Yoongi part 2

Breaking up with BTS

It was your day off and you were at home painting your toenails when the doorbell rang. You've just finished painting the toes of your right foot and the nail polish hasn't dried yet so you went to the door skipping on your left foot. When you opened the door, you found your boyfriend Yoongi there, standing with a gummy smile on his adorable face, holding up a box of fried chicken.  You haven't eaten yet and your stomach grumbled at the delidious smell.

"You are an angel sent to Earth," you told Yoongi as you skipped backwards to open the door wider and let him in.

"What- is that a new kind of exercise?" he said as he dropped a quick kiss on your lips.

"No, I was painting my toenails and they aren't quite dry yet.," you said, sitting back down on the couch.

"I see. Well eat first before you finish your other foot.  Your stomach is complaining," he said, sitting down at the other end of the couch and putting down the box of friend chicken on the coffee table.

"This will only take a few minutes.  It's better if I do this first so they can dry off while I eat," you insisted as you picked up the nail polish again.

"Aish, let me." Yoongi took the polish from your hand and pulled your foot closer to him. "Just eat before you starve to death."

"Yah! Do you even know how to put on nail polish?" you said, rolling your eyes.

"You doubt me? I'm a genius and this isn't rocket science."

You smiled as he proceeded to paint your toenails for you. The great, genius, swagmaster Yoongi is painting your toenails! This deserves a picture, you thought, reaching out for your phone.

"Don't even think about it," Yoongi warned you without looking up.

You stopped in mid-reach and innocently asked, "What do you mean?"

"You were going to take a picture, weren't you?" he said with a smirk, finally looking at you with amused eyes.

"No!" you lied. "I was just reaching for the TV remote."

"Liar," Yoongi accused as he leand over to kiss you again. "Eat." he added, pointing at the chicken.

You took a chicken leg and bit on it, looking at him, and said "Satisfied?" as you chewed.

"For now," he said with another smirk.


After your nail polish was dry and you've eaten half of the fried chicken Yoongi brought, you both decided to go out to the park behind our apartment complex.  It was relatively safe for Yoongi to be in your neighborhood because almost all of the residents are retirees and the risk of him being recognized was low.  Nevertheless, he still donned on a cap that cast a shadow over half of his face.  

You were sitting on the grass under the shade of a big cherry tree.  Yoongi was lying down on the grass with his head on your lap, his eyes closed as you played with his hair.

"You know, I have no idea how Hoseok can fall asleep with his hair being touched." Yoongi said.

Remembering how Hoseok always asked one of the maknaes to caress his hair when he wants to nap, you smiled and said, "People have different kinks. Like, there's someone I know who has a for---"  Your words got cut off as Yoongi put a finger to your lips.

"Don't you dare talk about that outside of bed," Yoongi warned you, smiling naughtily as he caught on fast to what you were going to say.

"Fine, it's just our little secret," you conceded with a smile.  

You love relaxing with Yoongi like this. He is a normally lethargic person and you are perfectly suited in this way.  You aren't one to always go out looking for an adventure.  Your ideal date is probably something like what you're doing with Yoongi now- just relaxing at a park or at the beach, and a quiet dinner at home.

Pretty soon, the sun was setting and the park was beginning to be covered in darkness.  You both reluctantly got up from where you were both half-dozing and walked back to your apartment.  

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" you asked as you opened the door to your unit.

"I can't stay. I have to go back and work on some songs with Taehyung. He should be finished with his script reading by now."

"Oh, is he writing a song again? I really liked Hold Me Tight."

"I gave him that song to work on. Of course it's good," Yoongi said as he kissed you goodbye.

"You're so humble. That's what I love most about you," you .

"I love you, too," he said solemnly, then ruined the moment with a wink.

You watched his retreating back until he turned the corner before you closed the door.


The thing with Yoongi is that he can be incredibly fluffy at times and immensely intense at other times. There is almost no in-between.  

You can't believe some of the sweet things he would do for you- like spend his day off fixing things at your house instead of taking a much-needed rest, or send you drinks and snacks while you wait backstage during their music show performances when it was actually part of your job as a staff to ensure that the BTS members were fed.  He would always remember the things you told him, even though you mentioned it just in passing.  He took you to a cafe near your old high school just because you mentioned the week before that you missed the pastries they made there.  He never gave you chocolates with peanuts, nougat or fruit because you commented once that you only liked plain milk chocolate.  And he never gave you flowers because he saw you frown once at dying flowers on a vase. He gave you living  plants instead.

He was usually most intense related to his work.  He would discuss with you the lyrics he was writing for hours.  If he's writing a love song, he would look a you with a steady gaze that would make you blush and think they're all about you. He was also passionately caring about his co-members in BTS although he liked to pretend that he didn't care.  He would discuss with you if any of the members are experiencing difficulties and tried to find a way to help ease the member's burdens.

And he was also passionately possessive of you.  It was flattering to your ego to think that a lowly makeup stylist like yourself could ever keep the attention of a famous idol.  But Yoongi acts like he was the lucky one in the relationship and thinks you can be stolen away by another guy if he isn't vigilant enough.  You thought it was funny at first-- how can somebody as gorgeous as Yoongi ever think a girl would ever leave him for someone else- and laughed it off.  However, he is becoming more and more frequently jealous lately and you find yourself walking on eggshells when there are other guys about.   

You always reminded him how you loved him and that you would not look at other guys, and he always smiled and replied that he was thankful to have you.  But the moment he sees other guys being too familiar with you, his eyes would darken almost immediately and you have to talk him out of his jealousy for hours so that he doesn't end up in a fistfight.    The other BTS members found it amusing- they never imagined Yoongi would be this way when in a relationship- and thought of ways to make Yoongi jealous when they are bored.  It was exasperating for you and you complained to the members' girlfriends, but they, too, find it amusing and weren't much help to you at all.


Another day off and you decided to go to the supermarket to stock up on house supplies and food.  Yoiu've just paid the cashier when there was a loud rumbling of thunder outside and heavy rains started to pour.  You picked up your paper bags and stood near the exit as you watched the rain in dismay.  It was raining too heavily for you to make a run for it without an umbrella and the paper bags you were carrying will definitely be soaked.  Deciding to just wait it out, you went to a quiet corner and put your bags down by your feett.  As you straightened up, you heard your name being called and looked up to see your ex-boyfriend, Jongin,  smiling at you.

"Fancy meeting you here, ______-ah," he said with a friendly smile.

"Hey, how have you been? Haven't seen you in a long time," you responded.

Jongin was your boyfriend from high school. You were together for three years and broke up a year after you decided to go to makeup school and he continued on to university.  Your social circles were too different by then.  You both grew apart and so you decided to just end the relationship amicably.  You promised to stay friends but the communication lines dwindled fast as you both became busy with your own varied interests.

"I'm fine.  I just moved into the neighborhood. Do you live around here too?" he asked. 

"Yes, just two blocks from here." you answered, pointing to the direction of your apartment building.

"Wow, we're practically neighbors. I live two buildings over," he said. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"No, I'm just waiting out this rain. I forgot my umbrella."

"My umbrella's big.  I can walk you to your house." he offered. "If you carry the umbrella, I'll carry your bags for you."

"But, aren't you going shopping first?" you asked, noticing he wasn't carrying a shopping bag yet.

"I only bought batteries for my clock. Got them in my pocket," he said, handing you his umbrella and bending down to pickup your groceries.


The huge umbrella proved to be inadequate to shield you from the rain because the winds were also quite strong. Although Jongin managed to protect your grocery bags from getting wet, he ended up soaked in rain water.

"Let me get you a towel so you can dry up," you offered as you opened the door of your apartment and let him in.

"I'm fine," he said as he put down the groceries on your dining table. "I can just go home and change.  My house is less than 5 minutes away."

"Okay. Thank you very much for your help," you said, walking him out the door.

"No problem.  Here's my new number, by the way. Call me if you ever need help, or if you want to hang out." he handed you a business card. "It was nice seeing you again. Keep in touch, okay?"

"Sure," you said, pocketing the card. 

As he turned away, you saw Yoongi standing a few meters away, watching you with a frown.



to be continued. 

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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.