The master and the chauffeur

“Indecorous” Affection

*Beware! This fic has poor character and plot development, clichés, and some cringey content.


The alarm clock’s annoying sound awakened him. Kim Joonmyeon opened his eyes and rapidly turned off the annoying artifact. The first day of his college semester had started.

Joonmyeon was a bright and outgoing twenty-year-old coursing his second year of university. He was the son and heir of the owner of Kim Enterprises, a highly respected and well-known company. Joonmyeon had the weight of his family name on his shoulder, and he made sure to devote himself entirely to the family’s commandments. He mostly played by the rules, studied and worked hard to become the perfect successor to his father. But that didn’t mean Joonmyeon didn’t have dreams and wishes of his own. He just didn’t dare to forge his own path.

He got up from the bed and started his morning routine.

After a while, he went down to the dining room to eat breakfast. Surprisingly, his father was sitting there waiting for his arrival. His father smiled at him, “Joonmyeon, good morning,” the older man said in a suspicious happy tone.

His father always talked to him formally, and it was mainly on the weekends they gathered to eat together. The change in demeanor always took Joonmyeon by surprise.

“Good morning father. This is rare, we almost never eat breakfast together on Mondays,” Joonmyeon commented while raising an eyebrow.

He took a seat on the left of his father on the large table. On his place, there was a plate of toasts and scrambled eggs, some fresh fruit in a small bowl, a cup of coffee and a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice.

“I have splendid news son. There was an opening at Park Hotel, and we can book the party venue on our desired date. We will hold the engagement party in December rather than February,” his father exclaimed excitedly.

Joonmyeon sighed and cursed internally. There were now four months until the official announcement of his engagement. He was not looking forward to it.

“Besides we will be killing two birds with one stone," the old man continued, “Our annual Christmas party will be held on the same day. This way everyone will get to know Kim Enterprise’s successor and wife.”

Joonmyeon took a sip of his orange juice. He tried to figure out what to say. It was the worst possible news. The day he dreaded the most was nearing: one because he would be tied up with Hye, and two because everyone will about know it. Also, Joonmyeon did not even love Hye in the same way he loved a particular man. If he ever got the courage to cancel the engagement, everyone will find out why and Hye would be the one suffering the most. But then again he will be suffering for the rest of his life if this continued. Finally, Joonmyeon opened his mouth, “Those are great news father. I can’t wait to tell Hye. She will be marveled.”

“I already called her mother earlier. You know how she wanted to be updated as soon as possible every time there were changes.”

“Oh, good. Hye will probably call me later…I’m sure this will be a splendid party.”

“Yes, it most certainly will.”

Afterward, they continued to eat their breakfast, while occasionally talking about trivial matters.



At seven o’clock Zhang Yixing woke up. He showered, dressed, gathered his things and ate breakfast along with the other workers of the Kim household.

He was twenty-one years old and was currently going through his last year in university. Yixing loved music and was studying to become a composer. But since college did not pay itself, he worked in the Kim House as a part-time chauffeur. Thankfully, old Mr. Kim allowed him his irregular working hours and even paid him full-time just like the other workers. It was an exception he could not understand but was happy to have.

At nine o’clock he went out to the entrance and waited for young Mr. Kim’s arrival. Today, Yixing was driving him to college, and later attending his own classes. It was a bother to have to carry regular clothes, get dressed once again before going to class, and sometimes even change back to his uniform a second time to go and pick up Mr. Joonmyeon. But he was used to it by now, and besides these would be the last months he’ll ever get to do that. By December he will be graduating. Hopefully, by the start of next year, he will be working on some music label, doing what he truly loved... And trying to forget these irrational feelings of his.

Joonmyeon arrived. “Morning Yixing!” he greeted and beamed at him.

Yixing looked perplexed for a while. Joonmyeon’s smile was so beautiful, he thought. But he rapidly recovered his senses and answered,  “Good morning Mr. Joonmyeon. Are you ready to go?”

Joonmyeon rolled his eyes. “Yixing… Will there ever be a day in which you just call me Joonmyeon? Just like in the old days?”  

“I don’t think that would be right for me to say Mr. Joonmyeon,” he said straightforwardly.

Joonmyeon stood in front of Yixing and palmed his left shoulder, “Well I managed to convince you twice to stop calling me ‘Young Master Kim,’ didn’t I? I still have my hopes up.” He smiled brightly at him again. “Now let’s go.”

They got on the black car and Joonmyeon as usual sat on the passenger seat. Yixing got tired of telling him to not sit there. Joonmyeon was too stubborn and he never liked sitting on the back. It felt odd. Besides this were one of the few occasions in which Joonmyeon got to so be near the man he loved.

As they were driving on the main road, Joonmyeon’s mobile phone rang. He picked up.

“Morning my dear Joonmyeon!” said a cheerfully high-pitched voice on the other end.

Joonmyeon connected his earphones to the phone and answered, “Hello Hye, how are you?”

 “Yes, I know… My father told me the good news. I’m so happy as well.”

Joonmyeon did not talk much for a while and only answered with: “Uhumms,” “Yeah” and “Okays” with the same enthusiasm he always forced himself to express every time he talked with Hye.

“I know. I can’t wait to announce our” Joonmyeon stuttered, “Engagement…This December.”

Yixing kept his gaze on the road but gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter.

“Goodbye, Hye. Yeah, have a nice day you too.”

Joonmyeon hung up the phone. None of them said a word until Yixing parked the car near the college entrance.

“Yixing, you don’t need to pick me up today. I’ll go to Jongdae’s place, and he’ll drive me back later,” Joonmyeon said before getting off the car. “Bye.”

“Okay, Mr. Joonmyeon. Goodbye,” Yixing replied.

In the afternoon  Yixing was walking through campus back to the parking lot. His classes were over. He hadn’t been able to concentrate well today. Joonmyeon’s excited tone as he talked to his future fiancée resonated on his mind. It was venomous, poisonous and filled him with anger, jealousy, and frustration.

Yixing was helplessly in love with the other male. It always broke his heart to see him and Hye together. He knew he did not stand a chance with Joonmyeon, but his feelings for him refused to leave. And Joonmyeon’s nice attitude towards him didn't make things easier. It made him feel special, despite knowing that Joonmyeon was always well-mannered with everyone no matter their rank.

He closed his eyes and sighed. Just a few more months Yixing, then you can leave this place for good.

Suddenly a deep and husky voice called his name. “Yixing! Yixing wait!”

He turned around and saw a tall blonde male coming towards him.

“Yifan? What is it? Oh, no. Did I take your music scores again? Let me-”

“No Yixing,” the blonde male interrupted, “Is not that. Don’t worry.”

Yixing dumbfoundedly asked, “What is it then?”

“I-I got some movie tickets for this new movie that runs now on Saturday. I was wondering if-if you wanted to go with me… As a da-date?” Yifan stuttered while scratching his head.

Yixing was about to decline when he heard a familiar voice in his head. It was his best friend, Luhan. He remembered Lu’s voice, telling him countless of times that he should get over Joonmyeon, that it was an impossible crush, that it only made him miserable. And now he could envision it saying that this was a great opportunity for him to move on. He had to accept it. So, he did it.

“Sure Yifan. I’m free this Saturday,” Yixing said and smiled. 

Yifan sighed, “Thank heavens, I was so afraid you would say no.” He smiled widely. “I have to go now. I’m running late for work. But I’ll give you a call tonight so we can plan it. Bye Yixing!”

Yixing waved goodbye and continued his walk to the parking lot. Luhan would be thrilled to hear this. On the other hand, he just hoped this wouldn't be a mistake. Maybe this time he would be able to forget his hopeless crush.



Author's Note

Hi there! This is my second fic ever. This time it will be a chaptered fic. Let's see how many chapters it turns out to be. Anyways, is Sulay again! I'll try to update as soon as I can. Until then, I hope you like this! And sorry for any grammar mistakes! I'm still working on my English.

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Chapter 20: I was miserable after reading ch. 19; ch 20 jist alleviate all those misery. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us
Chapter 20: Thankyou so much was beautiful....Now we need movie of this ;;_____;;
Dear writer i'm now your fans and u already making my eyes puffed so big because i'm crying this whole 2 days. Thankyouuu i love youuu... xoxo.
Jasgotlucky #3
Chapter 20: Whoooooa what a story! They deserve that happy ending.
junxingrules #4
Oh my... thank you so much for writing a bonus chapter or an alternate ending :" thank you, love youuuuu. Now let me cry in happiness ;A
fujisaku #5
I just wanna say that I truly love this fic. Thank you for writing such an amazing fanfic. It's hard to find a good sulay fanfic ;_; /sobs
gimmeurlav #6
I enjoyed the bonus chapter so much thank you for writing this alternate ending ♡♡♡
CrystallineSparks #7

Happy 2017 to you too, may the Sulay ship continue to sail ^^
2jae4life #8
Chapter 9: I guess Idon't hate Hye as much anymore.
I kinda feel sorry for her...TBH
At least she isn't in love with Junmyeon
MerbinWilk #9
Chapter 19: I really like the ending even though good people got really messed up...
paviska #10
Chapter 19: Kinda expected this, but it still hurts though. I will make a happy ending sulay in my own head then.
Great job. Now off to find fluffy sulay~~