Genie in a bottle of ketchup

MiMo one shots
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"Mina~ Mina please! You gotta accompany me" Sana begged to the girl who was comfortably lying on her bed, Mina have no plans on going out but this friend of her is forcing her to.

"For the nth time Sana I don't want to!"

"But Mina I need you! I badly want to see her and it'll be suspicious if I visit that antique shop alone again" Sana whines as she continuously shakes the girl.

"It won't be if you don't visit that shop everyday without buying anything, stupid!" Mina said as she cover herself with the duvet.

"But Mina-"

"Minatozaki Sana this is the only day of rest I have after a long tiring week of managing my company, don't snatch it away from me" Mina mumbled under the cover, hearing a sigh from Sana.

"Ok... I understand, so this is how it's gonna be after all the times I've been there for you... Remember when you were crushing on this girl Nayeon who was the cashier at an ice cream parlor- where I come along with you to buy even though it was winter but I did not complain because that's what are best friends for, and remember when-" Sana got interrupted from her sentiments when Mina sit up from her bed.

"Fine! I'll come. How did you even get inside?" Mina said as she annoyingly ruffled her hair

"Really! I love you Minaring! And I got inside because I am your bestie" Sana exclaimed as she jump on Mina for a bear hug.

"You better get her number, I just sacrificed my rest day for this" Mina said as she got up from her precious queen sized water bed to get dressed.


Here they are in front of a two storey Antique shop and Mina finds it creepy, it feels like there's a weird energy emitting from the establishment that gives Mina an unsettling feeling.

"This is where the girl you're smitten about works?" Mina asked as they enter the shop.

"She doesn't work here, she owns it" Sana said as she looks around trying to find the girl she's crushing on.

"Are you sure, that person isn't into sorcery or black magic cause girl this place gives me creeps" Mina said looking at the objects inside.

"I'm hundred percent sure she isn't, just look at her" Sana said as a tall tan beautiful girl walk towards them and to Sana it looks like there where no other objects nor breathing entity around all she sees was the girl, earning a nudge from Mina to wake her up from her trance.

"Stop gawking you're embarrassing" Mina whispered at the stupefied Sana.

"You're here again" The girl said as she got in front of them and Sana was a blushing mess while Mina finds the girl intimidating

"Just consider me as a loyal customer" Sana said and Mina could only scoff at her lame attempt of joke.

"I will if you are buying something whenever you come" the girl said and Sana could only rub the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"How rude of me, I am Chou Tzuyu owner of this shop, feel free to look around"

"Chou? Are you related to the owner of Chou Lending Corp.?" Mina asked when she heard the familiar name.

"I am their daughter... Ms. Myoui, am I right?" The girl named Tzuyu asked and Mina saw on her peripheral vision that Sana pouted.

"You're right, my friend Minatozaki Sana here works there" Mina tried to include her sulking best friend on their conversation.

"I know that, I've seen Sana a couple of times there" Tzuyu said and Mina saw how her friend's eyes twinkle in absolute happiness.

"You did?" Sana excitedly asked and Mina couldn't handle the cringe worthy acts of her friend, she decided to excuse herself.

"Excuse me, I'll just look around"

Mina looked around the shop and there were portraits, guns, cups, plates, utensils, cabinets- that she wouldn't dare to open and other old looking objects but what caught her attention was the bottle of her favorite condiment sealed in a glass box, it wasn't that eye catching but there's something that dragged Mina to it maybe because she was addicted to the said object. 

"1637" Mina read the date plate as her hand ran over the metal plate. 

"Since, I'm here might buy this as well-" Mina got cut off from thinking when she heard something crashing so she rush towards the sound, and it didn't surprise her that it was Sana. 

"Oh my gosh! I didn't mean it! I'm so clumsy, I'm so sorry, I'll just pay for everything" Sana apologizes and Mina shakes her head. 


When they got inside her car after carefully and securely tying the antique ketchup bottle on the back of her car they drove off. 

"I can't believe you spend thousands on a rotten bottle of ketchup" Sana asked her friend she really didn't expect her to buy something. 

"Just be thankful I accompanied you even though you were embarrassing earlier"

"At least I got her number" Sana smiled as she waved her phone receiving an eye roll from Mina. 

Mina took Sana home then went to hers right away, she had her guards put the glass box inside her house to the coffee table in her living room.

"Thank you"

"No problem Ma'am, we'll be going"

Mina decided to change into comfy clothes first before she settle down on the sofa in front of the coffee table, she looks at the bottle inside, wanting to take it out of the glass then she remembered what Tzuyu said.

"If you want it in good condition for bidding then don't take it out" 

"I won't bid it anyway" She shrugged as she opened the box and took the bottle out for a better look but the dust smeared all over her hand that her face scrunched up in disgust. 

"How did the dust get inside?" She asked herself as she rubs the dust off, just then the bottle started shaking violently causing Mina to throw it away, her heart started racing and she panics.

"Did I just bought something demonic!?" 

A pop was heard then pink smokes and the smell of peaches started to fill the room while Mina remained rooted on her sit, can't seem to find the power to lift her limbs as the smoke started to disperse Mina can see a slender figure stretching and yawning, it sounded like a girl.

"Was I happen to summon a demon?"

"W-who are you?" Mina manage to asked and the girl with a long black hair turn around with such a revealing clothes that she immediately looked away.

"I'm a genie and I'm happy to serve you master" The girl said as she bowed down on Mina

"Genie?? Master?? What?" Mina asked confused still cant believe what's happening.

"I'm a genie and I'll grant you 3 wishes-"

"Gosh! I can't concentrate don't you have other clothes? You're making me uncomfortable" Mina exclaimed since she can't focus on what the girl was saying with the clothes she's wearing. 

"Huh? But my previous masters liked it" the girl said tilting her head. 

"Wait here for a moment" Mina told her as she rushes towards her room and took a shirt and a shorts. 

"Here wear this" Mina said as she gave her clothes, Momo started undressing and Mina's eyes widen. 

"Yah! What are you doing?" Mina exclaimed stopping the girl. 

"I'm doing what you told me to do master" the girl said and Mina could only facepalm. 

"Go to the bathroom and change there"

"Bathroom?" The girl asked, losing her patience Mina dragged the girl and pushed her inside the bathroom. 

Now that the girl is dressed to a much appropriate clothing Mina could finally talk to her properly. 

"So you are a genie you said"

"Yes, and I will grant you 3 wishes but my power has its limitations. I can't bring the dead to life, make someone fall in love, and kill, also you can't wish for another wish, we don't tolerate greediness" the girl politely told her. 

"Hmm I still don't believe you, if you really are a genie then uhm... have a strawberry flavored ice cream inside that glass box" Mina mused and crossed her arms, the genie snap her fingers and in no time there was a tub of ice cream inside. 

"Now you only have two"

"Nu-uh I didn't wish for it you did it yourself" Mina said earning a pout from the said genie and she found it cute but Mina forces herself not to think that since the woman might be a burglar or something.

"Girl, she made a tub of ice cream pop out of nowhere, how is that a burglar"

"Better safe than sorry"

"You tricked me!" The genie whined as she slumps on the sofa and took the ice cream out, snapping her fingers again before a spoon pops out then she started digging in.

"You're not a thief are you?" Mina asked the girl making her stop from eating as she puts the ice cream down offended by her master's accusation.

"I'm not a liar, now if you need my assistance and would take me seriously just rub the bottle" she said as she turn into a pink smoke and entered the bottle.

"Wow~ for a genie that one sure is sensitive" Mina unconsciously murmured as she picked the bottle up and went to her room.

"Three wishes huh" Mina mumbled looking at the bottle before putting it on her night stand and deciding to sleep.

Mina was woken up feeling hungry, she looked at her clock to see that it was already pass 6 so she got up and decided to cook something to eat.

She didn't do much just a beef steak, a rose pasta and a buttered mashed potato, she prepared her plate then she decided to add another one for her guest.

She went to her room, took the bottle then rub it, pink smokes came out and there she was standing in front of Mina, frowning.

"I am sorry for falsely accusing you earlier, to compensate for my previous act I made you a dinner" Mina said as she smiled at the girl.

"Come follow me"

Mina lead the way with the girl trailing behind and as they come closer Mina's genie could smell something delicious that started to water, Mina sat down and offered the girl a sit.

"Please have a sit" Mina said to the girl who was just standing.

"A-are you sure?" The girl asked hesitantly causing Mina to chuckle.

"You heard me, right" Mina told her so she decided to take a sit.

"Let's eat"

While munching on her food she heard a sob coming from the other side, it was the girl and every time she ate her cry only gets louder.

"Uhh w-what supposed to be the problem? You don't like it?" Mina asked the crying girl but received a head shake instead.

"No, it's just that, this is the first time I ate in century and also you are my very first master who cooked and asked me to eat with you" The girl said between sobs and Mina felt bad about the girl.

"Well, I'm happy to be the first one" Mina said with a smile and the girl finally stops crying.

They ate in silence and Mina cleaned the dishes after.

"What's your name?" Mina asked the girl who was sitting on the center isle while she dries her hand.

"Uh... Genie?" 

"No, your real name" Mina said chuckling at the girl's answer.

"I don't have any they just call me genie so I guess that's my name" the girl answered alternately swinging her legs.

"How about Momo?" Mina suggested turning around to face her and the girl tilted her head.


"Yes, because when you are coming out of your bottle the smell of peaches fills the air and Momo means peaches in Japanese" Mina told her with a smile and was shocked when she was hugged by her, Mina could smell her- yup peaches indeed.

"So I guess I'll call you Momo then"

"Thank you for giving me a name" Momo said releasing her from the hug.

"You're welcome, Momo" she said patting Momo's head. 

"Since I gave you a name, you have to call me by mine" Mina told her

"What is it? "

"Mina, Myoui Mina"

"As you wish Master Mina" Momo told her 

"Mina would be fine"


"No, buts. I'll take your name back-" Mina said as if she can do that. 

"Nooo!! " Momo exclaimed and Mina finds it adorable.

"I won't if you call me by my first name" Mina said as she walks towards the living room turning her huge tv on with Momo following behind- she was floating her way. 

"What's that Mina?" Momo asked as soon as she sees the tv.

"TV, it shows the news around the world, could also be use for entertainment purposes-" Mina got cut off when her phone rang. 

"Hello" Mina answered without looking at the caller ID

"Good evening Ms. Myoui, sorry to interrupt your weekend but I have to inform you that your meeting with Mr. Park was moved from afternoon to tomorrow morning, he said that he'll fly to hongkong the afternoon that's why he's asking if you're still available" Her secretary asked on the other line. 

"If I don't have an appointment it's ok" Mina answered. 

"You're free from morning to noon ma'am"

"Ok tell him I'll be there"

"Yes, ma'am right away"

"Thanks Dahyun" Mina said before turning the call off then she found Momo staring at her. 

"What's that? " She asked again and Mina can't helped but to smile. 

"A smartphone, you can use it for communication" Mina said showing Momo her smartphone and Momo took it, tapping here and there. 

"Mina what's -" Mina quickly snatched her phone away from Momo's hold blushing furiously. 

"It's nothing" Mina answered right away, hiding her phone. 

"Looks like a lot of things happened while I was inside, the world changed and I need to keep up with it to better serve my Mina" Momo said that caught Mina off guard. 

"My Mina?? "

"Yes, it should be my master but since you'll take my name away, I'm using your first name" Momo explained politely

"I-I see~"

"Do you have anything you need? If not will you please allow me to go to my bottle, I have to study" Momo asked for permission. 

"I don't have any, yes you may" Mina allowed her

"Goodnight Mina" Momo bid before she turns into smoke and disperse towards the bottle. 

"I need to clear my- dhxgsgs! What if she searched por-!" Mina exclaimed having an internal panic, it would be embarrassing to show her face again so she run towards her room to summon Momo again.

"What's supposed to be the problem Mina?" Momo asked when she was called fort she was wearing a huge glasses regardless she's still breathtakingly beautiful.

"I forbid you to study" Mina immediately said trying to catch her breath.

"I'm so sorry but I just finished everything-"

"That fast???"

"Yes, I have powers remember" Momo told her and Mina couldn't believe it she's done, her dignity had been diminished.

"D-do you happen to know what po-"

"? Yes.. Yes I do but I won't judge you Mina" Momo told her and she was a blushing mess, Mina slumped on her bed, burying her face on the pillow, Momo float right above.

"Don't be upset, you're not the only one who do that" Momo tried to cheer her up but it only made Mina embarrassed.

"Can I wish for you to erase your memory" Mina said turning on her back and was shocked when Momo was floating right above her

"Very well, I will-"

"No no no! I was just kidding" Mina immediately stops her waving her hand in the process.

"Why haven't you wished for anything? Normally people would wish for what they desire right away" Momo asked as she slowly settle down on the bed right next to Mina and the other girl didn't mind it at all.

"I don't have anything in mind" Mina said as she turn to look at Momo her right hand supporting her head.

"Huh? How's that possible?" Momo asked confused for this was the very first time something happened like this and Mina only shrugged on her question can't seem to find the right answer to it.

"How about fortune?" Momo suggested but Mina shook her head no.

"I don't want to have something I didn't work hard for" Mina said and Momo furrowed her brows trying to think a thing for Mina to wish.

"Power?" Momo tried again only to have the same answer no.

"I don't wanna be a superhuman, also I'm already happy with the power I have as the CEO of my company."

"Long life?"

"I'm contented with the time given to me" Mina answered and Momo is getting stressed, why don't she wish for something.

"I'm sure there's something you want" Momo tried again and Mina can't helped but to chuckle the girl really looked eager for her to wish something.

"Actually there is" Mina finally said the words Momo's been wanting to hear.

"Go on tell me, your wish is my command"

"Nah~ I can buy it myself" Mina said earning a groan from Momo.

"This is the first time I felt so useless, why don't you just give me to someone who needs me" Momo mumbled pouting as she slump on the bed.

"Are you sulking? *laughs* I can't just give you to anyone, I own you now" Mina said then her smile faltered when she realized what she said- that didn't sound right, she cleared then averted her attention to Momo's bottle, she opened it and took a peek inside but she sees none.

"Don't genies usually stays on a lamp? Why are you in a ketchup bottle?" Mina can't help but to ask she finds it odd since Aladdin's genie is on a lamp.

"I don't know, I've been there for a long time but I still don't have an idea" Momo answered looking at her bottle.

"How does it feels like to live in here?"


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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 3: nerd Momo and whipped mitang ahhaha full story authornim hehe cute
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 2: can i have a refund? haha poor jimin
Chapter 18: Gonna read your other works then! Thanks for the one-shots and short stories <3
Chapter 17: i'm suffering from broken heart syndrome omg :-(
Chapter 16: Ah this was so good! I'm glad there was a part two where everything wrapped up perfectly :-D
Chapter 14: Jealous Mina 🥺🥺
Chapter 12: Cute <3
Chapter 11: I wouldn't mind a sequel to this lol