L's Love

14 Days


‘So, we are couple now?’ Myungsoo’s question at school this day still played repeatedly in your mind. You never expected these all would be happened. ‘Why that guy really loves to tease me?’ you thought.

Then you heard bell ringing outside. You got up from your bed to walk.

“It’s already 11 pm, who’s crazily wanna visit us?” you mumbled. You lived with your brother in Seoul when both of your parents lived in UK for their work. Now your brother slept over at his friend home for party.

When you opened the door, no one’s outside. Your body turned shiver. Then you noticed there was something near your feet.

Box? Chocolate box? You saw your name on it. Curious, you took it then closed the door. You walked to your room in second floor as you looked for the sender, but you found nothing.

You just reached your room when you heard your handphone was ringing.

No ID caller?

“Yoboseo?” You picked up the call.

“Hi, Babe. Can you go outside?”  Someone asked from opposite place. You could hear smile in his voice. Your eyebrows furrowed.


“Who is it?” you asked as you walked toward your window.

“Oh yeah, do you have another boyfriend beside me, huh? Awww, my heart’s hurt.” He answered with pity voice. You couldn’t help but smile.

“Oh sorry guy, I have a lot. Then who are you?” you . Then you could see him from your window, he was on the street, waving.

“I’m the most handsome of them.” He said confidently.

You chuckled.

“Hurry come outside, you wanna see your most handsome boyfriend dead frozen?”

“Yeah, why not?” you answered then chuckled again.

“Oh, Babe. I love you the most then why you did it to me?” He pouted.

“Hahaha, okay dear, wait a minute.” You said finally. You heard Myungsoo did sighing. You shook your head while you couldn’t stop smiling. You didn’t forget to bring your new-gotten-chocolate.

I’ll win the bet, you thought.

“What are you doing here?” You asked the smiling guy in front of you. He walked over to you. He spread his arms to hug you.

“I miss you,” He said then hugged you tightly. You tried to pull away.

“I can’t breath!” you pouted then punched his chest playfully. He released you, smiled.

“I can see you really want to do revenge on me,” He was smirking. You did the same.

“Yeah, since you know, can I murder on you now?” You squinted. He shook his head.

“No no no. You must be very sad if I die, mustn’t you?”


“Yes, you are.”

“No, Kim Myungsoo. You can hear what I said.”

“Can you say yes even once for me?” He sighed. Looks tired have to argue with you.

“No no no no.” You replied. He cupped both of his hands on you cheeks. Makes you warmed. He smiled softly. Your heart was beating faster. You looked down to avoid his eyes while looking at you.

“I guess I win the bet. I got this!” You then said as you raise chocolate box. His eyebrows were raising in surprised. You smirked in satisfied.

“Who did give you that?” He asked.

“Why I have to tell you?” You stuck out your tongue.

“You shouldn’t  get it!” He yanked chocolate box from you. Your face fell.

“Yah! Give it back to me! That’s my chocolate!” You was trying to reach the box, Myungsoo raised his palm higher.

“No, Babe. You only can get a chocolate from me.” He replied. You’re still trying to get your box back. But all you do was failed.

You crossed you arms then pouted at him.

“I hate you,”

Myungsoo’s eyes turned widened, he shook his head.

“No no no, you will not hate me.” He pulled out something from his jacket. You just watched what he did. He held a small red box. You raised your eyebrows.

“It’s for you.” He handed that box to your hand. You keep silent for a second. ‘He gave me chocolate too?’

“You took my chocolate then you just give me a small one?” you mocked him. His smile’s faded. You tried hard not to laugh.

“You even didn’t give me a chocolate.” He replied, makes you rolled your eyes.

“Whatever. Now just go away. It’s too late,” You gave in. He smiled happily, finally he won on you.

He draw you up to his embrace. You didn’t resist him cause you were in shock.

“Happy Valentine, Babe.” He whispered. You closed your eyes to enjoy the warmness which he gave to you. You hugged back. A minute later he pulled away.

“I have to go. See you.” He pecked your forehead then walked away. He waved on you. You waved back.

Your lips smiled as he lost in the dark.

‘Why did he act like both of you a real couple? Does he really want to make you fall in love and win the bet?’ You shook your head. ‘He will never win,’ you convinced yourself.

You walked into your house and reached your  room.

You opened small box that Myungsoo gave to you with curious feeling.

“He only gave this little chocolate ball after taking mine?” you mumbled. But you ultimately chose to eat it without passing much time. When you enjoyed it, your tongue found something. You let it out.

“Ring?” You said with disbelief. After blinking couples, you walked to sink to wash it.

You put it onto your ring finger. With smile on your face you read the letters on it : L’s Love.


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will you ever update this? it`s freaking one year already XP
HyunSoo478 #2
chingu,, I've permission to copas :)
Gomawoo~ ^^
Update soon! I really like this! ~♥~
shanda #4
more updates please, i'm wondering.. this is really daebak..
kyyaa! YAY! He’s back & their fine together now. She finally admits she misses him & showed her weakness. They’re so cute together w/ her occasional stubbornness. Myungsoo doesn’t know about Yoonie Junior right? They’re definitely falling for each other. I see a hint of MyungYeol here.. UPDATE MORE PLZ..
eCcEntRiC_eVoL #6
arghhhh,,,,~~~~!!!!!<br />
im dying...hehe3...<br />
aishh,,koreanseoul do u think so,,???<br />
well,,just wait 4 da update..hehe3..
I feel that L is gonna become in an arrange marriage and that there's going to be a love triangle between L, Sunggyu, and ~~~~. Oh dear. :P