
Why Did It Have To Be You?

Right after EXO-M was told to go to China for the first time. Sehun was sulking. "What's up with you?" Kai went to him. "Sorry, you're Kim Jongin, right?" Sehun asked. "You don't know? We were put together almost a week ago." He said disappointedly. "Sorry. I thought I didn't really need any more friends." He told him. "What other than just the one? Luhan?" Sehun nodded. "I'm okay with only one friend." He turned around as if the conversation was over. "Hey, wait. Who said I was done talking to you?" Kai said, putting a hand on Sehun's shoulder. Sehun immediately slapped it off. When Kai gave him a look that said 'why?', He apologized. "Sorry, I'm just not used to being touched by people..." He said awkwardly. "Luhan touches you all the time." Kai said plainly. "Are you Luhan?" He asked, defensive. Kai shook his head. "What makes Luhan so different from me, huh?" Sehun gave Kai a look. "Is that even a question?" He almost burst. "Yes." Kai answered calmly. "Everything." Sehun answered. "In what ways?" Kai asked. "He's...he's just better." He said. "How? How is he better?" Kai persisted. Sehun sighed. "How about tell me what you like about him?" Kai suggested. "Well...I guess, his eyes. The most beautiful things I have ever seen! I could stare into them forever! His's so manly yet so sweet at the same time! Listening to it makes my body shiver. Just being in his presence, my heart gets excited and my face heated, and I start to feel a bit shy! When he touches me it's like I'm exploding a million times over! I feel like without him, I would die! " He said that all with a smile, while imagining him as blush found its way on his cheeks. "... And that is why, you can never be like him!" He finished as if he was yelling at him. Sehun then realized that Kai had been staring at him with wide eyes. "What?" He asked. "You really like him!" Kai pointed out. "What? Of course I like him! That's what I'm telling you!" Kai shook his head. "I mean you really like him! Like, really!" Sehun scoffed. "What are you talking about? We're just friends!" Sehun said. "You're really dumb. You really like him. Who talks like that about their friend?" Sehun started thinking about what he's saying. "You think he's beautiful and he makes your body act weird! You're most happy when you're around him, right?" Sehun nodded hesitantly. "You know what? He's also close with that Minseok guy. Who knows what they'll do alone together..." Kai whispered sinisterly. Sehun almost shrieked. "W-what are you saying?! I'm a man! I only like girls! There's no way I'd like a guy." Sehun told him. "Don't lie to yourself." Kai advised him. "B-but, I like girls, I really do!" Sehun almost yelled, he started to get nervous. "Okay, I'm sure you do. But you also like Luhan." Kai said gently as to not provoke him. "B-but..." Sehun really couldn't take this. "There's no way...I can't be....I...I don't want to be..." Sehun started to tear up.  Kai gently and slowly put his hand on Sehun's back to console him. "Why...why...why..." Sehun kept repeating things about how unhappy he is. 


A while later, EXO-M were about to leave and they were saying goodbye. "Where's Sehun?" Luhan asked a little impatient since they had to leave. A few seconds later, he was seen being pushed by Kai. "Sehun!" Luhan went up to hug him. Sehun ran behind Kai. "What's wrong?" Luhan asked. Sehun looked at Kai hoping he'd give an excuse for him. Kai rolled his eyes but agreed. "He's starting to get sick." Kai told him. "Oh...I hope you feel better!" Luhan said cheerfully. "Anyway, we have to go now. Bye, Sehunnie!" Luhan waved before leaving with the other members. When the door shut, Sehun felt himself get relaxed. He fell to the floor as he breathed. "You're just going to avoid him?" Kai asked him. "He can't know, he just can't!" 


While EXO-M was traveling in the car on their way to the airport, Luhan was taking selcas with his new friends. "Minseok! Peace!" Luhan told him when it was his turn. When they were checking it out, Xiumin immediately grabbed it out of his grip. Gaaaahhh! I'm blushing so much! Xiumin thought as he deleted it. "What are you doing?" Luhan asked. "Ah... I blinked..." Xiumin lied. "Let's take another one!" Luhan said as he lifted his phone. "L-later..." Xiumin stuttered. Luhan hummed. "Okay." 


Later in the plane, Luhan and Xiumin had sat together. Luhan was listening to music so Xiumin decided to surf the Internet. For whatever reason he got a bunch of ads. 'Are you in love?' Xiumin X-ed it annoyedly. He looked up what people are saying about their new band. Another ad popped up. 'Want to find real love?' Xiumin clicked the 'X' again. What's with all the ads? Xiumin wondered. He typed 'EXO' and as he was scrolling, he accidentally clicked on a link. What now? It was a quiz. What does this have to do with EXO? Xiumin was about to click back but his curiosity beat him and he took it. The first question asked: "are you thinking of anyone right now?" And for whatever reason Xiumin immediately turned his head to look at Luhan, who was cutely bobbing his head to the music. Xiumin smiled at him. When he turned back to the test, he clicked 'yes'. No point in lying... Xiumin thought. The next question: "how do they make you feel?" He read the options and picked the right one. "Nervous" the next question: "do you randomly smile when you think about them?" Xiumin already knew the answer to this. He always smiles when he thinks about Luhan. "Do you feel heat on your cheeks when you're close to them?" Xiumin remembered when they were trying to take pictures together. And clicked the honest answer. "Does your heart beat as if it were to explode?" Xiumin hated that the most but it was true. "Wowow you are 200% in love~!" The quiz told him. Wha- how dumb! Xiumin then decided that all quizzes are wrong. He looked over at Luhan who seemed to have fallen asleep. Xiumin sat patiently, with nothing better to do. He felt something on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Luhan's head. It seemed to have leaned on him. Xiumin suddenly started to feel all the symptoms the test warned him about. His heart was beating, he was blushing and he was smiling. When Xiumin realized it, he hit himself. Pabo...what's wrong with you..? Xiumin suddenly felt like hugging Luhan. He started cursing himself. There is definitely something wrong with me... Xiumin thought. Luhan started to mumble in his sleep. Xiumin found him so irresistible. Xiumin then started hitting himself with both his hands. "Pabo~!" Luhan woke up from the sudden movement of his new pillow. "Mm...What are you doing~?" Luhan sleepily said. Xiumin suddenly stopped and stared at Luhan. Blush deepening. Luhan rubbed his eyes to see better. Xiumin turned his head and pretended to talk to someone else. The first person he saw was Tao. " enjoying the flight?" He awkwardly said. Tao nodded. "Yes." He simply answered. Xiumin awkwardly nodded. "Good." He turned back and saw Luhan looking at him. "Why are you acting so weird?" Luhan asked. In Luhan's perspective, he woke up to a shaky shoulder and saw Xiumin hitting himself then he asked a weird question to another member and had the weirdest look on his face the whole time.  Xiumin remained silent. Mostly because he couldn't think. His mind was full of something unhelpful. Xiumin just wanted to keep hitting himself. But that would look weird. Luhan just put his headphones back on and ignored him. Xiumin really wanted to hit himself now. He couldn't help it, he deserved it. He knows why he's acting weird, he really does. He just doesn't want to admit it. But he knew it too well. Xiumin almost started crying, he hit himself to stop the crying but it only made him cry more. Luhan didn’t notice him because he fell asleep again, this time on the window. Xiumin thought he was going crazy for sure. He didn't want to believe it. 


When they arrived to their new dorm, Xiumin immediately ran to the bathroom. He washed his face multiple times. He looked at himself in the mirror. "You don't like him, okay? You're just delusional." He tried to convince himself. Then a knock was heard. He opened the door and saw Luhan blushing and cutely biting his lip. "Can I please use it now...?" He asked sounding embarrassed. Xiumin, eyes still wide, shut the door and ran back to the mirror. "You are definitely delusional because you definitely like him!" He told himself.


Sehun and Xiumin both went into Sehun's room. Sehun plumped on his bed and Xiumin sat on the desk's chair. "I’m so stupid!" Sehun cried. "Why did I do that?" Xiumin questioned. "It'll never be the same!" Sehun screamed into his pillow. Then they both just stayed in silence. After a long time, Xiumin snapped. "Sehun?" He asked the boy who still had his face in his pillow. No answer. So, he went closer to him and poked his arm. "Sehun-ah?" Still no answer. "If you're asleep I won't even bother with you." Xiumin told him. "Do you really think I can sleep in a situation like this?" Sehun yelled in his pillow. "Why didn't you answer me then?" Sehun turned his head and tears were evident on his glaring face. "I don't like you." Sehun deadpanned. Xiumin didn't change his expression. "You think I don't know that?" Xiumin told him. Sehun said one last thing before putting his face back on the pillow. "I don't want to talk to you."  Xiumin sighed. "It's not like I want to talk to you! It's just...since we're both in this situation; I thought...we could help each other..." He said disappointed. "Guess not." He got up and left the room. When Sehun heard the door close, he got up and wiped his face. He looked at his reflection on his phone. Sehun was used to pretending he was okay when he wasn't. There was one big difference between Sehun and Xiumin; Sehun hid his pain in his heart while Xiumin hid his pain in alcohol. Sehun decided to go out with his friends. He texted some of them to make a plan. Then he got dressed and went to the bathroom to style his hair. He went downstairs and without a word he left the dorm. 



Sehun came back the next day(he had slept at his friend's house). And firstly entered the kitchen, expecting the members to be breakfasting. "Good morning, Sehun-ah." Kyungsoo greeted. "Good morning." Sehun greeted cheerfully. "You're significantly happier?" Kai noticed. Sehun nodded as he took his seat. Not all the members where there, luckily for Sehun. He wouldn't have to look at people that made him depressed or who made everything awkward for him. He sat down and started preparing his sandwich, chatting happily with the members there. A little later, Luhan entered the kitchen and Sehun's expression immediately changed, Kai noticed. Luhan happily greeted the members and thanked Kyungsoo for the food as he pulled the chair directly in front of him to sit down. He scanned the table and somehow met eyes with Sehun. "…Good morning Sehun." Luhan said to the boy next to him, a bit nervous after a few seconds of awkward silence. Sehun looked down at his food. "G...good morning..." He said softly. Luhan smiled, satisfied with just that. He grabbed the jam and started his own sandwich, oblivious to the whispers beside him. "Smooth, Sehun." Kai whispered jokingly earning a semi-glare from the younger. "I noticed it." Kai told him. "Huh?" Sehun blinked. "Remember what you told me?" He whispered, referring to their phone conversation that they had last night. Sehun always tells Kai everything. "What about it?" Sehun wondered. "If this happened to Sehun from a few months ago, he would have cried and cursed himself for being so stupid." Kai whispered with a smile, remembering the extremely sensitive Past-Sehun. "So?" Sehun asked embarrassed. "So, that means you've matured!" Kai exclaimed almost loud enough to be heard but was luckily ignored. "What?" Sehun scoffed. "What are you talking about?" Kai rolled his eyes playfully. "Now look what you've done! You didn't cry(for that long), and handled yourself by hanging out with your other friends!" Kai whispered happily, almost proud. Sehun was about to whisper something back but heard someone enter the kitchen. It was Xiumin. "Ah, good morning, Minseok!" Luhan happily greeted, expecting the same treatment as from Sehun. Instead, Xiumin blushed furiously and looked down while walking towards the table. He silently but quickly grabbed all he needed and scurried out of the room. Luhan sadly looked back down and continued his food. Sehun was glaring at Xiumin the whole time, saying something like 'how dare you ignore the finest man in the universe?'  Kai just annoyedly watched the whole scene.


Sehun somehow mustered up the courage to talk to Luhan. "Hyung!" He called out before completely forgetting what he wanted to say. "Ne, Sehunnie?" Luhan answered, happily. "Ah....." Sehun thought, suddenly getting nervous. Luhan looked at him with anticipation. Sehun's mind literally went blank after calling him but, he didn't want it to be awkward so, he randomly said something. " your hair..." He constructed nervously. "Ah." Luhan acknowledged him. "But, it's unstyled." Luhan told him. "I know that!" Sehun almost whispered, embarrassed. Luhan slowly smiled. "Thank you Sehunnie!" He said as he gave him a side hug. Sehun blushed and nervously looked down throughout the hug but, smiled and looked at Luhan when he let go.


Luhan was on his way up the stairs with Sehun behind him. Sehun was contemplating right now. He wanted to know about Luhan's thoughts. "Hyung." Sehun called when they were on the top of the stairs. "Ne?" Luhan answered as he (majestically) turned around. Sehun got all nervous again.

"Maybe you should move from the stairs?" Luhan suggested.  

"About yesterday!" Sehun blurted out.

They ended up speaking at the same time. When Sehun realized he basically interrupted Luhan, he blushed, gasped and hid his face in his hands while unconsciously leaning back. "Yah!" Luhan yelled, right before Sehun fell. He ended up hitting his head on the wall. He didn't fall on the stairs that lead downstairs, just the ones before them. His face was still buried in his hands so his expression was still unknown. Luhan immediately ran towards him. "Sehun?" He sat beside him and put his arm around him. Luhan felt Sehun shake slightly and realized he was crying. "Sehun, are you hurt?" Luhan asked mentally preparing to get a first aid kit if the answer was positive. No answer, instead, Sehun kept 'crying'. Luhan sat beside him waiting for him to calm a little. Sehun, after a few seconds, got up and ran up the stairs, into the bathroom. Luhan just watched him until he was out of eyeshot and stayed there. 

Sehun ran in the bathroom without thinking someone might be in there, locked the door and sunk down. He buried his face again and prepared to cry but didn't because he heard someone. He looked up and saw Kai brushing his teeth. Kai just looked at him with a face of half confusion and half understanding. Sehun ignored him and returned to crying. A few seconds past of Sehun hearing water, Kai sat next to him. "Why?" Sehun whispered. And Kai assumed he was about to curse himself like he always does. "Why are you brushing your teeth?" Sehun asked him as he looked up at him. "I always brush my teeth after I eat." Kai told him. "Why not before?" Sehun inquired. "Because. The food tastes bad." Kai said as if it was obvious. "You're not supposed to brush right before you eat." Sehun told him. "Well, not everyone wakes up as early as you do!" Kai almost yelled. "Why are you getting so defensive?" Sehun wondered. "Why are we talking about this? You're the one crying." Kai realized. Sehun nodded. "Right. Care for me. I'm crying." He agreed childishly. "Why are you crying anyway?" Sehun sighed as he remembered the reason. "Because I'm so embarrassing!" He yelled as he put his hands back on his face, smacking it. "Woah. You'll hurt yourself." Kai warned him. To his surprise though, Sehun decided to smack his face repeatedly and harder. "Yah! Listen to me!" Sehun looked up at him with a pitiful look. "What happened?" Kai ordered. "I...fell on the stairs..." Sehun told him, embarrassed. "What?" Kai jumped as he went to the closet to get a first aid kit. "Where are you hurt?" Kai exclaimed. "My heart..." Sehun sadly told him. Kai knitted his brows. "Sehun. Physically." Kai explained. "It is physical...My heart is broken..." Sehun whined quietly. "Okay, fine. Where else are you hurt?" Sehun didn't say anything, instead he just turned around showing him the back of his obviously bruised head. Kai gasped as he saw it. "Sehun! That must hurt a lot!" Kai noticed. "It does." Sehun simply said. "Then why didn't you tell me?" Kai almost yelled. " doesn't hurt as much as my heart..." Kai rolled his eyes. "I can only heal your head." Kai told him. "But, I need you to heal my heart, heal it~!" Sehun whined. Kai's cheeks pinked as he furrowed his brows. "I can't heal your heart, Sehun." The said boy frowned. After Kai finished rubbing the cream on Sehun's head, he warned him not to let it touch anything. "What do I do now?" Sehun whined as he got up. Kai looked at him. "Should we go out?" Sehun suggested eagerly. "Huh?" Kai asked. "I don't want Luhan to see me... So let's leave!" Kai got up. "We can't just leave. You're gonna have to confront him eventually." Kai told him. "Okay. Well, right now is not eventually so I can leave for as long as I want." Sehun countered. Kai rolled his eyes. "You can go. I can't. It's my turn to clean the kitchen." Sehun turned around and looked at him incredulously. "What is this timing?" He complained. "I don't wanna go alone..." Kai shrugged. "Sorry." He apologized half-heartedly as went to open the door. "Wait!" Sehun yelled as he grabbed the older's arm. "What if he's there?" He suddenly whispered. "Exactly. What if he needs to use the bathroom? What will you do?" Kai questioned. "That's why I need to leave right away. You go first and make sure the coast is clear, yeah?" Sehun asked. Kai rolled his eyes again and grabbed the handle. He waited a few seconds and slowly turned the handle, suspensefully. When he opened it, he yelled causing Sehun to yell as well. Kai immediately started to laugh as soon as Sehun screamed. Sehun glared at him. "Not funny..." He grumbled. Kai kept laughing to himself. "It is to me." He said as he opened the door wider and they both got out. Chanyeol suddenly opened the door to his room and he and Baekhyun peeped out. "What was that yelling?" Chanyeol asked them. "Kai being a jerk." Sehun answered as Kai giggled to himself again. "Ah." Baekhyun and Chanyeol answered as if they understood. They went back into their room. Sehun was about to go down the stairs but then stopped. "What? Are you scared?" Kai teased as he noticed. "No." Sehun scoffed as he went down the stairs. "Why are you going so slowly then?" He continued and Sehun picked up his pace. "Why are you running?" Sehun then just jumped off as he was on the last stair. "That scared that you wanted to hurry up and get off, huh?" Kai continued to joke. Sehun growled. "What are you two on about?" Suho questioned them after he turned around to see the commotion. Sehun angrily walked to the kitchen and Kai followed him with a smirk on his face.


Sehun was sitting on the table, still complaining while Kai was washing the dishes. "I hate you." Sehun concluded his rant. Kai turned and raised an eyebrow. "You're still whining? It's been like 5 minutes." Sehun looked at him with his still angry expression. Kai shrugged and went back to cleaning. D.O entered the kitchen and went for a drink from the fridge. "Thanks for cleaning." D.O thanked him. Kai smiled as he turned to look at him. "Of course." D.O smiled back and took a seat next to Sehun. "What's wrong?" Sehun looked at him. He no longer looked mad, he was sad. "Kai is mean." He said with a cute pout. Kai rolled his eyes and D.O gave him a hug. "Kai is mean?" He repeated as he glared at the said boy. "What did he do?" Kyungsoo wondered. "I fell on the stairs and then he made fun of me." Sehun complained. "You fell on the stairs?" He repeated as he examined the boy. "At least you put cream; it should heal soon." He assured him as he patted his back. Sehun nodded. They heard Luhan's voice calling from outside the kitchen and Sehun fell off his chair pretending to look for something. Luhan entered the kitchen calling D.O. "Dyo-yah, I'm going out for lunch." He informed him. D.O looked up from Sehun and looked at Luhan. "Okay." He replied as he went back to staring at Sehun. When they heard Luhan leave, Sehun got up and sighed. "Why were you hiding?" D.O questioned. "I-I wasn't hiding! I dropped my phone!" He said as he pulled it out of his pocket. "That's all..." He said, giggling nervously. D.O didn't answer him he just looked at Kai. "Kai-ssi, you don't have to do all the cleaning, if you want." Kai looked back, with the same smile as before. "No, I'm okay." He said. D.O nodded and got up. "What do you kids want for lunch? I'm going to buy things." Sehun thought and was about to say something but Kai beat him to it. "Kimchi fried rice!" Kai almost yelled. D.O nodded. "I'll be going." He left. "I wanted jajangmyeon..." Sehun whined. Kai shrugged. "Too late." Sehun got up and left the kitchen. 


He entered the living room and fell on his when he saw Luhan. At the sudden thud, everyone turned around to see what happened. This includes: Suho, Lay, Chen, Kris and of course, Luhan. Sehun widened his eyes when the older layed eyes on him. "What are you doing?" Chen asked him, wondering what he was doing on the floor. "Uhm...uh...I fell!" He said stupidly as if it wasn't obvious. Chen nodded slowly. "Are you okay?" Luhan asked. Sehun went back to widening his eyes. What should I say? Am I stupid? Of course, I should just say I'm fine... "I'm...okay..." He said, looking incredulously. Luhan raised an eyebrow at his weird behavior. "You look like you're talking to a ghost." Kris pointed out. Chen agreed which made everyone else agree too. Sehun mentally slapped himself because he was still unable to move. The first thing he's going to do when he's able to move again is hit himself. "We're watching a show. Want to watch with us?" Luhan asked him. Sehun somehow managed to shake his head. Luhan gave him an acknowledging look and sat back properly on the couch. Everyone else followed him. Now that Luhan wasn't watching him, Sehun could breathe again. He started to hit himself and call himself an idiot. When he was done, he got up and went upstairs.

Sorry it's late again. You know what, it's impossible to update everyday. But i'll try not to upload every month because that's too long. Maybe twice a month? BTW The beginning was a flash back to when they realized they liked him. BTW just thought i'd mention, for Sehun, it was love at first sight but he's an idiot so he doesn't realize it. And for Minseok, he slowly developped his crush. But, he doesn't realize it until then because you know, he doesn't want to be gay. Also, next chapter won't be right after this. I thought i should say this because, it might seem that way since it starts with Sehun in his room. It's, i don't know, the next day? Days later? I hope you don't mind, i felt like writing Baekyeol so there will be Baekyeol in the next chapter.

IDK what else to write. Look forward to the next chapter?

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Chapter 19: NOOOOOOO DO NOT END IT!!!!!
Sanafatima #2
Chapter 19: Noooo I have been waiting for a chapter !!! But honestly it is up to you and if you can't continue it I understand completely.

I write occasionally ( for my self not for others) and if I am not feeling the story I find it hard to complete it and make it good and it turns out to be rushed and all over the place it's better if you find inspiration and then come back to it if not quiting is the option your gonna take.
Pandagurlz #3
Chapter 19: No don't delete it I really like this story. Please continue.
Chapter 1: the story format is kinda disturbing though... convo's should be not part of the paragraph... it should only be sentences only..
Sanafatima #5
Chapter 18: Awee layyy poor him I am loving his Charecter
I feel sehuns pain awe bless him
I can never hate Xiumin
Luhan needs to accept the truth that he's gay!!!
Sanafatima #6
Chapter 17: I am Guessing the sounds from the kitchen was Xiumin aweeee poor xiu I feel soo bad for him
At least sehun and Kai went down better than expected
Poor lay tho I want some sulay action now :OO
Sanafatima #7
Chapter 16: I am dieing to know what the sounds are ands who's behind them !!
Sanafatima #8
Chapter 15: You should call it "death glares" or " confusing emotions" with the whole chan and Kai being emotional/ emotionless
Sanafatima #9
Chapter 14: Please do Kaisoo and I really want luhan to like seuhn but poor Xiumin :'(