Yoongi part 7 (end)

Breaking up with BTS

A week passed and you didn't hear from Yoongi.  You kept checking your phone in case you missed reading a text message from him or if you missed a phone call but there really was nothing.  There was no reason for you not to initiate contact, especially since you can do it under the pretense of thanking him for the cd, but somehow you wanted him to be the first to call and explain his abrupt return and exit.

It's because of their comeback, you reasoned.  The day after Yoongi gave you the cd, they released their new album and title song.  They were on music shows everyday.  He wouldn't have time to call or message you.  

You were still in deep thought when you noticed the bus had already stopped in your bus stop.  You rushed to get off, getting an annoyed glare from the bus driver, who was just about to start the bus again before you screamed for him to reopen the door.  You bowed an apology to him before starting on your 5 minute walk home.

When the lift door opened at your apartment's floor, you were surprised to see Yoongi, who was just about to board the lift.

"Hey, _______, I was waiting for you," he said as he started walking beside you.

"Did you wait long? You were leaving already?" you asked.

"No.  When I saw you weren't home, I thought of meeting you at the bus stop.  It looked like it was going to rain." he replied, showing you the umbrella he carried.

"Thanks, Yoongi."  you said, giving him a radiant smile as you opened the door to your house and motioned for him to come in.  "Do you want anything to drink?" 

"If you have juice. If not, water is fine." he said as he sat down your couch.

You went to the kitchen to fix him and yourself some orange juice.  You also included a plate of cookies and placed them in a serving tray. When you brought the tray to the living room, you saw that Yoongi had the television and was watching the news.

For the next three hours, you companionably ate cookies and discussed the news and current events.  You agreed on some things and had a mild argument on others, and before you knew it, Yoongi was jumping out of the couch.

"Oh , I'm late for practice. I have to go. Sungdeuk-hyung is going to kill me," he exclaimed as he picked up his jacket from the couch and put it on. "Thanks for the juice and cookies," he added as he gave you a goodbye peck on the lips and rushed off through the door.  

You stared at the closing door in confusion. What the hell just happened? Did he really just come to your home to watch the news? You shook your head in confusion.


Two days later, you were coming out of your apartment to do some early morning grocery shopping since it was your day off.  You opened your door to the sight of Yoongi who was just about to knock.

"Hey Yoongi," you said, surprised. "Up so early?"

"I haven't slept yet," he replied.  "I came here directly from our studio.  Where are you going?" he asked, already walking beside you to the llift.

"To the supermarket.  I'm low on food supplies."

"I'll come with you," he said.

When you were done picking up the items you wanted, you lined up at the cashier while Yoongi went off to look for some bath bombs.  You were waiting for your turn to be checked out when a hand touched your shoulder.  You turned around expecting it to be Yoongi, but it was Jongin who was standing beside you with his own grocery cart.

"Hey, how have you been?" he said.

"I've been well, thanks.  You?"

"Been on a break from work so I went to visit my parents for a few days.  Just been back last night so I'm stocking up my fridge again," he replied.  After a pause, he asked, "So how's Yoongi?"

You must have looked really surprised at the question because he chuckled and said, "Well, did he visit again after that dramatic package delivery?"

You mentally slapped yourself because you forgot Jongin was there when Yoongi came to your house.  "He's here with me, actually," you informed Jongin.  it was his turn to be surprised.

"Really?" he asked, turning around to look for the mint-haired idol.  Incidentally, Yoongi was on his way back to you and they spotted each other at the same time.  Yoongi looked a little taken aback, but after a falter in his step, he continued coming nearer.

"Jongin," he said, voice level, expressionless.

"Yoongi," Jongin replied back.

Yoongi then turned his attention to you, handing over the bath bombs he was buying so you can inlcude them in your purchases.  Thankfully, the supermarket cashier had already started toting up your groceries, because the moment sure felt awkward to you and you can't wait to get out of the supermarket.  You were waiting for Yoongi to blow up as he would have done before had he seen you with an ex or with any other guy for that matter, but his expression remained steady, even though his body felt tense.  

Jongin must have felt the tension too because instead of continuing to chat you up, he remained silent.  When you were done, he waved goodbye and you returned his gesture.  

On the walk back to your house, Yoongi still wasn't talking.  When you reached your home, he put down your groceries on your kitchen table and excused himself.

"I'll go now, _____-ah." Like before, he dropped a quick kiss on your lips and left, forgetting his bath bombs.


Another two weeks passed with only a few text messages from Yoongi telling you to layer up because of the cold or to eat warm soup or ramen.  His behaviour puzzled you.  

First, he gave you that song that hinted at how he felt about your breakup- so deep, so sentimental, so passionate!  But here he was, cropping in and out of your life at unexpected times, but keeping his distance except for that ever-so-quick kiss as he left.  He never said anything about wanting to be back together again, or even forgetting your feelings for each other and just becoming friends from now on.  You didn't know how to interpret his actions.

And today, you were no longer surprised when he unexpectedly picked you up from work.  He had his car parked in front and he was leaning on its side with his thick scarf hiding his face except for his eyes.  He was holding a steaming cup of tea or coffee.  When you emerged from the side door of the salon, he immediately straightened up and opened the passenger door to his car.  You got in with raised eyebrows, but he just closed the door quickly and moved to the driver's side.  

You noticed there was another cup inside the car.

"Is this for me?" you asked, already grabbing the steaming cup and appreciating the hot coffee smell.

"Yeah, of course.  It's too cold out here," he complained as he cranked up the car heater.

"You could have waited inside your car, you know." you pointed out to him.  He just grunted as he started the car and moved into the traffic.

"Why were you waiting for me anyway?" you asked.

"I had free time," was all he said.

You rolled your eyes at the uninformative response and spent the drive silently sipping and appreciating your coffee until you arrived at your house.  

"Shall we order jjajangmyeon for dinner?" Yoongi asked as he helped you out of your car.

You nodded, not because of the food suggestion, but because it meant he was staying an hour at least.  As you both waited for the lift to arrive, a voice called your name.  You saw Jongin walking towards you holding a box of pizza and fried chicken.

"Sorry, i didn't know you had company," he said upon noticing Yoongi.  "I was thinking of eating together while we watched that drama you were harping on about."

"Really, you want to watch Descendants of the Sun?" you looked at Jongin incredulously.

He coughed and said, "No, not really.  I just finished a project at work and was in the mood for a little celebration so..."  He held up the food boxes invitingly.  "There's enough for the three of us."

You were secretly hoping Yoongi would say no because you badly wanted to talk to him seriously about you two, but you heard him say "Okay" which left you no choice but to let the two men into your house.

You ended up watching basketball on TV because there's two of them and one of you, and Descendants wasn't on that day so you had nothing to fight for.

After the game, which Yoongi watched silently with only a few comments and suggestions while Jongin watched noisily, shouting at every little missed or made shot, you turned off the TV and gathered up the unfinished food to store in the fridge.  

Jongin said his farewell and you walked him to the door.  Yoongi surprised you by also saying goodbye, no kiss this time.

Alone in your house, you wondered if maybe Yoongi just wanted to be friends after all.  Maybe the song he wrote was his way of releasing his feelings so that he can finally forget he ever loved you.  You heard some artists were that way.  They wrote passionately about something so that they could stop feeling that way.  Was Yoongi the same?

Or was he just waiting for you to say something?  You were the one who broke up with him anyway. So maybe you should initiate the conversation?

But wait, the reason you broke up with him was because of his intense jealousy and irrational behavior.  So how can you even think of getting back together with him? Because you still love him.  But love alone cannot make a relationship. There has to be trust and respect, too.  And nothing has really changed between you and Yoongi since you broke up, right?

Aaah, this internal monologue is giving you a headache.  You punched your hapless throw pillow in frustration.


The next time you saw Yoongi was three days later. He was again waiting for you to get off work.  

"Can you come with me to our dorm for dinner?" he asked as he drove.

You looked at him in surprise at the question.

"We're celebrating Taehyung's birthday early because he's going home to Daegu before Christmas."

"Oh but I don't have a birthday gift for him." you said, already thinking about what to get for the younger man along the way.

"Don't bother. We don't give each other gifts anyway.  Besides, if you give him a gift, Jin-hyung will ask where his gift was, and Namjoon and Jungkook will do the same.  Much better to be fair and just not give anything to anyone."

You frowned at his logic but agreed in the end.

When you arrived at his dorm, it was eerily quiet.  

"Where are they?" you asked.  

"I don't know. They should be here preparing the food." Yoongi replied.

You looked at him suspiciously. "Are you really having an early celebration today? Or did you just want to take me here?"

Yoongi flicked your forehead lightly, "When did you become so suspicious? I swear, they should be waiting for us here.  Lena was here earlier, too."  He started opening rooms and closet doors to see if people were hiding in them.  

You chuckled and went to their kitchen to get yourself a glass of water.  You sat on the high stool by the counter drinking  as Yoongi came in to the kitchen after he has completed his search of the empty house.

"There isn't even food left here, those punks." Yoongi said, scratching his head.

You pulled his hand so that he stood in front of you and said, "Yoongi, let's talk."

He didn't pretend to not understand what you meant. He immediately turned serious and put his hands on your arms.

"Let's get back together," he said bluntly.  It wasn't the first thing you expected him to say and you fought back a disbelieving laugh.

Yoongi must have been expecting a quick reply which you weren't able to give because you can barely control your facial expression,  much more talk, so he said in a rush, "This breakup is the worst.  I could barely eat! I can't sleep!  I can't stop thinking about you!  I love you too much to let you go..."

His words sobered you up at once. "Yoongi.. why didn't you say something sooner?" you asked.

"Because I was practicing not to be jealous!  I've been reading self-help books. I've been talking with Namjoon a lot.  I wanted to approach you when I'm ready, but the first time I went to see you, you were with that punk Jongin! It took me a week to calm down!  I didn't want to see you until I was fully in control again."

You can sense Yoongi's apprehension at what he was reveleaing to you by the way he unconsciouly scrunched up the sleeves of your sweater.

"Then whenever I came to see you, he shows up! I felt like I was really being tested!  It was so frustrating.  But I think I did a good job of being calm, don't you think?"

You nodded, a bit fascinated at Yoongi's apparent desperation.

"Do you think I can be your boyfriend again?  I can't stop being jealous 100%, but I can calm down and be rational much better now. You won't even know I was jealous."

You smiled and took his face into your hands.  You drew closer to him and dropped a kiss on his forehead.  "I can't eat either.  I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about you.  Yeah, this breakup is the worst."  

Yoongi suddenly grabbed your waist and captured your lips with his own. Your hands went to his shoulders as you responded to his kiss just as passionately. He still felt and tasted the same- like honey and sunshine and home.   He pried your thighs open so he could slip in between them and deepen the kiss even further.  His hand tangled in your hair. 

After a few moments, he surfaced from the kiss but did not pull back so that your noses still touched and his lips touched yours as he talked. "Do you still love me?"

"I never stopped loving you, Yoongi." you replied. "Even when you were acting like a fool." you added mischievously.

"Yah!" he scolded you half-heartedly as he started kissing you again, in between declarations of i love you and you're the only one for me.  The kisses were so heated that you barely noticed him lifting you up by the waist.  You unconsciously wrapped your arms around his shoulders while your legs went around his waist so you wouldn't fall.  He started walking out of the kitchen towards his bedroom, all the while kissing you senseless.  He was almost at the bedroom door when several throats were cleared.  

You looked up to see the rest of BTS and their girlfriends standing around the living room, holding several bags of food, all staring at you wide-eyed and slack-jawed. You lightly pushed Yoongi's shoulders, signalling him to put you down, but he was having none of it.  He tightened his hold on your waist and turned to face the members.

"What bad timing you guys always have."  he said drily.

"We went out to get food," Namjoon said.  He cleared his throat and added, "I take it you guys are back together?"  

"Yes.  And it's time for you all to leave." Yoongi ordered, earning a frown from Taehyung.

"But we're supposed to eat here and celebrate my birthday."

That, in turn, earned Taehyung a glare from Yoongi. "Scram." was all Yoongi said before kicking open the door to his bedroom and bringing you inside. He kicked the door shut as you heard several protests from the younger members.

"Yoongi, that wasn't nice."

"I want you all to myself.  They need to leave." he said as he sat down on the bed with you straddling him.  

"We can be alone later at my place. Let's celebrate with Taehyung first." you negotiated.

Yoongi sighed a deep deep sigh before saying,  "Fine.  It to be a good guy." 




Sorry for any errors in spelling and punctuation. I'll do a cleanup later.  I just wanted this to be out today because it's been more than a week since my last update.

I'll be busy the next few weeks so Jhope's story will be out around third week of May, ok?  Please anticipate hahaha  

I also like to read fanfics so if you know if any BTS fanfic you can recommend to me, please put it up in the comments section. 

Kamsahamnida Yoreobun!








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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.