Namjoon part 6

Breaking up with BTS

Ironically, you saw more of Namjoon now that you've broken up than when you were a couple.  Two BTS members, Taehyung and Yoongi, were hospitalized for a few days and Big Hit, careful of BTS members' health,  immediately cancelled their schedules for the next two months so that all the members can rest.    

The first week of their rest coincided with Jungkook's birthday. The members celebrated with a small party at their apartment and they invited you.  You were hesitant to come at first because Namjoon will surely be there and seeing him so soon will be like salt to your wounded heart.  But you promised yourself that you won't let Namjoon know how much in love you really were with him and how devastated you were at your breakup.  You didn't want him to feel guilty or sad that he can't reciprocate your feelings, because if he did, then your sacrifice would have been for naught.  You know he really cares for you- just not romantically- so for him to feel happy about his "freedom," you have to look happy, too.

So you attended the party, laughed at all the jokes, danced with everyone, and sang happy songs as if you didn't have a care in the world.  You pretended you didn't care whenever Namjoon talked to some of the girl idols who were invited even while you fervently prayed he wouldn't date another girl so soon.  You smiled at him everytime his glance came your way.

The second week was Namjoon's birthday and you and the other BTS members planned a surprise party for him at a karaoke place.  Your voice was the loudest during the birthday song and you were the one who smeared the icing on his face first. 

The third week, Taehyung and Suga felt well enough to do some cardio so you all went to the Han river to ride bicycles and have a picnic.

The fourth week, you all watched a late night movie. 

You must be a masochist, accepting the invitation to all these events that broke your heart over and over again, but you are a woman with a mission- to make Namjoon happy- and this goal gave you strength to endure the pain.

The fifth week was another cooking session with Jin, held at the BTS dorm because Jungkook caught fever and mother-like Jin did not trust the others to take good enough care of the sick maknae. 

"Hey, they're not supposed to be chopped, just sliced. We need onion strips," the eldest BTS member said, rousing you from your reverie.

"Sorry," you said, "I forgot."

"That's okay. We can use that for the soup."

"Ah, good idea." you said, reaching for another onion to slice into strips. 

Jin turned to the sink to wash the meat. With his back turned to you, he suddenly asked, "______-ah, are you okay? With you and Namjoonie breaking up, I mean." 

You were startled by the question- you didn't think Jin would be asking so directly.  But you recovered quickly and with acting skills worthy of an award, you smiled and said, "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just wondering.  Looks like you and Namjoonie are still friends."

"Oppa and I grew up together. It's not easy to push that aside," you explained. "Besides, it's not as if we were in love with each other," you said jokingly.

"Well, one of you were." Jin murmured, shocking you. Did he somehow knew of your one-sided love for Namjoon?  

You never told anyone, not even Nara, your other best friend and ex-future-sister-in-law.  Not knowing how to respond, you ignored him. "All done with these onions," was what you said instead.  Jin must have felt your hesitation to discuss your breakup so the next two hours' conversation was purely cooking-related.  It helped that the recipe your were trying out this time was very complicated. The moment Jin turned off the stove, you both sighed in relief.

"Another successful dish," he declared. You turned to each other for a celebratory hug, with lots of shouting and jumping around.  That was when Namjoon came into the kitchen.  

"Namjoonie, right on time. We just finished cooking. You can be the first to taste it," Jin said, releasing you from his embrace. 

You motioned for Namjoon to sit at the dining table and served him a portion of the dish. Namjoon looked at you, seeming to want to say something but decided against it.

"Oppa, please eat.  We also have chicken noodle soup if you want." you told him.

Jin, who was already ladling soup onto a bowl, said, "Oh no, not this. This is only for Jungkookie.  Chicken soup is only for the sick." He left presumably to feed Jungkook in his sick bed.

Namjoon was still looking at you and you felt a bit awkward, so you took the chopsticks and placed it on his hand.

"Oppa, eat it now before it gets cold, I want to know what you think."

At last he looked down at the dish in front of him and started eating.  After two bites, he said, "Delicious as usual.  You are really good at cooking, ______-ah"

"Well, Jin-oppa helped a little bit," you joked, knowing Jin did most of the complicated recipe steps this time.

"Aren't you going to eat, too?" Namjoon asked.

"Nah, you know I get full just by cooking. I'm not hungry now." 

"Here, try your own food." he said as he tried to feed you with his own chopsticks.  You were so surprised that you stepped back from him, eyes wide.

Namjoon must have been surprised, too, because he abruplty lowered his hand and apologized, "Mianhae, _______-ah. I forgot we're not a couple anymore."

"It's okay, Oppa.  I guess it will take some getting used to," you said with a forced smile.

After a few minutes of silence, Namjoon said, "________-ah, this is not working.  Maybe it's better if we don't see each other for a while,"

You felt like you were slapped.   You were enduring the pain of seeing him, pretending to be happy for him, stopping yourself from touching him, kissing him, loving him- and he wanted nothing of it?  You felt blood rushing to your head and there was ringing in your ears.  He must have continued talking because his mouth kept moving but you didn't hear anything of it, not until Namjoon stood up and held your hand.

"You can still see the other members because they are also your friends, but as for me, let's put some distance between us first." he said.

You looked at him with wide eyes, trying not to cry and whispered, "Okay, oppa.  As you wish." You turned around and walked out of the kitchen, almost bumping into Jin.

"Are you leaving already?" Jin asked your retreating back.  

You walked out the door without a reply.



Sorry this was so short. ><

Next chapter will be the end of Namjoon's story.  Who do you want to read about next? Jhope, Suga or Jin?


3/5:  I cleaned up this chapter a little bit.  I typed it huriedly before and when I re-read it, i cringed at the typos.  ><



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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.