The New Form of Government and still not in Summer

Not Everything is About Summer

Chanyeol sleeps inside Wendy’s warm arms, and they have been dozing off together from the day they start staying in that small hut. It has no malice but pure sibling-like relationship. Usually they have a plain rest next to each other, but this moment is an exception due to Chanyeol’s high sensitivity.

“Wake up!” They are both suddenly awaken by the alarming voice of Wendy’s uncle.

“What’s the problem, Uncle?” Seungwan carefully disconnects herself to Chanyeol, rubbing her eyes as she sits up. Chanyeol follows suit.

“What’s the problem? This.” He has another roll of newspaper and Chanyeol’s face is in it. “Why did you lie to me about his identity, Seungwan?”

“Uhh… Uncle—” Before she can say any alibi, they hear a loud bang.

“Not only the government is looking for him, they are some armed men scattered around the main island.” The man hurriedly whispers.

“What?” Shock, Seungwan jolts up from the bed. “H-h-how-how-how did they find him?”

“I heard a driver took two kids that matches your identity to the port to Muuido.” Her uncle explains and she hisses.

“Crap that man!”

“Sshhh… you two better leave before the goons catches you.”

“But, what about you, Uncle?”

“I’ll be alright.” He assures. “I’ll entertain them.” Another bang is heard so Wendy lifts Chanyeol up. “Run!”

Wendy nods to her uncle, dragging the backpack and Chanyeol by his wrist. The pair dashes to the woods and hears another shot coming from their hut. The girl collapses and cries at the sound, calling her uncle.

“Wendy.” Chanyeol helps her to get up and he is the one dragging her this time. They rush away but as noiseless as possible. But…

“Over there!” They hear one of them shouts and the noise of approaching men becomes louder.

“We’re screwed!” Wendy wails.

“Just don’t look back.” A bullet passes to the tree next to them, so they do not have a choice but to stop and cover themselves there. As they are curled down the feet of the huge tree, the trembling Wendy rummages their backpack.

“We have a gun here.” She takes the weapon out with her shaking hands. “But, I don’t know how to use this.”

“Let me.” As bullets showered to their direction, Chanyeol snatches the handgun. He looks at the magazine first which is fully loaded and immediately pulls its top part. he stretches his arm while he was finding a target. “I suggest you stay down as I handle this guys.”

The trembling Wendy nods, and he starts aiming the gun to the one firing in the open. He pulled the trigger which successfully hits an enemy’s shoulder and his groan can even be heard to their end. It has been a long time since he last held this kind of thing and this feels heavy to his hand now. Chanyeol tries shooting more, at the same time, he tries dodging the enemies’ bullet.

A few more moments, gunfire starts raining harder, making Wendy scream as she is lying down and blocking her ears with her hand. In unfortunate timing, Chanyeol is also out of ammo. Since his companion is busy in her panic, Chanyeol takes their backpack on the floor and searches for a reload himself. He finds nothing inside, and that means one thing — it’s really their doomsday.

However, the gunfire suddenly stops, no sound except nature, nothing is vibrating behind him. Still, they are not sure if it is really safe now, so Chanyeol leans his back lower against the three, and sharpens his sight to their attacker. He can hear a few grunts, and see some men in military uniform aiming their big guns to those who are in casual clothes.

“Wha-what’s going on?” Chanyeol turns his head to Wendy, who keeps her ears sealed. He cautiously helps the girl in sitting up as he stays observing the activity from afar.

“Seems like the goons are caught.” Chanyeol softly replies. Wendy leans to him, trying to look the situation as well but he stops her by holding her shoulders. “We better flee now while they are busy there.”

The girl nods, but before they can get up, some soldiers already make their way to be near them. The coward Wendy earlier gains courage again, protecting Chanyeol behind her.

 “Your Highness.” One guy kneels down before them and the rest follow. The two are left confused due to that. “We are glad to find you safe and we can no longer place your life in danger, so you we’ll lead you to your way out.”

“Thanks for your concern but if it’s my parents who asked you to take me, I refuse to go with you.” Chanyeol firmly but politely says.

“It’s not just your parents, the whole government or rather – the whole country itself wants this.”

“What?” These men with huge frame compresses themselves around the teens and the man, creating  a human barrier.

“Further information will be given by the Lord Chamberlain, Your Highness.” This man, who seemed to be the commander, said. “You need to go back to Seoul to meet him.”

At this moment, Chanyeol has no other choice but to follow these people, gripping Wendy’s hand as they move on. But, the girl refused to go, making the boy look at her anxious face.

“You go ahead, Young Master,” The girl says. “I need to see my uncle.”

The man crosses his arms to his chest and sighs. “You should go with his highness rather than worrying into something trivial.”

“How could you say that?” Wendy’s tone gets higher since she looks so frustrated already, aggressively moving forward. Chanyeol has to stop her as he puts an arm around her waist, feeling her fast heartbeat against his body. “We’re talking about my uncle here.”

“If you’re referring to the man inside that small hut, we found him shot on his leg but he’s safe now.” The officer speaks with calmness, opposite to her reaction but — he looks at her with more stern eyes in an instance. “So Ma’am, it’s best if you stay on his highness’ side.”

“Why you keep on calling me like that?” The officer releases a heavy breath once more, gesturing his men about something. And, without Chanyeol — and maybe Seunghwa knowing, that is the last thing they remember after feeling a sting on their necks.




“Your highness.” Chanyeol blinks his eyes twice before he completely opens it. His three usual servants appear in his sight. He sits up and learns that he is in his bedroom, which identical to the one he has with the Shens.

He unconsciously mutters. “Where am I?”

“At the Blue House, Your Highness.” He does not know that question escapes from his mouth. He leaves it aside and continues scanning his room. “Where’s Wendy?”

“If it is Miss Son Seungwan, she is waiting for you outside.” His servant Miyeong answers this time.

“Young Master—“    “Your Highness, Jihyun.”  “Uh yes, Your Highness, we prepared you for this day, so please get up now and ready for the procession.”

“Procession?” Hearing that from the youngest of these three servants, Chanyeol looks at himself and finds him wearing a court uniform that has various ornaments on it. This is what the male princes and kings wore before the royalty is abolished.

“We are not allowed to give you details, Your Highness.” The three exchange nods before carefully lifting Chanyeol from the bed. As he stands, they move around him giving some few retouches to his hair, clothes and face.

The servants sign their hand to the door while bowing at him. He is confused but he still proceeds opening it, then he is abruptly pushed outside.

“Your Highness.” Wendy is truly waiting for him out there, wearing a baby blue dress and someone must have fixed her because she looks well-polished.

Though she appears like that, Chanyeol cannot praise her because, “You too? What’s really going on here?” Each one that he encounters since his confrontation with the army calls him different from the usual ‘Young Master’. The girl chuckles demurely and gestures her hand to the path.

“This way.” Even the way she talks, it is more modest and polite — but it changes quickly as they both get into a limo, watching at the spectators in front of the Blue House. “Wow! They’re so many. And look, our schoolmates are here too.”

Chanyeol growls, grasping his hand around her elbows, and pulls her so she will shift her eyes to him.

“Oh, I thought you were brainwashed when you I met you earlier, but seems not since you are ruining your decent style just now.” Chanyeol glares and Wendy can simply blinks at him. “What is all this commotion, Wendy? Where are we going? Why they styled me like this? Why they styled you like that?”

“I can only answer one of your questions, Your Highness.” Chanyeol rolls his eyes after hearing their ‘highness’ thing again. “We are going to Gyeongbok Palace and that’s where you’re going to live from now on.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Wendy leans her back to her seat, turns her head looking at the window again, and resumes her excited blabber.

“I’ve never been in that palace before and now, Oh My God! I’ll be seeing a lot of things there as we tour. I’m so~ EXCITED!”

Chanyeol sighs, shaking his head in hopelessness. “Yes, I can see that.”

Although disheveled in thoughts, Chanyeol asks Wendy with other thing instead like her uncle. It has been a day passed since they were taken from the island. Wendy was awakened last night by an attendant and let her have a phone conversation with her uncle. She had a talked with the same attendant this morning about the current situation and was forbidden to tell anything to Chanyeol.

The boy must be bewildered of the happenings but he figures out a little in the midst of their journey.




When they arrive, Wendy is asked of one attendant to get inside one of the quarters, while Chanyeol is escorted to the central garden.  There he finds a familiar man, his father’s secretary, Sec. Won.

“So, how is it — living as a legit royalty so far?” It must be offending for other people, but Chanyeol finds him friendly.

“Weird.” The teen’s short answer. “I hope you’re the one to finally tell me the deal here.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” The man bows. “Two days ago, the three branches of our government had unanimously approved to restore the monarchy in our country. “

“No way.” Chanyeol’s jaw drops at this person’s news, and the other chuckles as he is petting his head.

“Representative Park Yi Hong passed a bill to do so and the President immediately approved.” Secretary Won further explains. “It took time to get the Assembly Members’ agreement but they eventually all did. And since your mother’s proposal was well-made, it’s not difficult to get the Judiciary Branch’s approval. So as of this moment, you are appointed as the Crown Prince of this new government.”

“Which is?”

“Constitutional Monarchy.” Secretary Park immediately responds. “After your father’s term, the power will be transferred to the Prime Minister, who can be replaced or not, and when you turned 18, you will be the Emperor of our country.”

“And, my parents?”

“They will be acknowledged as a member of your royal family but they’ll be lower than you.” Chanyeol exhales deeply, feeling overwhelmed of his new position, turning his view to the flowers.

“Why me?” He says when he returns his focus to the adult and this person obliges to answer.

“Initially, indicated to Representative Park’s proposal, she would be the Queen of this new government. But, she had a second thought and altered it. If that’s what she did, the bill would not pass from the assembly because it would look so political. “

He suddenly gets curious where his parents would be at this time, asking Secretary Won. “Where are Mom and Dad by the way?”

“Still in Chong Wa Dae. Guarded.” Chanyeol ‘s face scowls at what he heard and the other instinctually puts his hand to his shoulder to comfort him. “To avoid any conspiracy with this new government, they are prohibited to meet you unless it is an important ceremony that both parties are needed.”

“So Mother is tasting her own medicine, huh?” The man chuckles, putting his arm around his shoulder this time. They stroll the ground in that position and his father’s secretary gives him more details.


As the reformation was announced, Chanyeol’s parents were forced to inform the media about his disappearance. There was another student missing on the same day with him and the authorities automatically speculated Chanyeol and Wendy were together. The government made a thorough search, till a man claimed he brought the two teens to the port. That is how Chanyeol’s life put into trouble.

Regarding the ambush Chanyeol and Wendy experience, none of the armed men confessed who instructed them to kill Chanyeol. The authorities were still working on their interrogation to find the mastermind.

Secretary Won, now known as a Lord Chamberlain, is assigned by his father to be by his son’s side. Chanyeol can replace him with a closer companion. They go to Donggung, where the newly entitled Crown Prince will be staying in Donggung, which was renovated and modern buildings are installed in there. And, that is where Lord Won leaves him.

Chanyeol watches him as he goes, remembering the last time he saw his husband. He knows that man is only doing his job so he cannot be immature and be mad at him. But, Shen is a different story. Speaking of her,

“Your Highness.” She appears on Chanyeol’s right, kneeling before him like a traditional lady. She looks up, nervously smiling at Chanyeol. “I am sent here to be your primary bodyguard. I hope you accept my service.”

Chanyeol still boils at her for her betrayal and that is not easy to forget. He thought the anger will be in the past but he is wrong. Coincidentally, Wendy, who is hired by Kris to take care of him, arrives to the quarters. He dashes to her and hides right behind her, which causes her puzzled face.

“I’m sorry, but I choose Son Seungwa over you.” Wendy looks at him stunned, because it’s the first time he calls her with her real name. Rising up, Shen seems hurt of his decision, having watery eyes, she pays a painful smile.

“Chanyeol—”            “Please address Your Highness properly.” Shen is interrupted by a polite but firm request from Wendy. There are like arrows hitting on the older girl’s back and Chanyeol averts looking at her expression.

“If that’s your decision, I have no right to dispute.” Shen says as a tear fall on one of her eyes. A pang of guilt hits Chanyeol. “I’ll be staying here in the palace to descreetly watch over you instead. Please excuse me.” She bows, and Chanyeol and Wendy do the same to her. She departs, wiping her eyes.

“Shen.” Chanyeol stops avoiding her and looks at her directly before she goes. “I hope you understand and give me more time to heal.”

The girl turns back, revealing her face is overflowing with tears. She bows again as she sobs before leaving them completely. The pair watches her setting off.

“Wendy, may I borrow your shoulder?” The freshman’s lips curve but her eyes are sad. She opens her arms, nodding and Chanyeol does no waste time anymore, burying his face to her shoulder and they embrace each other. Chanyeol’s tears descend from him to Wendy, who rubs his back constantly.


Pouring pain to your own friend is not a piece of cake. He said before that he missed her, but why did he do it to his beloved fellow? Due to this, a part of Chanyeol is already regretting his action.


To be continued…




I'm sure this is too gay for you to read, but still HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Suho! Do you miss KrisYeol in this story? Please brear with me as Chanyeol is still reigning as the Crow n Prince. The concept might be the same with new fic although I didn't mean to make it identical. Please spread the KY love. See ya!

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Nikita_trivedi #1
Chapter 35: Ok so I'm sorry I tend to give comments at the last... ? first of all..... really unique story! I loved how u showed the relation between kris and yeol as frenemies and then slowly turning them to friends. And then to lovers. The progress was slow and right. Summer was actually too good to be true at first and at that moment itself I realized that she is going to be the villain since only those kind of people turn out like this. I absolutely loved those romantic moments between kris and yeol, how kris always attacks the poor boy and corners him. And also how chanyeol puts his entire trust in him unconditionally. I admit that I found shen's character more irritating. Okay admitted that her nature is of protective type towards yeol but she is too loud and doesn't know her place. Always interfering with krisyeol and following him around. I found that really annoying. The story was interesting till the school part where u perfectly depict Ted students lives and their school fun but it actually turned angsty after the turn of events. Like when the family part actually started. I kinda miss the school fun! Overall the story is going really well! I'm a hardcore krisyeol shipper. I don't know why this story has so less views but nevertheless keep going!! ? you are doing a great job!!!
Chapter 34: Glad that Kris is back. Hope that they can get revenge on younghwa and get the parents blessing though it seems difficult. Thanks Ten for this special update..
Please love love love! We can’t spread our love with KrisYeol without Ten! Aren’t you happy that Kris is back?
Chapter 33: I always look forward to your update. they should stop hurting my baby yeol, where is Kris, Channie needs him now the most.
thanks for the update Authornim.
Chapter 31: Things are getting interesting here.
I'll be looking forward to what is going to happen next and when Kris will appear again. ^_^
pinkyeorrie #6
Chapter 28: Owh noooooo...please dont stop writing about krisyeol, please...
It'so hard to see them separate ways in real life. There are a lot of baekyeol fans out there, but i'm still kriayeol shipper.
Dont give up, keep fighting, we-your readers will wait for your krisyeol stories...
Chapter 28: iyeeeaaaayyy an update! thank you so much for staying in this krisyeol ship and writing this story! i owe you my happiness
Chapter 28: This wendy is me, i'll help krisyeol too if they need me to get them elope at NYK.

Ten, you does make me cry
Shen's kiss is the new Judah's kiss. SPOILER: the dreams they both have will be in the later chapters, isn't it? I knew that if the scene was so perfect something bad would came out.
Chapter 27: Test 123. Thank you for this update Ten. I dont know whats wrong with this comment box TT. My comment get cut short. It's me chaa of krisyeolcola