For You.

Forever Feels So Short {hiatus}


After Kwangmin gave you , your medicine you went back to sleep again. But about 1 hour later, you started to hear loud noise, and voices. You also felt that someone was brushing your hair through their fingers. There was loud voices of people talking, you know it wasn't your parents because they weren't home. The people said all of those stuff like "SHUT UP OR I'LL KICK YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE!" And "Be quiet!!!! Shhhhh!!! Let her rest!" You couldn't sleep with these noises so you opened your eyes.

The first person you saw was Kwangmin. He was sitting beside your bed, brushing your hair through his fingers. He smiled when he saw you awake.

"I'm still at home right?" You asked.

Kwangmin nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Because it's loud like the hospital." You giggled.

He smiled. "It's just your--" But Kwangmin got cut off. Your bedroom door was swung open and there stood : Eunmi, Youngmin, Jaeyeon, Minwoo, and Jeongmin.

Jeongmin saw that you were awake and quickly walked to you.

"Omo! ~~~~ ah! You're awake!!!" Jeongmin pinched you cheeks, you smiled.

"You feeling okay?" Jaeyeon asked. You nodded.

"My headache is still here~" You said quietly.

"Then lay down!!!" Jeongmin said.

"No, I don't want to sleep anymore." You shook your head.

"Waeyo?" Minwoo asked.

"I don't want to." You said. "Let's eat something." You smiled.

"I'll cook you something!" Eunmi said and headed out, Youngmin followed.

"We'll be downstairs!" The rest said, you smiled and nodded. Then they all left. Now there was only You and Kwangmin in the room.

"How was your sleep?" He asked you.

"Bad...I'm continuing dreams...." You said, looking down.

"About me dying and stuff?" Kwangmin looked at you. You slowly nodded.

"But this time, I saw YOU but you couldn't remeber me." You said sadly. Kwangmin nodded saying he understood.

"But I wouldn't die, and I will NEVER forget you!" Kwangmin caress your cheek.

"What if it happens for real though?" You looked at him. He shook his head.

"Promise then?" You held out your pinky.

"Promise." He smiled and took your pinky.

"You promised!" You smiled.

"Yep!" He said. 

"You should rest...." You said. Kwangmin DID look tired but he shook his head.

"I'm making you." You said, and told him to laid beside you. [A/N: You were still sitting up on your bed.] He finally did.

"Sleep Kwangmin ah~ you wasted a lot of your energy." You said.

"For you." He hugged your waist.

"Good night!" You now lay down beside him.

"Sweet dreams, and don't dream about those things anymore. Think about good things." Kwangmin smiled and peck your cheeks. You nodded.

Kwangmin went to sleep but you didn't. You decided to read your diary and maybe write some more. 

                Park ~~~~~. January 14,2012. 3:36PM.

Dear Diary...

Diary ah~!! I don't want to sleep anymore!! >.< Since whenever I sleep, I continue dreams. Those dreams about Jeongmin and I together and Kwangmin died... I don't like it!! This time, I had a dream that Kwangmin wasn't dead but he couldn't remember ME! :( Why am I dreaming of these things. I know Jeongmin oppa does like like me since Kwangmin's my boyfriend, but why am I dreaming that we're together....?

I'm confused!! Diary ah~ answer me!! :(


You were writing all of your thoughts down on the paper.

'But Kwangmin won't ever die...he promised...' You thought and closed your diary.


Was it too boring or something??! Okay here's some happy new I have!!! ^o^


I would totally watch it RIGHT away!! I can't wait!!

The second one is that, I have 9 subbies!!! ^o^ About 3 new ones..! ^o^

And Endless Love Have 33 subbies! Yay!!!!

I'm almost to 100 subbies in ALL!

Enjoy! Will update some more! ^o^ Ppyong!

AND NOT TO FORGOT!! COMMENTS REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will update soon! ^o^ I'm so glad you like it!!! ♥♥


YAY!!! I'm TOTTALY glad you like it! (:

I will update more soon!

You're so sweet! (:


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Peachybae217 #1
Chapter 43: I love the story but please update more please
this story is totally awesome. I would be sad if you didn't update:(
yes. MyuNgsoo~~~~
that was cute.
update soon. ^^v
wonwoojpeg #4
Sowwy!!~!!! I can't think of what to write!! x]
i disappear for a week and i see no more updates. lol ^^ what happened to this?
dhicee18 #6
update pls!!!!!
Lover_Pikwangchu #7
I've been running out of ideas!! T.T
Update soon! It's really interesting!