Jimin part 2

Breaking up with BTS


The moment the elevator doors opened, you rushed out of the building and ran towards the bus stop.  The bus came just as you arrived at the stop so you hurriedly boarded it and sat on the first empty seat you found.

During the bus ride, you kept replaying what happened in your mind. You wanted to reject the idea that Jimin was cheating on you but you cannot deny what you just witnessed.  Your imagination supplied a few more images in your mind- Jimin’s limbs tangled with that woman, in bed, kissing, - aaargh! Your heart was breaking into a million tiny pieces!

At long last, you reached the stop near your apartment.  The moment you entered your apartment and locked the door behind you, the tears started falling.

How long has he been cheating on you? How many girls?  Or has there been that one other girl all along?  You eventually fell asleep crying, but your sleep was restless, filled with dreams of Jimin and that girl, Lena.

When you woke up a few hours later, it was already dark. The clock on your phone showed it was already past midnight.  You got up to drink a glass of water from your kitchen and think about what you’re going to do next. 

You should confront Jimin- your mind said. How? You know how good he is at sweet-talking. He’ll only convince you to forgive him and make a fool out of you again.

Then breakup with him and don’t listen to anything he says- your mind supplied again.  Do you have the strength to do that? You love him a lot.

He’s cheating on you! - Your mind protested.  Yes, he is.  And you should have more self-respect.  Nobody should treat you like this, even Park Jimin.

With this in mind, you spent the rest of the night thinking about the exact words you will say to Jimin when you see him. 



The ringing of your phone woke you up. You groggily checked who was calling- it was Jimin.

“Annyeong,” you said as you answered his call.

“Babe, did I wake you up?” he said. “It’s 11am.”

“Yes,” you replied.  “I was up until late last night.”

“Ah, were you thinking of me?” he teased.

You weren’t in the mood to be playful so you didn’t reply. After a short while, Jimin interrupted the silence.

“I called to tell you I won’t be able to meet you today. Manager-hyung forgot to tell us in advance that we will be doing a photo shoot today for a magazine.  We’re on our way there now.  Then afterwards, we’re having an early Christmas dinner with Bang PD-nim. I won’t be able to meet you until tomorrow.”

What he’s saying might be true, but you felt your temper rising uncontrollably. It was probably because you were so psyched last night about what you were going to say to Jimin when you see him, and to now hear that you will not be able to tell him after all made you feel frustrated. It may also be because a small part of you was still thinking he’s still with Lena and he’s just making excuses to you so he could spend more time with her. Whatever it is, it made you reckless and all your carefully thought up words flew out of the window.  You found yourself suddenly shouting at Jimin.

“I don’t care! I don’t want to see you again!”

Jimin was probably stunned so it was a few seconds before he spoke, “Babe, why are you so angry? We can see each other tomorrow if we don’t see each other today.”

“I told you I never want to see you again,” you repeated.

“What? Why are you saying that?” Jimin asked, confusion evident in his voice.

“I went to your apartment yesterday and met that girl, Lena.  You were cheating on me!” you said.

“No, I’m not cheating! She’s just a friend! You got it wrong,” Jimin said in panic.

“Don’t lie to me, Park Jimin.” You said, your voice wavering as you started crying again. “You were alone in the house with her and she was wearing nothing but your shirt. The shirt I gave you, by the way!”

“Lena is Taehyung’s girl, not mine! Babe, you have to believe me!” Jimin was now shouting, too.

“Don’t dare lie to me, Jimin. I know what I saw, and I know what I must do.  I won’t see you or talk to you again, you cheater. Goodbye,” you said with finality as you cut the call.

It started ringing again soon after so you turned it off. You reminded yourself- You have to be strong. You should not be swayed by his lies.  You should not listen to what he says.

You need to be away for a while to clear your head and your heart from the temptation that is Park Jimin. You won’t listen to his lies. You don’t want to be a fool anymore.

After a few thoughts, you decided to pack your bags and go home to your parents in the province for the holiday season.



Your parents were surprised to see you, but one look at your face and they knew you were suffering from a broken heart. They wisely did not ask questions and just let you be for the time being.  Thankfully, your work as a magazine editor allowed you to do your job even when you’re away from your office. You informed your boss you will be in the province for a few months and will correspond via email instead.

Jimin still tried calling you and sending you messages, but you never answered any of them. After a few weeks, the calls and messages stopped.  You didn’t know if you felt relieved or sad. You kept yourself busy with work or doing chores for your parents because at every idle moment, your mind is filled up with Jimin.  Sometimes, you would reminisce about your happy moments together such as when he would surprise you with your favorite food or give you paper flowers he made himself while he was on a plane ride home to Seoul.  Sometimes, it would be the dark memory of Jimin cheating on you.  The important thing is to remain strong and move on- you reminded yourself.

By March, you felt you were now able to deal with your breakup with Jimin and come back to Seoul so you packed your bags, said goodbye to your understanding parents and went on your way.

Seoul felt much sadder this time because everything in your apartment and neighborhood remind you of Jimin.  When you were at your parents’ house, you didn’t even turn on the TV because you didn’t want to see Jimin on broadcasts. But in Seoul, the TV is not all you had to contend with. There are posters, magazine covers, billboards- all full of BTS and Jimin. You sighed and recited your mantra to stay strong several times a day.



You were out for a weekend lunch with a few female colleagues when you saw the news on TV.  BTS performed for a music festival the night before. In one part of the dance, Jimin was supposed to step on Rapmon’s back and flip in the air but he miscalculated and fell on the floor instead. The news segment showed the video and you felt your heart stop when you saw him fall, his back hitting the floor.  He didn’t immediately get up so their crew carried him backstage, while the rest of the boys finished the dance.  The news anchor said BTS was supposed to do one more performance after that song but the members decided to cut it short because they were concerned about Jimin.  The news anchor further said Jimin was still in an undisclosed hospital and his condition was still unconfirmed by Big Hit.

You stood up so suddenly and surprised your colleagues. Your heart was beating so fast from worrying about Jimin that you immediately made excuses to leave.  Your colleagues were confused with your sudden need to leave but they let you go when they saw how ashen your face has become. 

On your way out of the restaurant, you frantically dialed Taehyung’s number.  He didn’t immediately answer so you tried calling again. He picked up the phone this time.

“Taehyung, which hospital?” you asked, forgetting your usual phone courtesy.

“Why? I thought you didn’t care and didn’t want to see him anymore?” Taehyung was just as rude.

“Please, Tae. I need to know his condition.” You begged.

“You’ve broken up with him. He shouldn’t concern you anymore.”

“Tae, please. I just want to know how he is.”

“He’s fine.” Tae said and hung up the phone.  You tried dialing his number again but it seems he already turned it off. 

You tried Jungkook’s number instead.

“Noona,” Jungkook answered after a few rings.

“Kookie, can you please let me know where Jimin is confined?” you asked.

“Ah noona, I don’t know if he would want to see you,” Jungkook replied.

“I just want to see if he’s ok. He doesn’t even have to see me.”

“The hyungs will be mad at me if I tell you.” Jungkook said.

“Kookie, please. Please do this for me.” You begged.

After a while, Jungkook capitulated, “Okay, Noona, I just finished my last class in school. I’ll meet you at the bus stop and go to the hospital with you.”



Jungkook was waiting at the bus stop near his school when you arrived.  You asked him to board the taxi you’re riding to save on time. In a few minutes, both of you were already walking towards Jimin’s hospital room. 

Jungkook opened the door and let you into the room. The moment the door opened, 5 pairs of eyes turned to you and you felt anger in all of them.  It was a bit hard to bear but you came to see how Jimin was doing so you quickly scanned the room to see the bed and found Jimin with his eyes closed. Was he just sleeping or is he medically unconscious, you wondered. You hoped it was just sleep.

Taehyung quickly walked towards you and angrily whispered, “What are you doing here? I told you not to come!” he then turned to Jungkook, “Why did you bring her here?”

Jungkook just bowed his head and walked away from Taehyung towards Jin, who put an arm around his shoulders reassuringly.

“I just wanted to check on Jimin. I saw the news and I….”

“You’ve seen him. Now go before he wakes up,” Taehyung interrupted.

Hoseok joined Taehyung in berating you, “The nerve of you to come here, after the way you broke his heart last Christmas!”

You got mad at his comment and replied, “I broke his heart? What about my heart? Why are you all so angry at me? He was the one who cheated on me. He cheated on me with that girl Lena!”

“Lena’s my girlfriend who came back from the US.” Taehyung revealed. “Jimin told me you wouldn’t listen to him when he tried to explain.”

You were stunned by this revelation but you persisted, “Why was she wearing Jimin’s shirt then?”

“She thought it was mine. You know Jimin and I share a room and she mistook his clothes drawer for mine. He was sleeping in Jungkook’s room that afternoon because Lena was sleeping in our room.”

“Leave now, please, before Jimin wakes up,” you heard Jin say. “You don’t know how much he suffered these last few months. Seeing you now may not be good for him in his condition.”

“I’ve never seen him that sad.” Yoongi added. “Or so distracted.”

“Distracted enough to miscalculate his step and fall..” Taehyung continued, his tone harsh.

You felt horror at what you were hearing.  Was it true? Were you wrong all along? Did you cause this accident on Jimin?

“Don’t blame her, hyung. I fell because of my own fault,” you heard Jimin say. You turned towards the bed and found him awake, but he wasn’t looking at you but at the wall in front of him.

“Jimin, are you feeling okay? What did the doctor say about your condition?” you asked him.

Jimin did not reply and just continued staring intently at the wall.

“He won’t talk to you anymore. Just leave,” Yoongi said.

Taehyung grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room. You heard the door close behind you and Taehyung. You turned to him and asked, “Was it true, what you said? Did Jimin fall because of me?”

“Who knows? He wouldn’t talk about it.” Tae replied. “But he’s never been the same since you broke up. You know he’s always been emotionally sensitive.  He’s always the first to sense if one of the members is feeling down. But that also means that he feels strongly about things and your breakup was hard for him to take.”

You fell silent, digesting what you were hearing.  Taehyung continued.

“He really loved you, you know. He was so hurt that you still didn’t trust him. You should have at least let him explain.”

“When he’s out of the hospital, do you think I could talk to him?” you asked.

“It’s better if you don’t,” Tae replied. “I’m sorry but I don’t think you deserve my best friend.” With that, Taehyung turned and went back inside the hospital room.

You were left alone in the corridor, thinking about what he said. You replayed what happened in your mind, considering the new information Tae told you, and you felt sick at how you acted.  You treated Jimin horribly and didn’t listen to his explanations.  Maybe Tae was right- you didn’t deserve Jimin’s love.  



I am sorry this update took a long time to happen.  I have been distracted by a lot of things lately. 

Jimin's story is not yet done so there will be a part 3. Part 2 has become too long I had to cut it midway. There wasn't a lot of Jimin on this one (tae probably had more dialog than Jimin) but Part 3 will be full of Jimin so please bear with me.

Thank you for reading and let me know what you think in the comment section. :)

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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.