Yoongi part 6

Breaking up with BTS

A/N: I also added a new chapter two days ago so if you haven't read that, please go back one chapter :)


Ten months passed.  You were now working at a high-end salon and your days of doing hair and makeup for idols are past you.  At least, that's what you tell yourself.  You missed the hectic schedule of an idol stylist's life.  You missed brainstorming with your team on combeack concepts, concert looks, etc.  But you never spoke about it out loud and kept it in the farthest depths of your heart.

You haven't spoken to Yoongi since that day you resigned, your willpower to not contact him surprisingly strong, and he didn't try to contact you either.

He was probably busy.  Since your breakup, a lot of things have happened.  BTS won their first music show #1 award with I Need U, and other awards soon followed.  They released Dope and thought it didn't get the same number of awards as I Need U, it helped further expand their fanbase both locally and internationally.  You heard they will be releasing a new album in a few days.

He has probably moved on.  He's an idol.  He meets a lot of beautiful people in his line of work.  Although he's not one to go out of his way to make friends, still you can't help but be close to the people who you see almost everyday at the backstage of every music show, which pretty much happens when idols' comeback schedules coincide.

You wanted to say you have moved on but you would be lying to yourself.  How can two people who love each other end up like this?  Why is it so hard to make relationships work?

Your shift ended and you said farewell to your co-workers before leaving for the day.  The season has turned cold with winter just around the bend and you hugged your coat tighter around you as you walked to the nearest bus stop.    You haven;t made more than 10 steps when a car started honking behind you.  You stopped to see what it was about as the car stopped just beside you on the street.  The passenger window was rolled down and you bent to see who it was.

"Hi, ______. Are you on your way home?" Jongin asked with a dimpled smile.

You smiled in return and nodded.

"Then get in," he said. "I'm going home now, too."

You opened the car door and sat yourself in the front seat beside Jongin.  You welcomed the interior heating of the car and sighed in appreciation.

"Hard day?" Jongin asked, easing into the traffic.

"No, not really.  It's just cold out there. It makes me feel tired more than usual." you replied. "Hey, thanks for the ride."

"No problem at all.  I met a client just a block away and I remembered you got off work around this time.  Good thing I caught you." he said.

You spent the rest of the 30 minute drive in companionable silence.  These past months, Jongin had bee a  constrant friend.  You were wary at first because you weren't 100% sure he really just wanted to be friends and you weren't ready for another relationship after Yoongi.  But he has shown nothing but friendliness so you gradually accepted him back into you life again.  He was probably the closest friend yoou have right now.

He stopped his car in front of your apartment block.  Before you could get out, he stopped you with a hand on your arm.  You turned back to him with a questioning look.

"Hey, my supervisor at the office is getting married next weekend.  I wanted to ask if you could be my plus one." he said.

"I'm free this weekend, it's my dayoff.  But why aren't you taking someone else, like another colleague or something?" you asked, puzzled.

"Well..." Jongin started. After a short pause, he continued, "Not to sound like I'm bragging, but there's a kind of competition in the office on who I will take as a date to the wedding. I mean, there are 5 women at the office who have been competing for my attention ever since I started work there..."

You stared at him for a few seconds before bursting out a laugh.  

"Hey, it's not funny." Jongin cmpained in an aggrieved tone.

"Yes it is!  Do you mean to tell me there are girls fighting for you but you're not asking any of them? Why?"

"I'm not attracted to any of them.  They're all pretty and intelligent, but they just don't make my heart pound, you know?  Not like.." he paused.

You raised your eyebrows at him.

"Not like you once did.  Like how you still do." he continued, looking deep into your eyes.


"I know I said I just wanted to be friends, but that was before, when you still had a boyfriend.  Well, you're no longer with him-haven't been with him in the past 10 months." he ran his hands through his hair. "Darn it, I was supposed to tell you this during the wedding reception, when the setting was all romantic and ."

You smiled a it at the last bit he said, but your eyes turned sad. "Jongin, I still love Yoongi.  I don't think my love will go away for a long time. It will be better for you to turn your attention to someone else."

He stared at you for a long time, and you can see longin in his eyes that he his for so long. Did you somehow strung him along? Did you make him feel like he had a chance pof rekindling a relationship with you? you asked yourself.  But no, you have been nothing but friendly.

"I understand.  Maybe I can try again after a few months?" he asked, beseechingly.

"It's your choice, Jongin." you relented.

You started to leave again when Jongin said, "Hey, I still need a date for the weekend.  I won't confess or propose to you, I promise. I just need someone to shield me from the women.  I swear, they have become bolder and bolder these past weeks."

You laughed. "Sure, I'll go with you.  Text me the details, okay?" 

You waved goodbye, then went into your building.


The wedding was fun and you enjoyed yourself immensely.  The band was great, the food was tasty and the wine was overflowing.  Jongin was back to his normal friendly self, as if his confession the other day did not happen, and you breathed a sigh of relief.  Maybe you would have to deal with that later, but for now you just wanted to have fun.  You haven't been in a party for a long time actually and you missed the gaiety. 

Jongin introduced you to his colleagues as a long-time friend and they were very welcoming, aside from the 5 dagger looks you got from 5 women who you presumed to be the ones Jongin mentioned.  You didn't have to interact with the women though because they were seated at different tables from you and Jongin.

You were still feeling a litle tipsy by the time you got home so Jongin walked you to your door this time.  You didn't drink a lot of wine, but since you haven't had any in a long time, it affected you much more so that you found it hard to walk straight.  Jongin assisted you with a hand on your elbow so that you won't accidentally trip and hurt yourself because you refused to take off your 3-inch heels.

When you rounded the corner towards your door, Jongin stopped.  You had been looking down, concentrating on your steps, so you were confused as to why he would stop.  You raised your eyes, following the path of Jongin's gaze, and saw, to your shock, Yoongi, leaning on your door, staring at Jongin's hadn on your arm.

"Yoongi?" you said, surprise and confusion evident in your face.

"______-ah. Jongin." he said in a level voice, straightening up.

You and Jongin continued walking towards Yoongi.

"What brings you here?" you asked.

"I came to give you this." he said, indicating the squarish envelope he was holding.  His voice was soft and controlled, like a robot. You weren't used to this Yoongi.

You took the envelope from him.

"Well, I guess I'll go now, seeing as you have company." he said, looking at Jongin. Then, hunching his shoulders and covering his face with his baseball cap, he left.

"Wait, Yoongi!" you called to him and he stopped. 

Without turning around, he said, "I'll come back another time." Then continued walking away.

You stared at him in confusion for a long time.

Jongin cleared his throat and said, "I guess I need to leave now, too. Go inside now."

You opened the door and waved goodbye to Jongin, then locked the door behind you.  You immediately opened the envelope and found a CD inside.  There was Yoongi's writing on it-- "For ______."

You went to your laptop and inserted the CD.Music filled your living room.

Like those dead leaves there that have fallen and are flying

My love is collapsing without strength

Your heart is only going further away- I can't grab you

I can't grab you any more. I can't hold on more.



I want you who makes eye contact with me

I want you who wants me again

Please don't fall

Please don't collapse

Never, never fall

Don't go far far away


Baby you girl, I can't hold onto you

Baby you girl, I can't give up on you

Like the dead leaves that fell

This love, like the dead leaves,

Never, never fall



Why can I still not give up on you?

I hold on to the withered memories

Is it greed?

The lost seasons I try to restore


Baby you girl, I can't hold onto you

Baby you girl, I can't give up on you

Like the dead leaves that fell

This love, like the dead leaves,

Never, never fall


Each word in the lyrics went straight to your heart.  You collapsed on the sofa and cried as if a dam burst inside you.


To be continued.  One more chapter to go.   I said that before but the story turned out longer.  This time there really is just one more chapter to go. And then we move on to Jhope. omg Jhope.  I love him so much and I can't wait to write about him.  I still haven't thought of a plot though.  Any suggestions? hehehe

A/N:  As you probably already know, the lyrics above are from Goyeop (Autumn Leaves / Dead Leaves).  It's not complete. I only picked the lines I wanted.











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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.