Yoongi part 4

Breaking up with BTS

You arrived at work all pumped up and smiling.  It was probably true what they say- exercise makes people happy. Something about endorphins, you think.  Yoongi immediately noticed your happy aura and asked what good news your received.

"Nothing, really. I was just able to jog this morning," you told him as you molded your body to his welcome embrace.

"Ah noona, exercising is really the best. I felt invigorated after going to the gym last night with Jin-hyung," Jungkook said, as he drained a carton of banana milk.

"But you're not allowed to exercise yet, Jungkook-ah," you protested.

"Don't worry about Jungkook. I made sure he didn't lift heavy weights. Just some cardio and a bit of muscle toning," Jin said. "You should worry more about that potato. I haven't seen him exercise in 6 months." Jin added, pointing to Yoongi.

"With all the dancing we do, why would I need to exercise? I feel tired enough as it is," Yoongi complained.  

"You have to build endurance, hyung." Jungkook said.

"Aish!" Yoongi exclaimed. "Come, _____, let's get away from these gym rats and have some breakfast."

"Yoongi-ah, I can't. I  have to start work.  You all have to be styled and ready to leave by 11am," you informed him.

Yoongi pouted prettily at  you and you gave a laugh. Seriously, how can he be so good at aegyo? 

"Stop flirting with her Yoongi. Hoseok is at the dressing room already waiting for his makeup to be done," Jin said. "he's probably driving the other stylists crazy by now."

You laughed and gave Yoongi a peck on the check, then went on to the dressing area to do your work.


2 hectic hours later, you and the other stylists finished with the BTS members' makeup and styling.  You were all now the 3 vans that will take BTS, their managers and staff to the show's location.  Since it was a 20 minute boring drive to the show's location, you decided use the time to call Jongin's parents.  

"Hello, auntie, it's ________. " you said when you recognized Jongin's mother on the line.

"______! Good to hear from you! I missed you." Mrs. Kim said.

"I missed you and uncle too.  Sorry for not keeping in touch." you apologized.

"Don't mention it.  We were also at fault." she said.  "How are you? Jongin told us you are neighbors? What a happy coincidence."

"Yes.  We were both very surprised to meet each other at the supermarket." you said.  "I am working as a makeup artist at Bighit Entertainment.  I am assigned to BTS."

"You must be very busy. I hear idols keep all hours in shows and concerts, nowadays."

"There are moments that are busy. But don't worry, I get enough rest and free time.  Maybe I can visit you and uncle the next time I get some days off."

"Yes, we'd love that!  But actually we're visiting Jongin next week. We have not yet seen his new apartment.  We wanted to go weeks ago but he said he's still buying furniture and fixing the house.  Can we see you when we arrive there?" she asked.

"Of course! I would love to see you again." you said happily.  Hearing her voice again makes you want to tear up, really.  It feels like you're reliving a happy part of your teens.  

"Then it's settled.  We'll arrange a lunch or dinner or something and catch up on each other's' news," she said.  "I'll bring you some kimchi and other food you like."

"Thank you auntie.  I'll look forward to seeing you." you said as you hung up the phone with a happy smile on your face.


The week went by in a whirl as BTS attended a number of performances.  After a number of late nights due to awards shows that almost always ended up at midnight, you were happy to see a few days' break in your schedule.  As you were packing up your makeup supplies in the backstage room, a pair of arms went around your waist and a chin rested on your right shoulder.  You turned your head and kissed Yoongi at the tip if his cute nose.

"Ah, it feels good to  be getting a break finally. I swear I can sleep for three straight days." Yoongi said.

"With you, I am not surprised." you teased, knowing full well Yoongi's capacity for sleeping.

He nuzzled his nose against your neck, tickling you and you tried to pull away. You lost your balance and you fell on the couch behind you, taking down Yoongi with you.  You were both giggling at the unexpected turn of events.  

After a few moments, when you've both caught your breath, Yoongi said, "How about we go out of town for a few days? Go to the beach or something?"

"Oh, that would be great," you started to agree, but then you remembered something. "Uhm, actually I can't leave town.  I'm meeting some people who are coming to Seoul these next few days."

"Ah really? Who? Anybody I know?" Yoongi asked.

You didn't want to lie- you're an honest girl- so you decided to just plunge head on.  It was someting you've been meaning to tell Yoongi anyway.  You just haven't found the right time due to the busy schedule you just had.

"Jongin's parents," you said. "I haven't seen them in a long time and they're visiting Seoul tomorrow and wanted to meet." you explained.

Yoongi's smile evaporated so quickly and his arms around you loosened.  "Why would they want to see you?"

"Well, they've been my pseudo-parents when I was young.  We lost contact since I went to Seoul to study so we wanted to catch up."

"And does 'catching up' include your ex-boyfriend?" Yoongi asked, sitting up straight and removing his arms from around you.

"Well, they're basically visiting him.  But I'm not sure if he'll be there when I meet with his parents.  I think he has work."

"Not sure? You think?" 

"I haven't spoken to Jongin, Yoongi. I don't know what his plans are," you explained, getting annoyed at having to justify meeting with people who you were very close with and haven't seen in a while.

"Fine. Go.  It's not like you'll listen to me anyway," Yoongi said as he stood up and left the room.

You were left to stare at the door wondering how you could have explained it to him that he would not have been pissed off.


Jongin's parents arrived in Seoul the following day. They spent the day with Jongin, who took them to some interesting parts of Seoul.  They called you to say they will meet you the next day for lunch and mentioned a traditional Korean restaurant.

Since the place is a bit swanky, you dressed carefully, wearing a pale blue dress you wore once at a friend's wedding.  You were just about to leave the house when the doorbell rag. Opening the door, you found Jongin waiting outside.  

"Hey, you look nice. Really pretty." he said.

"Thank you." you replied.  "I was just heading to your place.  Where are your parents?"

"Didn't my eomma tell you we'll pick you up?  Good thing you were still here then.  They're waiting in the car."

"I must have misunderstood.  Anyway, we can go." you replied with a smile.

In the car on the way to the restaurant, Jongin's mother, who sat beside you in the backseat, couldn't help exclaim at your more mature appearance.  

"_____-ah, you look much prettier.  You were pretty before but now you're more elegant." she said.

"Thank you, auntie.  But I normally don't wear dresses.  At my work, we're very informal. I wear shorts in summer and leggings or jeans when it's colder."

"Ah, what is it with you children and pants?  Don't you know girls look prettier in dresses?" Jongin's father said.

You laughed and said, "It's just more convenient to wear pants nowadays, with all the commuting and walking that we do."

"Don't mind him," Jongin's mother said with a smile. "If I had pretty legs like yours, I'd be wearing shorts a lot, too."

You arrived at the restaurant and were seated right away.   Jongin's parents ordered food for all of you to share.  As you ate, you reminisced on funny stories when you were still young, even before you and Jongin got into a relationship.  You were neighbors and close friends before and the amount of mischief three kids (including your brother) can get to are limitless.  You were all still laughing hard until dessert and coffee arrived.

As Jongin's mother sipped on her coffee, she looked at you tenderly and said, "Ah, _______-ah, I really wish you and Jongin never broke up.  We already treat you as a daughter and we'd really love to officially welcome you to the family."

You were speechless at this unexpected statement and just stared at her.

Jongin said, "Eomma, you're making ______ uncomfortable.  She already has a boyfriend."

"Really?  Is he better than our Jongin?" his father asked.

"Well... they're very different," you started to say but was interrupted by Jongin's mother.

"_______-ah. why don't you give you and Jongin a chance? I know you parted ways in college but you're neighbors now.  You can easily try to.... "

"She will not try anything because she already has me," a voice from behind you said, seconds before you felt heavy hands descend on your shoulders.  You knew it was Yoongi even before you turned your head around to look.

"Who is this?" Jongin's mother asked you.

You stood up and formally introduced Yoongi, despite your surprise at seeing him at the restaurant.  Yoongi bowed politely although the hostility in his face was still very obvious.

"Yoongi-ssi, it is nice to meet you.  Please don't mind what my eomma was saying before.  She wasn't serious." Jongin apologized to Yoongi.

Yoongi gave him a hard stare.  "I hope so, because I do not want to think of you as someone who uses his mother to steal another guy's girl friend."

"Yoongi!" you admonished.

"There is no need to be rude, young man," Jongin's father said.  Jongin's mother looked visibly upset.

"I just wanted to make sure things are clear between us all. Say farewell, ______-ah. We're leaving,"  Yoongi said as he yanked at your hand.

"What? No, I'm not lea-" you said but Yoongi didn't let your hand go. Looking at the determination on his face, you gave up and just said farewell to Jongin and his family. "I'm sorry, uncle, auntie, Jongin, I have to leave now."  You bowed and then left with Yoongi without looking back, your cheeks red with embarassment.


"What the hell was that?" you asked Yoongi as you yanked your hand from his grip.  You were already at the parking lot behind the restaurant.  

"That's supposed to be my question.  What are you doing just sitting there in that matchmaking lunch?" Yoongi fired back.

"It wasn't like that!  They knew me for a long time and they were just expressing what they felt.  It wasn't as if Jongin and I are suddenly getting back together just because his mom wanted it to happen!"

"So you knew they wanted you to get back together with that guy and you still went to lunch with them?"

"No! I didn't know she would say that." you said.  "I just wanted to have lunch with them, no hidden agenda whatsoever."

"Well, they clearly did have their own hidden agenda." Yoongi insisted.

"What is wrong with you?  She didn't mean anything bad by it." you said.  "Why are you even here anyway? How did you know we would be here?"

At that question, Yoongi was suddenly quiet.  It took you a few moments to figure it out yourself.

"Yoongi, did you follow us here?"

He looked away guiltily.  You sighed with incredulity. 

"So it's not enough that you get jealous a lot.  You don't trust me enough that you have turn stalker on me?"

Yoongi looked at you with anger in his eyes. "And look at what I found! You were meeting some other guy's family who wanted to pimp you out to their son!"

You slapped Yoongi so hard, you thought your hand would bruise.  

"That's it, Min Yoongi! You're too much!  We're over," you said, tears threatening to fall and your teeth gritting at all the things you wanted to shout at him.  But a public parking lot is not the place to shout, especially to an idol such as Yoongi.  Instead, you turned around and ran out of the parking lot.  Out in the street, you encountered Jongin, who was apparently looking for you.  He went to you but you ignored him and hailed a passing cab.  

"_______-ah, are you okay?" he asked as you got into the cab.

"I'm fine." you said and closed the door.  The cab sped away and from the side mirror, you could see Yoongi emerge from the parking lot to stand behind Jongin, both them staring at your departing vehicle.



To be continued









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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.