Finale Concert

Producer? Idol? Role model? Lover!

Time went by quickly as the Top 35 trainees began to prepare for the finale concert, and Jinri was also beginning to wrap up her debut promotions as Daydream.

Woojin and Jinri constantly kept in contact through messages and phone calls. Jinri found more time as she finished her promotions towards the middle of June, but Woojin lost more time as the date neared towards July, when his concerts were going to be held.

Soon, Woojin had to focus 100% on his concerts so his phone was taken away for a week. Unfortunately, this happened unexpectedly that he couldn't explain to Jinri that he had to cut off connections until the concerts finished. Therefore, he stopped messaging and calling her all of a sudden, making Jinri confused and wonder if she made any mistakes to make him hurt or stop liking her.

Just like that, Jinri and Woojin had to suffer for a week, both missing each other dearly but also feeling mixed emotions as Jinri was worried that she did something wrong, and Woojin felt guilty for suddenly cutting connections with her.


It was finally 1st July, the first day of the Finale Concert. Jinri had bought tickets for both days of course, for her brother as well as Woojin and the other 33 trainees as well.

She walked into the concert venue with her little brother (not Jinyoung, another little brother!) who was complaining that he had to come see 35 men perform instead of staying at home and playing games in his air-conditioned room. Jinri ignored the little one, and instead dragged him to their standing area, and went towards the barrier as much as she possibly could.

She was still slightly down due to what happened with Woojin, but promised herself that she would ask Jinyoung about it later.

As the concert began, the atmosphere got heated up and even her little brother who complained at first began to enjoy himself and even followed all the fan chants for all the songs louder than Jinri.

Towards the end of the concert, the 35 boys began to sing 'Nayana' for the fans while roaming around the stages, saying hi to fans and collecting some slogans from them. She could see Woojin walking towards the left side of the stage, and inwardly sighed as she was standing on the right side of the stage.

However, she unintentionally met eye contact with Jihoon who happened to walk right past her, and she watched as Jihoon called Woojin over to him and whispered something in his ears. She could see Woojin giving a slight reaction at Jihoon's words, and the next thing she knew, Woojin was looking straight at her.

She could hear her heart beating fast. Was it because she was nervous or because she was excited? Because she saw him so close for the first time in a few weeks, or because he was looking at her? She guessed it was because of all those reasons.

Their eye contact at that moment was like before, when they didn't know each other well. When they would secretly glance at each other in the waiting room of M! Countdown, and when they would have little eye contacts and stares in the studio during the Dance King Battle recording. Their eye contact lasted for quite some time, until Jinri broke the stare and looked down.

Woojin continued to stare at her, but also looked away after she broke the eye contact as Seonho tapped him from behind and asked why he was in the same place without moving for such a long time.


After the concert, Jinri and her little brother made their way towards the waiting room to see Jinyoung, and no doubt, Jinri was nervous about possibly having to face Woojin again.

Soon, the 35 boys bursted into the waiting room and all greeted Jinri quickly before walking off to find their own families. Jinyoung was one of the last ones to walk in, and near him just had to be Woojin.

Woojin stopped in his tracks as he saw Jinri and began to stare at her, but Jinri took a step back and placed herself behind her brother, who had no clue on what was going on.

Jinyoung who seemed to notice the slight tension sent Woojin to go greet his own family first, and proceeded to walk towards his siblings. He bombarded them with questions such as, 'How was the concert?', 'Did you like it?', 'Was I cool up on the stage?', 'Don't you think I improved in 'Spring Day'?' and 'What was your favourite stage?'.  

They spent a whole 20 minutes just talking about the concert, and then began to catch up with each other properly after those 20 minutes.

"Oh by the way, I hope you guys missed me in our family group chat, I was so sad that I couldn't contact you guys for a whole week since they took our phones away to concentrate on the concerts." Jinyoung stated.

Jinri's brain clicked right at that moment. She had even forgotten about the fact that her brother also cut connections with her. How did she not notice? She already knew the answer, it was because her mind was all about Woojin. Her mind immediately rushed with guilt as she began to think back to her moments with him just then, and how she avoided him twice. She regretted at her actions as those movements probably made Woojin confused.

Seeing Jinri's face which had 'regret' and 'guilt' written all over it, Jinyoung immediately knew that his sister was thinking about Woojin. He spotted Woojin standing by himself not far away from them, with a serious face on. He called out to his hyung, and when he turned around, pushed Jinri towards his direction and started a conversation with his little brother while pretending that nothing happened.

Jinri who was still zoning out began to panic when she realised what her brother did to her, but couldn't do anything as Jinyoung was already acting like she wasn't even there. She noticed Woojin awkwardly walk towards her in a hurry, and decided that she couldn't hide from him this time.

"Uh, hi Jinri.." she heard the male say as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah, hi oppa.. Uh, your concert was really good! Hahah..." she replied, in a robotic tone due to the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Woojin who noticed this thought that Jinri was angry at him for not messaging or calling for a week, and opened his mouth to apologise, but was stopped as she first began to speak.

"Oppa I'm so sorry about how I acted towards you. I tried to avoid you as much as I could because I thought you were angry at me or tired of me because I made a bad mistake and decided to stop contacting me. That's why I broke the eye contact during the concert and even avoided you until now. I heard from Jinyoung that your phone got taken away, I had no idea, I'm sorry." Jinri said this all in almost one breath, afraid that if she stopped at least for one second, she would mess up her apology.

She looked down out of embarrassment, but soon raised her head again as the only thing that came back from Woojin was silence. She slowly lifted her head, to see Woojin staring at her with his mouth slightly opened.

"I thought.. No, please don't be sorry, I'm more sorry. I thought you were mad at me because I stopped contacting you all of a sudden. I wish I could have explained everything to you earlier, but I couldn't because you know.. I didn't have my phone.. But really, please don't be sorry.. and.. I would never get angry at you, Jinri. Please don't doubt yourself like that, I could seriously never get angry or get sick of you." he replied.

"No, I'm more sorry, I'm so sorry for doubting not only me, but also you..." she replied back, only to hear 'I'm more sorry' from him again.

The cycle of exchanging apologies continued, until their eyes met and the two of them burst into laughter.

"Our Woojin is finally back now I see, wow nice!"

Woojin and Jinri both stopped laughing and turned around at the voice, to see Donghyun standing with a proud smile plastered on his face.

"Jinri, our Woojin was so down for a few days because he felt so guilty about you~ He was worrying about you every single second, and kept asking what he should do, I'm glad everything seems to be back to normal now." he continued, as Woojin and Jinri both began to blush.

"Yeah, Woojin kept asking me literally every single second about what he should do, and how he should start a conversation if he got to see you at the concert." Youngmin who was nearby added to Donghyun's words.

"Ah hyungs.. You guys didn't have to reveal everything..." Woojin mumbled, making the other two Brand New Music boys laugh.

"Okay okay, we're sorry, we'll leave you guys by yourselves again, I'm sure you both missed it so much." they replied and casually walked away from Woojin and Jinri, who were as red as tomatoes.

"So... it was all a misunderstanding, right..?" Woojin confirmed, and Jinri nodded.

"But for the last time, I'm still sorry. Sorry that I didn't get to tell you beforehand." he said, as he pulled Jinri into a hug.

"I'm sorry too for the last time, for doubting us." she said while gladly wrapping her hands around his waist.

"No, I'm sorry for making you doubt us, I promise my actions will never lead to making you think that way again." he said and with that, they both smiled in each other's embraces and enjoyed the cozy feeling they didn't get to feel for a while.

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daeshi1661 #1
Chapter 20: Yayyyyyyyy sequelllllllllll ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 20: I'll wait for iiiit!!
Chapter 1: I read just ONE chapter, and I know I'm going to love this story. Your story is WAY better than mine, too! Woojin and Jinri for the win!
Chapter 19: My username says who I voted for AHAHHA. But i think winkdeep's gonna win? ;; cries
daeshi1661 #5
Chapter 19: I voted for Woojin x Jihoon <3 Tho I really like WooXJinXHoon <3 my top 3 in Wanna One although I like them all
daeshi1661 #6
Chapter 18: Awwwwwwwww
Chapter 18: You can start another story if you want *^* I love what you wrote cause it's simple and not too dramatic. No paparazzi ruining beautiful things, no aniti's doing their shiz. I love the ending XD Short and sweet
Chapter 18: I'm actually fine with this as the ending since they finally made it officiaaaaal ♥ thank you for this. this fic seriously made my hear flutter like assdfkjgldjsdefa. Whatever you choose to write, I'm going to read it! HAHA
Chapter 17: They're so cute istg. ♥♥