Chapter 20

My Over Protective Brother

Kyuri’s POV:

I saw Kyuhyun Oppa sit on his desk and covered his face. He looks so depressed. i come and give him a hug. “Oppa, it’s okay.. Kyuri’s here to give you strength.” Kyuhyun oppa open his eyes and stare at me. I can feel the way he feel right now. It must be so hard for him to bear the great responsibility. Our parents already died and Kyuhyun Oppa must take care of the company and of course me. I can’t do anything but give him strength. Hug him. Cherish him. “thank you, Kyuri. I have no one but you..” Kyuhyun oppa lean on me. During this time, he always be there for me when I’m underpressured. He will be a place that I can lean on. Now, it’s my turn to cherish him.

“I think it’s not a right time to tell Kyuhyun Oppa that me and Woohyun were dating.” I cover my head with blanket and try to sleep.


No One’s POV:

Kyuri lean her head on the table and sighed. Myungsoo and Soojung who were chatting stare at her and questioning each other.

“Yah, what’s wrong? I tought you’ll be happy because you already got a new boyfriend. What’s with that face?” Soojung try talk to her.

“don’t worry, I’m fine. It’s not about Woohyun. We’re totally fine.” Kyuri forced her self to smile. Both Soojung and Myungsoo worried about her. Kyuri stand up and grab her bag.

“Where’re you going?” Myungsoo asked her worriedly.

“Yah, both of you. Don’t look at me like that. I’ll go to piano room. Prof. Lee ask me to play piano on Musical concert next month. I need to practice. Go lunch without me, okay? Byee..” Kyuri left them.

On the cafetari, Myungsoo and Soojung were eating their lunch when Woohyun come and sit next to Myungsoo.

“where’s Kyuri? She didn’t answer my call and texts.”

“She’s on the piano room. Practicing. Go there. Hyung, bring food with you. She didn’t want to eat . I think she has problem. She’s frowning all day.” Woohyun rushed to the Piano room after buy food and drink for Kyuri.

Kyuri couldn’t concentrate on her practice. She keep think a way to help her brother. She made many mistakes on her practice. Prof. Lee tell her to take a rest because she really didn’t play well today. After Prof. Lee leave the room, Kyuri didn’t stop playing the piano. She’s playing random song and keep daydreaming . she even didn’t realize that Woohyun is standing behind her, watching her. Woohyun come closer to her leaned on the Piano. Kyuri still didn’t recognize him. Woohyun waved his hands in front of Kyuri’s face.

“Woohyun. You’re here. I didn’t see you come in.” Kyuri speaks with low voice.

“Of course you not. You’re too bussy daydreaming and you’re not realized that your boyfriend already stand here for 15minutes.”

“Ah really? I’m so sorry Woohyun.”  Kyuri frowned once again. Woohyun grab Kyuri’s hand and take her out. They sit on the park bench.

“Woohyun, I’m sorry. It’s just something bothered me.” Woohyun hold Kyuri’s hand. Kyuri startled and stare at Woohyun. “start from now, tell me everything. Whenever you’re happy or sad, what are you thinking about, if there’s something bothering you, tell me. Okay? I’m your boyfriend so there is nothing to hide.” Woohyun’s warm gaze made Kyuri smile and nodded.

“We have a big trouble in our company. I heard the conversation between Kyuhyun Oppa and his secretary last night. He said that my brother might derived from her position right now as the CEO of Giantcorp. It’s Mr. Kwon’s deed. He was my dad’s right hand. My dad really trust him. My brother also trust him. He knows all of the Company’s information include the shareholders. So, he made secret meeting with some shareholders without my brother. Mr. Kwon start to persuade them to derived my brother from his position with saying that my brother was incompetent. He said that Kyuhyun Oppa will only made huge losses for the company. He also accused that my brother embezzled company funds. He must prepare all of this before my dad’s died. He falsify the documents and it’s damning my brother. They said that they’ll make an election to choose the new CEO. He betrayed my dad and my brother. Ottohke, Woohyun? I really want to help Kyuhyun Oppa.”

Woohyun thinks for awhile. “I’ll help Kyuhyun hyung.” Kyuri look at Woohyun with confused face. “really? You can?” Kyuri seems didn’t believe in Woohyun. “Kyuri.. don’t underestimate your boyfriend. I’m Nam Woohyun. Nam Woohyun.” Woohyun pointed him self proudly. “first, let’s gather the boys.” Woohyun take his phone and dial Dongwoo’s number first.

“hyung.. we have emergency meeting. I’ll go call the others to gather at your house.” Next, Woohyun dialed Sungkyu’s number. He’s the leader so the other members will listen to him.

“Hyung, you’re not bussy right? Can you call the other members to gather at Dongwoo hyung’s house. We have emergency meeting.” Sungkyu immediately call Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong to come at Dongwoo’s house.

Woohyun and Kyuri go to Dongwoo’s house. They saw Sungkyu, Dongwoo, Hoya and Myungsoo already there. “Yah, what take you long to arrived here?” Sungkyu’s nagging. Woohyun just giggling. Hoya and Dongwoo were dancing and Myungsoo was playing his phone.

“Kyuri.. do you want to drink?” Dongwoo come to Woohyun and Kyuri and offered drink to Kyuri..

“Mineral water, please.. thank you Dongwoo oppa.. “ Kyuri smile to Dongwoo. Dongwoo reply with his angelic smile.

Woohyun stares at her. “Oppa? you must be kiddin’ me.” Woohyun pinched Kyuri’s cheek. “Yah, it hurts.”

They’re chatting and laughing. “Wah, our last gathering were 2 months ago. It looks like we’re separated for 10 years. I really miss you guys.” Sungkyu was too happy to gathered with the members. “But, Sungyeol and Sungjong aren’t come yet.” Dongwoo’s frowning. “I really want to ask about it. I’m so curious about it and I always think about it. Why are you guys be like this? I mean. It’s me and Woohyun who have a problem before but why you guys didn’t gather together anymore?” Kyuri look at the boys one by one. “Woohyun, why you didn’t tell her?” Sungkyu throw the question to Woohyun.

At that time, Sungjong appeared and Sungyeol is hiding behind him. “Ah, they’re here..” Kyuri is happy because finally Infinite’s members were complete. Sungjong and Sungyeol sit on the couch. The situation become too quite and it makes Kyuri feel uncomfortable.

“Sungyeol, are you have something to tell us?” as the leader, Sungkyu taking over the situation. Sungkyu was netral. He didn’t defend anyone. But this time, Sungyeol is the one who made mistakes so it must be him to apologize. Kyuri have no idea what happened between them and just watched them quietly. Sungyeol take a deep breathe and start talking. “Yes, it’s my fault. I did something fatal. I just got blind at that time. I was afraid that Infinite might broken because Woohyun and Myungsoo like Kyuri. Of course Kyuri will choose on of them. So, I was afraid that it might destroy our friendship. I called Haeryung to help me take care of Woohyun while me take care of Myungsoo. I want Kyuri stay away from us. When Kyuri told that he can’t swim and didn’t like be in the swimming pool, I quickly call Haeryung and tell her about it. After that, I didn’t get any news from Haeryung. I got shocked because Kyuri almost that in the pool because of me. I’m so regret with my deed. I got my punishment. Woohyun and Myungsoo attacked me and Infinite’s broken. I’m so sorry Kyuri, I didn’t mean to. I just… Infinite is my life. I can’t live without them. I have grown with them for 7 years. I’m so sorry..” Sungyeol teary. He looks at Kyuri with regretful written on his face.

Kyuri smile to Sungyeol. “Ahh, I see.. that’s why you guys be like this. Past is just a past. it’s enough since you already apologizeto me. apologize accepted.” Kyuri smile cheerly and made the 7 boys speechless. “she’s an angel. an angel.” Hoya praised Kyuri. Kyuri stares at Woohyun and Myungoo. They didn’t say anything and their face still straight. Kyuri grab Woohyun’s hand. “Sungyeol sunbae. already apologized. So now, you must make up with him. You too, Myungsoo. Ohh, come on.. don’t be such a kids.” Kyuri begged him. Suddenly Sungyeol run and hug Woohyun and Myungsoo who sit together on the couch. “Woohyun-aa, Myungsoo-yaa. I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry.. forgive me, okay? I can’t live without you guys..” Sungyeol like a kid who clinging on his parents.

“Yah yah.. araseooo.. let me go.. it’s so disgusting.” Woohyun struggling to escape from Sungyeol.

“Hyung, you’re so childish.. let me go..” Myungsoo also struggling.

“me too. Me too. Hug. Hug.” Dongwoo run to them followed by Sungkyu, Sungjong and Hoya. Kyuri laughing because of them.

“now, here is the real matter. Why I asked you to gather here because I need you to help my girl.” Woohyun explained to them what happened with Giantcorp.

“Ahh.. it’s what our father was talking about when we have dinner last night.” Sungyeol remember that his father talking about the CEO election of Giantcorps.

“Yeah, right. Our father was one of the biggest shareholder of Giantcorp. I think we can help you, Kyuri.. we’ll talk to our father about this. But, we can’t changed his mind easily. We need prove that Mr. Kwon falsify the documents.” Sungjong was true. They need to prove that Mr. Kwon already tricked Kyuhyun.

“don’t worry, I’m here. Give it to me. I’ll take care of it.” Sungkyu speaks proudly.

“our company also built a new mall on Busan and your brother was the one who handle the project. My father was satisfied with his work and have a plan to make another contract with your brother. I’ll talk to my father. He’ll definitely help your brother.” Hoya also excited to help Kyuri.

“Okay, then Sungyeol and Sungjong will talk to their father to choose Kyuhyun hyung and pulled some shareholders to choose Kyuhyun hyung. It’ll work because their father is one of the biggest shareholders of Giantcorp. Sungkyu hyung will take care the law matter. We need you to search some evidence that Mr. Kwon has falsified that company fund. While me, Hoya and Myungsoo will convinced the shareholders that Kyuhyun hyung was competent on his work.” Woohyun tell the boys about their own job. Then, Dongwoo innocently raised his hand.

“what about me? what am I supposed to do?” Dongwoo asked because Woohyun didn’t mention his name. Woohyun grinned. “Hyung, i have a job for you.. I’ll tell you when we’re done with our job. We’ll teach a lesson to Mr. Kwon.” Dongwoo nodded.

“yah yah… let’s have fighting for our AZ771 operation!” Sungkyu put his right hand in the middle.

“Wahh.. it’s look like we’re shooting a movie.. I’m so excited..” Sungyeol jump and put his hand on Sungkyu’s hand followed by Woohyun, Myungsoo, Hoya, Sungjong and Dongwoo. “it’s so fun..” Dongwoo jumping like a kid who get a new toy. Kyuri just watched them and didn’t move from her place. The 7 boys stare at her. They’re waiting her to put her hand too. “Kyuri, what’re you doing? Come here quickly. We’ll do fighting together.” Kyuri stand up after Woohyun called her. She stand beside Woohyun and put her hand on the top of the boys’s hands.

“1….2….3…. FIGHTING!!!” They all cheered together. Kyuri is grateful because she have the 7 wonderful boys who help her.

Kyuri stay with them to play with them. They having fun. They made Kyuri feels calm and happy with their treat. It’s already night and Kyuri permitted to back home because Kyuhyun must need her. Woohyun take Kyuri home. Kyuri didn’t have enough sleep last night so she slept on Woohyun’s car while Woohyun’s driving.

“Kyuri… we’re home..” Woohyun take Kyuri’s hand and she’s awake. “I slept.. I’m sorry Woohyun. I didn’t sleep properly last night..” Kyuri rubbed her eyes. She still sleepy. “Allright sleepyhead.. now, go inside and cheer up your brother. He needs you.” Woohyun pinched Kyuri’s cheek slowly. Kyuri smiled.

“Woohyun, thank you so much. You must know that I’m so blessed to have you..” Kyuri hold Woohyun’s hand tightly. Woohyun was touched with Kyuri’s words. He come closer and kiss Kyuri’s forehead. Kyuri get inside her house. Kyuri looking for Kyuhyun but Kyuhyun was not in reading room or in living room or in the kitchen. Then, Kyuri check on Kyuhyun’s room. She found Kyuhyun already fell asleep. She looks on the table beside Kyuhyun’s bed. “He took some pills. I never see him so depressed like this before. He even took pills to help him sleep.” Kyuri come closer to Kyuhyun and sit on the edge of the bed. Kyuri caress Kyuhyun’s hair. “Oppa I promise I’ll help you.” Kyuri kiss Kyuhyun’s head and back to her room.











New chapter updated^^

i'm so sorry for the late update, i'm too bussy with some activities hikss

thank you so much for waiting my story :*

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Thank youuu



Our maknae's smilee.... wohoooo i'm melting


Sungkyu's IG Update hahaha it's not Yeolie, it's Deoliie wkwkwk


All Pictures Credit to Owners :)





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Jungjune #1
Chapter 20: Nice story..please update author nim..~