Hoseok part 1

Breaking up with BTS

Chapter 1:  2016

It started out a fine, sunny Saturday afternoon so you decided to walk around the streets of Seoul before going home.  Earlier, you met with your former university classmates for lunch.  Feeling too full from eating too much meat, a bit of walking seemed like a good idea, and it was, until it started to drizzle.  You didn't have an umbrella so you ducked inside the first store you saw, which turned out to be a CD store.   There was loud music blaring from the store's stereo system and you wondered whose it was.  The music was catchy and the lyrics were good so you found yourself bobbing your head to the beat as you browsed along the CD aisles.

A familiar voice started to rap and you paused, recognizing the rapper as your old friend, Hoseok.  He's gotten a lot better, you thought.  When he auditioned for Bighit 6 years ago, he danced. Never did he think he would be a rapper, too.  Now, he was rapping and writing lyrics as if he was born to do so. Well, he worked really  hard for it so it was bound to produce good results especially with someone as talented as Hoseok, you concluded.

A group of giggling high school interrupted your thoughts.

"Hoseok-oppa is really good at rapping and dancing!" one girl said, holding the newest CD from BTS, released just hours ago, based on the posters around the store, which you only just noticed.

"He's very handsome, too! He's my ultimate bias," said another one. "I hope I get his photocard."

More giggling and laughter until a third girl said, "Did you hear he used to have a girlfriend, but she left him for another guy back when he was still a trainee?"

Second girl added, "I know! Namjoon-oppa said in an interview that Hoseok-oppa cried and cried."

"Well, she must be feeling very stupid now, choosing someone else over Hoseok-oppa," commented the first girl as the three walked away.

Crying over a girl? It didn’t seem like something the Hoseok you knew would do. And you know for a fact that he didn’t have a girlfriend when he was a trainee. You shrugged and thought- These girls have no idea what they’re talking about.


Chapter 2:  2009

“Come on, __-ah.  You don’t have a boyfriend anyway.”  Your friend and neighbor, Hoseok, pleaded.  You were both seated at a table in the corner of your favorite bubble tea shop near your house.

“I may meet my future boyfriend any moment now so no, I do not want to pretend to be your girlfriend.” You replied, annoyed at your no-boyfriend-since-birth state being mentioned.

“We’ll break up the moment you’re interested in someone.  Just please, please pretend to be my girlfriend for now.”

“No!” you replied as you collected your bags and books and stood up.

Hoseok immediately grabbed your arm to stop you from leaving.

“I’ll do anything you want. Just do me this one favor,” he bargained.

“Anything?” your interest was piqued.  There are a lot of things you can ask your friend to do for you- like pretending to your parents that you were studying with him at his house while you actually took a bus to the nearby city to watch a concert of your favorite boy group.

“Anything,” Hoseok confirmed. 

You sat back down and put your elbows on the table, your hands intertwined under your chin.  “What’s the deal?”

“We’ll I’ve kind of been flirting with this girl, Chemi, in my dance club for the past few weeks. No harm intended, just a bit of fun!” Hoseok said, raising his arms as if proving his innocence.  You snorted- he was never the innocent one in any kind of flirtation.

“Well, she sort of took it seriously and now she wants to be my girlfriend...”

“You don’t say..?” you asked in mock inquiry.

Hoseok ignored your sarcasm and continued, “…which would have been okay because I can break up with her if I don’t like her anymore..”

You rolled your eyes.

“..but she has a boyfriend who is very big and muscled and he threatened to beat me up if Chemi breaks up with him because of me and I told him I’m not interested in Chemi because I have a girlfriend and he said I’m lying and I said no, I’m not and now I need a girlfriend because he will beat me up if he found out I lied to him..”

“Come again?” you asked, confused at Hoseok’s speed-talking.

“Oh come on, ___-ah. Try to keep up,” Hoseok pouted.  “Fine, long story short- I need a girlfriend so I won’t get beaten up.”

“And how long do I need to pretend to be your girlfriend?”

“I don’t know- a month or so? Just until this hulk of a guy and his pesky girlfriend-who-I-now-regret-flirting-with gets off my case.”

“Hoseok, nobody’s going to believe you are in a relationship for that long.  Nobody’s even going to believe you were willing to commit to a relationship.”

“I might have mended my ways. People change and .” Hoseok said.  “Yes or no? Help me out here.”

“Fine. You owe me a big one- and be prepared when I collect.” You relented.

“Great!! You’re the best friend a guy can ever have.”  He suddenly leaned over the table and kissed your nose.

“Ew!” you protested, rubbing at your nose with the long sleeves of your school uniform.

Hoseok laughed and ruffled your hair. “Just drop by my school tomorrow after your classes.  We have dance club practice in the afternoon and for sure, Chemi and the Hulk are going to be there. I can introduce you to everyone then.”

“Tomorrow?  But I was planning to spend the afternoon studying at the library tomorrow.”

“You can study anytime, nerd. Just be at my school tomorrow. It’s important we do this soon before I get bruises on my handsome face.”

“I hate to break it to you but your face is too long and your mouth is too wide- not what I’d call handsome.” You smirked.

“Excuse you.  This face can launch a thousand chips.” Hoseok said, posing as if he was in a magazine photoshoot.

“You mean ‘ships’, pabo.”

“Whatever.” He said.  “Oh, and wear the short skirt version of your school uniform, okay? People won’t believe you’re my girlfriend if you look like you want to be a nun. Honestly, who wears long skirts in this heat?”

You threw a rolled up tissue at him and sighed, “I’m starting to regret this already.”



To be continued.

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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.