1. You've Been Chosen

3 Meters Above The Sky

Fate is like a strange; unpopular restaurant filled with odd waiters, the ones will bring you things you never asked for and not always like. Have you ever stop and look at those prestigious schools wondering what makes them so especial? No? Then you haven't heard about S.M Town, one of the most desired schools in the whole world. However is almost impossible to get accepted into that school, even people with power had a hard time putting their child's there. They had to put the names of their kids when they are still in the womb in a waiting list and it wasn't 100% warrantied that they would actually get in. For the lower class it was like a dream, something they could only dream about, because the only thing they could hear was " S.M 1st Place in academics" "1st place in the research for the cure of Cancer" "1 place on mathematics competition" so people knew they could never have a chance to enter. S.M knew the power they had over people and for them was like how are we going to accept people without power no it could be a disgrace for their name or "honor", that was one of the main reasons they never offer an scholarship. But nothing perfect can last forever, and that's exactly what happen, one normal day as the principal of the school Mrs. Ok looked at the grades and school development she notice something scary their grades where starting to drop, as the smartest students started to graduate leaving the other's behind, she was certainly not happy about this because she could have a premonition about the morning tabloids " S.M the prestigious school is not what we think?" and she couldn't have that reputation because she doesn't want to face the founder no one wanted to talk with Mr. Wu so she started thinking about how to fix this. 

"Ms. Lee call my husband now, I need him before Mr. Wu comes back from China today" she says to her secretary starting to freak out, as Ms. Lee starts to call Mr.Ok the one answers the phone saying that he will be there a soon as possible. Mr.Ok gets in his car and drives toward Sm Town once he gets there he looks at the school illuminated by the sun as he walks towards the office. 

"you call?" he ask once he gets there looking at his wife. 

"No" she says 

"Cut the sarcasm" 

"don't ask stupid questions then" 

"What you need Noona?"

"Look at this, I can't believe it we are supposed to be the best, and now we are getting ruined by public schools" she says throwing the papers in the table as Mr. Ok walks looking at the graphs and statistics which look pretty bad. Mr.Ok looks at his wife with a done face, as he walks towards her computer. 

"Mr. Wu is going to kill you, so we need to fix this now"

"what should we do?"

"start giving scholarships to genius level kids on public school" says Mr. Ok as she nods and ask him to search them for her, as Mr.Ok looks at the candidates, many of the kids had already been accepted into other prestigious schools, he starts looking at her without hope when he sees some hope in a Senior on a public school. 

"Park Chanyeol" he whispers looking at the picture of the happy boy. Making him smile too wondering why, as he reads the information slowly. 


"You need Park Chanyeol, He got the highest scores on national exams. Is a high honor's student and prseident of the humanitarian club. A+ student since kindergarten, says here that he is taking Ap Physics planing to continue until getting his PHD. Many colleges want him but he hasn't respond yet"he says as Mrs. Ok looks at the screen, the boy is what they need, and the college section flashes Pending making both of them wonder why he hasn't respond to any of the other schools. 

"Go and give him an invitation, before he accepts Harvard or Yale" she says as Mr. Ok nods and leaves with a golden invitation on his hands, as principal Ok moves hoping her phone doesn't ring until they get that boy. 

"Park Chanyeol" she says. 

"Rocket-powered sleds are used to test the human response to acceleration. If a rocket-powered sled is accelerated to a speed of 444 m/s in 1.83 seconds, then what is the acceleration and what is the distance that the sled travels? 

Answers: a = 243 m/s/s

d = 406 m" says Chanyeol once he finished with his math looking at his classmates the ones nod slowly, once he explains the process everyone starts to applaud making the younger smile. He bows slowly looking at everyone, as he waits for the teacher to tell him to sit. 

"great job Park you may sit now. Is your turn Mr Moon" says the teacher as Chanyeol says thank you and sits next to the window, getting his notebook ready as the student starts talking. 

"A bullet leaves a rifle with a muzzle velocity of 521 m/s. While accelerating through the barrel of the rifle, the bullet moves...." but he is unable to finish when a knock in the door makes everyone turn as Chanyeol starts working in the formula without paying attention, the teacher goes to the door and opens it making everyone stand up making Chanyeol stand up unconsciously. 

"you may sit now" he says as everyone looks at the stranger in the one has something shining on his hands making them wonder what he wants. 

"good morning, my name is Ok Shin and I'm here from SM Town to give one of you and opportunity of a lifetime" he says as everyone starts getting exited wondering who is the lucky one, but not Chanyeol he is too busy solving the problem. 

"SM is doing that now that's amazing" says the teacher making everyone gasp exited, except Chanyeol the one has heard many things about that school and most of them where not good, but their programs are one of the best. 

"May I speak with Mr Park?" ask Mr.Ok making everyone turn and looks at the boy, the one is on his own world, as the student behind him moves him to make him come back as the blinks looking at everyone confused. 

"I beg your pardon?" he says as Mr. Ok looks at him smiling because they found their last hope. 

"may I have a word with you?" 

"does this concerns me?" 


"alright" says the younger as he ask for permission to leave , while the teacher says okay and Chanyeol says sorry for leaving as they walk to the bright hallway. Mr. Ok looks at Chanyeol carefully the one doesn't look exited or fangirling, making him wonder why.

"You are taller that I would expect"

"thank you for the remark Mr.Ok I've notice before. we are not hereto discuss about my height" he says with a strong will as he looks at Mr. Ok the one smile thinking how the younger is going to survive. 

"I'm here to give you this" says Mr Ok giving Chanyeol the pure gold letter as the younger reads "congratulations Park Chanyeol" making him breath slowly. 

"Can I refuse?"

"why would you?"

"Is not my place"

"is it Park ah?" he says as Mr.Ok walks away leaving a confused Chanyeol, standing looking at the letter on his hands as he gets back to the class room looking at the windows on his way. 

"I need to discuss this with my parents" he thinks at the door in his class room opens.

The cold water is what makes Kris Wu wake up, noticing a young maid smiling at him as he looks closer to her, she looks quite familiar but he doesn't know why as he rubs his eyes. 

"Tessa?" he says with s slow voice, as he looks at the girl looking at him confused. 

"Young master your mother is asking for you" says the girl making Kris realize is not Tessa it could never be her anyway, because Tessa is not coming back. He says thank you as he walks slowly towards the shower wondering what time is it and what do his parents want now. Once he is done he changes and walks out his room walking past his little sister's room. 

"Mimi wake up, you got school today" he says knocking the door but is useless, because is been like that since that day she came back late and Mimi doesn't come out of her room since.

"Mim you are going to be late" he says walking away from the door as he sits in the table, asking for some bread and orange juice and the maids nod getting everything as he notice his mother looking at him as if he was a new purchase she made. 

"aren't you late for school?"

"not really"

"Today is the grahams party and I want you to be there even if you have plans and by the way we took your car"

"but mom"

"go now" she says as he stands up and walks towards the exit asking the family driver to take him to school. 

"Can you take me to the party Ben?" he ask the driver the one looks at him 

"no I'm sorry Mr Wu, today is my daughters ballet concert and family comes first" he says 

"I wish my family were like that" he says slowly as they get to S.M Town as Kris put his sun glasses on getting out of the car looking at the school as the driver smile and drives away, only certain people know who he really is not that Face everyone looks at school. Kris notice his friends on their usual spot when someone bums into him and he looks at his clothes full of milkshake as he remove his glasses slowly looking at the shaking guy. 

"I'm.. so.." but he is unable to finish when Kris hit him in the face making the guy pass out as he keeps walking making everyone scared, Wu Yifan aka Kris the fist Son of Mr. Wu the founder of SM. Kris has so much power over the school that everyone is scared of him even his teachers, no one even breaths next to him because they are to scared. He gets to the table without looking at anyone, he looks at Tao, Jongin and the Hunhan couple. 

" Face is here" says Luhan as the others look at him smiling. 

"shut up" he says sitting along them as the people don't even look at them. 

"guess what?" asks Sehun as Kris looks at him 

"You got Lulu pregnant"

"No but is not a bad idea"

"what are we talking about?" asks the Diva Tao making Kai turn also. 

"" says Kris as Tao nods and starts talking about something important with Jongin. 

"we have a new outsider coming, I've heard he got an scholarship..we have new meat" says Sehun making Kris smile to himself picturing, everything he will do to the new student. 

"you are going to the Grahams tonight?"

"yeah, but I don't know how to get there I run someone of your family last night" says Kris looking at Luhan.

"what you mean?"

"I run over a deer" says Kris making Sehun crack up as Luhan looks at him with an I'm going to murder you face. 

"you could use Uber( online transportation network company It develops, markets and operates the Uber mobile app, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars.)" says Jongin as Kris smiles at him and the bell rings as everyone says goodbye going to their classes, Kris takes his time to get to his government class as he just walks and sit next to the window. 

When the last bell rings Chanyeol walks slowly towards his bus stop saying goodbye to his friends, once the bus comes he gets in saying thank you sitting next to the window. The road is slow and gives him time to think what he is going to say to his parents as the bus stop making him stand up and get out taking his skateboard, skating until he gets home noticing his parents are already home.

"Good afternoon" he says as he takes his shoes off, walking slowly saying hi to his parents and leaving his backpack on his room. He walks towards the kitchen saying hello to his brother's Corgi Churchill, the one is not quite sure why is at his parents house because his brother boyfriend Lay loves Churchill like a son so they are probably visiting soon, making him happy because is been a while since Suho was there.

"Hi Channie there is food so you can eat" says his mother as Chanyeol smiles leaving the letter on the table, as he grabs some food and sit looking at his parents talking about, Suho coming to visit as Chanyeol eats slowly looking at the letter SM give him it looks like real gold for him but he is not surprised because Sm has more power than anything.

"what do you got there?" asks Mr. Park looking at Chanyeol the one gives him the letter as Mr.Park open wide feeling the gold on his hands.

"This is real gold, where do you get this?" he asks looking at his son.

"I ear it, SM Town offer me an Scholarship" says Chanyeol without much interest

"and you are going right?" asks Mrs. Park

"I haven't consider the idea, because is not my place Mommy"

"how do you know if you haven't give it a chance?" she asks making Chanyeol smile fade, because she is right.

"I'll think about it later, I have to get to work,I'll see you"

"be careful sweetie" says His mother as Chanyeol nods and gets out of the house breathing slowly, as he gets in the car driving towards Uber. He works there since the beginning of his senior year, the pay is not bad but even so he has two jobs because college tuition's are expensive. Once he gets there he looks at the names in the screen noticing that he has a new client as he nods.

"okay I'm taking Mr.Lee" he says as he walks when the director tells him to stop but is already too late, as they change to route. Hoping nothing wrong happens as he takes"Mr. Lee" the road is calm and full of color, according to the directions he should be picking Mr.Lee really soon. but that doesn't make the road less beautiful, once he gets there he looks at the guy that looks quite young and worried, he lets him in as the guy talks over the phone with someone.

"good evening" says Chanyeol but the guy doesn't even bother to look at him.

"Yeah.. I told him that Lulu.." he says with a deep voice, as Chanyeol says okay and starts driving to the place wondering why this guy wants to be in an abandoned field.

"NO I didn't said that Lul's... he has to learn the lesson anyway..." says the guy in the back seat as Chanyeol wonder who is he talking to.

"Yeah Mom said that...no I don't think she is.." he says as Chanyeol stops the car on the field and Kris gets his credit card to slice it.

"have a great day" says Chanyeol

"thank you, I hope you have a great one too... not You lulu" he says as Chanyeol gives him the card back as Kris gets down.

"He was certainly really really strange" Chanyeol says as he drives back to Uber.

"I will see you at the party so we can continue.. I'm here actually" says Kris walking slowly.

"where?" asks Luhan as Kris stops and looks at the emptiness of the place, wondering where in the world he is because certainly that isn't the place he wanted to be.

"lul's call you later"he says hanging the phone as he looks around him, it's a pretty view but he really needs to be a the grahams tonight, so he decides to talk with the Uber company telling them that he is in the middle of no where, they tell him that they will send someone and they are very sorry. He waits patiently as Chanyeol comes back noticing is the guy he just left.

"Hi " he says as Kris looks at him, and for some strange reason he feels like a magnet connected to those cute brown eyes.

"just take me here"

"I'm really ashamed sir, I got my clients names mix up. Sorry for that Mr. Wu" says the younger in a formal way, making the elder a little confused wondering how old the younger is.

"Don't be so formal...My name is Wu Yifan but just call me Kris" he says as Chanyeol nods

"My name is Park Chnayeol nice to meet you" says Chanyeol's husky voice, making the elder wonder how such a delicate face could have the voice of an angry bear, as Chnayeol smiles at him.

"how old are you?"

"I'm 18 years old"

"and you already work?"

"not everyone born with a silver spoon Kris Hyung" says Chanyeol making Kris shut up as he looks at the window nothing the view, but also thinking about the party he didn't even wanted to go, and now he has to pretend everything is okay especially with his family when is not.

"you look quite sad is everything alright?"

"I'm just thinking"

"you want to talk about it?"

"no" he says as the boy doesn't ask anything else and keeps driving until they reach their destination a huge house that makes Chanyeol jaw open as the air is knocked out of his lungs not even working his whole life he could afford a colossal house like that.

"I always hated their Summer house" says Kris giving his card to the younger which he says is okay, that he doesn't have to worry. As Chanyeol gives him a warm smile making him smile too, he says thank you walking away as Chanyeo drives "I like his ears they are cute like Yoda" the thinks as he gets inside putting his façade on, laughing at the lame jokes and keep having boring and blend conversations when the only thing he wants to do is burn the house down with everyone inside of it.

Chanyeol finishes his work and goes back to his house, hoping his parents are not wake, but once he opens the door he can notice the light of the dining room on he takes his shoes off and walks slowly towards his room.

"sit we need to talk about this" says Mr. Park looking at his son with a serious face as he shows him the letter while Chanyeol feels like dying.

"we actually call SM and they offer you a full scholarship on physics Isn't that great? I've heard their programs are the best" says Mrs. Park looking at his son with bright eyes as the younger just breaths.

"I don't want to attend that School, they are going to laugh of me" says Chanyeol picturing himself been all alone as people do everything to make him feel less than them.

"Then ignore them, You're so much than them my little sunshine they chose you now prove what you are capable of" Says his mother as he looks at the letter telling himself that she is right, since when he cares what people think so there is no reason to be afraid at least not yet.

"I will prove them wrong" he says making his parents smile telling him they are proud of what he has become. He stands up slowly as he says good night walking to his room, he looks at his walls full of Physics formulas and the universe. He breaths slowly siting on his old desk and works on his study guides as he wonders what the elder is doing and why he seem so sad. Once he is done Chanyeol decides to look at SM in his old computer that takes ages to load, he looks at the students that are part of the Physics program "In a couple of days I will be one of you" he thinks as he trembles a little by the idea of becoming their enemy because SM Town holds the most powerful people not only in South Korea but also the rest of the world.

"Wu? I've heard that name before"he says as he search for the elder as pictures of the elder come with his family and alone" son of the founder of SM Town" he reads slowly as he keeps reading about him "he was found with his little sister when his house was attacked... Tessa was found dead " Chanyeol spots reading feeling really bad for the elder. "Kris Wu left the leader if the Zi lethally injured" says the article as Chanyeol decides to stop reading, as he thinks he is playing with fire as he decides to go to sleep hoping not to get the elders attention because it could get really bad.

"Park Chanyeol..Yoda" says Kris looking at his computer screen as he moves the next article with his hand reading slowly as he notice a boy smiling holding a trophy on his hands."10 year old Park Chanyeol wins the Meggers project award for his efforts to support projects at the high-school level designed to raise the level of interest in physics and boost the quality of physics education". he reads in the article getting quite surprised.

"he is a smart cookie" he says as he closes the article and starts with his math homework the only subject he actually cares and is good at. when his phone rings noticing is Tao as he answers.

"yo?"he says as Tao laughs

"the party is still going?"

"of course, my dad is returning to China and Mom is going to Paris so is going to be an epic party" he says as the younger laughs asking if he should bring people which he says no because people just get there anyway, they hang up and Kris goes directly to bed falling asleep almost imitatively, the next morning comes and he decides not going to school, so he has the house almost for himself because of Mimi but she never comes out anyway as Kris decides to talk with her.

"Mim little one..I'm having a party I hope it doesn't bother you I would like you to come" he says but she doesn't say anything, he gives up again as he walks to the living room starting to plan the party of the year, calling his friends.

"right now I have a test.. but I'll be there as soon as possible" says Kai as Kris nods telling his friend is okay, as the HunHan couple comes inside saying that is one of his best so far as the leader says that he knows feeling proud of himself.

"when is the party starting?"

"around 6 or so I don't know" he says noticing Tao grabs his phone walking to the backyard he looks worried and says sorry all the time. They know is his overprotective father that is cheeking him all the time. That's one of the main reasons why Tao doesn't date anyone, the younger gets inside looking at everyone with a done face, as the party starts.

Chanyeol finishes his finals feeling a heavyweight leave his arms, he says goodbye to his friends, saying that he will see them in graduation. He walks towards the bus stop listening to music, once he gets home decides to take a nap because finals drain his energy. His alarm of the second job rings making him wake up and Change as he notice his parents are still not home and decides to call uber so he can go to his second job in a pizzeria, the work is pretty slow as he talks with his coworkers as the phone rings.

"Romero's Pizza how can I help you?" he answers the phone

"I need 20 pizza's by 9" he barely hears because of the music

"alright any topic?"

"just make every single one in your menu"

"okay have.." but is cut when the guy in the other line hangs up, as he tells everyone they need 20 pizzas making everyone start working, once they finish everyone is exhausted. The people start putting the Pizzas in the delivery car as Chanyeol says thank you, he drives toward the direction noticing he is going to the most fancy side of Seoul, where more than houses are castles, he keep driving until he gets to the most fancy one and also the largest one. Chanyeol takes 10 Pizzas as he manages to knock in the door noticing the loud music coming from the inside making him knock harder, as what he believes the owner opens the door but they can't see each other.

"where's the other ones?" ask a deep voice quite familiar to Chanyeol.

"they're in the car, I just wanted to give the first 10 first sir" he says as the owner calls people to help Chanyeol, the music is so loud hardly anyone hears him but the ones that do take the boxes of the back of the car, as the owner takes the boxes of Chanyeol's hands making the younger thank him as both Kris and Chanyeol make eye contact.

"this is a joke of destiny" mumbles the elder as the lights of the party make's Chanyeol's eyes shine.

*looks out of the gates of hell* Hi I know I promised and I fail, but this was a long chapter. But hey I update today it should consider a miracle, let me know what you think and I loved your comments they where cute, hopefully I can update faster next chapter so just wait patiently. I hope you guys have a great day/night and I will see you around bye bye*goes back*

Love always Pamyucd ♥


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esthiSipil #1
Chapter 15: Say YESSS!!!!! Hahaha... Of course, it should be yes!!! They belong to each other... ^^
Chapter 12: This is all I'm going to say for this chapter other than I really am excited for the next chapter. Shocked. At a lot of things that happened in this chapter.
Till next time. ^_^
Chapter 9: This chapter was just putting everyonedown, though Chanyeol did manage to have a nice sweet date, until Suho reminded him of the Harvard thing and about his choices too.
Luhan was literally broken. TT_TT
Kyungsoo is feeling dread and doesn't know what to do. TT_TT
Tao is really sick and Baek doesn't even know what is wrong with him. TT_TT
I'm still wondering what Chanyeol's desicion will be about Harvard, but this is getting some nice drama in. ^_^
Chapter 9: Why Suho is being like that?
So cute their momments together ♡♡♡
I read this part a lot of times **--**

Thank You sweetie... my day was being a trash and your update kinda enlighten me :)

Can't wait for more KrisYeol o/
Chapter 8: BaekYeol shippers are so mean. Thet bash other ships thinking their otp is the most realistic. But dude face the truth. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are really really good buddies. Maybe they look cute together ot whatever but still others don't have the right to tell us whom should we ship. I hate Baekyeol shippers so much because of this. But I'm glaf that Krisyeol shippers are stl believe in our OTP. If others ask we can list out millions of reasons about how Krisyeol can be the most awesome and most beautiful ship in the whole universe.
Sorry for the rant but I really don't like when others underestimate my OTP!!!
Nice story authornim. I wanna see how my babies progress with their love life. <3
Chapter 8: Omg, haha I can't believe Kris said that. So is he expecting Chanyeol to slap him to get a kiss? XD Though I wonder what Chanyeol is going to choose about going to Harvard.
Damn you Jongin, poor Kyungsoo is going to be needing a lot if comfort.
Hahahaha.Yeah BaekTao were funny though Bakkie is right when he said that Tao sounded like he was saying goodbye.
Noooo!!! Lulu was taken. I hope they haven't hurt him because who knows what could happen.
KrisYeol still is my OTP and until now I'm still looking for fanfics about them. That's why I like fanfic so much... you can do it what your imagination creates.
You are free for do what you like.

I just really hope that because of this you don't started to focus on the others and KrisYeol turns secondary. I'm really in love with your story and you don't have idea how excited I am for Channie have a baby. LOL

Can't wait for more and this chapter was so cute. I'm dying for more KrisYeol here ♡

Thanks sweetie *-*
caramelll #9
Chapter 8: Yes omg -_- totally agree with you. You can ship whoever you want, sweetie,even I can ship Lay with his dimple, and nobody can stop me.
no one can stop you. It's your choice and your otp is what makes you happy, just ignore them.