DAY 07

Hundred Ways

"I dreamt of you last night."

“Did you sleep well?” Lu Han tucks me closer to him, placing his cup of coffee on the coaster while his other hand wraps itself around my waist. With my hot chocolate in hand, I rest my head on his chest and feel his fingertips on my hair.

I had a fever last night because of the rain and Lu Han slept in the dorms due to their practice. He couldn’t easily leave the training, and of course, I understood, sadly drinking my medicine. Then, this morning, I woke up beside a grinning Luhan, the scent of brewed coffee willing away the remaining traces of sleep from my eyes.

And now, cuddling on the couch, I nod to answer his question. “My fever’s all gone.”

“That’s great news.” He smiles against my head. After some seconds, he speaks again, “I dreamt about you last night.”

His words make me grin, nuzzling even more to him, “Really now.”

“You were in a field, wearing a white dress and a flower crown on your head.”  He dreamily adds.

I chuckle, “I sound like a goddess, then.”

Lu Han pulls me, if possible, even closer, “You are one.”

Scoffing, I nudge his tummy, “Quit the sweet words. Let’s go get some fresh air today.”

“Are you asking me out for a date?” He pretends to be surprised and I give him a pinch on the arm, laughing and standing up to toast some bread. “I’m the girl, here. Let’s go for a bike ride.” 


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Alin2312 #1
Hi, are you are not continuing this?
Chapter 28: he's cutee
Chapter 19: hahaha i love this chap, yixing is adorable.
Chapter 12: OHMYOGD THIS IS SO CUTE. this fic is so... Different. I like it. This is creative, and thank you for creating a story like this. Im really digging it
Alin2312 #5
This is really unique. Loving the fic sooo much
miathermopolis #6
I saw this post on Tumblr and saved it 'cause I thought it was really cute and unique, so happy you're doing a series on it! :)
Alin2312 #7
Cuteeeeeeee :)
mincupin07 #8
Chapter 18: Ah kyuuuutttt