3. Declaration of War

3 Meters Above The Sky

"You are late again Mr.Park, is there anything more interesting outside that makes you be late all the time" ask the teacher Mr. Han in a sarcastic way, making Chanyeol breath slowly. 

"My bus never came, and I got lost" says Chanyeol as everyone starts laughing of him making him shake a little. 

"How did you even get lost? you freaking Sasquatch" mocks one of the students as everyone laughs even more,Chanyeol just looks at the ground without saying a word to them.

"Just sit Mr. Park" says the teacher as Chanyeol walks slowly to his desk but there is nothing, he decides to ignore it and sit on the ground looking at the problem on the whiteboard. 

"by the way Mr. Han, the answer is 43 not 54"says Chanyeol making all of the turn to the board, as Chanyeol just smirks and the teacher fixes the problem hating the younger even more. Once the bell rings Chnayeol stands up and walks out of the class. 

"Park" he hears someone call him as he turns noticing something is coming as he moves avoiding the water balloon as he shook his head and keeps walking smiling to everyone the ones smile at him or just ignore him. 

"you wanted you desk Sasquatch? here it is" says a Voice as Chanyeol turns the one that mock him in the class, he turns as the guy hits him with his own desk making the younger feel the air get knocked out of  his lungs.

"you don't belong here you freak" says one of the other guys as Chanyeol starts to pass out trying to remember how he got into this situation.  

~One week earlier~

Chanyeol was still trying to get use to the idea that he is now part of SM. Sure the road is not the best and he is tired of taking the bus, but the school as everyone said is amazing. But there was one thing he couldn't get used to the magnitude of the place, and his classes where far from each other making him be late most of the time. all he wanted was to remain Incognito for everyone, it was working until he cross pat with face Wu, he was on his way to AP Chemistry when he saw the "power crew" with someone that he never saw before, as the guy looked like he was really going to pass out or die on their arms, Chanyeol rushed to them trying to help.

"Cut it out, you Harebrained" scrams Chanyeol trying to reach for the guy as Kris push him.

"what did you call me Yoda?" asks Kris looking at him. 

"I think he called you harebrained" says one of the guys as everyone confused, some of them even look at their phones as Chanyeol stops looking at the guy and then looking at them again. 

"it means Stupid" he says looking at the elder the one smiles at him getting closer.

"you seriously want to play this game Yoda?"asks Kris looking at him with his dark glasses on. 

"bring it face" says Chanyeol as Kris let go of the guy the one run away.

"prepare yourself"

"any time" he said not thinking the elder had that much power over the school, once you became Wu Kris enemy everyone is against you. At first they were just childish pranks like pulling his seat or calling him names but they become more dangerous over the last weeks, not only he's been able to change the bus schedules and even making him go to Busan, making him a little scared because of how much power Kris has over everything.


Chanyeol's side hurts as the air is becoming more difficult to inhale, as he starts to see everything blurry.

"Chanyeol"screams Baekhyun the one gets along with Kyungsoo to help the younger, the one is about to pass out.

"Lets take him to Nurse Shu"says Kyungsoo as they lift the elder to put his arms around them, they walk slowly getting the nurse office, everyone looks at them shooking their heads, when they get there Nurse Shu ask them to put him in one of the beds worrying for the younger. 

"asthma?"she asks as Chanyeol shook his head.

"I was sick of bronchitis not long ago" he says slowly getting one of the tubes for the nose as he breaths slowly, thinking in ways he is going to hide the bruises to his parents, because he doesn't want them to worry about him. 

"what happen?" asks Baekhyun looking at him with a worried face. 

"they throw a desk at me" he says looking at the ceiling. 

"excuse me a moment" says Baekhyun as he stands up going to the door as Kyungsoo grabs his arm stopping him.

"what the hell?" ha asks making the elder turn around looking at him 

"I need to get them"

"do you want to die?"

"I wouldn't mind" says Baekhyun as he gets out of the room, as he searches for them around the school. He runs to their usual stop noticing  there is only one of them, sitting just looking at his phone.

"You!" he screams walking closer to him, as the younger turns noticing is the guy that almost killed him. 

"YOU!"he screams back standing up as he goes to the elder not cutting the eye contact. 

"I need you to give message to your leader"

"do I look like a messenger to you?" 

"you look like a panda to me" 

"listen you little Puppy"says Tao making Baekhyun really mad, he gets closer don't breaking the eye contact as he tries to punch him and Tao grabs his hand, Baekhyun tries with his other hand getting the same result as they start fighting. 

"not bad" says Baekhyun still fighting with the younger.

"Martial arts since I was 5....I don't have time for this" says Tao as he starts to walk away, feeling a little tired. 

"Too bad Panda you got into this" says Baekhyun as Tao ignores him and keeps walking, Baekhyun grabs his arm making Tao to hit him on the throat cutting his breathing looking at the elder carefully, as he grabs him by the shirt collar. 

"just keep breathing Puppy, leave me alone" he says harshly letting go of his collar as Baekhyun is taken into the nurse office, as the guys look at him as the nurse stabilizes his breathing. 

"what happen?"

"That Panda!"screams Baekyun

"there is a panda in the campus? did it escape from the Veterinarian major? but I thought they had to go to China to study them" says Kyungsoo as Baekhyun looks at him with a done face. 

"not a real panda"


"Huang Zitao!"screams Baekhyun making everyone at the nursery turn to look at him. 

Tao turns in the store because of the feeling of someone just called his name, he looks at the girl again asking for a lower size of the clothes he really liked, because over the last few weeks his weight has decreased.

"this is the lower size we have available now sir"says the girl holding the clothes, he looks at the tag's size and is 5 and right now he is using 3.

"alright I'll come back later then Thank you" he says walking away with his bags not carrying about anything else, but he certainly doesn't want to go home is just way too lonely in there but at some point he knows he has to be there before his dad gets crazy like the last time. He drives to his house noticing something quite weird a last name on the house next door "BYUN" he and Baekhyun are neighbors since forever and he never noticed before, until he looks at the elder with his neck brace getting worried because he hit him too hard. He parks slowly getting out of the car as Baekhyun turns looking at him with an I'm-going-to-kill-you face as Tao smiles.

"I'm sorry puppy" 

"YAH!! you freaking Panda"says Baekhyun as Tao stops turning getting his wallet out as Baekhyun runs to the entrance of his house laughing as Tao gets mad and throws his wallet at  the door as the elder looks at him sticking his tongue out.

"Huang Zitao, get inside the house what manners do your mother teach you?" asks his step mother as Tao looks at her annoyed walking out of the Byun's property forgetting his wallet, as he walks inside the house looking at her. 

"He started it" he says as she closes the door behind her. 

"I don't care Zitao" she says walking away

"fine" he says asking one of the maids to take his clothes to his room, once they do that he goes to the living room grabbing one of his mothers favorite books "Last Romeo" reading it carefully, smiling now and then. 

Baekhyun opens the door slowly noticing a Gucci wallet on his entrance as he takes it and smiles a little, getting inside the house, as one of his maids ask him about the boy,because his parents are never home. 

"just a friend"


"no Mi Young, no!" he says 

"your piano lesson are getting started your parents called and say they couldn't make it for your birthday and they will send a present later... I'm really sorry young Baek"

"don't be, is only another birthday they have done this since I was 5 so is okay...is okay..." he says as the Maid gives him a hug and a present something she make as Baekhyun smiles at her saying thank you as he walks to the piano room feeling the hot tears coming down of his eyes, as he looks at the piano as he thinks about his older brother that always had a cake for him but that was years ago, Bakehyun walks slowly to the piano as he touches it petting the titles.

"hi Luna, lets get starting shall we" he says playing with all the anger he has inside, playing until his hands hurt.

"is time for dinner" says one of the maids as Tao turns leaving the book in the table as he walks slowly towards the dining room sitting on the opposite side of his step mom the one looks at him with curiosity.

"I saw you bought new clothes again" she says slowly eating her medium rare steak as Tao looks at his plate without much interest moving his soup slowly.

"I did"he says slowly

"Why? don't you have enough clothes already? Your father works hard to get that money just for you to spend it on things you barely use" she says 

"look who is talking, is that a new nose job? and hair extensions don't talk with me about money please I'm tired of it, dad doesn't even come out of his room anymore"

"he is sick and tired Zitao"

"I'm tired too, but that doesn't mean not eating with us, when was the last time we seat together as a family? oh yeah never Nara, not even with my mom he did this and now she is dead"

"just stop spending money on clothes" 

"my clothes don't fit me anymore Nara"he says slowly looking at her as Nara looks a little worried but only a matter of seconds before putting his usual face. 

"because you barely eat"she says

"I'm just not hungry" he says standing up walking to his room, noticing his dad studio walking close.

"dad how are you feeling?"

"how you think? Go away please, just don't get out of the house I forbid you" he says with a weak voice as Tao nods and walks to his room, once inside he notices that his room is directed to Baekhyun's what it looks like Piano room, noticing the elder playing with his eyes closed feeling the music as Tao smiles and puts his hands in a the cold glass feeling a little lightheaded, he removes his hand walking towards his bed but before he can reach it he passes out. 

Baekhyun turns feeling like someone is watching him but only sees the sight of a hand print in the window next door, then notices a maid closing the curtains really worried as Baekhyun stands up knocking the window but it doesn't reach her as he walks to the living room opening his present a little hand made key chain of a panda making him smile. 

"Mi Young-ssi?"

"yes young master?"

"do you know something about the Huangs?"

"not really but one of their maids told me that Mr. Huang is not doing good"

"what does he have?"

Hodgkin Lymphoma reads Kyungsoo in one of the books of the library, as he ignores it because is not the book he needs for the research he has to investigate about another cancer one of the most difficult to cure, Acute Myeloid Leukemia he reads but notices something that is really far from his reach. Kyungsoo turns looking for a latter or a chair, but when he tries to move one of them it doesn't move is stick to the ground. He notices a guy with his hoddie on and head phones reading a book about dance, Kyungsoo walks slowly felling like he is about to ask him to murder someone, he garters strength and walks closer. 

"excuse me?" he says waving getting the guy's attention as he takes his hoodie off, looking at him unplugging his headphones and smiles. 

"yes?"he asks slowly looking at him in the eyes 

"can you help me with something? I need your help"

"sure whats up?"

"can you follow me?" he asks as the guy stands up and kyungsoo notices is Kai, making his heart beat faster, he has a crush in the guy since grade school but never had the guts to say something. They walks slowly towards the section as kyungsoo looks at the book and then Kai.

"can you help me reach that book?"

"sure" he says getting on his knees.

"what are you doing?"

"get it, just hop on" says making Kyungsoo blush as he slowly step on Kai's back getting his book and stepping down really fast almost tripping but manages to stay on place.

"Thank you so much and I'm sorry for bothering you" he says as Kai stands up smiling at him noticing the blushed Kyungsoo. 

"you're welcome Kyungsoo" he says as the younger is takes back looking at elder with disbelief.

"how did you.."

"I know more than you think Do Kyungsoo"he says slowly as walking for his phone and book. 

"see you around Kyungsoo ah" says Kai winking at the younger plugging his headphones on, walking to the door. Kyungsoo let a breath out feeling his pulse, noticing his heart is beating really fast again, at least his crush knows his name and actually talk a little. So he decides to call the Xiuchen couple because he really needs to fangirl about this with someone. 

"Hello?" answers Minseok as Kyungsoo breaths slowly

"you are not going to believe this, I just talked with Kai" he says exited

"wait, which Kai?"

"Kim Jongin, that Kai" says Kyungsoo as the line goes dead silent, worrying a little.

"OMG! TELL ME EVERYTHING!!"screams Minseok making Kyungsoo remove his phone of his ear. 

"Yah! you are going to pay my treatment if I go deaf"

"give me details, was it hot?"

"well.. I will talk about it tomorrow I have to study for my test Bye hyung" 


"bye, say hi to Jongdae for me"

"YAH! DO KYUNGSOO!!" scream the voice as he hangs up and looks at the study guides he has to study making his smile disappear. as he study them he gets tired, but works highlighting important information and resuming into little note cards. Until he falls asleep dreaming about the elder, he feels like someone lifts him up making him open his eyes but is all blurry but he can tell a nice tan skin smiling as he sleeps again. Kyungsoo wales up confused noticing he is on his room and there is a note besides him, he rubs his eyes grabbing the piece of paper. 

I don't want you to get sick little doctor , and don't mention it, just be careful okay please don't over work yourself have a great day and good luck!- Kai  

"did he bring me home? how does he know where I live?"he ask himself deciding to study some more before going to sleep, but he keeps thinking about Kai. 

Kim Jongin gets home safely after leaving Kyungsoo home, making sure he got safe earning a little shook of Mrs.Do the one just thanks him and closes the door. He looks at his dogs the ones he loves like children as he sits looking at his mother the one is one the phone with one of her clients, talking in French as Kai smiles at her getting her attention, as he says hi. 

"how did it go?" she ask him removing the phone.

"as usual"  

"your dad is waiting" 

"I know" he says Slowly walking towards the red door, as he knocks. 

"Come in" says a deep voice as Kai gets inside, the room is full of pictures of people, places and red strings as the black chair moves revealing his father the one looks really scary. 

"How did it go?"

"I found him"

"Good now you get him"


"Because they declare war to us the Do's will get what they deserve. And their only son is our easy way" says Mr.Kim as Kai nods and walks out to his room, the one is full of pictures and information about the younger with his big owl like  eyes, making him smile. 

"Do Kyungsoo" he says reading about him, some more and adding more information about him.But his father doesn't only want information but actions, even when he doesn't want to. 

"please do't come closer to me anymore, I'm not going to be able to do my job"he says looking at the boy smiling with his friend as he puts an X on his face on the picture, he goes to bed continue reading about the different dances with his headphones on.

Chanyeol gets out of the nurse office as Baekhyun and Kyungsoo ask him if he is really okay to go while the younger says yes.

"I'm going to the library I have a big test tomorrow, I will see you tomorrow" he says hugging them as he whispers something into Baekhyun's ear as the elder smiles and says Thank you. He waves as the boys say goodbye. 

"are you sure you're okay? I could give you a ride home" says Baekhyun as Chanyeol looks at him.

"I'm okay, I'm taking the bus I don't mind" says Chanyeol as Baekhyun nods and hugs him, walking away because is time for his piano lesson and he doesn't want to let Mi Young down for his birthday even if he hates it. Chanyeol walks limping towards his bus stop looking at the people as they smile at him and the bus comes, as he thinks in how he is going to explain the bruises to his parents, when he lest expected Chanyeol is home but he doesn't want to be there,Chanyeol looks at the sky smiling at the stars as he breaths, and walks towards the entrance taking his shoes off trying to get to his room unnoticed. 

"Chanyeollie ah are you hungry?" asks his mother as Chanyeol turns to look at them both of them are reading the same book as he smiles at them. 

"not really but Thank you" he says turning to walk to his room.

"why are you limping?"ask his father as Chanyeol stops turning slowly with a worried face. 

"is nothing"

"Chanyeol, talk with us please. what happen?"ask his mother as Chanyeol looks at them taking his t Shirt, revealing his big, bluish red bruises as Mr Parks looks at him and Mrs.Park covers . 

"who did this to you?"

"my classmates"

"Those... I want you to talk with the principal about this and if she doesn't do anything then take action Channie" says His father as Chanyeol's eyes open wide. 

"but you said"

"I know what we said, but do what you have to do as we talk with Harvard for a transfer I will not let that school destroy you they can go to hell" says his mother as they hug each other and Chanyeol thanks them, he knows self defense since middle school but stop using it when he almost killed someone, but right now he is at war with that school so he will take action. 

"I will make you pay" says Chanyeol as he walks to his room thinking about tomorrow, as the next morning comes Chanyeol wakes up smiling at his plan. Once he says goodbye to his family, he starts planing everything. He gets off his last bus looking at SM smiling even more, he decides to go to the office to talk with the principal just to be safe, Chanyeol walks slowly to the office.

"good morning"

"morning" says the new receptionist as Chanyeol smiles. 

"May I speak with Principal Ok" 

"let me see if she is available" says the receptionist walking to one of the most fanciest doors Chanyeol has ever see, after a few minutes she comes telling Chanyeol to get inside as he thanks her and gets in, her office is the most beautiful thing ever full of plants and colors. 

"How can I help you Mr Park" asks her sweet voice as Chanyeol looks at her.

"Is about Wu Yifan" he says.

"what about Mr.Wu"

"He is playing really harsh jokes and I ask you to make him stop" 

"I'm sure he doesn't mean it" 

"I'm sure he does, and I need your help"

"I'm sorry I can't help you"

"why are you so scare of him?"

"you see his power"

"then I will take action, excuse me" he says standing up bowing to Principal Ok, as he walks towards the office looking at the receptionist the one smiles at him as he gets closer. 

"Kris Hyung ask me to do something with his car" he says smiling at her 

"I don't know"

"you see we are a couple and I want to give him our anniversary present" 

"awww you two make such a lovely couple.. you see that Chevrolet Impala over there? that his car" she says as Chanyeol looks at the car smiling mischievously. 

"thank you have a great day"he says walking out of the building, as he gets to his Chemistry class noticing there is no one there. He knows the codes from the acids because his teacher ask him to take them out one time, and once he gets it on his mind it never goes away. Chanyeol grabs some Hydrochloric acid and a gas mask walking with precaution to one of those golf cards detecting the parking as he notices the car a 1967 Black Chevrolet Impala a pretty nice car that Chanyeol gets sad to destroy at some point, he puts his mask on, opening the car door and opens the hoot as he looks at the inside and pours the liquid, and also to the leather seats as he notice how the liquid eats everything, as he laughs taking out his mask and walks away. 

Kris walks out of math, as he talks with Sehun over the phone.

"Yeah, I can't believe he said that" he says as he looks at his car, noticing is almost destroyed. 

"No baby no!!" he screams as he runs to the car, drooping his phone as he looks at the damage of the car is irreparable.making him almost cry.

"are you.." ask one random guy gaining a punch from Kris as he looks at everyone with a murderous face on, making everyone step backwards from him really scared.

"Wi Yifan, Park Chanyeol Please come to the principals office, Wu Yifan, Park Chanyeol to the principal's office" says the voice in the announcements as the elder starts to get even more mad, walking towards the office as everyone looks at his fist one of them has blood that is not even his. He gets inside without saying hi to the receptionist as he gets inside, looking at Principal Ok. 

"WHAT?"he screams noticing Chanyeol is already there as both of them make eye contact. 

"sit Mr.Wu" says the serious voice of principal Ok. 

"I don't..." 

"SIT NOW!" she screams as Kris looks at her and sit next to Chanyeol, making the younger a little uncomfortable because of the way he is looking at him with both hate and desire as he breaths thinking in something else. 

"You two, is enough Kris you Hurting Chanyeol almost making him go to the hospital, thank God nurse Shu was able to stabilize him. And You Chanyeol destroying his car with Hydrochloric Acid which by the way is illegal" she says looking at them. 

"It was you, freaking Yoda" he says standing up as he is about to punch Chanyeol when he looks at him making him stop for some reason. 

"Sit Mr. Wu now both of are going to psychology together, since from what I've heard you're a couple. before you hurt someone or damage the school property" says Principal Ok making both of them weird out. 

"why I should do that? and we're not together who said that?" asks Kris 

"because you almost kill someone..Mr.Par..."

"are my parents inform of this?" asks Chanyeol 

"Yes, your parents were really considerate and said to take measures needed, and you start today we inform your teachers. Don't disappoint me I don't want to hear anything bad coming from the Psychologist you understand?"

"yes ma'am" says chanyeol as both stand up and Kris looks at her smirking,getting a deadly glare out of her. He walks along with Chanyeol studying the Younger's face and eyes.

"did you tell we were a couple? baby I didn't think you wanted to tell" says Kris mocking Chanyeol the one just ignores him as he keeps walking. The Psychology building is the most far building on the whole campus, making the road even more awkward for them because none knows what to say.The building is paint with clear colors that are used to calm people, once inside they search for the room 1004. 

"You are paying for what you did to my car" says Kris grabbing Chanyeol's arm making him turn as the younger looks at him with a done face.

"Like I care" says Chanyeol moving his arm as he gets inside closing the door on the elder's face, as Kris opens and gets inside the room, the one is painted with clear colors and have many motivational quotes, but the most beautiful thing is the window, with the entire view of the campus.They sit on the nearest chair and wait for someone to come. 

"Yod.." starts saying Kris but they are interrupted by a young girl around her 30's with a delicate face, and warm smile sitting in front of them.

"hello my name is Yoo In Ah, you two are Wu Yifan and Park Chanyeol, correct?" she says with the sweetest voice ever, making them even relax a little. 

"yes" both of them say

"alright lets begging with something really simple, but quite effective around couples, just look at each other and say what you really feel"she says as the boys turn looking at each other. 

"what did I ever do to you?" asks Chanyeol 

"Nothing you just don't belong here" says his deep voice making Chanyeol close his eyes. 

"says who?"

"Your status"

"because Money means everything, or happiness"

"welcome to the real world, Yoda" 

"why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you, If I hated you believe me you wouldn't probably be here, is just that you think you are better than everyone else, with that happy virus smile and puppy eyes" 


"you don't get it do you?"


"you have everything" says Kris as the younger looks at him with a serious face, trying to understand what he meant by that. 

"what you want me to say? sorry you almost kill me"

"what you mean?"

"you send those bastards to attack me" says Chanyeol as Kris thinks about it remembering, that everyone follows him when he hates or wants to have a good prank the whole school is against them "those idiots" he thinks, noticing the sadness all over the younger making him want to punch something. 

"you are not safe anymore, so you better just stay under pressure because you are my target now"

"are you threatening me?"


"then make me"


"make me regret meeting you" says Chanyeol as In ah looks at them back and forth, feeling that in both of them, Kris starts to get closer as Chanyeol looks at him when their faces are inches apart In an decides to intervene. 

"that's enough, God! you two really love or hate each other, not quite bad in a relationship"as both of them look at her and Chanyeol stands up walking to the window closing his eyes, thinking in the mess he got into when he just wanted a peaceful stay.

"I'm transferring to Harvard" he says looking at the girl as he notices the elder uneasy. 

"are you leaving Yoda?"

"yes, is not what you wanted, is not my place after all...may I go" he ask the girl 

"I can't stop you" she says as Chanyeol walks away without looking at the elder, as Kris breaths. Chanyeol looks at the sky feeling like crying as he notices the guys from before walking towards his direction, he tries to run but it doesn't work, they try to grab him and he punch many of them but he is low in number as the guys beat him and throw things at him. 

"Your boyfriend seems a little sad"

"we're not together, but...I want him in ways I don't quiet understand, he doesn't deserve this.." 

"you can say sorry, try doing new thing with him be is friend" 

"I hope is not too late"

"Is never too late" says In ah as Kris stands up and walks away, noticing there is a circle of people over something what I looks a fight as he gets closer, noticing is the younger getting beat by everyone as he looks really bad, so he decides to step up. 

"Kris.. look at.." but the guy is unable to finish because Kris punch him in the face as he looks at everyone. 

"for now on who ever touches Yod...Park Chanyeol is dead, you hear me! GO!" he screams as everyone runs away,Kris looks at Chanyeol the one is about to pass out, he grabs him and puts him on his back grabbing his legs as Chanyeol's arms look lifeless in his shoulders.

"I'm sorry" says Kris walking towards the nurse making Chanyeol hold into him tightly. 

*Picks out of the gates of hell* I'm really sorry for not updating for the last couple of weeks. I been lazy and busy the last couple of days mostly busy. So I'm here to apologize but if you kill me this story never be over so I'm warning everyone muahaha, I want to thank all of you that have subscribed to my story and left beautiful comments It really means lots to me, I wish I could hug every single one of you. I hope you like this chapter full of information and the other ships right Hunhan will be in the next chapter when I update in 2020 Xd just kidding but I hope you guys like this chapter until next time stay great bye bye.

love always.Pamyucd♥

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esthiSipil #1
Chapter 15: Say YESSS!!!!! Hahaha... Of course, it should be yes!!! They belong to each other... ^^
Chapter 12: This is all I'm going to say for this chapter other than I really am excited for the next chapter. Shocked. At a lot of things that happened in this chapter.
Till next time. ^_^
Chapter 9: This chapter was just putting everyonedown, though Chanyeol did manage to have a nice sweet date, until Suho reminded him of the Harvard thing and about his choices too.
Luhan was literally broken. TT_TT
Kyungsoo is feeling dread and doesn't know what to do. TT_TT
Tao is really sick and Baek doesn't even know what is wrong with him. TT_TT
I'm still wondering what Chanyeol's desicion will be about Harvard, but this is getting some nice drama in. ^_^
Chapter 9: Why Suho is being like that?
So cute their momments together ♡♡♡
I read this part a lot of times **--**

Thank You sweetie... my day was being a trash and your update kinda enlighten me :)

Can't wait for more KrisYeol o/
Chapter 8: BaekYeol shippers are so mean. Thet bash other ships thinking their otp is the most realistic. But dude face the truth. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are really really good buddies. Maybe they look cute together ot whatever but still others don't have the right to tell us whom should we ship. I hate Baekyeol shippers so much because of this. But I'm glaf that Krisyeol shippers are stl believe in our OTP. If others ask we can list out millions of reasons about how Krisyeol can be the most awesome and most beautiful ship in the whole universe.
Sorry for the rant but I really don't like when others underestimate my OTP!!!
Nice story authornim. I wanna see how my babies progress with their love life. <3
Chapter 8: Omg, haha I can't believe Kris said that. So is he expecting Chanyeol to slap him to get a kiss? XD Though I wonder what Chanyeol is going to choose about going to Harvard.
Damn you Jongin, poor Kyungsoo is going to be needing a lot if comfort.
Hahahaha.Yeah BaekTao were funny though Bakkie is right when he said that Tao sounded like he was saying goodbye.
Noooo!!! Lulu was taken. I hope they haven't hurt him because who knows what could happen.
KrisYeol still is my OTP and until now I'm still looking for fanfics about them. That's why I like fanfic so much... you can do it what your imagination creates.
You are free for do what you like.

I just really hope that because of this you don't started to focus on the others and KrisYeol turns secondary. I'm really in love with your story and you don't have idea how excited I am for Channie have a baby. LOL

Can't wait for more and this chapter was so cute. I'm dying for more KrisYeol here ♡

Thanks sweetie *-*
caramelll #9
Chapter 8: Yes omg -_- totally agree with you. You can ship whoever you want, sweetie,even I can ship Lay with his dimple, and nobody can stop me.
no one can stop you. It's your choice and your otp is what makes you happy, just ignore them.