The Real Extortion Without Yeorum (Summer)

Not Everything is About Summer

How can an autumn day be this hot? Feeling dizzy, Chanyeol is writhing in the dark and wants to get up from the table where he is lying, but someone pins him there so firmly.

"Nnnnggghhhh." He hates himself making such lewd sound which causing him to feel so embarrassed. Tongue to tongue, it swirls together into a passionate dance, the aggressive one sliding inside his mouth and conquers every inch of him. The heat is building up around him and this will suffocate him soon for sure.

It seems the person who's taking advantage of him senses his uneasiness, well, Chanyeol's been uncomfortable since the beginning, from the time this guy pushed him onto the table. His blurry sight sees a blond bush moving far from him, his view then gets slightly clearer as he focuses on the thread of saliva that's coming from his lips and connecting to the smirking lips above.

Kris looks y above him. Oops! He shakes his head. What has he been thinking?

"Krease?" The taller boy hums in response while placing soft pecks on his skin from his face going down, ing his white undershirt. Chanyeol is afraid where this is going into.

A white tee remains covering his torso but it doesn't stop the blond from exposing more of his flesh. Kris slips it up to his armpit, revealing his chest.

"No!" Kris playfully nibbles his torso and Chanyeol cannot watch this anymore, blocking his eyes with his hand. He feels a part of his upper body, which as if a button is pressed by Kris' malicious snake-like muscle, that's running to his skin abusively. He gasps at the buzzing sensation inside him.

This is wrong and it needs to be stopped because he's too young for what he's experiencing right now.

"Krease," he says, "This story is PG-13."

"So what?" He feels a touch of lips lands on his neck, which forces a moan from his mouth. It comes out embarrassingly e‘beep!’tic. He tries to glimpse at Kris, spreading his fingers apart from each other and makes a gap, seeing the taller boy lifts himself a bit to loosen his own tie and his uniform’s shirt. "The author cannot stop this turning into NC-17 if I start 'BEEP!'ing you."

“Please… no.” The blond simply smirks at him, continuing his attack to his chest with kisses, moving lower to his belly button. Chanyeol shuts his eyes again to this occurrence, sensing the belt of his pants is getting unbuckled.

Kris asks the rest of the Student Council members to go out for this? To eat Chanyeol up?

“Please please PLEASE~ I’m begging you! I’m only fif—” The knock on the door interrupts the burning intimacy and Chanyeol cannot be so grateful, who sighs in relief.

“Hey, you’re being rude, Chanyeol.” Knock. Knock. Chanyeol opens his eyes, viewing the sulking boy above him. “I’m pouring so much love here for you but it seems you don’t like it at all.” Knock. Knock. Knock. “That’s upsetting.”

The knocking continues on the background while Chanyeol lifts himself with his elbow. He then realizes the blush conquers his whole body, seeing his arms and chest are all in red.

“Because… you’re always taking all my space.” Chanyeol stutters as he explains himself and Kris does not stop staring at him with criticism.

“How am I supposed to show my affection to you then?” Chanyeol gulps and stiffens at his place, giving Kris the chance to his neck. “You’re even inviting me with your suggestive moans.”

Nnnggghhhh… you can do it some other ways, do you know that?” The raven-haired boy cannot support himself in his position anymore if he is also pushing Kris away from him. The knocking on the door is getting annoying too. “Not acting like a ert saying some explicit words.”

“But, I really want to ‘BEEP!’ you!”

“Shut up. Just get the door please.”

“How could you command the President? You’re the subordinate here.”

KREASE. Get. The. Darn. Door.” Playtime is over that’s what Chanyeol wants Kris to understand. The impatient visitor, who is knocking on the door, is not helping with the stress blooming inside him.

Kris exhales his frustration, his hot breath touch Chanyeol’s face, before getting completely off of him. He gives his wife a piercing look once more and attends the person behind the door.

At the same time, Chanyeol quickly hops from the desk, tucking his shirt, ties his necktie, puts his sweater and blazer on, and buckles his belt back.

“Principal Kim.” He hears his husband’s voice, making him freeze to his position. He also hears him chuckle after. “You seem lost.” 

"Where are your other members?" The cold air pokes Chanyeol and slowly, he turns his head to the door. The Principal looks at him with a faint puzzlement. What did he miss fixing? Not to look suspicious while he listens to their talk, he secretly frisks his own body going up to his head. He discovers the mess on his hair.

"Uhh... they're giving surveys." Kris answers calmly, snapping Chanyeol from his nervousness. The black-haired-boy cannot help getting envious of how he acts so normal like he didn’t do anything malicious earlier.

"Surveys you said. Well, since you're here and you're the President, please tell everyone that Park Chanyeol and Summer Kim will halt their participation with the Student Council."

"What?" Kris scoffs yet sounds surprised in the sudden announcement and Chanyeol stays on his spot looking at the two talking men.

“It’s clearly written on the initial part of the Student Council’s Handbook that Solely, the elected student officials have the right to take part in any Student Council activity; meaning, anyone from the Student Council is restricted to recruit new member. The only exception to add a new member is when there’s someone needed to be substituted.  The replacement should be someone who ran for a Student Council position — Park Chanyeol and Summer Kim did not partake in the previous election.”

“That may be right but we usually ask a hand from volunteers if the workload is too much for the staff to handle,” Kris’ rebuttals in his usual professional manner.

“But, it doesn’t seem you’re busy at this point.” The Principal smirks, scanning both boys who were recently done with their hot stifling romance. He knows his lips are swollen, and so does his husband even he is faced by his back. “Mr. Park you may want to go out of this room. A talented boy like you shouldn’t waste time in here.”

Although Kris is calm, Chanyeol sees him his hands and his knuckles turn white. This boy pats his shoulder, signing the blond that it is alright.


Coming out, he learns Summer is just outside the office, who's leaning against the wall next to the door. He knew it. He knew it has to do with this girl the moment her father appeared.

He instinctually looks back where he went out — thankful the door is already closed. If Kris will see his stunned face and knows the cause of it, Chanyeol can vision a world war is happening right there.

“Hi,” Summer excitedly holds his hand and there’s really something with this girl that Chanyeol cannot reject her. He simply looks at the grasp linked to him. “how are you doing, Chanyeollie?”

The boy wants to answer her question but she's in hype — she pulls him along. “Let’s go.”

In the midst of their running pace, Summer looks back at him that he is unable to change his skeptical look in time. She smiles, but the corner of her lips is somewhat intimidating. Chanyeol doesn't able to see what's coming as well. The next thing he knows is finding himself cornered with both of Summer's arms, his back is against the wall. He wants to keep his cool but Summer's predatory expression is not helping him.

The girl giggles darkly, leaning forward — he doesn't want to see what she's going to do next so he chooses to close his eyes. With no vision, he can just feel the girl's mouth is near his ear due to her light breathing.

"Why so scared, Chanyeol? I won't do anything to you. You know that I love you, right?" Those words again. He opens his sight and has been welcomed by her bright smile. Chanyeol wants to avoid looking at her but it's like he's rejecting an angel. The girl subtly touches his lips which make him chill with her fingers. "Why do you let Kris invade your space, my dear? Do you reciprocate his feelings rather than mine?"

"No." Aside from saying it, he shakes his head strict and unfeigned. But seriously, thinking about it, why he's so affected whenever it's about Kris?

"I hope you're saying the truth." There's a ghost of doubt lingering to what Summer says. "But whether you like him or not, I won't give you up."




They continue their stroll and Summer drags him to the choir club’s room. It seems like Summer set up a meeting with the group before they gone there as Chanyeol witnesses her friendliness with the club’s leader. His female friend gestures him to come closer to them and Chanyeol is introduced.

“We’re both a fan of music and I think this club suits us, Chanyeol.” Summer softly says when the members line-in on the platform. “I asked the leader if we could watch them with their practice. She willingly agreed.”

Their advisor, who’s sitting in the piano, counts for the group to start singing and as soon as they do so, Chanyeol is amazed. Summer holds his hand again while she closes her eyes, like closing the rest of her senses and leaves her ears active. The choir members sing as harmonious as a group of nightingales. They give tranquillity to the room.

When they are done singing, the pair gives a round of applause to their performance. Chanyeol thinks they truly deserve the awards they won from the competitions they had joined to.


“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Summer comments and there's nothing to disagree with it so Chanyeol nods.

One of the members waves at him and he remembers that girl is one of the Legends. He thought he's long forgotten by that group but it seems not.


The piano plays again and few more songs are performed before the advisor calls for a break and the pair gets that chance to approach them.


"Your singing is inspiring." Summer says with glowing eyes. The group looks delighted and honored, bowing at her. "I can't wait to join you. And, if you think that I'll play the piano, haha, not exactly." The choir members exchange looks in confusion because that's her specialty. "I'll sing with you guys. Don't you believe me? Chanyeol."

She pushes the boy gently forward the only instrument in the room and winks at him. Chanyeol does not know what to do, even when he replaces the teacher in the piano, but as Summer says a song title, his hands works on its own.

He plays 'The Bird by John Duke' which indeed a wonderful piece. Summer soon sings along his music — everything this girl does is perfect. Her voice is clear and loud, soothing anyone's ears. Chanyeol, who's taken by the music, plays along the song like that's what he's been doing all his life.

Chanyeol cannot hear other sounds except Summer's singing and his piano.




The Student Council President is roaming the grounds, not for his daily routine or as one of his school duties. His wife is taken away from him and he's damn mad right now — that's why.

He's almost stomping his feet while sharply staring every corner of the school. He shouldn't miss a thing. Although he can mistake himself to a serial killer, when he stares at the window, his own reflection tells him that he's still a composed individual.


Not far from where he is, a delightful melody is playing in the background. To be honest to himself, he's not a fan of music — because music dislikes him.  Since he'll pass the Choir Club's Room, he may want to see the people who are performing right now, and he only tastes something bitter seeing Summer sings like a free bird — as if she doesn't have a fading bruise on the corner of her lips. He never hates Summer like this before, if she hasn't fought over the person he loves. And, there he finds Chanyeol playing the piano for her. So he takes the realization that the Principal's talk about the school rules and principles just to get his wife away from him and give him to his daughter. They're playing dirty.

Kris wants to laugh and slap to Summer's face that no matter how much cards she put on the deck, Chanyeol will give more attention to the piano than her.

"Whatever talented b'beep!'ch." He mutters with his resentment and walks back to his office.




"Krease, where are we going?" And, Chanyeol hears nothing but silence.

Here they go again. It's been habitual for Kris to drag him everywhere. But, it is strange that his husband hasn't spoken to him about anything since they both got home last night. They not even cuddled when they slept.

Is it because they were interrupted to their make out yesterday? It's not Chanyeol's fault though.


As their fifth period ended earlier, Kris signalled Chanyeol to go after him out of their room, and here they are. Lucky that Summer was busy talking to their classmates about her performance yesterday that she didn't notice their departure.


They wander deeper and deeper into the woods behind the buildings of their school and this is the first time Chanyeol takes the knowledge that such place exists there. Kris really knows a lot about their school — but, what is he thinking that they need to go this far? Is it to continue their session yesterday without disturbance?

Chanyeol jerks his hand forcefully away from his husband, when the cold wind touches his ears, and gives him a flash of worst-case-scenario that he may experience there. With Kris normal steel-like-grip, Chanyeol decides to take hold of the bark of tree behind him so he can glue himself there and won't go farther like what Kris wants.

Shaking his head with closed eyes, he bites his trembling lips that it will almost bleed. He groans after hurting himself, opening his sight again and view his husband, whose expression is in the middle of shock and worried.

"Krease, spare me please." Chanyeol cried. "Spare me.'

"What are you talking about?" The speed of his heartbeat slows down because he must have just think too much, seeing how Kris' look shifts into quizzical.

He is embarrassed and wants to apologize but in queue Kris hugs him, stopping him to say anything.

"It feels like it's been more difficult now to get intimate with you." Chanyeol blinks but slowly answers Kris with an embrace as well. He wraps his arms around the blond's broad back and nuzzles his nose on the crook of his neck. He feels Kris' lips press on his temple. It's calming.

"You can do it at home though." And Kris' hug just tightens.

"But, I always want you next to me or in my arms and kiss you. I love you so much." Chanyeol is not numb not to feel that, nodding. Without disconnecting, Kris looks at him in the eyes. "Chanyeol, I don't want to see you with Summer like what happen in your abandoned building or like your accompaniment to her singing."

"You saw us?" Kris nods.

"Of course and I don't want to see you together... again. Please promise me you'll stay away from her. Refuse all her invites." Kris transfers his own hand to hold Chanyeol's face, brushing his thumb to his cheek. "Will you promise me, Chanyeol?"

The other boy averts his eyes, clearly showing his reluctance. "But, my parents..."

"Chanyeol, promise me." Kris insists, staring the black-haired boy with darkened eyes. He looks scary, not letting Chanyeol think of other answers aside yes. There's no place for hesitation so he nods and his husband's face brightens immediately and captures his lips.

And ONCE again, one of their sweet moments is interrupted. Both have heard the click sound; Kris gritted his teeth before separating to Chanyeol's lips and searches for the party pooper — only to reveal a girl with shaking hands, who’s holding a DSLR camera.




Of all the people, fate has chosen the freshman, who always lingers in their background, to catch them — of-all-the-freaking-population-of-their-school. As a respective student official, Kris wants to hit his own head for being this careless. He glances down his wife and sees and feels how he tensed beside him. Chanyeol may have another attack of his anxiety disorder anytime soon so he needs to control this damage.

"Son... Seung... Hwan... got a big scoop?" He says making sure his tone is intimidating enough and it seems he succeeds. The girl's face turns white and she gulps like she is hunted by a ghost. She easily gets frightened but her nosiness is incurable, so Kris needs to end her awful habit to lessen the weight of his current headache.

The freshman puts the camera into her backpack, turning her body to the opposite direction and obviously, planning to run away — as if Kris will let her. Like the couple has a telepathic ability, they nod once to each other and swiftly approach her, blocking any path she can pass through. The blond grabs both of her hands with one grip and the other takes his own necktie off from his collar, tying the girl's wrists behind her and then pushes her to the ground. She has no escape since Kris puts his foot on right side of her face while the left side is kissing the slightly muddy floor.

Kris checks what his wife's doing and finds him rummaging her bag, must be looking for the camera and there Chanyeol finds it. He is ready to wreck the device by throwing it to the ground but Kris has other plan for it.

"Please don't break it!" Seungwan pleads before Kris is about to stop Chanyeol as well. "You don't know how many months I endure of not spending my allowance just to buy that."

"Hey commoner, if that's so important to you, you should understand how important for us to keep our relationship a secret too." Kris steps his foot more making the girl's face buried deeper to the soil and she yelps.

"I understand!"

"Good. Chanyeol, give me the camera." Without a second thought, his wife gives him the gadget. It's still on, showing the last image that is captured. "Nice shot. Honey, I'll add this to our photo album, okay?"

"Krease!" Chanyeol complains cutely (in Kris' perspective). Red tint form automatically on his cheeks and the Student Council President simply chuckles at his endearing reaction. He loves to watch him every day.

"So by the way," Kris temporarily removes his attention to Chanyeol and stares at the girl below him, removing the memory card out of device, "how can I make sure you will shut your mouth to what you saw? ...Huh?"

"Krease." Straightaway, the blond returns his eyes to his wife and sees him squatting, a now empty bag raised in his hands. There are miscellaneous items such as DVDs and colorful books under him and they are foreign to the husband. Kris thinks Chanyeol is bewildered as well due to his puzzled face.

"Don't!" Seungwan screams as if Kris begins slaughtering her. "Please don't look at those!"

"Why?" Kris wonders why she would panic about it. Aha! Maybe it's something they can use to secure her silence. Pulling the girl up with her tied hands, he comes closer to the black-haired boy along with their hostage. Chanyeol is examining her stuff without touching it.

"Boy's Love, Boy's Love 2, No Money, Hanayome-Kun, Punch Up, You're My Love... what is this? It's written in Japanese." Poor wife, he doesn't know a thing regarding the artsy books presented upon him, but Kris now has an idea after remembering an episode relating to that.

"Just don't enumerate them, will you?" Seungwan shrieks pathetically, her sweat and tears mixing with the mud and sprinkle of weeds on her face.

"Oh, you're a fan of this, aren't you, little girl?" The freshman seems to lose her ability to speak and can only whimper.

"They're bothering me, Krease. What are they?" Chanyeol is really one-poor-wife and Kris needs to educate him since in the future, they'll end up doing one or some of the scenes there.

"You shouldn't know! You're too young for this! You're only fift—" And before she blabbers more, Kris kicks her to the ground — not satisfied, he drowns her to the soil with both hands pushing her head there. This erases the thought of introducing Chanyeol to these things that will completely get rid of his innocence.

He laughs heartily — like he is not turning into a murderer as of this moment, while his pure wife stares at him with his blinking doe-like-eyes.

"Chanyeol-Honey, you better stay away from those. Actually, they are some forbidden reading and watching materials in school. I had confiscated similar items with these before, and this girl," he grunts, trusting the girl harder, making her winces, "can be called erted, bringing them here. We can use it against her."

"It's weird," Chanyeol comments with a sour face. "The images are showing cliché poses of heteroual couples in movies or sort of, but these are... these are... all BOYS. These things exist?"

"Definitely, my love." Kris smirks. "You and I exist."

"Shut up!" Chanyeol absolutely doesn't like that statement and his better half wonders why. It's not a lie.

"Anyway," The President finally lifts the girl's face out of the land, "given that both of our parties, Son Seungwan, had some accidents, perhaps, you should consider forgetting what you have seen here."

"I will!" She says, gasping for air. She looks terrible but Kris had no mercy for her because she's sniffing too much with his personal life. He hates it.

"Besides zipping your lips, wait for further notice of my additional task for you. Since you know about us, you might be useful someday."

Kris frees her wrists from his necktie and she takes that chance to sit up on the floor and checks her wrists. They are bruised from the bound, causing her to weep. Kris hushes her dismissively and she looks up with her wet eyes.

"You can have the camera back but not these stuff that fell from your bag." She snivels hearing that. "I'm still not convinced you won't sell us, so until you’ve proven enough — you’ll get your pardon. You got that?" She nods. "Alright, you may go now."

The defeated Seungwan embraces her precious camera as she looks at her homoual items on the ground. She glances once more at the couple before completely getting up and flees. While the pair watches her go, Kris sneers and later becomes a loud laughter — Chanyeol looks at him with shock.

Kris locks him into his arms and still guffaws at the most recent event. For the past few days, stress conquers his life due to Chanyeol's mother, Summer, balancing his study, school administration and his romance. This can also be added but it's too funny and novice to beat that he takes it from the list of his migraines.

Chanyeol's huff stops him from laughing. The blond boy looks down and meets her cute glaring eyes.

"You buried her, punched Summer and back to that freshman, you blackmailed her. Did you really lose your gentleness to women?"

Kris nods confidently. "Because, I confirmed I'm more interested to the creature called Park Chanyeol."

The other teen looks at him with disbelief and attempts to push him away but he holds him with his iron-but-caring-grip.

"Why me though? What do I have that changes your references?" Kris sighs and yet, kisses him to his temple.

"Love is an unexplainable occurrence. I fall hard for you all of sudden and it feels so good." He kisses Chanyeol again but this time on his ear, his heartbeat pounds violently to his chest and he knows it’s in a healthier way, because he’s iterating his affection for the boy. "It feels so good, Honey. I still think I'm straight but you're an exception. But wait...


I haven't heard you say you love me too…






Chanyeol feels a blizzard drops to him and slips into his shirt behind him. Biting the inner part of his lower lip, he is afraid to stare up his husband, but he gazes at him anyway.

“I don’t think it’s the time for it yet.” He shyly blurts out and Kris exhales heavily.

“Then, when?” The awkwardness crawls up to Chanyeol’s body from his feet and he battles his control over it, trying to calm himself down, shrugging at the question. Kris holds his chin to raise his face and level their eyes properly. “You mean that you’re finding the right moment and you’re going to tell it to me eventually, is that correct?”

Chanyeol is in dilemma of answering Kris. It is a simple yes or no but he’s not sure himself. Stranded on the intersection, Chanyeol responds with silence.

“Fine, no need to rush.” He’s grateful that he is dealing with a considerate person. He sighs in relief and hugs Kris back. He lets his husband lay his lips on his to compensate for his patience.

Chanyeol knows to his own self that he feels good too whenever he is with Kris and yet he does not want to say the words the other male is anticipating. Not now. Not now.

Behind him, there are a lump of complications and people involved with him pulling him back. He will be glad to keep abiding with his and Kris’ contract but announcing his love for the boy, uhh…


To be continued…



It's been a while, my beloved readers. I'm sorry and I guess you forgot that this fic still exists. I may have disappointed you because some people are expecting an M chapter but here you have an update sticking to the rating. I'm not ready to walk that path, everybody. I'm sorry to disappoint you. If you find this fic boring, you're free to leave.

For those who stay and new readers, comment down below about what you think for this chapter. There's more to go and for the preview:


He sees Seungwan and Seulgi kneeling on the sand instead and a motionless body is lying between them.

Happy Birthday to all those who have birthdays this month!
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Nikita_trivedi #1
Chapter 35: Ok so I'm sorry I tend to give comments at the last... ? first of all..... really unique story! I loved how u showed the relation between kris and yeol as frenemies and then slowly turning them to friends. And then to lovers. The progress was slow and right. Summer was actually too good to be true at first and at that moment itself I realized that she is going to be the villain since only those kind of people turn out like this. I absolutely loved those romantic moments between kris and yeol, how kris always attacks the poor boy and corners him. And also how chanyeol puts his entire trust in him unconditionally. I admit that I found shen's character more irritating. Okay admitted that her nature is of protective type towards yeol but she is too loud and doesn't know her place. Always interfering with krisyeol and following him around. I found that really annoying. The story was interesting till the school part where u perfectly depict Ted students lives and their school fun but it actually turned angsty after the turn of events. Like when the family part actually started. I kinda miss the school fun! Overall the story is going really well! I'm a hardcore krisyeol shipper. I don't know why this story has so less views but nevertheless keep going!! ? you are doing a great job!!!
Chapter 34: Glad that Kris is back. Hope that they can get revenge on younghwa and get the parents blessing though it seems difficult. Thanks Ten for this special update..
Please love love love! We can’t spread our love with KrisYeol without Ten! Aren’t you happy that Kris is back?
Chapter 33: I always look forward to your update. they should stop hurting my baby yeol, where is Kris, Channie needs him now the most.
thanks for the update Authornim.
Chapter 31: Things are getting interesting here.
I'll be looking forward to what is going to happen next and when Kris will appear again. ^_^
pinkyeorrie #6
Chapter 28: Owh noooooo...please dont stop writing about krisyeol, please...
It'so hard to see them separate ways in real life. There are a lot of baekyeol fans out there, but i'm still kriayeol shipper.
Dont give up, keep fighting, we-your readers will wait for your krisyeol stories...
Chapter 28: iyeeeaaaayyy an update! thank you so much for staying in this krisyeol ship and writing this story! i owe you my happiness
Chapter 28: This wendy is me, i'll help krisyeol too if they need me to get them elope at NYK.

Ten, you does make me cry
Shen's kiss is the new Judah's kiss. SPOILER: the dreams they both have will be in the later chapters, isn't it? I knew that if the scene was so perfect something bad would came out.
Chapter 27: Test 123. Thank you for this update Ten. I dont know whats wrong with this comment box TT. My comment get cut short. It's me chaa of krisyeolcola