
Forever Feels So Short {hiatus}

Author's POV:

Today was the day where you came back to Korea. You just couldn't wait!!! You were now packing your things, you and Eunmi both have bags under your eyes since you couldn'ts sleep last night.

'I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE KWANGMIN!!!! :D' You thought happily as you pack your clothes. Eunmi was just as excited as you.

As you both settled your seat on the plane, you began to talk about going back home.

"I've never seen your parents home..." You suddenly spoke up.

Eunmi turned to you. "Well, they'ree as busy as you're parents. That's why we're so close!" She pointed out. You quite agreed. The plane finally started taking off. You were playing tic-tac-toe on your phone, with Eunmi and so far, she was winning.

"Yah! How can you be so good?!" You pouted. Eunmi had already won 20 rounds while you only won 7.

"You see, there's a 'trick' "Eunmi informed you. You raised an eyebrow at her.

"A trick? Why would there be a trick for just a simple game?" You asked.

"Every game has a trick." Eunmi told you. "Want to know the trick to this?" You nodded right away. She giggled and began to show you the 'trick'.

"Wow....that's all? So simple.!!!" You said, after Eunmi had told you everything.

"I know, now play with me again to see if you win this time." She said, grabbing your phone.

You both played again, and Eunmi still won!

"BWOH?!" Your jaws dropped. "How is that possible?! You said the trick always works!!!"

Eunmi started to crack up, minutes later she was holding her stomach, trying to stop laughing. It was making you furious.

"Yah!!!" You slapped her arm, she finally stopped laughing and turned to you.

"Okay.."Eunmi said, trying to speak as normal as possible. "The trick that I told you, it's just a technique! It's no trick! BUT I totally tricked you!" She started to giggle again.

You again slapped her arm. "YAH!!!!"

"~~~~ ah! You really do at tic-tac-toe!" Eunmi finally admitted. "Tsk tsk should have more practice, try to play with Youngmin! Or Kwangmin!"

You mehrong her and poked her cheek.

"Flight ****** will be landing on Seoul, Korea in 15 minutes." Announced the assistant of the pilot. (Sorry, I dunno what they're called. Or did I forget?)

"Yay! Finally!" You both said.

"Jinx! You owe me your whole weekend!" Eunmi said, smiling.

You pouted. "Fine!"


15 minutes later, your plane was landing.

"WAH!!!" You and Eunmi both squeaked, you both cannot stay in your seat any longer. After a few minutes of settling in, they finally let the passenger get off.

"We're in Korea now!!!" You smile happily, Eunmi's smile was getting brighter and brighter.

"Let's go~~!!!" Eunmi said and pulled your hand, you both walked out the door, you could see people holding banners and all those welcoming signs. It took you both a while to spot to twins. You and Eunmi saw Youngmin so you both quickly ran and attacked him with a tight bear hug. You were wondering where Kwangmin was.

Finally you spotted him; texting on his phone. You giggled as you ran towards him and gave him a back-hug. He was surprised for a bit and turned around. Once he saw your face, he quickly smiled and gave you a tight hug.

"YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!" Kwangmin almost yelled, you laughed.

"Missed me?" You said, realasing the tight hug.

Kwangmin gave you the 'duh-of-course-I-miss-you!' face. You giggled. "How could I not miss my yeobo?!" He said.

You stuck your tongue at him. "So.... how was school? Did I miss anything important?" You asked.

Kwangmin shrugged. "Hmm.. I don't really know. But who cares! You're back so you have to hang out with me today!!" He said and intertwined fingers with you.

"Fine fine fine! But I can't hang out with you during the weekends." You said, remembering that you owned Eunmi your weekend.

Kwangmin pouted but then said yes.

The four of you then got all of yours and Eunmi's luggages in the car and drove home. Once you got home, right away you ran up your room and laid down your bed. Of course, you missed your bed A LOT. Especially your comfty pillow.

After staying in your room for a while, you headed downstairs and made some food for yourself. The twins went home, but Kwangmin's going to pick you up later. For a date-ish.


After you ate, you decided to text Myungsoo, since last time when you left you didn't tell him anything. [Or did you?]

So you got out your phone and texted him:

To: Myungsoo oppa.

From: Your sis, ~~~~.

Annyeong oppa! I'm back from Korea!!♥ Miss you! I saw Sunggyu oppa when I was there!! ^.^


After that, you waited for Myungsoo to reply.

From: Myungsoo.

To: My ~~~!

Wah!! Why didn't you tell me to pick you up from the airport? :O


You sort of laugh at his text and quickly replied. Here was your conversation:

You to Myungsoo: Err....the twins picked me up and I was scared you might have schedule so I didn't want to bother you! (:


Myungsoo To You: Oh, hahah! Glad you're back! Want to hang out today??


You to Myungsoo: Aww... Mianhae oppa! I already promised Kwangmin to hang out with him today and I owe EunMi my weekend so maybe we could hang out after school on Monday! (:


Myungsoo to You: Sure! I'll check and make sure I don't have schedule! I gotta go now! Byeee!!! :D


You to Myungsoo: Nae oppa! Annyeong! (:


After Myungsoo said 'bye', you turned off your phone and took a shower. Then you looked at the clock and saw that it was already 1:30PM. And you date with Kwangmin was at 2:00PM so you started to get ready.

How did you like this chapter? Is it good?! I finally made my comeback! I told you today was a Valentine's special! I was about to update tomorrow morning but I guess you guys are really important to me, so I decided I will update another chapter tomorrow and update this today. So here's your update!

Sorry I couldn't update for a like a MONTH since I was stuck on what to write about. I had NO IDEA so sorry!!! I know I lost some subbies but I guess that's what I get for not updating.

Hopefully I could earn them back...♥

Anyways! Happy Valentines day and Happy Birthday To My Daddy~

I know, really, it's his birthday! :D

Bye now!~!  (:

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Peachybae217 #1
Chapter 43: I love the story but please update more please
this story is totally awesome. I would be sad if you didn't update:(
yes. MyuNgsoo~~~~
that was cute.
update soon. ^^v
wonwoojpeg #4
Sowwy!!~!!! I can't think of what to write!! x]
i disappear for a week and i see no more updates. lol ^^ what happened to this?
dhicee18 #6
update pls!!!!!
Lover_Pikwangchu #7
I've been running out of ideas!! T.T
Update soon! It's really interesting!