I love you...

Lean on me

It had only been a day since Mimi was avoiding Dino but immediately all the other members knew something was up. Mimi would always hide when she saw Dino and Dino hardly came out of his room. After the band finding out that the two kids where childhood friends everyone was confused as to why they'd wanna avoid each other. S.Coups just told everyone to wait a while and they'll be fine but it didn't go according to what he thought. The 'Mom' of the group couldn't bare to see his baby sad and felt he had to do something about it. 

"Umm Mimi?" Mimi turned round with half a pizza hanging out looking totally innocent. She nodded as her response. "Look we need to talk-" Mimi quickly swallowed her pizza and covered Jeounghan's mouth. 

"Okay I know I've been slacking on choreography and singing but you don't have to shout..." Jeonghan removed Mimi's hand from his mouth and smiled. 

"I have no idea what your talking about..." Mimi let out a sigh. "But you better stop slacking!" Mimi saluted Jeonghan and went back to her pizza.  

"Anyway we need to talk...about you and Dino..." Mimi slowly out the pizza and went to get up. 

"There's nothing to talk about..." Jeonghan grabbed her arm and pulled her down. 

"Mimi, whatever he said he really doesn't mean it okay? I know what that kids like. If he's mad or upset he'll say the most ridiculous things and when he tries to take them back it's too late. All I'm saying is just talk to him okay?" 

"But he said himself that he's done..." 

"Like I said, he doesn't mean it. At least think about talking to him okay?" And with that Jeonghan left. What was she supposed to do? Does she go to him and have a chance at getting rejected or should she just leave it? 

"I hate to say this but you can't end yours and Dino's friendship like this." Hoshi was stood in the doorway and patted Jeonghan's shoulder as he left. 

"Hoshi..." He cane over at sat next to Mimi, throwing his legs on hers. 

"Talk to him. And no I'm not asking I'm demanding. I just don't want that kid to be depressed for the rest of his life." Mimi threw his legs off her. 

"Fine. But it would be helpful if you don't lie all over me next time. Hoshi winked at Mimi and she flicked his forehead before running to Dino's room. 

"Just wait till you get back!" Mimi ignored Hoshi's threat and knocked on Dino's door. 

"Knock knock?" She got no answer. "Dino? It's me Mimi..." She went to knock again but the door suddenly flew open and she saw Dino flop back onto  his bed. Mimi followed and accidentally stepped on the broken glass from the picture that Dino threw yesterday. 

"Ow..." Mimi looked down at her foot and saw it bleeding but what really caught her attention was the picture. She picked it up, avoiding cutting herself on the glass again, and examined it. 

"You okay?" Dino asked spotting the blood dripping from her foot. 

"You kept this?" 

"Yes now are you okay?" Mimi avoided his question yet again. 

"I never even knew you had a copy I-" Dino picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "What are you?!" 

"Your foot is cut so you obviously can't walk on it." He sat her on the bed and grabbed his first aid kit. As he started to clean up her cut she kept asking him questions as to why he kept the picture all these years and how come he didn't forget her. 

"I kept it purely to remember you and because I kept it with me I was unable to forget." Question after question was asked until...

"Then why'd you smash it?" There was a few seconds silence before Dino put the first aid kit back and sat next to Mimi. 

"I thought if I smashed it then I could forget about the memories we had and everything I felt in those memories." 

"Ah jeez. If our memories hurt you that much then just make new ones." 


"I said If our past memories hurt then forget them and make new ones. How about this? Starting from now we are starting from scratch okay?" Dino just nodded. "Hi my name is Mimi nice to meet you." She put out a hand that Dino hesitantly took.

"Dino..." They both exchanged a bright smile and Mimi threw herself into a hug. Dino slowly wrapped his arms around her and just smiled. Almost inaudible Dino whispered "I love you..." A tear ran down Dino's cheek and Mimi tried to pull away but he didn't let her. He didn't want her to see him cry.  

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KimSeok_jin #1
Chapter 22: 감사합니다
UnbreakableRose #2
Chapter 22: Holy crap. Holy crap. hOly CRaP. HOLY CRAP
UnbreakableRose #3
KimSeok_jin #4
Chapter 21: Boi
KimSeok_jin #5
Chapter 20: God if he does what I thinks he's gonna do imma die
K-pop_loser #6
Omg this is so good. So talented Auther-nim <3
UnbreakableRose #7
Chapter 19: Aww! Poor bby U_U
Chapter 17: waiting for the next chapter~btw nice story author-nim><