He's Back

14 Days


“I win now!!!” Sungjong shouted happily as he flung the cards on the floor. Other members groaned. They were playing card, since didn’t know what to do that evening.

“You don’t cheat, do you?” Woohyun threw a suspicious look. Sungjong stuck his tongue out.

“Of course! I’m a fair play gamer!” Sungjong exclaimed. Hoya chuckled while Woohyun snuffled. Dongwoo weakly laughed.

“Do you wanna play again or not, Woohyun-ah?” Dongwoo asked, Woohyun shook his head slightly.

“I’m tired.” He yawned and stood up from the floor to throw his body onto couch. “Just play by yourself.”

“Afraid being loser again, huh?” Sunggyu smirked. Woohyun frowned, but didn’t reply. He just lied lazily on the couch then television.

“Okay, let’s play another session!” Sungyeol beamed. But suddenly his phone rang.

“Wow!” he beamed again as he saw the screen.

“Who’s that?” Hoya asked in curiosity. Sungjong pooped his head toward Sungyeol’s phone since he sat beside him.

“It’s Myungsoo hyung!” Sungjong told in awe. All eyes turned to Sungyeol’s phone.

“Pick it up, hurry!” Sunggyu commanded. Sungyeol nodded and picked it up. Everybody waited for the next thing that would be happened.


“Yeol. Where are you?” L asked in calm toned. Infinite’s eyebrows furrowed, listening in speakerphone

 that Sungyeol made. ‘He was just that calm right now?’ Sunggyu thought. His mind then went to you.

“I’m in Sunggyu hyung’s place. You just got Seoul, eo?” Sungyeol asked back.

“Neh. Are you with the others now?”

“Yes. We are playing card. Just come here now. Sungjong already missed you.” Sungyeol said in random. L chuckled. Sungjong was about to protest but Woohyun handed over his mouth. Sungjong frowned.

“It’s Sungjong, or you who miss me a lot?” L asked in playful tone.

“It’s _____, actually.” Sungyeol slipped out accidentally made all eyes glared at him. Dongwoo smacked his own face. Hoya shook his head. Sunggyu whimpered.


Sungyeol blinked at first, then noticing something after Woohyun mouthed him ‘pabo’. He mentally slapped his self. ‘I shouldn’t bring this sensitive topic, anyway!’

“S-sorry, L. I didn’t mean anything.” He finally spoke. L cleared his throat. Like also just hit back to this earth.

“Huuh. It’s ok. I’m in my way go there.” L hung up the phone. Exhaled breath heavily as he thought about you.

‘Is my baby just fine?’ He walked toward his car, drove it to Sunggyu’s place.

Meanwhile, in the other place.

“Are you crazy or insane??” Woohyun yelled at Sungyeol. The younger covered his ears from Woohyun’s high pitch tone voice.

“I told you, I was slipped out.” Sungyeol defended his self when nobody wanted to help him. “I didn’t mean anything, okay?”

“But you should –“

“Just end it already.” Sunggyu cutted. “Does fighting make everything better?” he asked sarcastically. Woohyun looked away in annoyed. Sungyeol stuck his tongue out.

“Stop exaggerating everything.” Sungyeol mocked. Hoya slapped back of his head.

“What?” Sungyeol turned irritated.

“Just shut up your mouth.” Hoya warned, made that boy snuffled.

“So, we play now or not?” Only Dongwoo who didn’t take it as any problem. Sungjong nodded in enthusiasm.

“Just start it, Hyung. Wanna take a bet now?”  Sungjong smirked in challenge. Dongwoo smirked back.

“What do you want?” Dongwoo asked. Sungjong was thinking for a while.

“Can I have ice cream every day for a week, Hyung?” He asked in innocent. Dongwoo nodded.

“Okay, only if you win.” He stuck his tongue and started to play. Sungyeol, Hoya, and Sunggyu joined.

Only about 10 minutes, someone was coming.

L walked and joined with Woohyun in couch with no word. Infinite were staring each other, then looked at L who had a bad expression on his face.

Woohyun cleared his throat.

“How was your day?” He asked L. Tried to study his expression that almost blank.

“Good.” L replied shortly.

“Really? Then you didn’t bring us something?” He joked. L rolled his eyes.

“I’m not sure I went there to do shopping.” He answered, made Woohyun swallowed hard. Myungsoo really isn’t in a good mood.

The other members tried hard to concentrate in their game. It’s not a good idea talking too much in front of L’s-bad-mood-figure. So they just kept silent.

Myungsoo exhaled breath heavily. He looked at Sunggyu who still playing the card.

“Can I talk to you, Sunggyu hyung?” He asked. Sunggyu turned his head to Myungsoo, raising his eyebrows. “Only both of us.” Myungsoo added.

“Ok.” Sunggyu replied after seconds time. They walked together toward Sunggyu bed room with Infinite’s staring.

“Look what you've done to Myungsoo.” Woohyun looked at Sungyeol, made that guy frowned.

“Don’t act like only you who care about him!” Sungyeol exclaimed in annoyed. Sungjong patted Sungyeol shoulder to make him calm.

“Aigooo, can both of you just shut up?!” Hoya finally yelled to make them all quiet.



Ummh, sorry you guys just update it now >< *bow*

Sorry for too long waiting~~~

 LOVE YOU~~~~ <3 <3

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will you ever update this? it`s freaking one year already XP
HyunSoo478 #2
chingu,, I've permission to copas :)
Gomawoo~ ^^
Update soon! I really like this! ~♥~
shanda #4
more updates please, i'm wondering.. this is really daebak..
kyyaa! YAY! He’s back & their fine together now. She finally admits she misses him & showed her weakness. They’re so cute together w/ her occasional stubbornness. Myungsoo doesn’t know about Yoonie Junior right? They’re definitely falling for each other. I see a hint of MyungYeol here.. UPDATE MORE PLZ..
eCcEntRiC_eVoL #6
arghhhh,,,,~~~~!!!!!<br />
im dying...hehe3...<br />
aishh,,koreanseoul do u think so,,???<br />
well,,just wait 4 da update..hehe3..
I feel that L is gonna become in an arrange marriage and that there's going to be a love triangle between L, Sunggyu, and ~~~~. Oh dear. :P