Special guest? Part 2

Producer? Idol? Role model? Lover!

Jinri sat patiently in the waiting room and soon enough, BoA walked in, telling her to get ready and wishing a good luck.

Jinri walked out of the waiting room, past the hallway and stopped in front of the recording place. As 'Very Very Very' by I.O.I began to play out loud, she took a deep breath, put a smile on her face and skipped into the studio.

She could hear cheers and whistles as soon as she could be seen by the trainees, and the noises only got louder as she began to dance slightly to 'Very Very Very' in the middle of the stage.

After the little introduction dance, Jinri looked around the studio and saw her twin brother grinning cheekily at her, almost all the trainees looking at her with shining eyes, and Woojin standing at the back of the A class, gazing towards her direction. They stared into each other's eyes intensely, but warmly, before Jinri realised that she was in front of cameras and she was supposed to be hosting this segment of the show.

"Hello, I'm former I.O.I, current Daydream's Jinri! I heard that you guys are all tired from endless training sessions, so I wanted to let you guys have some fun. So we're going to do something a little bit different today, and have.... a dance battle! When the music comes on, anyone can come up onto the stage and dance however they like. Everyone, please show me your talents!"

After more cheers and whistles, the dance battle finally began and a lot of trainees showcased their amazing talents.

In the midst of the dance battle, BoA walked in with a microphone, walked on stage and began to speak, "I see that everyone is having fun, that's great! Now, I want to give one of you guys a special chance. A chance to dance with Jinri! Any of you great dancers want to volunteer?"

The studio immediately turned into mumbles as trainees all looked around the room, wondering if they should put their hand up to dare dance with their sunbae or if they should just keep quiet and let another person take the chance.

A hand then shot up in the air, only to be taken down again.

"Ah Daehwi, what was that for? I can never afford to dance with her! It will be so embarassing and I will probably make fun of myself." Woojin whispered to Daehwi, who had grabbed his hand and forcefully put it up in the air as a volunteer.

Unfortunately for Woojin, BoA took notice of Daehwi's intention and decided to help one of the best dancers of the season get his chance to show off his skills.

"Brand New Music Park Woojin, one of the best dancers in the season, I reckon. Shall we see your skills up here on the stage?" she stated, only to see Woojin make an awkward face back at her. 

"It's okay Woojin, don't worry! Your skills are already very good and you can always stop whenever you want if it gets bad." she encouraged, and finally Woojin slowly stood up and made his way to the stage, next to Jinri.

After making an awkward greeting, the two stood side by side, not knowing where to look or what to do.

Soon, 'All I Wanna Do' by Jay Park began to play, and already knowing the choreography for this song, Woojin and Jinri both started to move along with the music and then danced together in sync.

Big claps and cheers filled the whole studio when the music stopped, and Woojin and Jinri smiled brightly at each other at how well-matched they were, before awkwardly bowing and going off the stage.

That night, neither Woojin or Jinri were able to sleep peacefully, as their hearts were almost about to explode just at the thought of their little, but big interaction.


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daeshi1661 #1
Chapter 20: Yayyyyyyyy sequelllllllllll ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 20: I'll wait for iiiit!!
Chapter 1: I read just ONE chapter, and I know I'm going to love this story. Your story is WAY better than mine, too! Woojin and Jinri for the win!
Chapter 19: My username says who I voted for AHAHHA. But i think winkdeep's gonna win? ;; cries
daeshi1661 #5
Chapter 19: I voted for Woojin x Jihoon <3 Tho I really like WooXJinXHoon <3 my top 3 in Wanna One although I like them all
daeshi1661 #6
Chapter 18: Awwwwwwwww
Chapter 18: You can start another story if you want *^* I love what you wrote cause it's simple and not too dramatic. No paparazzi ruining beautiful things, no aniti's doing their shiz. I love the ending XD Short and sweet
Chapter 18: I'm actually fine with this as the ending since they finally made it officiaaaaal ♥ thank you for this. this fic seriously made my hear flutter like assdfkjgldjsdefa. Whatever you choose to write, I'm going to read it! HAHA
Chapter 17: They're so cute istg. ♥♥