
“Indecorous” Affection

One month had passed since Yixing, and Joonmyeon got together. Despite the few dates they had had they felt happy. And today to their delight, it was the national holidays.

For three days, activities around the country would be stopped for people to spend it with their families. The Kim household was no exception and would give every worker in the house a three-days paid vacation. And the Kim family often gathered together to celebrate at their house in the countryside.

Ever since Shuang’s death, two years ago, Yixing would feel lonely on the mansion during those three days. It was saddening to see everyone talk excitedly about seeing their families, while he did not have anyone left. This time, though, it would be different.

Joonmyeon had always liked this time of the year because the whole family would meet, but this year he decided not to go. The day before the celebration began, he told his father he wasn’t feeling well and had a cold. His father had said he should attend anyways since his grandparents would ask after him, yet Joonmyeon stubbornly refused because he didn’t want to pass his ‘illness’ to the other family members.

When Hye’s family, who stayed in the city, heard of it, they had called him to say he could accompany them. They were very persuasive, and he was very close to accepting the invitation (his father telling him he should go, didn’t help either). Fortunately, Hye reminded them that her older sister’s newborn child would be with them, and the baby shouldn’t be near a sick person. Thankfully, they gave up, but not without telling him that Hye would be spending at least one day with him. Later that day, Hye texted him saying she would ‘go see him’ on the last day.

So, that’s how Yixing and Joonmyeon had managed to get three whole days together, without none there to bother them. It was as if destiny was rewarding them.

The next morning Joonmyeon woke up to an empty house. Everyone had left either yesterday late at night, like his father, or today during the early morning. He got up from the bed, took a shower and went to the servant’s floor dining room.

When Joonmyeon walked in, Yixing was already waiting for him with breakfast on the table. Yixing sat there looking out the window while some sparse rays of sunlight touched his face. The bird’s lovely chirps. And the smell of fresh-squeezed orange juice and French toasts made this a pleasant morning. Could there be a better way to start the day?

“I told you I was going to cook,” Joonmyeon said and crossed his arms.

Yixing glanced at Joonmyeon. He smiled. “Sorry, I woke up early and… Well, I didn’t know what to do.”

Joonmyeon walked to stand behind Yixing’s seat. He hugged him from behind, greeted him and gave him a side kiss. It was an uncomfortable position to kiss, but it didn’t matter.

“I love you,” Yixing whispered once they separated, but their distance was so little, he had said it between lips.

“I love you too,” Joonmyeon replied and closed their gap once again.

Afterward, they began to eat the breakfast Yixing had made. Their three days together had just started.

Most of the morning was spent watching their old favorite movies or animes. What a better way to do nothing than to cuddle together in bed? Eventually, they got tired of laying in bed and decided to take a walk in the garden.

It was late summer and fall was just around the corner. The air was cold, and the sun barely warmed them. Despite this, they strode around the yard. It was a beautiful, well-kept place with a variety of flowers, trees, and bushes. The striking part of it was the area reserved just for a field of roses. Joonmyeon’s mother had loved roses, and even after her death, the chief gardener continued to plant them there. Joonmyeon had also come to love this place, and sometimes he would come here just to watch and feel the scenery.

“I wrote a song,” Yixing said as they were watching the roses.

Joonmyeon looked away from the flowers and beamed at Yixing. Hearing the other say this made him excited. It had been a long time since he had heard Yixing sing, especially one of his self-compositions. Yixing voice was tender and soothing, whenever he sang, Joonmyeon couldn’t help but feel in a trance. “Will you sing it for me?”

Yixing smiled. “Of course! Let me go get my guitar.”

Joonmyeon saw his boyfriend run back towards the house. He walked over to one of the seats next to the lamppost that was close to the rose section. This had been where he had seen Yixing sing from his window all those years ago. He smiled at the memory of a time that seemed so distant.

Yixing came back a while later and took a seat next Joonmyeon. He put the guitar body on his lap, held the fretboard with his left hand and placed his right one on the strings. A beautiful yet mournful melody resonated once he started playing. Shortly after the intro, Yixing started singing his piece.


I am quietly listening

This song I wrote is the color of gray

I’m putting love in my pocket so no one can see

I don’t wanna act in this play, I already know the ending

In the end, I will lose you

We had each other, though we don’t say it, we know

I’m left alone in this place


Joonmyeon listened attentively to Yixing’s voice. He had closed his eyes already after the first line. Every note Yixing sang was exceptional, and he loved listening to him. Joonmyeon knew Yixing was incredibly talented and would do more than great in the music industry.

The lyrics were sad, though, Joonmyeon thought as Yixing continued singing. He couldn’t help but relate them to their current situation. Somehow, they felt like a premonition of their inevitable fate.


… I might be afraid as I wait

I’ll have to slowly get used to days without you

Make time pass faster so it can take away my scars

All the things I hear about you let me know that I’m still doing my monodrama

I will hold tight to that last story

Just come back to me

Just come back to me, please…


It had been a distressing and sorrowful song. Joonmyeon felt a slight lump in his throat once Yixing had finished. But rather than saying something about the meaning behind this ballad of lost love, Joonmyeon clapped and complement Yixing’s singing and playing skills. In response, his boyfriend thanked him and flushed a little at his remarks.

“What do you think of the lyrics?” Yixing asked.

“It’s heartbreaking,” was the only thing Joonmyeon could come up to say. He couldn’t lie.

“I wrote this before we got together,” Yixing said. “During a time, I thought the idea of us being together was impossible.”

Joonmyeon felt his heart ache a little. He knew Yixing wrote from his heart, and it was horrible to know that once he had caused Yixing to write something so painful. What’s even more painful is that he might repeat it in case he doesn’t put an end to his stupid engagement.

“But I was proven wrong Myeon,” Yixing said as he held Joonmyeon’s hands and beamed. “Turns out, we love each other.”

“We do,” Joonmyeon agreed but half-smiled.

Only then did Yixing realized the double meaning behind his lyrics. “I’m sorry! …This isn’t the kind of song you should play to your lover on their anniversary.”

This made Joonmyeon chuckle. “It isn’t… Nonetheless, I’m glad I could hear you sing again. I missed your voice.”

A broad smiled formed on Yixing’s lips. “Then let me play you my other songs!” he exclaimed. “No more sobbing lyrics from now on Myeon.”

For a while, they sat outside, Yixing singing and Joonmyeon listening carefully. Soon enough the thoughts of Yixing’s sad ballad were gone from Joonmyeon’s mind. It wasn’t until their stomach growled that they got up and walked to the kitchen, looking for something to soothe their hunger.

The rest of the afternoon passed by quickly and night time had come. After dinner, Yixing and Joonmyeon took some blankets and went upstairs. They laid beside each other on the rooftop, held hands and viewed the few shining stars that ornamented the vast dark space above them.

Joonmyeon moved to his side and stared at Yixing’s side profile, despite the lack of lighting he thought he looked beautiful. He got closer and slowly kissed the other’s right cheek.

Yixing, who was concentrated in the night sky searching after possible constellations, got startled. Then he turned around and laid on his side as well.

“I love you,” Joonmyeon murmured once their gazes found each other.

“I love you too.”

For a moment they just stared at their eyes. It had been a wonderful day. All those missed moments of affection had been shown today. The time they spent together now couldn’t be compared to the time they had had when they were friends. It was different, unique. And the best part of today was that there were no worries, no concern, no fear and no holding back.

Joonmyeon leaned closer to Yixing, while the other did the same. Their kiss was slow and innocent with light touches here and there.

Joonmyeon took Yixing in his embrace, and Yixing buried his face against Joonmyeon’s neck

“Joonmyeon?” Yixing said against Joonmyeon’s neckline.

“What Xing?”

“Make love to me,” Yixing whispered.

And that was the only thing Joonmyeon needed to hear, before ravishing Yixing’s lips with more passion and determination than ever.

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Chapter 20: I was miserable after reading ch. 19; ch 20 jist alleviate all those misery. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us
Chapter 20: Thankyou so much was beautiful....Now we need movie of this ;;_____;;
Dear writer i'm now your fans and u already making my eyes puffed so big because i'm crying this whole 2 days. Thankyouuu i love youuu... xoxo.
Jasgotlucky #3
Chapter 20: Whoooooa what a story! They deserve that happy ending.
junxingrules #4
Oh my... thank you so much for writing a bonus chapter or an alternate ending :" thank you, love youuuuu. Now let me cry in happiness ;A
fujisaku #5
I just wanna say that I truly love this fic. Thank you for writing such an amazing fanfic. It's hard to find a good sulay fanfic ;_; /sobs
gimmeurlav #6
I enjoyed the bonus chapter so much thank you for writing this alternate ending ♡♡♡
CrystallineSparks #7

Happy 2017 to you too, may the Sulay ship continue to sail ^^
2jae4life #8
Chapter 9: I guess Idon't hate Hye as much anymore.
I kinda feel sorry for her...TBH
At least she isn't in love with Junmyeon
MerbinWilk #9
Chapter 19: I really like the ending even though good people got really messed up...
paviska #10
Chapter 19: Kinda expected this, but it still hurts though. I will make a happy ending sulay in my own head then.
Great job. Now off to find fluffy sulay~~