusting her glasses while saying so. 

"Hope you can tell that to the people who insults you" Momo answered since Nayeon only shows this side of her whenever it's only the two of them. 

"Nah~ they won't be able to handle the truth" Nayeon said as she run her hand through her curly hair. 

"Ah! Wait! I just remembered!" Nayeon excitedly uttered seemingly remembering something as she rummage through her bag.

"Look what I have" Nayeon exclaimed as she shows two stubs at Momo. 

"What's that? " Momo asked taking the paper from Nayeon. 

"I won a coupon from a raffle draw, we can have a full on make over on Beauty Care and I've searched that they'll also give beauty and fashion advice. I have two, not that I needed a make over or anything but since I love you, I'll come with you" Nayeon explained earning a snicker from the now calm Momo. 

"You mean, you've been dying to try that but too shy to go alone"

"You didn't have to repeat what I said" Nayeon huffs and on that same day they decided to go to the establishment. 

Upon their arrival they were welcome by the staffs, Jihyo was written on the name tag of the person who approached them. 

"Welcome Ma'am! How can we help you?" The woman said with a huge smile, showing her perfect set of white teeth a smile so bright that it might even outshine the sun. 

With a shaky hand Nayeon handed her the coupons and the staff gladly took them. 

"Oh! You are the winners of our raffle draw. Well, Ma'am today is your lucky day" Jihyo happily said snapping her fingers and two staffs came one super white and the other having a cute mole under her lip, both gorgeous.

"They will be in charge of your make-over" Jihyo told them as bo

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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 3: nerd Momo and whipped mitang ahhaha full story authornim hehe cute
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 2: can i have a refund? haha poor jimin
Chapter 18: Gonna read your other works then! Thanks for the one-shots and short stories <3
Chapter 17: i'm suffering from broken heart syndrome omg :-(
Chapter 16: Ah this was so good! I'm glad there was a part two where everything wrapped up perfectly :-D
Chapter 14: Jealous Mina 🥺🥺
Chapter 12: Cute <3
Chapter 11: I wouldn't mind a sequel to this lol