will he stay?

Underground Angels

It was totally dark and nothing could be seen. The floor was full of liquid up till his knees, with many random objects hitting his legs. The walls were wet and sticky as well. Hoon was underground, in the sewers, maneuvering around in the sewage water.  

It was as if he was blindfolded. He reached out to his surroundings in hopes of grasping his only hope, but he was only able to grab the air. He looked silly; he looked like a fool doing that. He wanted to scream for Soohyun, but he was unable to. His voice got drowned by his own fears. He cried, but he couldn’t feel his own tears. He didn’t know if his tears were flowing down. He was breaking apart, being alone, breaking down, being apart.

He couldn’t remember how they were separated. Or were they even together in the first place? He couldn’t remember a thing. In front of him was a black void, and in his heart was darkness.

It was hard to tell which direction he was moving either. He was a lost lamb right now. The sewage was complicated. There were many twists and turns and everything looked, felt the same. It was near impossible to escape from the snake. He just felt like dying now.

Water suddenly gushed down towards Hoon, hitting him hard like how fear did. The impact caused him to fall over, just like how dear caused him to break down. He splashed into the sewage water.

Hoon couldn’t feel his legs. His sense of sight and touch were completely gone. He was losing himself. He might have been struggling, thrashing his arms and legs. But he didn’t know if he did. His whole body system seemed to have shut down. Hechoked as he swallowed some of the water. He knows he’s going to be gone for good, and he out.

White feathers.

In another moment, the water was gone. He fluttered his eyes opened and sat up. He coughed, forcing the dirty water out from his throat. He was now in a different place, he couldn’t really identify the place. But it was snowing. Everything was white now, the opposite of before. The sky was white, the floor was white.

I died? No.

Hoon felt his lungs being crushed suddenly. He felt something clench his arms around his neck. He saw shadows. It was harshly cold; he shook violently as the cold wind bombarded him again and again, mercilessly. He shut his eyes closed tightly, hoping for everything to go away, hoping for him to open his eyes to see Soohyun.

When he didn’t feel suffocated, he opened his eyes. He didn’t see Soohyun, but it was the demonic sewage again. He was standing up and most of the liquid was gone. The ground was dry.

Hoon was in despair. He wanted to get out of these suffering. He didn’t know what was to come for him. He crumpled to the ground, feeling weak all over. He punched the wall, hoping to break himself into pieces, hoping that he would die. But he felt that he hit flesh instead. He heard a yelp.

It was Soohyun’s voice. He immediately opened his real eyes, heaving a sigh of relief that it was really, only a nightmare. Soohyun was on the floor because of Hoon’s punch.

“Hoon, nightmare?”  Soohyun asked, rubbing his arm where a bruise appeared.
Hoon nodded and apologised.

Soohyun shook his head in reply.

“It’s the next day already.”  Soohyun mentioned and glanced at Hoon, only to find the younger one on the verge of tears once again.

“You alright?” Soohyun asked as gentle as he could as he moved to the bed once again.
“It felt so real…” Hoon mumbled and brought himself nearer to Soohyun, hugging him tight.

I don’t want to let go.

Hoon was convinced that the nightmare was some form of a message. He sensed it. He didn’t want anything in the nightmare to happen. He didn’t want to be apart from Soohyun. He knows they’ve only met each other. But everything in Soohyun reminded him of someone. He didn’t know who.

Soohyun was like a distant memory, coming back to him.
Or maybe this was how Juliet felt when she first saw Romeo.

It was as if they were really meant to be together. Like it was planned even before they were born.

The other man his back, trying to calm him down. “Tell me everything.”
This was serious.
Hoon continued sobbing into Soohyun’s neck and slowly, whispered into his ear, telling him everything.

“Hoon, everything will be alright. I’ll be here to protect you and I promise I won’t leave you alone. Even if the nightmare ever comes true, I’ll make sure you won’t get hurt. I’ll make sure I’ll be with you till the very end.”

There remained in the position for minutes, just to enjoy the warmth of each other. Just that, was enough for Hoon to feel safe. Momentarily, he believed the nightmare was just a dream. Nothing more than that.

Maybe this was the real Hoon. To be easily afraid, but not showing it to anyone. He didn’t understand his heart, why he was so vulnerable in front of Soohyun. He seems to break down easily in front of Soohyun. He feels like he’s trusting Soohyun too much, but he can’t help it.

It feels right. It just does.
It’s my true self.

Hoon was buried deep in his thoughts, his tears running dry. Someone knocked on the door.

“Hoon, you’re in there with someone else right?” It was his mum’s voice.

They both silently cursed, looking into each others eyes.


 Don't want to mislead you guys but the surprise is actually a spin-off for this fic. It's a one-shot christmas special but I'm actually stuck between writing all fluff or should I add a little angst in it. How about action? IDK. D: So please comment so I can have an idea what you guys want. :)

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I hate to be a bother, but I hope you can update soon :(
this fanfic is one of my favourites, and I would love to see a new update soon!
but do well on school okay! <3
iloveyoukevinwoo #2
Please update sooon.~
This story is amazing! ^^
Nardack #3
Don't worry about it. ^^ School's more important (well, at least I think so).
Eli... T.T why does he have to die??<br />
that is just so saddening., he wasn't able to have a happy ending...<br />
now, SooHoon have to face Kiseop together.,<br />
Kiseop is an evil in this story but it seems fine.,
Nardack #6
Eliiii. ;~~~~~~~~~; The way you described his death and all was so beautiful, yet sad, but happy. Wonder if Eli's soul would help Soohyun and Hoon in the end or something like that. orz
Rianne2580 #7
omg omg omg omg omg!!!!<br />
Eli!!<br />
i mean yeah im still sad that he died.<br />
but what an EPIC way to die and like he told soohyun<br />
and soohyun knows and eli omg.<br />
@nardack i understand your impatience. I really wanted to get on with the story but I just couldnt find time. I had to stay back in school for 3 days out of the 4. thank God Monday was a holiday.. And there was a sudden load of homework. My school srsly. Enough about my rant. :x thanks for being so supportive. ;_; /touched
Nardack #9
Aw, it's okay. Curse my impatience with everything. .___. I wish you the best in your school! :>