Chapter 5- I can’t be with you

At Least I'll Always Have You


-Next Day-

-Na Hyun waits outside for Yo Seob to pick her up for school. She still feels a little sad from finding out that the cause of Jun Hyung’s tears was her. She talks to God for comfort.-

Na Hyun- (sigh) (You know, God? Life’s really been hammering my heart these days ... I need the strength to face Seobie without sadness. I thank you for my beautiful Seobie^^ I bet when I see him, I’ll forget all about my troubles. That’s why...that’s why I need to be happy for him too. I’ll put on my best smile^^!)

-20 minutes pass -

Na Hyun- ...(How come he’s not here yet? We’ll be late in 10 minutes!... (Looks at the ground sadly) Guess I’m walking to school by myself..)

-The day went on; Yo Seob was absent from school. Na Hyun was getting worried. Why didn’t he call or even text her? She decides to go to his house after school. But when she got there, a scary surprise was what she saw: Not only was no one there, but the house was a mess: All the things were scattered and some of the furniture were overturned. What had happened here? Now she’s even more worried about Yo Seob. She calls his cell phone, but he doesn’t answer. From this point, there was nothing she could do but go home.-

-Na Hyun’s house (in their laboratory)-

Prof. Woo- How was your day, dear?

Na Hyun- Something’s not right, Appa (father). Seobie didn’t pick me up today and he didn’t tell me he would be absent in school. Even scarier was when I went to his house to check on him: the house was in shambles! It’s like there was a war in there! I’m really getting worried, Appa. I can’t even contact his phone. I hope he’s all right...

Prof. Woo- I’m sure there’s a good explanation for what’s happening.

-Suddenly, the screen in the lab -

Army Leader- Good evening, Prof. Woo.

Prof. Woo- (SHOCK) (!! The Army Leader?? What does he want?...) Good evening, Sir. I trust that the mechanisms I’ve been sending to your army base are functioning to your satisfaction.

Army Leader- Why yes, they are. But until now, I’m still under the impression that you are hiding the army robot you made the last time I visited you. Do you remember? 

Prof. Woo- I apologize, Sir. But I believe I had never successfully made the army robot in the design. That design’s too complicated.

Army Leader- (Looks angrily at the professor) Now, don’t give me that excuse Woo. I know you made one; otherwise why would some of the parts I gave you for that assignment suddenly vanish?

Prof. Woo- I’m sorry, Sir. Perhaps I ended up using them for other projects. After all, I’m always flooded with work so maybe I mistakenly used the parts for something else.

Army Leader- You insolent fool! Will you keep hiding that robot from me? This is for the greater good of South Korea! That robot can help defend our homeland! Why are you so hard-headed?

Prof. Woo- I apologize Sir; but I have never made an army robot. What if you just send me more parts for the army robot design and I will try to make you one.

Army Leader- So what? So you can hide that one from me too? Oh no; Give me the first robot you made before I can be sure to trust you with this assignment again.

Prof. Woo- I’m really sorry, but as I keep repeating, I didn’t make one.

Army Leader- Oh, with that lie again? You stubborn old bag; I knew you weren’t going to give in so easily. (Looks at Na Hyun with an evil smile) That’s your daughter isn’t it?

Prof. Woo- (Goes near Na Hyun) Yes; this is my daughter. Don’t drag her into this; it’s between you and me.

Army Leader- (smile) Don’t worry, I don’t plan to bring her into our misunderstanding. But a friend of hers is just dying to see her.


Yo Seob- Na Hyun...

Na Hyun- !!

Army Leader- Oh, is he familiar? If I’m not mistaken, he’s your Seobie isn’t he? If I do recall correctly, you told him yesterday that a friend of yours named Jun Hyung had passed away 2 months ago. What you and your insolent father didn’t know was the delivery boy I send to deliver supplies and parts to your house was also assigned the task of looking for suspicious activity. (Faces Prof. Woo) He had always detected high radiation whenever your Jun Hyung was around him to help carry the supplies. But since he’s in your lab which is pretty much full of stuff that causes radiation, he figured that it must’ve been nothing. And after all, Jun Hyung looked like a normal boy. But when Jun Hyung was no longer around, the radiation levels he detected had decreased. After observing for 2 months and seeing no change in the machines in your lab that could cause the decrease in radiation, it was very clear: Jun Hyung was the army robot you built and you designed him as a human boy rather than his original design. I’ve been monitoring your every move with my men, and I’m sure you cannot deny what I’ve said. (Faces Na Hyun with an evil smirk) Why don’t we let your friend explain the consequences if your stubborn father refuses to give in to me? (Places the screen to Yo Seob)

Yo Seob- (still crying) Na Hyun, please do what he says... If you don’t, my family will suffer... They’ll make sure we never get out of here... please, give him what he wants, I’m begging you!... (sniff) Is it okay for you to see me crying? ... Are you all right seeing me torn inside? ...

Na Hyun- (tears cascade down) Of course not... Yo Seob...

Army Leader- (smile) I believe you forgot to mention something, my dear boy.

Yo Seob- (sniff) And, Na Hyun... if you don’t give Jun Hyung to this guy... some army guys will beat me up...

Na Hyun- !

Army Leader- Let me ellaborate: They will beat him up slowly and painfully. They will make it last as long as possible until his body is oozing with blood: until it drapes down like a waterfall on his cheeks; until all his parts of his body are sore from the beating. Too bad if that happens; your namja chingoo (boy friend) is so handsome. But of course, as you can already see, we can hack into your mainframe. So don’t worry: we’ll be sure to give you front line seats when we beat up your boyfriend. You will see everything. It’s sure to be an exciting event. However, if you don’t want to see him get hurt, then beg your father to give me his robot. (Faces Prof. Woo) Since I’m a busy man, I’ll come by for the robot the day after tomorrow. You have until then to make your decision. (smile) That will be all for now, see you 2 when I come over. Say good bye to your girl friend Seobie.

Yo Seob- ...(doesn’t even look at Na Hyun)

-Screen turns off-

Na Hyun- (Crying) Yo Seob... (He didn’t even look at me...)

Prof. Woo- (Holds Na Hyun’s shoulder) We have no choice; we have to give up Jun Hyung. I’m sorry that my affairs with the army leader got you affected. (hugs Na Hyun) Go to sleep now and just calm yourself down. I’ll revive Jun Hyung tomorrow morning so you can have the last 24 hours with him. Although he won’t remember either of us and will not have any emotions, at least you can spend some time with him; bring him to all the places where you want to bring him and enjoy him while you still can. Go on, go and rest. Good night Na Hyun. And don’t worry about Yo Seob and his family, they’ll be okay as soon as Jun Hyung leaves.

-When Na Hyun got to bed, she just stared at the roof. Every thing that day was a shock to her... the shockingly sad surprises...And worse, she feels that Yo Seob might be mad at her...Troubled, her mind dozed off... then, she had a particularly strange dream that night-   



-Jun Hyung wasn’t sadly writing on his notebook like he used to; he was sitting on the couch smiling at her. It was as if his smile meant something... Did it mean that since she now knows that he loves her, he’s so happy? Na Hyun couldn’t tell, but she was so glad to see Jun Hyung smiling. It’s been such a long time... such a long time to see Jun Hyung smiling at her... Does he know that after tomorrow they won’t be together? Na Hyun decided to talk to Jun Hyung-

Na Hyun- Jun Hyung^^ You know what? Tomorrow, Appa told me I can bring you anywhere, isn’t that great? But actually, it’s because... (sad face) because it’ll be our last day together... I’m sorry, but the mean army leader kidnapped Seobie and his family, so we have to give you to him.

-Jun hyung’s smile dissapears. And, for the first time in all of Na Hyun’s dreams, he replies to her-


Jun Hyung- I thought you knew I loved you.

Na Hyun- ! (whoah! he replied to me!)

Jun Hyung- But even though you already know, you would still exchange me for Yo Seob.

Na Hyun- ! No, it’s not like that. If we don’t give you to the army leader, they will continue to hold Seobie’s family caprive and they’re going to beat him up! They won’t beat him up to kill him; they’re going to beat him up until there’s not a single drop of blood left to squeeze out of him! I can’t let that happen!

Jun Hyung- What about me? If you give me away to the army, I will go out with them to every war until I’m destroyed. And when I am, I’ll spend all my days in the dump or be melted down to make other machines. That doesn’t matter to you?

Na Hyun- Of course it does. That’s terrible, but... Jun Hyung, you’re not human. You can’t really feel... it’s just the program inside your system that allows you to have emotions... I don’t like saying this but, you’re already dead in real life. It happened when the car bumped you. You’re not a real guy whom I can love the way I love Yo Seob... you’re a thing... a piece of talking metal... I can’t be with you...

Jun Hyung- ...  So the truth comes out... You really don’t care about me because I’m not worth loving... because I’m just a thing...

Na Hyun- Jun Hyung... please don’t talk like that...

Jun Hyung- I won’t let you go... Even if you feel like you can never love me, I’ll chase after you. I’ll visit you every night in your dreams... I can wait; I’ll wait forever...

Na Hyun- Stop it Jun Hyung; I can’t be with you.

Jun Hyung- No. I won’t believe that even in dreams there’s nothing I can do to be the one you love.

-The ground starts to break and a huge crack splits Jun Hyung and Na Hyun apart-

Na Hyun-! Jun Hyung!

Jun Hyung- Why shout my name? You don’t love me.

Na Hyun- (sad face) Maybe I don’t love you the way I love Yo Seob, but I know I love you like a brother whom I can’t live without. Jun Hyung, I don’t want us to be seperated again.

Jun Hyung- I’ll never be seperated from you; my soul always hungers to be next to you.

-The land where Jun Hyung stands crumbles down and he falls into the abyss.-

-Na Hyun wakes up from her nightmare.-

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aimz_c #1
Chapter 37: i FINALLY got to finish it omgggg you are an amazing writer and i loved this and im so glad you brought back (what im going to call) a mini junhyung hahaha loved it
aimz_c #2
Chapter 33: hahahahah do you think i should bring the lamp and cockroach too haha
Chapter 37: It such a good story ever! So sad JunHyung had to died even he just a robot.. But i like the epilogue! Song JunHyung.. I bet they will be a really good friend! It's really awesome! ^^
Chapter 36: Awww~~ that was the sweetest ending ever!!!
Thank for this lovely story I will definitely reread again!!

Lol to be honest I wish nahyun would like junhyung too and so she could hav those two guys at the end~~ lol so selfish but lol!!

You are very welcome~ thank you for mentioning me, u deserve all this support for your stories :)

Hwaiting! !♡♡♡♡
yumimitsuki #6
Chapter 36: Poor Junhyung!!TT^TT
i miss zis story sooooooo mmmmuuuuucccchhh pls update
i miss zis story sooooooo mmmmuuuuucccchhh pls update
miss this story
peipei_bigbadgirl #10
Chapter 34: I want her to be with junhyung