Two Checks Off The Bucket List

Feels Like a Fantasy


Erika’s POV


With the hectic beating of my heart in my chest and the thumping noise of the music all around me, I don’t even know how I made it out of Bom’s apartment and into Mino’s car and now here looking down to the stage from a round booth on the second floor of the club. Mino left me as soon as we arrived since he had to go get ready to perform. From where I am the rest of the crowd cannot see me easily, but I have a clear view of the stage. Only those who are going to perform are here, almost as if it were the VIP section. From what I can see there are several rappers that, if I had met them a year ago, would probably make me faint. I saw a glimpse of Jay Park when I first entered, but I can’t really be 100% sure it was him. I would probably be assured if I saw any other AOMG member. I did see Sanchez and Microdot but since I was hiding behind Mino they did not see me. And for a brief second, I thought I had seen Zico, but when I tried adjusting my eyes there was no trace of him, it was most likely my brain playing tricks on me.

Since this is my first time in a club, I am not sure what to do. There are people walking up and down the small path between the boots and the railing who I do not recognize, some with headsets, some with clipboards in hand, and other with bottles of beer or glasses full of some type of liquor.

With all my attention to the stage I almost did not catch what a guy with jeans and a white T asked me.

“Would you like something to drink, young lady?” He asked.

I stared at him for three blank seconds, until it dawned on me that he was a waiter.

“I’ll have a whiskey on the rocks, please,” I smile sheepishly at him.

“Ok,” He looked just a slightly bit surprised, but didn’t say anything about my choice of drink. “Coming right up.”

After the waiter left, I went back to looking at the stage. I can’t say that the type of music they were playing was the type I would listen to, but I found myself tapping my fingers on the table to the rhythm. Several minutes later the waiter brought me my drink along with some complementary snacks. I sipped my whiskey and waited for Mino to perform.

“I would have NEVER thought I would see you here,” said a familiar voice.

“Oppa,” I turned around with a smile on my face. “You’re here too?”

“Of course,” Wuno replied. “Are you here alone? I wouldn’t make you out to be the club goer.”

“Sit down,” I invited him. “I was dragged here by Mino, actually.”

“Hehe! Really?” Wuno looked amused.

“And you, oppa? Are you here alone?” I ask.

“Yes and no,” he replied.

I tilt my head in question.

“I came to perform along with the rest of Fanxy Child,” he informed me. “But I arrived here alone.”

“Wait! So, you mean to tell me that Dean and Crush and Penomeco are here?” I asked excitedly.

“Uh…. Yeah?” I can see that he thought I would mention someone else’s name, or get excited that over being able to watch him perform.

“Are you ready for your performance?” I try to calm myself down.

“I better be,” he chuckled nervously. “Don’t want to make a fool out of myself on the same stage as Jiho.”

I turned slightly red when he mentioned Zico. I chuckle. So, he IS here, I thought.

“Yah! What are you drinking?” Mino came back and surprised me.

“Whiskey,” I say innocently.

“Give me that,” He took the glass away from me and pushed me slightly so that he could sit by my side in the booth.

“Yo, Mino,” the waiter came to our table and did a shoulder bump and hand shake with Mino.

“What’ up?” Mino acted all cool.

“Do I get you the usual?” the waiter asked.

“No, I have this drink already,” Mino pointed to my glass. “But do get me a glass of iced water for the lady here,” Mino gestured to me. “Anything for you, hyung?”

“I’m fine thank you,” Wuno replied.

I just looked incredulously towards Wuno.

“Oppa,” I shoved Mino’s arm in protest. “Oppa,” I turned to Wuno hoping he would back me up.

“I don’t want you to get drunk,” Mino said in return.

“I’m not going to drink the whole bar, it’s just a glass of whiskey,” I whined.

“One glass will turn into two and two into four,” Mino said firmly.

“Oppa,” I look back at Wuno for help.

“You ARE under his care tonight, right?” Wuno sided with Mino to my surprise.

“Fine,” I said out loud. “I’ll just order another glass of whiskey when they are gone,” I whispered under my breath.

The waiter was back with my water and left to serve other tables. I took a gulp of my water to fake surrender.

“When are you going to perform?” I ask to change the subject.

“In a bit,” Mino informed me. “We are just waiting for the DJ to stop the club music and begin with the show.”

I nod in understanding. I look through my periphery to see if Mino is paying attention to me and when I see that he isn’t I make a grab for my glass of whiskey. I quickly bring it to my lips and try to take a sip while leaning away from Mino who is now forcing me to give him my glass. Wuno also joined and reached across the table to try to get the drink out of my hand. Within all the commotion Wuno, Mino and I didn’t notice that we got new company until we heard a loud clearing of throat. I straightened up and bumped into Mino who was still leaning over, but with his attention to the newcomer. Wuno and I both had hold of the glass.

“Hyung,” Mino says surprised.

“Zico-ya,” Wuno sat up in his own seat, now with my drink in his hand.

I hid my face in my hand and ducked my head in embarrassment. I try peeking through my fingers and see that Zico is sitting next to Wuno and is looking at Mino with a raised brow.

  1. going on?” Zico asks after clearing his throat again.

“Ah,” Wuno is the first to talk. “Just goofing around.”

“I brought Erika along to see the show,” Mino tugged at my hand that was still hiding my red face.

“Hey,” I greet Zico shyly. “Oh my god!” I say without thinking. With my hand covering my face I had not noticed that Zico was not the only one who joining the table. I stand up and bow to Dean, Crush and Penomeco in greetings.

“Annyeong haseyo,” they all say in unison.

I am now in the middle of the booth and Wuno is directly on my right followed by Zico and Penomeco on the right end and Mino on my left followed by Dean and Crush on the left end. The club is chilly and I subconsciously rub my exposed legs for warmth. Wuno was not paying attention to the glass of whiskey and I was able to get it back and I drank the last of it before I slyly turned to Mino who was now staring me down.

“That’s the only and last one,” Mino orders.

I shrug in disobedience, “Maybe.” I smile at my defiance and turn just to see Zico staring at me.

“Are you guys ready?” Zico clears his throat once more after turning away quickly.

“Yeah,” Mino and Wuno inform him.

“The DJ is about to do the opening to the show,” Crush informed them. “We should get going.”

“It was nice meeting you, Ivy-sshi,” Penomeco smiled and got up from the booth.

“Hope you enjoy the performance,” Dean told me before getting up after Crush.

Zico gets out of the booth without a word. Wuno pats my shoulder and gives me a smile and Mino points at me with a stern look, and then smiles. Penomeco, Dean, and Crush walked off and Mino and Wuno followed shortly. Zico delays himself a second. He makes as if he is about to leave and then turns back to me.

“Could you take care of my sweater while I’m gone?” Zico takes his hoodie off and hands it to me.

“Good luck, oppa!” I do a small air fist bump and smile to him.

I see a corner of his mouth lift up for a second before he says, “Thanks,” and leaves after the others.

I place Zico’s sweater over my legs to cover them from the cool air condition and from their exposure.

“Could I get you another drink, young lady?” the waiter was back.

“I’ll have a—,” I falter a bit. “I’ll take another whiskey on the rocks, please.”

“Sure thing,” the waiter smiled and left.

I felt slightly guilty about going against Mino, but I was really craving some whiskey, and it was not like I was trying to get drunk. Mino just needs to chill out. It’s not like I’m a child, let alone his girlfriend or anything. I looked over the rail from the booth onto the stage in anticipation. Come to think of it, this will be the first time I see Wuno, Dean, Crush, and Zico perform live. I await giddily like a fangirl. Soon the strobing lights die out and the waiter is back with my drink just in time to hear the DJ announce the beginning of the performances. Soon enough there was loud, blaring hip hop tracks thundering from the huge speakers around the club. I bob my head along with the music as I enjoy performances by Microdot, Sanchez, Hashswan, Penomeco, Wuno, One, and several other rappers. An hour and a half later, the DJ announced Mino’s performance I sat straighter in my seat and payed closer attention to the stage. The DJ begins to play a track I have heard many time blasting through the YG dance room. Mino comes up to stage with a swag that makes me cringe and chuckle as I watch. I take a gulp of the cold whiskey. Mino does a fiery rap that almost takes my breath away. I smile widely and thoroughly enjoy Mino’s performance. To my surprise Dean joins Mino in the track and sings some amazing cords and I can’t help but feel star struck. The track is almost done when it changes to another familiar track and Crush joins the stage as well. This is better than I would have expected. I don’t get to experience the club as a regular club goer, but I do enjoy the show from a booth looking directly down on the stage and from somewhere that Mino can see me as well. I see him look up after a small break from his rap and while Dean and Crush do their parts of the performance, and I am just able to distinguish a wink and a sly smile in my direction. My face turns scarlet, but I do not turn away. I just send him a brilliant smile and two thumbs up. After that Mino finishes his stage along with Dean and Crush, and the DJ closes their stage. After what seems like an eternity in my anticipation, the DJ gets the mic.

“YO~!” He speaks loudly on the mic. “Are you ready for the finale?”

The crowd cheers wildly and I also do a softer scream in excitement.

“Man, you already know,” the DJ announces. “The One and Only, Z-I-CO!!!”

The crowd goes wild, mainly the women, though, myself included. I clap my hands with a wide smile, and the track begins to blast through the speakers. And Zico emerges from the shadows of the stage. As soon as Zico began to rap, I felt my heart do the firmest beat of my life and I felt my throat close up. I had to force myself to remember how to breathe. Zico had total control of the stage, the track, the crowd, me. It was as if I could not do anything else but watch over him and his gestures. He moved from one side of the stage to the other. If I had been closer to the stage I would have gone crazy along with everyone down there. Zico rapped as if there was no tomorrow. No sense of restraint nor nervousness was in his deep, enchanting voice. He carried the stage with an aura matched by none of the other performers. A song was in its finale when another began and took my emotions further into ecstasy. Zico was at the of the track when Mino, Dean, Crush, Wuno, and Penomeco joined him on stage and hyped him even more. I was at the edge of my seat, clutching onto Zico’s sweater with my eyes glued on Zico when I saw him glace up and show a crooked smile, then looked back to the crowd in front of him.

“,” I whisper as a breathless grin appears on my face.

Soon the stage was cleared of performers and the club music was blasting again. I had finished my drink by the time that Mino arrived, then followed by Zico, Wuno, Crush, Penomeco, and Dean in that order. I stood up and hugged Mino after he joined me on my left side. I slapped hands with Dean, and Penomeco and congratulated them on their stages. I turn to my right and I see that Wuno is no longer on my right, but Zico. I hug him also and smile. I also praise Crush and Wuno on their stages. I sit back down and smile widely.

“You guys were awesome!” I was so excited. “I have never seen anything like this.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” Wuno said in appreciation.

“Liked it?” I asked incredulously. “I LOVED it! Ok, I need to calm down now.” I look down at my lap and see that I still have Zico’s sweater, “Oh! Here, your sweater,” I lift it up from my lap and hand it back to him.

“It’s ok, keep it for a bit,” Zico looks down at my lap, clears his throat and looks back up at me.

I smile at him and put it back down on my lap. The waiter comes back to our table.

“That was incredible guys,” he congratulated the rappers. “What can I get for you tonight? The usual? Something special? First round is on the house as you already know.”

“I’ll get the usual,” “Me too,” “I’ll get the same, as well,” Wuno, Crush, and Penomeco said.

“I’ll get a beer,” “So will I,” Mino and Dean both said.

“The usual, please,” Zico said.

“And for the lady,” the waiter asked.

Mino looked over at me concerned and I looked back at him defiantly. “I’ll get the same as before,” I told the waiter.

Mino sighed and smiled in defeat, “Fine, drink up. Just don’t come blaming me for an embarrassing moment later.”

“Oppa~,” I clung onto his arm and smiled at him. “I promise I will stop drinking before I get too drunk.”

“Ok,” Mino said defeated.

As we all waited for our drinks the guys began talking about their stage and how it could have been better. Occasionally they would ask what I thought about it and I answered as truthfully as I could. Zico was quiet and only nodded or shook his head in agreement to what the others were talking about. The drinks were brought to us. Wuno, Mino, and Dean had beers, Penomeco had a scotch at room temperature. Crush had a glass of beer with a shot of soju. And Zico and I both had whiskey on the rocks. I took a drink out of my beverage and then set it down. Out of nowhere I feel something touch my right leg. Startled I look down and see that Zico is pulling the sweater over my leg.

“You’re, uh, leg was uncovered,” Zico took his drink and gulped down some whiskey.

“Thank you,” I responded. I give Zico a longing glance and I’m able to see his face redden a bit. I look away and a small smile creeps on my face. Through my periphery I noticed that Mino saw my interaction with Zico. I turn to see him but he quickly looks away. I am already on my third drink and I can feel a buzz.

I try to stifle a yawn, but Wuno notices me, “Are we boring you that much?”

I manage to laugh it off, “No,” I wave my hands in front of my face. “I’m just getting sleepy, I usually go to sleep around this time.”

“Do you want me to take you home?” Mino offers me.

“No, it’s ok!” I smile at him. “I’m having a good time!”

“Are you sure?” Mino looks at me with slight concern.

I nod in response. Truth be told, I was having a great time, but I really did feel like I needed to go to sleep. Especially since the liquor was getting to me. I yawn again, but this time I was not alone. Zico also yawned.

“I should get going, guys,” Zico announced. “I’ll see you guys later.” He then turned to me, “I can take you home if you want.”

“It’s ok,” Mino began. “I can take her.”

“No, you can stay and enjoy some more quality time with me,” Wuno stopped Mino from getting up from the table. “Zico can take her.”

I look from Mino who has an unreadable expression on his face, to Wuno with a smug smile, to Zico who is still waiting for my answer. I turn back to Mino with an apologetic face expression.

“Let’s go,” I look back at Zico.

Both Zico and I get up to go and Crush and Wuno get up too to let us pass. As Zico is about to pass Wuno, Wuno goes in to whisper something to Zico. Zico then slightly shoves Wuno and Wuno laughed loudly.

I said my goodbyes to Mino and the rest of the guys and followed Zico to the exit and to his car. Luckily, I didn’t trip on the way. Zico opens the door for me and I get in. I settle Zico’s jacket, which I carried out with me, on my lap. Zico gets in the car and starts the ignition. He turns on the radio where it is hardly audible.

“Are you hungry?” Zico asks me.

I look at him with a flabbergasted expression and I chuckle a bit, “Does it seems like I’m always hungry when I’m with you?”

“No,” Zico looks a bit taken aback. “It’s just that I didn’t see you eat since you got to the club.”

I nod, “I ate some of the snacks they served, and the liquor filled me up. But thank you for asking.”

Zico shows me a smile, and turns back to the road. “You look very nice today,” Zico compliments me.

I smile, “Thank you.” If Zico looks at me at this moment he will be able to see my face become increasingly red. I clear my throat lightly, “You also looked amazing on that stage tonight.”

I hear Zico let out an airy laugh, “Thanks.”

“You know,” I turn slightly to him. “I finally saw you perform live tonight!”

I see Zico nod, “So?”

“So?” I repeat after him. “That means that I can cross that off my bucket list!”

Zico turns to me briefly, “Are you serious? That was on your bucket list?”

“Yeah!” I smile widely.

“But isn’t a bucket list supposed to have more epic adventures?” Zico looks perplexed.

“Well, yeah,’’ I say slowly. “But, watching you, Block-B, Mino, and all my idols live is one of the most epic things in my bucket list. My bucket list isn’t that epic to begin with,” I explain to him. “I am easily entertained and satisfied. I don’t need to climb the highest mountain or go swim with sharks.”

“You say you don’t do adventures,’’ Zico began slowly, “but living on the other side of the world from your parents is already an adventure on itself, let alone coming over to Korea alone, with no sense of guidance.’’

“Yeah,” I agree with him. “It is a challenge to move away from my family, but I really like it here. And it’s not like I am alone, right? I mean, here you are. I also have Mino, Yang sajangnim, Tablo oppa and his family, Manager Kwon. I’m the happiest I can be!’’

“It’s good to know,” Zico nods. “We’re here,’’ Zico pulled up to the underground parking lot. He made his way to Mino’s parking space and parked his own car.

Zico got out of his car and made his way to my side. I opened my own door and got out with his help. I am not used to wearing such short dresses and I used Zico’s jacket to hide myself. Zico leads the way to my apartment and I try not to spring an ankle with these high heels. After a quiet lift to my floor and a short track to my door I dial my code and the door beeps open. I open the door and walk in.

“You want to come in?” I hold the door open for Zico and he comes in. “Sorry about the mess,” I push aside my manager’s pile of shoes.

“You call this a mess?” Zico chuckles. “Your apartment is spotless compared to mine.”

I smile at him as I try to pull off my heels without falling over. By this time, I am feeling very unequilibrated from the buzz of the drinks. I manage to take of the heels and when I put my feet on the level ground I grown.

“I missed having my feet flat on the floor,” I laugh and slip my feet in my fluffy pig house slippers. “Do you want a coffee or tea?”

“Umm… no, I think I’ll be fine,” Zico scratches the back of his neck. “Are you going to be ok?”

“Um?” I ask confused. “Oh! Don’t worry I didn’t drink that much,” I chuckle.

“Ok, good,” Zico nods. “Good night then.”

“Oh!” I remember about the jacket. “Here, your jacket,” I am about to hand it to him when a sudden dizziness comes over me and I stagger a bit.

Zico steadies me, “Are you sure you’ll be fine?”

My cheeks begin to blush from our closeness, “I-I—,” I studded. Get your together, Erika! I tell myself. You can’t do that! I gulp, “Oppa, I’m sorry,” I apologize.

Before Zico could say anything, I lean in and give him a peck on his lips. I could not contain myself. I have never been selfish, but right now I was willing to forget all my morals and be selfish and take what I want. I caught Zico so off guard that he could not do anything to prevent my action. I only pecked his lips, it was not a kiss. As soon as my lips touched his I leaned away.

Zico swallowed, “Erika, I—”

“Don’t say anything,” I cut him off. “I know not to expect anything in return.”

I make to move away from him and let him go but he holds me still. He is looking straight at me with a slight frown on his face most likely at loss for words.

Zico sighs, “ it!”

With those two words, he moved himself closer to me and planted his plump lips on mine. I was paralyzed until I felt his right hand let go of my forearm and slid to my back. I too slid my left hand up his shoulder and hooked it behind his neck and deepened the kiss. I was in absolute bliss. He moved his left hand to cup my face and lead me in the kiss and I let him. It started as a sensual kiss, to a down right make out session. I had never kissed anyone like this and it literally took my breath away. Zico my bottom lip and I slightly open my lips only to be consumed by the pressure of a simple, yet a never-in-my-lifetime-would-I-expect-to-do-this-with-my-idol type of french kiss. This is literally something out of a dream, something that does not happen too often, yet it was happening. When Zico and I are out of breath we break off the kiss. We lean our foreheads together as we catch our breath. I can feel his breath on my face, smell the whiskey in his breath. I peck his lips one more time, this time a little longer that the first time, then I lean back and slide my hands to his shoulders and his hands automatically slide to my waist. We look at each other in astonishment. Not believing what we just did.

I smile and look down for a second and then back at him, “You should get going now.”

“I should go now,” Zico repeats after me. He lets go of me and I take my arms and wrap them around me.

“Have a good night,” I smile at him.

“Good night,” Zico makes to move back, but does a double take and leans for one last peck on my lips. “Have sweet dreams.” And with that he walks out the door and it shuts behind him.

I stay rooted to the ground. Still in disbelief and in ecstasy. I probably stood in that spot for five minutes before I walked back to my room only to struggle taking off the dress. When I finally managed to take it off I headed to the restroom to take off the mask of makeup and it wasn’t until I saw my reflection on the mirror that I remembered that I had a vibrant red lipstick on, but it was completely intact, no smudges. I wiped my hand over my lips and looked back down to my arm, no smear. Bom unnie sure chose the right lipstick for the night. I smile widely and begin to take off the makeup. Half an hour later, I am back in my bed in my pajamas, surrounded by pillows. I turn sideways on my bed and hug my body pillow and I can’t stop myself from going back to thinking about Zico’s performance tonight at the club, and how strikingly breathtaking he was. And I could not get the sensation of his lips on mine, of his hands on my body, of his breath on my face, of his voice. He knew exactly what he was doing as he told me to have sweet dreams.

Oh! I will have sweet dreams tonight for sure!



I am SOOOO Sorry for having you guys waiting for a new chapter for so long. Hopefully this makes up for me absence?
I LOVE you guys  for waiting for me!!! 


And I would also like to welcome my new-not so new subbies: 

emji_88                                     NykitaBanana                           Killerkhaos

love112love                                          Lxcie21

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Chapter 23: I really enjoy this story! I want her to quickly get together with zico aaahhh zico is also my Ultimate Bias and i just cant he's too cuuteee
Chapter 23: i really really (pun intended) like the dynamics of this story and Erica/Zico counteractions!! you have a fresh approach to romantic side of fanfiction here and I really really admire it
Killerkhaos #3
Chapter 21: Awesome story!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
NykitaBanana #4
Chapter 21: Oh! So happy to find this gem! Such a great story and I look forward to more of it :)
Maid_Service #5
Chapter 1: its funny that she says hyung because i did until my coworker corrected me but id still rather say hyung.
Chapter 16: Ahhhh the dilemma. To meet Mino or to meet the mysterious guy.
Yup yup Zion.T under YG. That's gonna be epic. Then again I do feel that he does belong there u know as apposed to other labels?
ChillJamE #7
Chapter 15: Best Fanfiction Ever!!!!!
Please update soon I can't wait
Kaylie3Two #8
Chapter 15: I really like! Aw, I'd love to be apart of that family, it sounds so chill and fun yet loving. Tablo though, haha eavesdropping much? :-)
Kaylie3Two #9
Chapter 14: I kinda gasped at the 'deserved it' XD poor Erika. Congratulations on the new subs :-)