Yoongi part 1

Breaking up with BTS

It was so noisy in the backstage room that you had to concentrate hard to not get distracted as you lined Jimin's eyes with black eyeliner.  He liked it really dark and prominent- good thing their concept for their comeback allowed that.  You leaned in really close because Jimin's eyes were a bit puffy by nature and you had to make sure your hand doesn't slip and poke him accidentally in the eye, or worse, run an extra line across his eyelids to his eyebrows.

Jungkook, just finished with his makeup done by your co-stylist, was practicing their dance steps behind Jimin, coming perilously close to hitting Jimin's head several times.

"Yah, Jungkook, can you please practice over there?" you pointed at the other side of the room, where there are less people. "If you hit Jimin and mess up the makeup, I'll have to repeat it and we don't have enough time for that."

"But Noona, there's no mirror there," he complained, but stopped dancing.

"Bathroom?" you suggested to the pouting maknae.

"As if you still need to practice. You can dance it in your sleep." Jimin commented, opening one eye.

"Fine, I'll practice in the corridor." Jungkook said as he walked away.

Jimin had opened both eyes and was preening in the mirror.  Out of all the BTS members, Jimin and Jin cared the most about how they looked on stage, so whenever you're assigned to do the makeup for either of them, you are especially careful.  It has happened before that when Jimin didn't like his makeup, it messed up his stage performance. And the eldest member was not above having his makeup redone from the start.  You waited for Jimin's feedback and breathed a sigh of relief as he smiled.  He likes it, you thought.

You added another layer of lip gloss on Jimin's lips for good measure and pronounced him ready to go on stage.

"Thanks, _____-noona, he said, enveloping you in a loose hug.  "I really like my make up today."

"You're welcome, Jiminie," you said as you wiggled out of his embrace.  The boys have always been touchy, especially the 95-line, and you hadn't really minded before but ever since you and Yoongi had become a couple four months ago, you have been wary of skinship with the other members.  You know they didn't mean anything by it- they were just naturally affectionate- but Yoongi has complained before of your closeness with the other members and you didn't want to ignite unnecessary fires.

You glanced to where you last saw Yoongi and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw he was sleeping peacefully on the couch, his earphones still on him.  Jimin saw your glance and broke out in a mischievous smile.

"Has Yoongi-hyung been jealous of me?" he asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"Huh? N-no. What do you mean?" you stammered in surprise.

"Come on, Noona. I know hyung.  He's very possessive." 

"If you knew that, why did you hug me?" you asked, eyes wide in annoyance.

"Coz it's funny when he's mad!" Jimin laughed as he walked a way.

You can only sigh in frustration.  These guys are always trying to rile each other.  You just hope they don't anger Yoongi for real.


Two hours later, BTS is on the way back to the Big Hit office.   They have finished their rehearsal and performance at a music show- you'd think they'd want to rest after dancing for almost half a day- but BTS is known for working hard and they all chose to go back to their studio to practice their new choreography.  You were technically off from work already but your boss, Seolhoon, the Senior Stylist, called for a meeting to plan for the new comeback and music video so you all had to come back to the office too.

BTS and the staff were split into three vans.  You were riding the third one where all the staff were riding and where they loaded all of the clothes and makeup supplies.  Yoongi and the other BTS members took the first and second van.   Their vans left first while you and the other staff ensured you hadn't left anything in the music show studio.  

Arriving at the BTS office, Seolhoon hurriedly called you and the other staff to a conference room.  The meeting took almost 3 hours as the staff argued about clothes, hair style, accessories, etc.  As passionate as the BTS members are in giving a cohesive and powerful performance each time, the staff are just as passionate and committed into making sure the members look great on stage.  As the team, composed of 3 makeup artists, 2 stylists, 2 assistants and Seolhoon, came to an agreement with the upcoming concept, you felt relief at finally being able to go home.  it was already 8pm and you haven't had your dinner yet.  

Coming out of the conference room, you said goodbye to the other staff and made your way to the dance studio to let Yoongi know you were going home. As soon as you opened the door, you spotted him on the other end of the room.  He immediately stopped practicing and went over to you.  

"Hey, I could have waited until the song finished," you said as he came out of the studio and closed the door behind him.

"They can continue practicing without me," Yoongi said nonchalantly as he took your hand and walked you towards their music studio three rooms down.  

As soon as both of you were in the room, he closed the door and pinned you to it with his arms on either side of your head.  You were surprised at his action and sent a questioning glance his way.

He leaned in close until his eyes were level with yours and his lips were almost touching yours. "What were you doing earlier, hugging Jimin?" he asked.

Uh-oh. Wasn't he asleep when that happened?

"I didn't hug him. He hugged me." you clarified.

"But you let him," he insisted, his eyes have become darker, a sure sign he's angry.

"Of course not!  I pushed him away!"

"You were also leaning too close when you were doing his makeup."

"You know his eyes are difficult to do," you explained.

Yoongi hissed before capturing your lips in a punishing kiss.  His tongue was insistent and he gave your lips little bites.  You recoiled a little from the pain, but eventually found yourself responding.  His hands lowered to your waist and he pulled you closer til there was nothing separating you two. Your arms went to his shoulders as one of his hands came up to your hair to pull your head back so he can plant kisses on your neck.  The way he was kissing you, you know he's going to leave marks there.  You winced at the thought of wearing turtlenecks in summer.

"Yoongi-ah," you tried to call his attention. "Not so many okay?" you said, referring to the number of hickeys he'll give you.

He paused to look at his work- probably counting the number of hickeys already on your neck and chest. He seemed to be satisfied with what he saw as he smilled his gummy smile that makes your knees weak.

He kissed you on the lips again, gently this time, while his hands went under your shirt to caress your .  You kissed him back until you were both gasping for breath.  You looked at each other and laughed, noticing you both have swollen lips from too much kissing.  

"I'll go home now.  Call me after practice," you told him.

"Of course, babe," he replied. "After I kick Jimin's ."

"Don't waste your time.  He was just fooling around like a kid.  You know he's madly in love with Chaera," you said, mentioning Jimin's girl friend.

"I don't like Chaera. She broke up with Jimin last year and just came waltzing back into his life. You know how Jimin was like back then, all depressed and quiet." Yoongi said.

"It was a misunderstanding.  Chaera was very sorry and look how happy Jimin is now.  Give her a chance to prove to you she really loves Jimin, okay?" you said as you rubbed Suga's right ear.  He can be frightening and rough when he's angry, but deep down, he's really caring and thoughtful of other people and worries a lot about his dongsaeng.  

"She better make sure she does," he muttered as he pulled you into another short hug. He gave your a playful squeeze as you walked out of the studio.


Don't hate me for making Suga a jealous . :)  I love him lots and I hope he's having a great time today, his 24th birthday.  I'm glad I was able to upload the first chapter of his story today, too.  :)

Talk to me guys. I need friends. hahaha


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Chapter 23: Authornim!!!! I really really want to know what's next. Please do update, no pressure.
rilakkumachoco #2
Chapter 23: YAAAAAS BAEKHYUUUUN'S HERE TOO! Can't wait for next chapter ;D j-hope's such a flirt as well
agustdboi #3
Chapter 23: Haaaaaaa finally!!! Ahaha
Chapter 23: Really looking forward to the rest of his story
moofers3 #5
Chapter 22: Lol. J-Hope's seems like it will be an amusing one already!
Chapter 22: Yay~~ It's finally Jhopee~~
except he's kind of... um... nvm haha
Chapter 22: YAAAAS MY HOSEOK BBY #iamtrash #beenwaitingformyultimatebias
Kuroneko_sinclair #8
Chapter 22: Cant wait for the next update :)
moofers3 #9
Chapter 21: He's too cute! Self help books and calming himself. I love Yoongi. Lol
Chapter 21: Aw he's been reading self-help books xD idk why that's so hilarious lol.