The date

“Indecorous” Affection

It was Saturday. Joonmyeon and his friends Baekhyun and Sehun, along with his cousin Jongdae, went to the mall. Today’s voyage was to help Baekhyun find an outfit for what he called ‘the biggest date of his life.’ After three hours of walking non-stop from store to store, they had finally found it. Now they were eating lunch at the mall’s food court.

“Oh come on Baek give me your French fries!” Jongdae whined to said male.

Baekhyun looked at him annoyed. “No Jongdae. Didn’t we tell you to-” he stopped talking and his eyes widened. “Oh my god,” he muttered in surprise.

Everyone stared at him worriedly. Joonmyeon then carefully spoke, “What is it Baekhyun? Did we forget to buy something?”

“No, it’s not that. Look over there!” Baekhyun answered while raising his arm and pointing somewhere behind Sehun and Jongdae.

The boys looked at where Baekhyun was pointing. And oh my god indeed, everyone thought. Yixing, accompanied by a tall blond man, was sitting a couple of tables away from them. They were eating and chatting happily.

Joonmyeon went speechless. He analyzed every movement Yixing made. His smile, his moving lips and his eyes that gazed at the other male. It was driving him to the border of insane jealousy. Who is he? Why is he with my Yixing? Are they on a date? Why is he smiling like that? Are they boyfriends?

After a long silence, Sehun broke the ice. “Damn, I’m sorry Joonmyeon.”

“Sehun! Don’t say that. We’re not even sure if he is his boyfriend or something,” Jongdae spoke unsurely.

Sehun and Jongdae were now looking worriedly at Joonmyeon rather than at the table ahead of them. Joonmyeon hadn’t heard when Baekhyun told the other boys to not glare since Yixing might catch them staring.

“Guys is okay,” Joonmyeon uttered after breaking his stream of thoughts. “Jongdae is right. They could just be friends… Like us, eating lunch, " Joonmyeon said more to convince himself than the others.

“Ye- Oh no, he didn’t.” Baekhyun, who was allowed to keep staring, said while shaking his head and crossing his arms.

Jongdae whined,“What? What did he do? Tell us, or we’ll stare back.”

“The blonde one fed Yixing with his spoon, then he cleaned him with a napkin and poked his dimple!”

“I don’t think we ever do that to each other Joonmyeon. Sounds to me like something you’ll do with your partner,” Sehun said bluntly.

Joonmyeon talked through his teeth. “Yes, I know that Sehun.” He tried hard to cover his anger and jealousy. He should be the one feeding, cleaning and poking Yixing's adorable dimple. He had been in love with him for five years. Five years! It wasn’t fair. Joonmyeon regretted not telling him his feelings whenever he had had the chance before.

“Do you want me to take him down Joonmyeon?” Baekhyun asked him. “I could pick a fight and come up with something like he is a cheating bastard. Yixing won’t be impressed.”

Jongdae looked at him in disbelief. “Oh please Baek, if anyone here stands a chance against that giant it's Sehun.”

“I’m not going to fight with some tall dude Jongdae, not even for Joonmyeon’s sake,” Sehun said and rolled his eyes.

Joonmyeon covered his face with boths hands, leaned on the table and sighed, “Nobody is getting into a fight here. We’re not using violence.”

“What are you going to do then? Finally, let go of your hopeless crush?” Jongdae asked.

“No… We’re going to follow them and see if it’s just a date or a couple’s date.”

“And then what?”

“I’ll figure out that later Jongdae."

After lunch, Baekhyun had gone to buy them caps and dark shades to conceal their identities. They kept a close watch of Yixing and the other male around the mall.

Now they were inside the movie theater. They saw them pay for their snacks and then leave to search after their auditorium. The boys approached the same counter.

“Four tickets to the same movie as the last couple!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, I can’t tell that,” the girl working at the counter said.

“What? Why?”

“Customer policies.”

Baekhyun got annoyed once again. “But is not even a big secret? We are still going to see them at the auditorium. Tell us now! Don’t you know who Kim Joon-”

“Baek is fine,” Joonmyeon interrupted. “Look there are only two movies available at this hour.” He looked at the girl and politely asked her, “Please give us two tickets to each one, thank you.”

They paid for their tickets and bought snacks as well.

After much thought, Joonmyeon decided that Sehun and Jongdae would be watching the other movie, while he and Baekhyun were seeing the other one. Baekhyun and Jongdae would probably make a ruckus if they ended up in the same room as Yixing.

To Joonmyeon’s surprise, they chose the right movie, and they saw Yixing sitting a couple of rows ahead of them.

“Joonmyeon, what are we gonna do if he tries to kiss him?” Baekhyun whispered.

Joonmyeon, who didn’t even dare to think about that, looked at him shocked. “What?! It’s a superhero movie. Why the heck would they kiss?”

“I’m just saying… I know I would do it. I'll save my popcorn to throw at them just in case. You'll thank me later.”

Joonmyeon sighed and prayed that Baekhyun’s words didn’t come true. Then the lights went off, and the movie trailers started playing.

Once the film was over without any incidents (to Joonmyeon’s relief), the couple headed outside, followed closely by the four boys. They walked through the streets until they got to a park. The sun was setting, and the two sat on a bench. Joonmyeon and the others were hiding behind a big tree and stared at them attentively.

“I wonder what he says to make Yixing laugh so much. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him laugh like that with you, Joonmyeon,” Sehun commented. “But who can blame him, your jokes aren’t even funny.”

The offended male smacked Sehun on the head.

“Ouch... Hey it’s the truth! He always seems so gloomy around you.”

“But that’s now. You didn't see him when we were kids. He was always smiling and laughing with me. He said I was the funniest person he’d ever met.”

“What happened then? Why is he like that now?” Jongdae asked.

“I guess he feels uncomfortable because he works for my father, but I’m not sure…”

Suddenly Joonmyeon saw his worst nightmare coming true. The blonde guy had closed his eyes and was slowly leaning closer toward Yixing’s face.

He felt a rush of blood to the head. He frowned and closed his hands into fists. An immense rage mixed with jealousy and distress invaded his whole being. This couldn’t happen. Joonmyeon couldn't lose Yixing like this. Yixing needed to hear him out, to listen to him say how much he had loved him for the past years. He realized he had been a coward and that wass why he was losing his chance with him. But he still thought he deserved a chance with Yixing more than anyone else did.

Then everything dispelled, and he stared at the couple in shock. He heard Jongdae’s and Baekhyun’s quiet cries and high-five of victory.

Yixing had not kissed the other guy. He had put his hand in front of his lips, blocking the upcoming kiss.

Never in his life before had Joonmyeon felt so relieved as now.

“Wow. That was close,” Sehun said, “So, it was a date but turns out Yixing does not like him. You must be ecstatic Joonmyeon.”

Everyone stared at Joonmyeon waiting for his answer.

Joonmyeon on the other hand continued gazing at Yixing. Yixing looked worried and saddened with whatever he was explaining to the other male. He turned away from the sitting couple and spoke, “I think I should go home. I need to talk to Yixing when he gets back.”

“Crap,” Jongdae coursed.

“What?” Baekhyun asked.

“I left my car back at the mall.

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Chapter 20: I was miserable after reading ch. 19; ch 20 jist alleviate all those misery. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us
Chapter 20: Thankyou so much was beautiful....Now we need movie of this ;;_____;;
Dear writer i'm now your fans and u already making my eyes puffed so big because i'm crying this whole 2 days. Thankyouuu i love youuu... xoxo.
Jasgotlucky #3
Chapter 20: Whoooooa what a story! They deserve that happy ending.
junxingrules #4
Oh my... thank you so much for writing a bonus chapter or an alternate ending :" thank you, love youuuuu. Now let me cry in happiness ;A
fujisaku #5
I just wanna say that I truly love this fic. Thank you for writing such an amazing fanfic. It's hard to find a good sulay fanfic ;_; /sobs
gimmeurlav #6
I enjoyed the bonus chapter so much thank you for writing this alternate ending ♡♡♡
CrystallineSparks #7

Happy 2017 to you too, may the Sulay ship continue to sail ^^
2jae4life #8
Chapter 9: I guess Idon't hate Hye as much anymore.
I kinda feel sorry for her...TBH
At least she isn't in love with Junmyeon
MerbinWilk #9
Chapter 19: I really like the ending even though good people got really messed up...
paviska #10
Chapter 19: Kinda expected this, but it still hurts though. I will make a happy ending sulay in my own head then.
Great job. Now off to find fluffy sulay~~