Chapter Fifteen

The Cheonsa Rising
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Chapter 15


Jeonghan, Mingyu and Wonwoo stood in front of the hotel where Seungcheol’s party is being held. They’ve been here for a few minutes, but they haven’t gone in. Jeonghan was feeling anxious about meeting Choi Seongnam; it definitely made sense to him when Seungcheol warned him that the misfortune Wonwoo’s family went in was because of his father. Jeonghan wasn’t anxious for himself, he was anxious for Wonwoo.


“What are we waiting for, hyung? I’m kinda getting cold.” Wonwoo asked him. He looked to the younger and wondered what would happen if Seungcheol’s father decides to bully his younger brother again.


“Want my jacket?” Mingyu asked the raven-haired boy. Jeonghan noted how Wonwoo’s cheeks blush a little. He’s been noticing that something has changed between the two. The dynamics of their relationship has definitely been different, and it looks like Mingyu is heading straight for Wonwoo’s good graces.


“No, thank you.” Wonwoo answered with a shy smile. “I can manage.” He added. Mingyu seemed disappointed but didn’t say anything.


“Can’t we just go in, hyung? I know you’re nervous but lets go.” Wonwoo whined. Jeonghan felt bad for making his friends wait out with him, so he agreed and went in.


They were at the entrance of the function hall when a guard stopped them to ask for their names; the man checked his list.


“I’m sorry. Kim Mingyu may enter, but there is no Yoon Jeonghan nor Jeon Wonwoo on the list.” The man said.


Jeonghan definitely didn’t like how this night is starting.


“What are you talking about? They are Cheol hyung’s friends! How could this be? Who made the list?” Mingyu demanded, his irritation showing. Jeonghan noted that this is the first time he saw Mingyu act like a chaebol.


“Mr. Seungcheol’s parents.” The man replied respectfully.


“I knew it.” Mingyu said begrudgingly. “Han-ah, can you call Cheol hyung?” He said, turning to Jeonghan. The longhaired boy nodded and fished out his phone out of his pocket. He dialed Seungcheol’s number and waited for an answer.


“Yes, Han-nie.” He heard Seungcheol’s voice on the other line.


“Uhm, Cheollie.” He said, unsure of what to say. “We’re at the entrance of your party and the man in front of us is saying that we’re not on his list of guest so we’re not allowed to enter.” He said. He heard Seungcheol making angry noises in the background.


“Can you put me on speaker?” Seungcheol asked him. He immediately followed and put the phone in speaker.


“YOU! MAN IN FRONT!” Seungcheol shouted. Everybody was surprised at Seungcheol’s voice; he’s definitely speaking as the son of Choi Industries, not Cheollie.


“Whom am I speaking to?” The man asked, speaking to Jeonghan’s phone.


“I AM CHOI SEUNGCHEOL, THE REASON YOU HAVE A JOB TONIGHT!” Seungcheol’s angry voice blasted from the phone. “IF YOU DON’T LET MY JEONGHAN AND WONWOO INSIDE, I’M GONNA HAVE YOU FIRED FROM YOUR JOB AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU STAY UNEMPLOYED FOR A YEAR!!!” He shouted. Jeonghan was surprised at how harsh Seungcheol sounded, but not as surprised as the man. “I DON’T CARE WHAT LIST YOU’RE CHECKING BUT IF YOU DON’T LET THOSE TWO IN, YOU’LL REGRET EVEN BOTHERING TO WAKE UP THIS MORNING!” He added. By now, the man was shaking on his knees as he let Jeonghan and Wonwoo enter. Jeonghan turned the phone off and stared at his friends with wide eyes.


Wonwoo was definitely shocked to witness this; not sure what would happen if Seungcheol was here in person.


“Wow, Cheol hyung is definitely different today.” He commented.


“No, that’s how he usually is; he’s different when he’s around Han.” Mingyu corrected him. Jeonghan heard it and a blush crept up his cheeks.


“Yah!” He said, but without much irritation to it; it made the two laugh.


“Did you hear when Cheol hyung said ‘my Jeonghan’?” Wonwoo teased. Jeonghan tried, but failed to scold the two. He noticed that part, himself, but didn’t want to put unnecessary colors into it.


The party definitely looked grand. It was a standing party, so there were no chairs anywhere, except for few on the sides of the room; probably for the elderly who can’t stand up for too long. Everyone was wearing their suits and evening dresses, so it looked more sophisticated.


Jeonghan was wearing a light gray pinstriped suit with a white shirt and pink tie underneath. He decided to let his hair down, so his honey blonde hair was freely flowing in the air. With his light colored clothes and his hair, Jeonghan seemed to be more angelic than usual. Jeonghan wasn’t fazed by the femininity of his look anymore; he decided that being beautiful rather than handsome is his appeal. Upon embracing his look, his beauty shone throughout the place.


Wonwoo, on the other hand, was a contrast to his brother. He was wearing a midnight blue suit with black shirt underneath; he also left few buttons unclasped and wore his black choker. He decided to bring his hair up away from his face, which gave him a mature look. Wonwoo seemed to dazzle like a vampire from a twilight movie when the lights beam on his snow-white skin. Mingyu was definitely entranced by him, especially now that he opted to wear his contacts instead of his usual glasses.


Mingyu kept his ensemble classic; he was wearing an all black suit and tie. He didn’t need anything else aside from a silver rose brooch on his lapel, matching the now very noticeable silver hair he is now sporting. He decided to have his hair dyed a different color for today and he’s considering if he should keep it that way.


The three stood out amongst the crowd, looking like a group of models rather than visitors to a party.


“You’re certainly attracting the attention here, Wonwoo.” A voice said behind the trio. The turned around and saw Lee Seokmin smiling at them. Jeonghan smiled back to their friend while Mingyu scooted closer to Wonwoo. The longhaired boy didn’t miss this and noted the faint flush on his brother’s cheeks.


“What are you doing here, Seokmin-ah? I didn’t know you were friends with Cheollie, we should hang out together sometimes!” Jeonghan said, taking a glass of champagne from a waiter. The three took one each as well.


“I’ve met him a few times, but we’re really not that close, hyung.” The cheeky boy replied. “It’s mostly my parents that are invited for this party, I’m just a plus one. Seungcheol hyung is the same, usually. Mingyu, too.” He explained. “Chaebols likes to have their parties.” He added.


“And we get dragged into it. That’s the reason we somehow know each other at school.” Mingyu agreed. He stood close behind Wonwoo as he spoke, giving everyone an air that says they’re together.


“I didn’t know you’re friends with Seungcheol, hyung; Wonwoo, too, actually. That hyung is the most…” Seokmin trailed on. Jeonghan knew he was pertaining to Seungcheol and he chuckled at his friend trying to find a better word.


“Most infected by prince syndrome?” He suggested. Seokmin certainly didn’t expect that because he almost choked on his drink as he listened to the older’s words.


“That’s definitely now what I was going for, hyung.” The younger said. “Though it seemed very accurate.” He added. The four of them laughed a bit loudly, catching the attention of few people around them.


“Do you have any idea when we’ll get to see Cheol hyung?” Wonwoo asked Mingyu behind him. He was suddenly aware of the proximity of their faces when he looked behind and heat spread out his cheeks. Mingyu seemed to have caught this because he was smirking down on him like he knew something he doesn’t.


“I think it’s gonna be soon because most of the guests have arrived; or at least the usual people I see in parties. Almost all of the chaebols are here now so it’s probably gonna start any minute now.” He answered with a smile hanging on one side of his lips.


The four of them took a table and gathered around it. The other guests are also starting to settle down on their own tables.


Few minutes later, Seungcheol’s father climbed on the platform on one side of the room. He took a microphone from a staff member and greeted everyone.


“Good evening to everyone!” he said. “First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for blessing us with your presence to welcome my son officially into our society!” He said with a big smile on his face. Jeonghan suddenly remembered his last meeting with the president of Choi Industries. He was vile and condescending, which makes a big contrast to the smile on his lips.


“It certainly is a very special thing to have a son enter the family business and engage in its matters, helping me and our company grow into the better Choi Industries!” he added. Choi Seongnam covered his lips for a moment, as if he was unable to speak because of his feelings, and raised his hands sideward. “Now, I’m pleased and honored to introduce you my son and heir, Choi Seungcheol!”


Jeonghan knew that he was pretending because he saw how the father treated his son. He saw how he looked at Seungcheol with a controlling glare to make him silent. To see him act this way made Jeonghan a bit uncomfortable, if not disgusted.


But that thought and anything else disappeared when Seungcheol finally showed himself to everyone.


He was wearing a white coat with black lapels; black shirt and trousers. A red flower was pinned on his lapel, giving a dash of color to his ensemble. Seungcheol looked like a prince straight out of a manhwa and Jeonghan thought that this was the best he’s seen him. Despite their distance, Seungcheol managed to make eye contact with the longhaired boy and Jeonghan was still unable to look away from the hold of Seungcheol’s gaze.


He sent a wink on Jeonghan’s direction making his heart flutter a little.


WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? Jeonghan thought with alarm.


Seungcheol stood beside his father with a great smile on his face. He looked to his guests and thanked them for coming.


“I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight, I’m sure you all had something to do on this fine evening.” He said with a smile. “This night probably embarks my entrance to the family business, but for me, it just means more homework.” He added with humor. The crowd laughed at his jokes and his father gave him a warm smile. Seungcheol thanked his guests again for coming before going down the platform and went to his friends. The party continued on; people went to the buffet for food or the bar for drinks.


“So what did you guys think?” Seungcheol asked as he approached the four men on their table. Jeonghan noted that Seungcheol looked even more handsome up close, suddenly feeling intimidated by the other’s looks.


“Did I look handsome?” Seungcheol asked him as he embraced the longhaired boy. After breaking their embrace, Jeonghan expected him to do the same to the others; he was surprised when Seungcheol stood behind him, very much similar to how Mingyu and Wonwoo look. He gave the other three a mere fist bump.


“Yeah, you looked like a debutante on her princess ball.” Jeonghan answered, masking his racing heart with casual teasing. The three snickered on Seungcheol’s offended expression.


“I don’t look like a debutante! Have you looked at my awesome suit for tonight? I had this tailored abroad!” Seungcheol defended himself indignantly.


“Oh my god! Have you looked at my dress?” Jeonghan further with a girly voice. The three laughed louder than before and Seungcheol looked a bit pissed now. The slight frown on his lips evidently says so. Jeonghan suddenly felt bad for teasing him. It was his birthday after all.


“I’m just kidding Cheollie. You look handsome tonight.” He whispered behind him. He didn’t care what teasing he’s sure to get from his friends, but he just wanted to make Seungcheol smile again. “Very very very handsome.” He added. He smiled as he watched the other control his facial expression. He was trying to keep his face stoic but failed when a smile started to hang on his lips. Soon it turned into a smile then a proud smirk.


“Really? That handsome?” He asked Jeonghan with a cheeky knowing smirk and a raised eyebrow. Jeonghan blushed in embarrassment and elbowed him to stop. Seungcheol smiled like he made a goal in the Olympics.


“Yah! Stop smiling like that!” Jeonghan scolded him weakly. Seungcheol inched his face closer to Jeonghan.


“Like what? How am I smiling?” He said, tilting his head from side to side, making Jeonghan blushed even further. The two then decided to look at their f

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Chapter 29: I'm hooked over this story and it's hurt that if it's only till here, I hope the author returns to update this...
Hannie0410 #2
Chapter 29: still waiting for u to continue this story....
Chapter 29: Dropping by since i miss this!!!! Hi!!! FIGHTING!!!!
Chapter 29: i really, really hope you update this soon. i've been rereading this for some time now and im still waiting for that jeonghan-junhui "confrontation" ;n; im not giving up on this no matter how long it takes lmao, this fic is too good to not see it to the end. i'll be eagerly waiting for an update !! hope college life doesn't wear you out too much tho, goodluck and take care of yourself, author !!
sassin95 #5
Chapter 29: Wow... I just encounter this story and I'm hooked I didn't even realize that I just spend my whole night reading this. I really is a great story. Hoping you will update soon
hanna_svt #6
Authornim ~ i reread them all again. And i fall in love with the story all over again. PLEASE UPDATE~
agnesnasution #7
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: I really love this story :)
dububaby #8
Chapter 29: YOU ARE BACK
And the backstory? Hmmmm alice better not trying 'dirty back door' to get the contract.
And curious with the surprise mr. Choi talked about

Please stay healthyy

Will wait for next chapter
Chapter 29: Oh my i wonder what happened...
CheollieFans #10
Chapter 29: I love this. Please update