Boom Boom

SeLu Conversations
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genre; fluff, mpreg

type; drabble

word count; 2316

summary; oh family is finally complete ♥

now playing; luhan - your song (acoustic version)


pre-update author's note; this is NOT the continuation for [25] Still You. this is the 3rd part after [4] Shooting stars and [11] Water Bag but please take note that i changed the baby's name from taeyong to han xun.



The moment Sehun opens his eyes, Luhan's angelic sleeping face comes into sight. He smiles. This is definitely the reason why he loves waking up, especially way earlier than the older. He can stare at this perfection for as long as he can (as long as Luhan's still asleep).


Another reason-- stealing kisses.


He scoots closer and pecks the sleeping deer's nose. Another sweet smile graces Sehun's face as he touched his nose on Luhan's.


"I love you, Lu.", he whispers.


Although Luhan is in his deep sleep, a smile appears. Sehun takes it as I love you, too.


With one last kiss, Sehun finally gets out of bed and goes down to prepare breakfast for his que--king. It's a Saturday and both Sehun and Luhan always make sure that they're free from work on weekends so they can have two days for family bonding.


Sehun just finished cooking their breakfast, good for three, when he hears quiet careful tiny steps going down the stairs. He turns his head and sees his little prince rubbing his eyes off sleepily.


He chuckles at how his son is an exact carbon copy of Luhan, though his eye smile resembles Sehun more and he's got more of his personality from Sehun. His 6-year old son rushes to where Sehun is and greets him.


"Good morning, appa!" Though he looks a little sleepy, he still is able to flash a smile (which resembles that of Luhan) to greet his father.


Sehun stoops down to his level and gives his adorable son a kiss. "Good morning, Han Xun. Did my little prince sleep well?"


He nods his head lightly. "I dreamed it rained sprinkles and ice cream."


Sehun ruffles his hair, chuckling, before picking him up in his arms.


"Appa? Is Baba still asleep?" Little Han Xun inquires.


Sehun nods. "Want to wake Baba up together?"


Han Xun's eyes sparkles in delight. "Can we? Can we?"


He chuckles again. "Yes, little one. We can."


With excited little Han Xun in his arms, Sehun goes back up to his and Luhan's room. He carefully opens their bedroom door, making sure he won't be making any creaking noises that might wake Luhan up. He walks to their bed and places Han Xun on the bed gently.


Han Xun slowly crawls to where his Baba's face is.


"Appa, Baba is so pretty!", he says in a hushed voice.


With a smile, Sehun sits on his side of the bed, wrapping his arm on his son's waist.


"You think so?"


Han Xun nods happily. His tiny finger reaches for Luhan's nose and tickles it, which seems to work pretty well since Luhan stirs in return. But it isn't enough to wake the latter up.


Han Xun, determined, peppers his Baba's face with kisses which makes Sehun chuckle.


Han Xun is really the little Luhan.


Luhan's eyes soon flutters open and as soon as his eyes are able to adjust to light, he sees his two babies smiling sweetly at him. He reflects the same, feeling lucky to wake up to the sight of this wonderful beings who made his life colorful. He slowly sits up and rubs his eyes sleepily, the smile never falters.


"Good morning, Baba!" Han Xun greets merrily, throwing his arms around Luhan's neck, hugging him.


Luhan lets out a giggle. His arm automatically wraps around his little boy's body. "Good morning, little Sehunnie."


"No good morning for the big Sehunnie?" He looks up to Sehun and sees him pout cutely.


Luhan feels his stomach doing somersaults. Sehun is just too adorable and he never fails to make Luhan's inside burst into fluttering feels.


He lets out a soft laugh as his free arm pulls Sehun close to him. He gives him a good morning kiss.


"Good morning, giant Sehunnie."


"Baba! Baba! Let's go down now! Appa cooked!" Han Xun excitedly tells his Baba.


"Really?" He looks at his son then at Sehun. "You did?"


Sehun grins. "Yep! I know, I'm the best husband ever."


Luhan just laughs before letting Han Xun go and goes out of the bed. Sehun gets up too and picks little Han Xun up in his arms. His other hand is holding Han Xun and the other, like reflex, automatically finds Luhan's and intertwines them.


The Oh family settles down in the dining table and enjoys the breakfast Sehun prepared. Luhan washes the dishes after while Sehun goes to the living room with Han Xun to turn the television on. It's time for little Han Xun's favorite show. Sehun goes back to the kitchen to help Luhan out.


Luhan slightly jumps in surprise when he feels two strong arms wrapping around his waist. A blush appears on his cheeks, causing Sehun to chuckle and give it a kiss.


"We've been married for almost 10 years, Lu, yet you still get flustered whenever I do this."


Luhan blushes harder. "Says the one who still steal kisses from me in the morning."


Sehun is taken back by surprise. "How--"


Luhan turns around and lets his forearmss rest on Sehun's shoulder since his hands were soapy (though Sehun won't really mind). Luhan pecks his lips.


"You don't really think I'm asleep every time you do that, right?" He giggles. "And by every time, I meant everyday."


Sehun pulls him closer and kisses him on the lips again. "Well, you don't mind me stealing, right?"


"Hmmm", Luhan pretends to think.


"Yah!" Sehun pinches his nose. "Do you really have to think about it?"


Luhan wiggles his head away from Sehun'

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Chapter 9: OHMYGOD WHY
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my god, you sure know how to make people cry dont you?
Nice. I like it!
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Whyyyyyyyy???? Why??????
That's one beautiful heartbreaking one shot!
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