Date by the Han River

Feels Like a Fantasy


Erika’s POV

I wake up this morning with a start. I was not able to sleep peacefully at all last night, just thinking about him and what he planned for us. When I asked both Mino and Zico when they could go out they somehow managed to say the exact same thing: Let’s meet up after 8pm.

I let out a heavy sigh and rub my hands over my face in frustration. I had to accept one and decline the other, but I don’t know if I made the right choice. I get out of bed and change into something comfortable. I walk out of the room and open my laptop on the coffee table in front of the sofa. I go to the kitchen and start brewing some coffee. I just need something to keep me slightly active and not pay attention to the time nor think about my date tonight. I wait in front of the coffee maker, watching it as the black drops of coffee fall one by one. Once the big glass cup is filled up to two cups I pour the contents into my favorite mug. I walk back to the living room and sit down on the couch and unlock my computer. I take a sip of the bitter coffee and set it down on the table. I scroll through my email, checking if there is anything I should look into. Fortunately, there is. I have an email from the YG staff, probably about the Taiwanese movie.

I open it and find exactly what I expected. I open the PDF file and read through the details about the movie. Some things jump out right away.

“So I will have to talk in Taiwanese,” I nod. “Well, good thing I already know Mandarin Chinese, all I have to learn know is the colloquial pronunciations and other Taiwanese words.”

I read more into it. “I guess I will be gone for about four months,” I mutter to myself. “Not bad,” I take another sip of the sugarless coffee.

As I get further down the pages I see something unexpected. “They actually have the main cast members decided?” I look through some of the names and immediately freeze. “No way…. NO WAY!! Oh my gawd! I’ll be working close to Wu Chun? THE WU CHUN!?” I can’t believe my eyes. First, I get to work around my Korean idols and now my Taiwanese idols. Who is next? Aaron Yan? Jiro Wang? Ella Chen?

“Alright!” I fist pump. “Now I have something to look forward to.”

I read more of the details and I can see that the movie is seriously going to take so much effort. Just reading the descriptions I can tell that the action will be intense.

After I finish reading about the movie I browse through YouTube, but then I get bored and turn on the TV. I flip though the channels and stop when I find a drama that has been causing a lot of commotion. The episode finished within fifteen minutes; it is now noon. I turned off my computer and got up from the couch. I walked into my closet and looked through the clothes.

“Let’s see~,” I softly singsong. “What should I wear for tonight?”

My date, if I can even call it that, is until 8pm, but I want to have everything ready. I feel giddy just knowing that I don’t have my things ready. I have never been on a date before, but since I did not have to pretend to be someone else with my “date” tonight I could just dress however I want. Yet I can’t help but feel giddy.

“I like these black jeans,” I take a pair of dark straight legged jeans. “But for shirt?” I put aside the jeans and search for a nice shirt. Since my pants are plain my shirt can be as crazy as I want it to be. “Ooh! I like this one!” I smile down at my white shirt with small zebras printed in all directions with a black collar. It is semi-see through so I’ll have to use a white tank top underneath. I put it aside and look for a coat. “It’s not that cold anymore, but the nights are still chilly.”

Buzz. Buzz. My phone vibrated indicating I got a message. I looked at it and I was rather surprised.

From Jaejoong Oppa
Hey, get ready. I’m picking you up in thirty minutes. I know you don’t have a schedule, so don’t avoid me.
I love you~!

“Mwoh???” I literally ran to the bathroom with the clothes I had picked for tonight and hit the shower. “Why didn’t he tell me earlier?” I fiercely scrubbed my scalp as I washed my hair. “I better be back before eight…,” I heavily sigh and continue talking a shower. I did not even take my music into the shower today.

I quickly get out of the shower and changed into my clothes. I walk out of the foggy bathroom and head to my room. I get a small bag with simple make-up items which I only use in special occasions, and this was special. I had not talked to Jaejoong oppa almost since we finished recording the drama last year. I apply some of the contents on my face and in fifteen minutes I give the final touches. I don’t really know much about make-up but I somehow manage to make myself look decent.

“I need accessories…,” I look around my room, trying to find the small bag with the earrings that I bought yesterday at Hongdae. I look from one pair to another, shaking my head. “They all look to unsuitable for my outfit. I better just use my black rose studs.”

I finish getting ready and right on time I hear the doorbell ring. I rush out of my room and almost bump into Kwon manager who was also coming out of his room to see to the door.

“I’ll get it,” I smile and rush to the door and open it.

“Annyeong~!” The most angelic smile greeted me as the devil walked into the room without my invitation. “Long time no see,” Jaejoong turned around to face me as I closed the door behind me.

“Yeah,” I smile.

“Hey, how’ve you been?” Jaejoong smacked hands with Kwon manager in greeting.

“I’ve been fine, and you?” Kwon manager had become good friends with Jaejoong oppa since he was always near the set with us while we filmed for the drama.

“Good, good,” Jaejoong oppa nodded. “I’m going to take Erika out for a while. I know she doesn’t have a schedule, but if something comes up call us.”

“Uhh… yeah,” Kwon manager managed to say before Jaejoong oppa turned to me.

“Are you ready?”

I nod in response and begin putting on my favorite red Converse while I sing BTS’s “Converse High” in my head. “Ok, let’s go,” I take a hold of Jaejoong oppa’s arm and pull him out the door. “We’ll be back soon,” I yell out to my manager.

“Yeah, have fun,” I hear him yell back before the door shut.

“So, where are you taking me?” I ask curiously.

“I don’t know,” Jaejoong oppa shrugged and walked to the elevator.

“Well, did you not plan anything?” I asked incredulously.

“No,” he shook his head. “I just woke up today with a feeling that I just had to see and talk to you.” He looked over at me. “Have you eaten anything?”

“No,” I shake my head.

“I thought so,” Jaejoong oppa nodded his head. We got out of the elevator and walked out of the building and headed to Jaejoong oppa’s car. We got in and he began driving without saying a word.

I look over to him, “What have you been up to?”

“Nothing much,” Jaejoong oppa responded.

“I don’t believe that,” I frowned slightly. “I heard Junsu-sshi is discharged now. have you not been working on anything?” I asked hopeful.

“That’s confidential,” Jaejoong oppa smiled and looked at me and winked.

“Hehehe! Really?” I giggle like the fangirl I am. “Are you almost done?”

“Umm… I’ll only tell you my secret activities if you tell me yours, Erika. It’s only fair,” Jaejoong said thoughtfully.

“Alright…,” I pout. Should I disclose my secret to him? I mean, I did to Taewoon oppa…, I thought. “Fine, I am leaving Korea.”

“What? When? Why all of a sudden?” Jaejoong asked alarmed almost pushing the gas pedal instead of the brake at the red light ahead. He looked over at me with questioning eyes.

“Is it a solo or group comeback?” I ask.

“What?” Jaejoong was confused for a second before recovering. He sighed, “Group. Now answer my question.”

“I’m leaving soon. I got an offer for a movie,” I answered, trying to not give too much away at once. I need to be able to have something he wants to know for me to receive information about JYJ. “Are you almost done with the album?”

“Erika, that is too confidential,” Jaejoong oppa gave me a stern glare before stepping on the gas now that the light turned green.

“Confidential information for confidential information,” I pushed forward. “And plus, it’s not like if I am going to go and blog about it and publish your plans online.”

“We are not finished with the production yet,” Jaejoong oppa gave in.

“See, now how hard was that?” I take my phone out. “Oh my gosh! All of your fans are going to be ecstatic!”

“Yah!!” Jaejoong oppa shouted. “Do you want to die?!”

“Hahaha! Relax, oppa!” I show him my phone as I hold my stomach in laughter. I had not even turned my phone on.

“That’s not funny…,” Jaejoong oppa was still flustered. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“Sorry,” I calmed down. “So, where are we going?”

“Somewhere,” Jaejoong oppa did not really give me the answer I wanted, but in a way I prefer it that way.

“Ooh! A surprise?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

“You are so weird,” Jaejoong oppa shakes his head. “So, where will the movie be shot?”


Jaejoong oppa nodded.

And before I knew it we were parked and getting out of the car into a really nice looking… “Korean Barbeque place?”

“Yup,” Jaejoong oppa answers my question. “I didn’t know where to go so I just drove here.”

I nodded. “Ok, I like meat either way.” But seriously? How many times am I going to eat in a barbeque place in a WEEK?? I ate barbeque with Taewoon oppa yesterday, too. It will look like the only place I ever eat in are barbeque places…. That’s not true! I also eat take-out food a lot…. Jaejoong oppa leads the way to a table at the very back of the restaurant. Yup, the back of the restaurant, AGAIN! Jaejoong oppa ordered an order of meat. Yeah, meat, AGAIN! Oh! Wait, never mind. That’s what we came here for.

“Are you ok?” Jaejoong oppa asked me as he served both of us a cup of water.

“Hmm?” I look up at him. “Oh! Yes, I’m fine.”

“You seem awfully quiet today,” Jaejoong oppa noticed. “Is something bothering you?”

“Mm…no, everything is fine,” I say trying to assure myself more than Jaejoong oppa.

“Are you having boy trouble?” Jaejoong oppa smirked when he saw me literally chock on the water he served me.

“O-oppa,” I cough out. “Where did you get that crazy idea?”

“Crazy idea?” Jaejoong oppa hooked up an eyebrow. “I was raised around my sisters. I think I have a better understanding of the mind of a girl like you.”

“Girl like me?” I ask with wide eyes.

“Your emotions are written all over you face,” he points to my face.

“Well, rest assured, I do not have any ‘boy trouble’,” again I try to assure myself more.

“Alright,” Jaejoong oppa dropped the subject. “Do you know when you are leaving?”

“Why? Do you want me to leave already?” I say before thinking.

Jaejoong oppa was taken aback a bit. “Since when do you talk like that?”

“I’m sorry,” I slightly bow as I blush. “I wasn’t really thinking.”

“Hehehe…,” He laughed softly. “I just wanted to know so that I will schedule our comeback while you are gone.” He smirked evilly.

I gasp dramatically, “You wouldn’t!”

“Watch me,” Jaejoong oppa did not stop smirking.

The food finally got to the table and I placed the meat on the hot grill. While we waited for the meat to be ready Jaejoong oppa prepared himself a lettuce wrap without meat. I rather wait for the meat than to eat just greens.

“How long are you going to be in Taiwan?” Jaejoong oppa askes.

“As far as I know about four months. Maybe more, maybe less.”

“Cool,” Jaejoong oppa nodded slowly. “What’s the genre of the movie?”


“Hmm, nice.”

I finish cooking the first batch of meat and begin eating before putting the rest on the grill. I make myself a lettuce wrap and I try my best fitting the over packed wrap in my mouth. I manage to take it all in and start chewing and I lean my head back a bit in awe. This lettuce wrap is by far the best I’ve made. I recover quickly and take a spoon full of rice and top it with a piece of meat and eat it.

“Erika,” Jaejoong called my name.

I look up and see him pointing at my chest. “Awe!” I let out a sigh and take a paper towel. Some of sauce the I put in my lettuce wrap fell on the front of my shirt. I rub the sauce off the most I can and then I go back to eating.

I hear Jaejoong oppa chuckle. “You are a special one,” he shook his head. “If I were you I would not be able to eat comfortably after knowing I have a stain on my shirt.”

I smile weakly. “Am I really that weird?”

“Mmm?” Jaejoong oppa looked up at me, surprised at my serious tone. “You are not weird, just different.”

I nod and I put my spoon down.

“What is bothering you?” Jaejoong had concern in his voice now.

“I don’t know,” I truly don’t….

“You are not as cheery as I remember you were,” Jaejoong said thoughtfully.

I sigh, “You are not the only one telling me this,” I inform him.

“Do you miss your family?” Jaejoong suggested.

I paused. Did I miss my family? I shake my head slowly. “I don’t feel like I miss them.”

“Really?” Jaejoong asked rather surprised. “Then, do you have any problems with anyone here?”

“I— no,” I say.

“Are you sure?” Jaejoong oppa looks a bit skeptical.

I nod and smile at him. I pick up my spoon and dig up again. We soon finish eating and we head out. “So, where to now?”

“Mmm… how about,” Jaejoong oppa walks to the car as he thinks. “We go walk around Myeong-Dong?”

“Ok,” I hop in the car and Jaejoong takes off. The drive to Myeong-Dong was rather quiet, yet not awkward. Jaejoong parked the car sooner than I expected and we both got out.

“We’ll walk the rest of the way,” Jaejoong oppa informed me and he put on sunglasses before getting out of the car.

I get out as well and follow him.

“Is there anything you want to buy?” Jaejoong asked.

Did I live through this already? I got a sense of déjà-vu. “Not that I can think of,” look around the street which was slowly getting more and more congested as we walked deeper in. “Let’s just walk around.”


We walked side by side and even though I had just eaten, the street vendor’s food looked rather appetizing. Especially that fried spiral potato on a stick. “Oppa, let’s get one of those,” I suggested.

Jaejoong oppa looked at what I was pointing, “We just ate, you still want more?”

“We didn’t have dessert yet,” I pout.

“Ok,” Jaejoong oppa chuckled and walked toward the street vendor cart with the potatoes on sticks. “Which one do you want?”

“The one with the sausage in the middle,” I point to the one I want.

“Get it,” Jaejoong oppa hands it to me and also another one with just the potato. “We’ll take these two,” Jaejoong told the vendor and paid for out potatoes.

I took a bite of my potato and I felt it almost dissolve in my mouth like cotton candy. “I want to cry,” I unconsciously say.

“Why? Are they bad?” Jaejoong oppa took his own potato.

“No, on the contrary. It is like heaven,” I say dramatically and take another bite of it. “This brings back memories of when I went to China.”

“Do they have these there too?” Jaejoong oppa asked and took a bite of his own potato.

“Mhm,” I nod. “But I only ate one. I have not eaten another until now.”

“Mmm,” Jaejoong oppa nodded.

“So, have you gotten any other offers for a drama or movie?” I ask.

“I have, but I have declined most of them,” Jaejoong oppa kept eating his potato. “I rather concentrate on the group’s activities for now.”

I nod in understanding. Jaejoong oppa and I spent hours just walking around. We walked in some stores but only looked around, tried some of the clothes and goofed around. We didn’t buy anything. I once saw a poster for an advertisement with Jaejoong oppa on it and I laughed as I pointed it out. Jaejoong oppa dragged me away before I attracted too much attention. Before I knew it was already eight thirty and I was having such a wonderful time with Jaejoong oppa that I almost didn’t see the text I received at the moment: I’ll pick you up in a bit.

“SH*T!” I hiss after I read the message. “Oppa, I have to get home.”

“Now?” Jaejoong oppa looked at me alarmed at my agitation. “Yeah, Ok. Let’s go.”

“I’m sorry, oppa,” I apologize for abruptly stopping our hang out.

“It’s alright, but did anything happen at home?” Jaejoong asks as we reach the car and we set of home fast.

“No,” I shake my head. “I just forgot I had another engagement.”

“Oh,” Jaejoong oppa sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t think I was going to lose track of time so easily,” I laugh. “I had a good time.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Jaejoong oppa smiled and drove on. Soon I was dropped off at my apartment and I waved bye to Jaejoong oppa as I rush up to my apartment.

“Ugh!” I just realize that I have a stain on my shirt. I will have to change quickly. I walk into the apartment and go straight to my room and take out the galaxy colored sweater I bought yesterday and take off my shirts, and pull on the sweater. I walk to the mirror and check my makeup. “Good, it still looks good.”

Just then the doorbell rings. I rush to open it and almost bump into Kwon manager, again.

“Oh! You’re back?” Kwon manager looks at me shocked.

“Are you going out?” I ask him as I do a double take on what he was wearing.

“Yeah,” Kwon manager says before walking back into his room.

I nod and I go take the door.

“Oh! Hello,” I bow slightly as I see two guys who I only met once when they came over to hang out with Kwon manager.

“Is Jae-Sung here?” One of the guys asked for my manager.

“Yeah,” I nodded and opened the door wider. “Come in. Jae-Sung is in his room.”

“Thanks,” they said and walked in and went into my manager’s room.

I closed the door and walked back to my room. I was about to lie down on my bed when the doorbell rang again. I walked back out of my room and opened the door to reveal another guy, but this guy was the one I had been waiting for.

“Hey,” he said. “Are you ready?”

“Yeah, let me just put my shoes on,” I said and opened the door wide enough for him to come in to the small entrance and wait for me as I put my shoes on. When I finished tying my shoes I get up and check that my phone is in my pocket. “Oppa! I’ll be back!” I yell loud enough for my manager to hear me.

“OK!” I hear him yell back and I walk out to the apartment.


No One’s POV


Erika walks into the elevator and waits until her companion gets in as well before pressing the ground level. She looks down at her feet and he looks up at the ceiling of the elevator as they descend. They finally reach their destination and they walk out of the elevator.

“Hyung?” A male voice caught their attention.

“Ah, Mino-ya,” Zico says softly.

“What are you doing he—” Mino’s voice falters when he sees Erika standing behind Zico, looking directly at him with wide eyes. “Erika?”

“Mino oppa,” Erika manages to say before turning the other way, feeling guilty.

“Ah, umm, I have to go,” Mino said suddenly. “Bye, hyung.”

“Uh? Yeah,” Zico looked at Mino’s retreating form and then to Erika who was also looking after Mino. “Should we, umm, go?”

“Mm, yeah,” Erika recovers herself and walks out of the building after Zico and into his car.

Zico just drove without saying a word and Erika was not even paying attention to where he was taking her.

Why did he have to see us walking out together? Erika was chewing on her nails. What is this I am feeling? It doesn’t feel right.

Zico finally stopped the car in a very lonely parking lot, overlooking the Han River. “Let’s go,” Zico got out of his car and Erika followed. Zico walked onto the paved sidewalk and turned to walk along it. Erika followed him without saying a word, just looking over to the river and at how the night sky was reflected over its surface. “Do you like it?” Zico asked when he noticed her staring intently at the river.

Erika simply nodded.

“Come,” Zico took Erika’s arm and led off the paved path and onto the grass toward a bench, closer to the river bank. He let go of her arm and sat down on the bench and Erika followed. “I like coming here once in a while,” Zico spoke up.

Erika did not respond. She did not know what to say.

Zico looked over to her and then straight forward to the other side of the river. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok,” Erika said softly without a second thought. "I forgive you."

“Huh?” Zico looked at Erika surprised. “What? That’s it? You are going to forgive me so easily?”

Erika nodded but did not take her eyes off the shimmering water.

“No, it’s not ok,” Zico said sternly. “I hurt your feelings. You should at least punch me or something.”

“Hehehe…,” Erika chuckles and finally looks over to Zico. “Hitting you would not do me any justice.”

Zico looked at her with curiosity. “What do you mean?”

“Do you even know why I acted the way I did?” Erika asked.

“Umm… because I said something you didn’t like?” Zico guessed.

Erika shook her head to Zico’s astonishment. “I could care less about what others say about me,” Erika explained. “What made me upset was that you played with my feelings.”

Zico did not say anything.

“It hurt that you used my emotions against me,” Erika continued. “You know I like you; you know I’m your fan, and you used that against me.”

“Sorry,” Zico said softly and looked down at his lap.

“Just don’t do it again,” Erika stated.

“Why do you forgive me so easily?” Zico asked confused as he looked directly into Erika’s eyes.

Erika looks back to the river, takes in a deep breath and then lets it out slowly. “I don’t think that you hurt me on purpose.”

“What makes you think that?” Zico asked slightly taken aback.

“I just want to believe in you,” Erika stated.

“Why, because of the perfect little image you have of me?” Zico asked skeptically and turned back to look at the river too.

“No,” Erika shook her head. She looked over at Zico. “Because I know that as a human being you are bound to make mistakes.”

Zico did not say anything.

“I also what to imagine that the text that you sent me that night was a mistake,” Erika smiled.

“What makes you think that?” Zico asked again as he looked at Erika.

“I don’t know…. I somehow imagine you typing in the message while you were lying down and your phone slipped out of you hand and your nose was the one that actually sent it,” Erika burst out laughing. She muffled her laugh with her hand.

“Ya!” Zico slide away from Erika. “Are you a stalker? How do you—”

“So, it did happen like that?” Erika was shocked that she was right.

“N-No!” Zico shook his head and looked away. “So, are we good now?”

“If you are, then I am,” Erika nodded her head.

“Cool,” Zico said and stuck out his hand for me to take.

Instead of taking his hand I outstretched my pinky and he looked down.

“Really?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Erika gave a solid nod and Zico intertwined his pinky with hers. Erika smiled widely just looking at their hands. They separated their pinkies and just sat there in the silence, but it was not awkward. They were both taking in the fresh air around them and relaxed.

After a couple of minutes of silence Zico took in a long breath and then let it out. “When are you leaving?”

Erika looked at him in surprise, but then she understood. “Taewoon oppa told you.”

“Taewoon ‘oppa’?” Zico raised an eyebrow and turned to her.

“Hehehe! Yeah,” Erika smiled. “He told me to call him ‘oppa’.”

“So did I but you haven’t done it,” Zico countered.

“True, true,” Erika nodded. “So he told you, huh?”

“Yeah,” Zico sighed. “How much longer are you staying?”

“Mmm…,” Erika thought. “About a month.”

“A month?” Zico asked incredulously. “But I thought you had signed a 2-year contract with YG….”

“Hmm?” Erika looked at him with her head tilted to the side. “Taewoon oppa didn’t tell you everything, did he? Hehehe!”

“What do you mean?”

“I am only leaving for about four months,” Erika explained. “I got an offer to film for a Taiwanese action movie.”

Zico didn’t say anything for a while. “You got an offer abroad?” Zico asked with astonishment. “Nice…!”

“Yeah!” Erika smiled widely. “I always wanted to go to Taiwan.” She was excited just thinking about it. “And what is better is that I was offered the role of the villain!”

“Uh…,” Zico was dumbfounded. “You rather play a villain than a hero?”

“Yeah!” Erika still had a wide smile. “You never know what will happen to the villain. They could die, go to prison, or even change their mind!”

“But still,” Zico was marveling over Erika’s happiness. “Not many people like the villains.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Erika shook her head enthusiastically. “What I like about the villain’s role is that they are usually the masterminds of everything that happens in the plot. And a bonus is that they do not get defeated until the very end.”

“Well,” Zico was thoughtful. “They do have a much more complex life.”

“Yeah,” Erika nodded. “Doesn’t Block-B usually play the villains in their music videos too?” Erika asked. “I mean, in Nalina, Nillili Mambo, Very Good, and Jackpot, just to name a few, you guys play the ‘bad guys’.”

“Mmm,” Zico nodded. “Yeah, now that you mention it, we do.”

“I knew I wasn’t the only one,” Erika laughed. “You must be tired.”

“A bit,” Zico said softly.

“Have you eaten?” Erika asked him.

“Umm,” Zico hummed. “Earlier today.”

“Are you hungry?” Erika asked concerned.

“I don’t know,” Zico answered.

Erika nodded. “Let’s go get some food,” Erika stood up and Zico stared up at her. “I want some ramyeon.”

“Hehehe!” Zico stood up too. “Let’s go.” Zico led Erika to the nearest convenience store in silence.

Erika walked as she looked up at the sky. It was really hard to see the stars from where they were because of the lights of the city, but Erika did not mind. She just simply enjoyed looking up into the dark night sky. Soon the two walked into the convenience store and Erika walked to the isle with Ramyeon. She got two packets and then headed to the refrigerators to pick out a drink.

“Which one do you want?” Zico asked from under his hood.

“Orange juice,” Erika replied and headed to the cashier to pay for the things. “Ah! I’ll be right back,” she excused herself to the cashier. Erika sprinted through the open refrigerator and got two sausages, and then turned through another isle and got two cooked rice bowls. She then headed back to the counter where Zico was placing down their drinks and getting out his wallet. “I thought I was paying,” Erika looked at Zico.

He simply shook his head and handed a 20,000₩ bill to the cashier. “Thank you,” he said and put his change into his wallet as Erika made her way to the microwaves and hot water dispenser with all the food at hand.

Erika opened the two packets of ramyeon and pour hot water into them and placed them aside for them to get soft. She then opened the two bowls of rice and placed them into the microwave and heated them up.

“You were this hungry?” Zico approached her. “You should have told me and we could have gone somewhere.”

Erika looked at him dumbfounded. “This is not just for me. You said you didn’t know if you were hungry, so I will make you eat.” She smiled up at him and then turn back to their food on the counter. The microwave beeped and Erika took out the bowls of rice and put them aside and placed the semi-opened sausages in their stead.

Zico stared at Erika move around at the counter, checking the ramyeon, and making sure the rice was hot enough. “You come to convenience stores a lot, huh?”

“Mmm?” Erika looks back to Zico. “No,” she shook her head. “This is the first time I get something other than triangular kimbap at a convenience store.”

“Doesn’t seem like it,” he chuckled.

“Well,” Erika turned back to the microwave and took out the sausages. “I’ve seen many dramas and shows where they prepare their food in convenience stores,” Erika explained. “Here, this one is ready,” Erika handed Zico one of the cups of ramyeon and place the bowl of rice and sausage on his other hand. Erika then took his drink and stared at him.

“Just put it in my hoodie’s pocket,” Zico suggested. “Yours, too,” he said seeing that her sweater did not have pockets.

Erika placed both of their drinks in his hoodie pocket and Zico walked to the front of the store as Erika gathered her own food and followed him out the convenience store and back to one of the benches by the river bank.

“Here, let me help you,” Zico offered after he put his own food down on the bench. He took the cup of ramyeon from her hand and put it beside his and he sat down. “Here,” he handed Erika her orange juice.

“Thanks,” Erika smiled and took her orange juice and placed it on the bench. “Eat well!” Erika took her cup of ramyeon and took the paper lid off and dug her chopsticks in and began eating carefully. “Mmm,” Erika hummed. “I was actually craving for some Ramyeon.”

“What?” Zico looked at her weirdly. “Ramyeon of all things?”

“Mhm,” Erika nodded. “I just want something really simple at times.”

“Cool,” Zico chuckled and continued eating.

Erika dumped her rice into the cup or ramyeon after she had finished eating the noodles and it was probably the best ramyeon Erika had ever eaten, and for dessert she ate her sausage. Soon Zico was done eating as well and they just sat there in silence again.

“Thank you,” Erika spoke up.

“For?” Zico asked. Neither looking away from the river view.

“For everything, for nothing,” Erika spoke softly. “I don’t know.”

Zico chuckled. “You’re welcome.”

“I like the view here,” Erika spoke again. “I had not been here yet.”

“Really?” Zico asked shocked.

Erika nodded. “Next time I come I want to go on a cruise, like the one Block-B took when you did one of the first broadcasts on V app. I want to see the bridge with lights.”

“Oh,” Zico remembered that night. “Yeah, it’s really pretty.”

“I want some churros,” Erika said.

Zico looked over at Erika. “Random much?”

Erika smiled. “Only sometimes.”

“Hehehe!” Zico laughed lightly. “Next time. It’s getting late, I should take you home.”

“Yeah,” Erika stood up and gathered their trash. “You should get home and rest, too. You look tired.”

Zico smiled and got up and helped Erika with the trash and then headed to his car. The car ride back to Erika’s house was rather quiet, but comfortable. A couple of minutes later Zico stopped in front of her apartment complex.

“Thank you for coming out today,” Zico sais suddenly. “I thought you would refuse me.”

“No,” Erika said, taken aback. “I wouldn’t do that.”

“Now I know,” Zico smiled.

“Thanks again,” Erika said. “And have a good rest.”

“You too,” Zico smiled back.

“Bye oppa,” Erika got out of the car and closed the door and waved bye. She walked to the front entrance of the building and then looked back to see that Zico was still there. Erika smiled to herself and walked into the building and up into the elevator. She reached her apartment and opened it expecting it to be lonely but instead found a drunk Mino laying on her couch with a bunch of empty bottles laying around the living room table.

“Oppa,” Erika gasped. “What are you doing here? Why are you drunk?” She took his shoulder and sat him up straighter.

“Erika,” Mino slurred. “You’re back,” Mino smiled and hugged Erika who was squatting in front of him.

“Oppa, why are you drunk?” Erika asked, trying to pry off his arm around her. “Do the other guys know you’re here?”

“Shh~!” Mino hushed Erika by putting a finger to her lips. He stared at her face for a long time and began leaning forward.

Erika was trapped in place by his heavy arm around her shoulders. Erika could feel a deep blush form and tried to look away. But, before she could even move Mino caught her lips with his. Erika’s eyes were wide open in surprise. She could feel his soft smooth lips moving against hers. She could taste the alcohol from his mouth. She moved her hands to his shoulders and pushed against him as hard as she could. Mino let her go and slumped against the couch, just staring at her with a hurt expression on his face. Erika stood up and walked to her room and slumped against her door. She started to shake and sob. Erika realized that was her first kiss. She had not even kissed Jaejoong for the drama, and Mino was drunk to finish it off. He will not even remember he kissed me by tomorrow, Erika thought as she sobbed harder. Stupid idiot, I was having such a nice night.

Outside Mino stood up from the couch and began to collect the empty bottles and threw them away in the trash can. They were in the living room since before he got there. Erika’s manager and his friends had drunk the beers and did not even care to throw them away. Mino had only drunk one beer, since he saw the bottles. He was completely sober, but he acted drunk to see how Erika acted when she saw him, but he went too far. When he saw Erika so close he just had the urge to kiss her, but he hurt her. Mino walked over to Erika’s bedroom door.

“I’m sorry,” Mino whispered. “I am a big fool.”

Mino then walked out of the apartment and out of the building.



Yo!! I just returned from the dead! #ZiKyung if you know what I mean!

So, You Like??

#ZiKyung for Life!!

Happy Birthday to my baby Mino!! <3

Block-B's 몇 년 후에 though! It was like I got resurrected from the ZiKyung moment only to be killed off by Block-B as a whole! B-Bomb, though! Damn! Always my bias wrecker.... Taeil's voice is LIFE! Jaehyo was so charming as well. 

BUT! P.O too the cake, yo!! If I was almost unconscious from the other member's blows, Pyo Jihoon finished me off! 

Thank you to my new subscribers, too!

Fyeahmino             bunny-babe002                   Memaly

Kpoplover123t                       caitxg                        ExoMaddie                    htetooyan95


Please Subscribe, Comment, and ENJOY!!

(Because there is no such thing as too much #ZiKyung in our life!)

I die again! >.<

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Chapter 23: I really enjoy this story! I want her to quickly get together with zico aaahhh zico is also my Ultimate Bias and i just cant he's too cuuteee
Chapter 23: i really really (pun intended) like the dynamics of this story and Erica/Zico counteractions!! you have a fresh approach to romantic side of fanfiction here and I really really admire it
Killerkhaos #3
Chapter 21: Awesome story!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
NykitaBanana #4
Chapter 21: Oh! So happy to find this gem! Such a great story and I look forward to more of it :)
Maid_Service #5
Chapter 1: its funny that she says hyung because i did until my coworker corrected me but id still rather say hyung.
Chapter 16: Ahhhh the dilemma. To meet Mino or to meet the mysterious guy.
Yup yup Zion.T under YG. That's gonna be epic. Then again I do feel that he does belong there u know as apposed to other labels?
ChillJamE #7
Chapter 15: Best Fanfiction Ever!!!!!
Please update soon I can't wait
Kaylie3Two #8
Chapter 15: I really like! Aw, I'd love to be apart of that family, it sounds so chill and fun yet loving. Tablo though, haha eavesdropping much? :-)
Kaylie3Two #9
Chapter 14: I kinda gasped at the 'deserved it' XD poor Erika. Congratulations on the new subs :-)