Second Visit

Producer? Idol? Role model? Lover!

After almost a month of being swarmed in different types of feelings all because of Woojin and just him, Jinri was finally able to feel excited again as she was going to be visiting the Produce 101 training centre for the second time today.

As she was well known for her exceptional dance skills in Produce 101 Season 1, she received many offers from fellow idols, songwriters and staff of several companies to help choreograph their songs, and got the pleasure of making the dance for the song 'Never' in the concept evaluation missions. (Of course full credits to the real choreographers for this dance! This is only a fanfic so I'm just pretending that Jinri choreographed it. The dance is so amazing!) And today was the day where she would visit the trainees who are doing 'Never', and check out how they are going with learning the dance.

She soon stopped in front of a practice room with the big sign 'NEVER' hung on the wall next to the door, and took a small, but deep breath out of nervousness.

"I have never seen you act this nervous before, are you worried about who might be in this team?" a cameraman, whom she was already familiar with from Season 1 asked Jinri.

"Yes, I'm so nervous right now! Not worried because I know that all trainees are talented and great, but I'm still nervous because I don't know who would be in the team. What do I do??" she whined, making the cameraman laugh.

"Who do you want to see when you walk through this door?"

"Hmm, I hope to see at least one Brand New Music trainee, to be honest. They're all very talented so I wanted to see them perform my choreography." she replied, not mentioning his specific name, just in case the editor decides to put this scene into a future episode and impacts Woojin's popularity due to her statement.


She took a deep breath for the one last time, and pushed the door open.

None of the trainees took notice of her at first as they all had their backs to her and were engrossed in the practice. Not wanting to disturb the practice, Jinri stepped into the room, sat down quietly in the corner, and waited for the moment they would finally take notice of her.

As she began to watch the team dance, she saw one familiar shape out of the seven males. After staring at the person for another few seconds, she concluded that the person was indeed Woojin, and celebrated silently, while patting herself on the back for doing a good job at voting for Woojin to be in the 'Never' team every single day.

She continued to watch the team dance, or more like just stare at Woojin dance to the choreography she had made while staying up for multiple days. She didn't realise that she had been staring deeply into him, until at one part of the song, Woojin had to go down on his knees while facing Jinri's direction and noticed her existence.

Both Jinri and Woojin gasped in surprise, Jinri because she was caught swooning over him, and Woojin because he didn't expect her to be there watching him.

Jaehwan, who noticed Woojin's change in expression turned around, only to gasp loudly, disrupting the whole dance and earning criticisms from the rest of his team, until they noticed Jinri's existence as well.

"Sorry to interrupt your dance practice, I thought you guys would be having a rest so I decided to visit, but you guys are working very hard, wow! It looked very good when I watched it." she opened to speak once the noise had died down, only for noise to erupt in the room again as the seven boys all cheered at her compliment.

Soon, trainees from other teams were also in the practice room just to see Jinri, and when she turned around to bow to them, they all couldn't help but melt at her nice manners and personality.

Jinyoung also joined the practice room at the news of his sister being at the training centre, and attacked her with small hits as he whined about how she didn't inform him about her visit.

After a few more minutes, the staff decided to take a little break from recording and most of the trainees left the practice room to take little naps or breaks after greeting Jinri and taking photos with her.

The only people left in the room were now Jinyoung, the 'Never' team and Jinri. All of 'Never' team decided to take a short nap, Woojin and Daehwi got up to get a drink, and Jinyoung and Jinri decided to catch up with each other outside.

As the twin siblings began to catch up with each other, they noticed the two Brand New Music trainees approach them after getting drinks, and Jinyoung, knewing that both Jinri and Woojin had a special spot for each other, decided to call them to join in with the talk.

Daehwi, who wanted to help his chic, but shy hyung, made sure to take a seat next to Jinyoung so that Woojin had to sit next to Jinri. Throughout the whole time, Jinyoung and Daehwi tried to help Jinri and Woojin get to know more about each other by constantly bringing up topics such as dance and rap, and even ideal types.

Jinri who had no idea that Woojin also had feelings for her, thought that her brother was just trying to , and secretly sent glares at Jinyoung, who had a huge smile planted on his face. Woojin, similar to Jinri, secretly cursed at his dongsaengs on the inside, reminding himself to get revenge after Jinri left.

After a nervous, but heart-fluttering time, Jinri had to go back to her dorms for further schedules. She promised to visit the Produce 101 trainees again for rehearsals and for the actual performance, wished everyone good luck and climed into her van. She was quite disappointed that she had to leave so early, but was also proud and happy at the fact that she and Woojin had shared more than just greetings.

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daeshi1661 #1
Chapter 20: Yayyyyyyyy sequelllllllllll ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 20: I'll wait for iiiit!!
Chapter 1: I read just ONE chapter, and I know I'm going to love this story. Your story is WAY better than mine, too! Woojin and Jinri for the win!
Chapter 19: My username says who I voted for AHAHHA. But i think winkdeep's gonna win? ;; cries
daeshi1661 #5
Chapter 19: I voted for Woojin x Jihoon <3 Tho I really like WooXJinXHoon <3 my top 3 in Wanna One although I like them all
daeshi1661 #6
Chapter 18: Awwwwwwwww
Chapter 18: You can start another story if you want *^* I love what you wrote cause it's simple and not too dramatic. No paparazzi ruining beautiful things, no aniti's doing their shiz. I love the ending XD Short and sweet
Chapter 18: I'm actually fine with this as the ending since they finally made it officiaaaaal ♥ thank you for this. this fic seriously made my hear flutter like assdfkjgldjsdefa. Whatever you choose to write, I'm going to read it! HAHA
Chapter 17: They're so cute istg. ♥♥